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IB DP Physics 2025 Study Notes

3.1.6 Equations of Motion in SHM (HL)

Velocity in SHM

An intimate understanding of how velocity is articulated within the context of SHM is pivotal. The equation

v = ωx0 cos(ωt + φ)

serves as a gateway to this understanding.

Components of the Equation

  • Angular Frequency (ω): The heartbeat of oscillation, denoting the speed of oscillation. It’s a bridge connecting the world of frequency and time, illuminating the rhythm of motion.
  • Amplitude (x0): A measure of the extremities of motion, indicating the maximum distance ventured from the equilibrium. It’s not just a spatial parameter but a storyteller of the energy and intensity of oscillation.
  • Time (t) and Phase Angle (φ): Time is an unfolding narrative of motion, and phase angle is the prologue, setting the initial scene of the oscillatory dance at t=0.

Dissecting the Cosine Function

The cosine function in the equation is not a mere mathematical insertion but a narrative of the cyclical nature of velocity in SHM. It reveals the oscillation of velocity, a dance between the peaks and troughs, attuned to the rhythm set by the angular frequency and modulated by the amplitude.

  • Maximum Velocity: When the cosmic dance of variables aligns, making cos(ωt + φ) = 1, the velocity peaks at vmax = ωx0.
  • The Pause: At maximum displacement, velocity takes a breath, pausing at zero before the dance resumes, marking the turn of direction.

Displacement in SHM

A particle's journey in SHM is told through its displacement. The equation

v = ±ω sqrt(x02 - x2)

maps this journey, marking the footprints of the particle’s sojourn from the equilibrium.

The Narrative of Variables

  • Displacement (x): It’s the tale of distance, a measure of how far the particle has ventured from the home – the equilibrium.
  • Amplitude (x0): The boundary of the dance floor, marking the limits of the particle’s oscillatory journey.
  • Angular Frequency (ω): The rhythm master, dictating the pace of the motion.

Unpacking the Equation

  • Velocity’s Peaks and Valleys: This equation isn’t static; it’s dynamic, painting a landscape where velocity peaks at the equilibrium and valleys at the amplitude’s edges.
  • Symmetry of Motion: The ± sign is a mirror, reflecting the symmetrical elegance of SHM. Each displacement echoes a mirrored motion on the other side.

Analytical Application

The dance of SHM isn’t just felt; it’s visualised, graphed, and analysed. Every sway, oscillation, and pause is mapped into graphical stories.

Velocity-Time Relationship

From the starting gunshot at t = 0, where velocity is a child of phase angle and amplitude, it matures, oscillating in a sinuous dance captured graphically. The dance isn’t random; it’s orderly, marked by crests and troughs echoing the angular frequency’s rhythm.

Position-Time Relationship

The displacement, too, has a tale. But it’s a dance of complexity, marked by the nuanced steps of the square root function. It isn’t a sinuous wave but a nuanced choreography where speed and displacement are intimate dance partners.

Practical Implications

Experimental Observations

In the theatre of labs, these equations are scripts for experimental designs. They predict, articulate, and narrate the oscillatory dance in real-time. Every amplitude measured, every frequency observed, is a chapter of the SHM story told by these equations.

Computational Models

In the virtual realms of computational physics, these equations are architects. They build digital landscapes where SHM is not just observed but interacted with. They allow for a sandbox, a playground of exploration where the nuances of oscillatory motions are felt, manipulated, and understood.

Dynamics and Energy Interplay

Velocity’s Dance with Energy

In the oscillatory ballet, velocity isn’t just speed; it’s an echo of energy. Every peak of speed is a crescendo of kinetic energy; every pause at the amplitude’s edge is a silence where potential energy takes the stage.

The Amplitude’s Silent Song

The amplitude, though silent, sings a song of energy. It’s a boundary where kinetic energy bows, and potential energy rises. It’s not just a spatial marker but an energetic boundary, a line where the dance of energies is most profound.

Mathematical Elegance

The equations of motion in SHM are like musical notes, each a key to a symphony of oscillatory motion. They’re not isolated; they’re a chorus. Each equation, each variable, is a note in a grand orchestration of rhythmic motion where physics is both the composer and the audience.

The Journey Ahead

As we delve deeper, each equation is a torchlight illuminating the intricate pathways of SHM. They’re not endpoints but trailheads, launching pads to a journey where every oscillation is a step into the profound elegance of the physical world oscillating in the silent, yet expressive, rhythm of SHM.


The cosine function in the velocity equation for SHM encapsulates the periodic and oscillatory nature of the motion. It oscillates between -1 and 1, reflecting how the particle’s velocity fluctuates between maximum positive and negative values. When the cosine term is at its peak (1 or -1), the velocity is at its maximum, occurring at the equilibrium position. Conversely, when the cosine term is zero, the velocity is zero too, which happens at the particle’s maximum displacement. Thus, the cosine function serves as a mathematical representation of the cyclical change in velocity corresponding to the particle’s changing displacement.

Angular frequency, represented as ω, significantly impacts both the velocity and displacement of a particle undergoing SHM. In the context of velocity, a higher angular frequency means the particle oscillates more rapidly, resulting in higher maximum velocities to accommodate the increased speed of oscillation. For displacement, while ω doesn’t directly influence the maximum displacement (amplitude), it affects how quickly the particle moves between its maximum displacement and the equilibrium position. Hence, a greater angular frequency leads to faster oscillations, with the particle reaching its maximum and minimum displacement more quickly within each cycle.

Amplitude, represented as x0, is integral in determining the velocity of a particle in SHM. In the equation v = ωx0 cos(ωt + φ), the amplitude directly influences the maximum velocity attained by the particle. A larger amplitude implies that the particle travels a greater distance during each oscillation, necessitating a higher maximum velocity to complete each cycle in a given time period. Therefore, understanding the amplitude is essential to predict the range of velocity values the particle will exhibit and to gauge the energy associated with the SHM, as kinetic energy is directly related to the particle’s velocity.

The equations of motion for SHM provide an idealised mathematical representation, yet they are quite applicable to real-world oscillating systems, with certain caveats. Real-world systems often experience damping forces, such as friction and air resistance, which aren’t accounted for in the basic SHM equations. However, for systems where damping forces are minimal or can be neglected, these equations offer valuable insights into the oscillatory behaviour, allowing predictions and analyses of parameters like velocity and displacement. They serve as a foundational model which can be extended or modified to account for additional forces and factors in more complex, real-world scenarios.

The phase angle, denoted as φ in the equation v = ωx0 cos(ωt + φ), plays a crucial role in determining the initial velocity of a particle in SHM. At t=0, the phase angle defines the starting point within the oscillatory cycle. For instance, if φ is zero, the particle begins its motion at the equilibrium position, resulting in the initial velocity being at its maximum or minimum. In contrast, a phase angle of π/2 or 3π/2 indicates that the particle starts at its maximum displacement, where the initial velocity is zero. Thus, understanding the phase angle is essential for predicting the particle's initial state and subsequent motion in SHM.

Practice Questions

A particle undergoing SHM has an angular frequency of 3.5 rad/s and an amplitude of 0.2 m. Calculate the maximum velocity of the particle, and explain how the particle's velocity changes as it moves from the maximum displacement to the equilibrium position.

The maximum velocity can be calculated using the formula v_max = ωx0. Substituting the given values, we get vmax = 3.5 * 0.2 = 0.7 m/s. As the particle moves from maximum displacement to the equilibrium position, its velocity increases. Initially, at maximum displacement, the particle's velocity is zero because it's momentarily at rest before reversing direction. As it approaches the equilibrium position, the velocity increases, reaching a maximum at the equilibrium. This is due to the restoring force being strongest at the maximum displacement and weakening as the particle approaches equilibrium, causing an acceleration towards the centre.

Using the equation v = ωx0 cos(ωt + φ), explain the role of each variable in the motion of a particle in SHM and how the velocity varies over time.

In the equation v = ωx0 cos(ωt + φ), ω represents the angular frequency, determining the speed of oscillation. The variable x0 is the amplitude, indicating the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position. The time variable t, and the phase constant φ, together determine the particle's instantaneous velocity at any given moment. The cosine function depicts the oscillatory nature of the velocity. Over time, the velocity oscillates between positive and negative values, indicating the directional change of the particle in motion. The maximum velocity occurs when cos(ωt + φ) equals 1 or -1, with the particle's speed being highest at the equilibrium position and zero at its maximum displacement.

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