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IB DP Physics 2025 Study Notes

3.1.4 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

Energy Conservation in SHM

In the world of SHM, the law of conservation of energy is king. Every oscillation is a testament to the constancy of energy, which, though changing in form from kinetic to potential, remains unyielding in total magnitude.

Kinetic Energy

Kinetic energy, the energy of motion, is calculated by the formula KE = 1/2mv2, where m is the mass and v the velocity of the oscillating particle. This energy reaches its pinnacle at the equilibrium position, a point where the particle's velocity is unshackled, achieving its maximum.

Key Insights:

  • At Equilibrium Position: Here, the particle is at its fastest, akin to a sprinter in full flight. With maximum velocity, kinetic energy too is at its peak, while potential energy is non-existent, owing to zero displacement.
  • At Maximum Displacement: The particle, like a pendulum at its extreme point, comes to a momentary standstill. Velocity and kinetic energy drop to zero.
Diagram showing Energy conservation in Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

Energy conservation in Simple Harmonic Motion

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Potential Energy

Potential energy, birthed from displacement, is captured by the expression PE = 1/2kx2, where k represents the spring constant and x the displacement from equilibrium.

Key Points:

  • At Equilibrium Position: With zero displacement, potential energy is absent.
  • At Maximum Displacement: The particle is stretched to its limits, and potential energy scales its peak.

Interplay between Kinetic and Potential Energy

SHM is a dance of energy transformation. Kinetic morphs into potential energy and back, a metamorphosis that is symmetric around the equilibrium.

Energy Transformation Dynamics

  • From Equilibrium to Maximum Displacement: The particle's kinetic energy diminishes as it moves away from equilibrium, while potential energy grows. At maximum displacement, potential energy is at its zenith.
  • Returning to Equilibrium: The journey back sees a resurgence of kinetic energy and a decline in potential energy. At equilibrium, kinetic energy is at its maximum.

Visualising Energy Transformations

Energy transformation can be elegantly visualised through graphs. Plotted against displacement or time, the curves of kinetic and potential energy offer a visual narrative of their oscillatory dance, underscoring the unyielding constancy of total energy.

Mathematical Representation of Energy

Mathematics offers profound insights into the rhythmic dance of energy in SHM. The equations of kinetic and potential energy unveil the laws governing their oscillatory dance.

Total Energy

The total energy, expressed as ET = PE + KE, is a constant. It stands as a monolith, unyielding amidst the oscillatory dance of kinetic and potential energy.

Energy at Various Points

Every point in the oscillatory journey offers a unique blend of kinetic and potential energy. Students, armed with the equations of energy, can compute these energies at diverse points, uniting theoretical understanding with tangible insights.

Practical Implications and Examples

Oscillating Spring

Consider a spring with an affixed mass. When displaced and released, it oscillates in SHM. Here, students can witness the laws of energy transformation and conservation play out in real time, offering a tangible connection to abstract principles.

Pendulum Motion

The pendulum, swinging back and forth, is a live canvas where energy transforms from potential to kinetic and back. It serves as an illustrative example of the principles discussed, offering students a visual and intuitive connection to the laws of energy in SHM.

Final Note

Energy in SHM is a delicate dance of transformation and conservation. As students navigate this intricate landscape, they are not mere observers but active participants, unveiling the laws that stitch the fabric of the universe and forging a deeper, intuitive connection to the enigmatic world of physics.


The potential energy is maximum at the point of maximum displacement because the restoring force exerted on the particle is also at its maximum at this point. As per Hooke’s law, the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium position. This implies that as the particle moves further from the equilibrium, the potential energy stored within the system increases. At maximum displacement, the restoring force and, consequently, the potential energy reach their peak, at which point the particle reverses its direction of motion.

The principles of energy in SHM provide a foundational understanding but may not be directly applicable to all real-world oscillating systems due to various factors like damping and driving forces. In an ideal SHM, energy transformation between kinetic and potential energy is perfectly efficient, and there’s no energy loss to the surroundings. However, in real-world scenarios, energy can be dissipated due to factors like air resistance, friction, or internal resistance within the oscillating system. Therefore, while the principles provide a basis, additional considerations like energy losses and inputs are necessary for a comprehensive analysis of real-world oscillating systems.

The conservation of energy in SHM is directly related to the amplitude of oscillation. The total mechanical energy of the system, which remains constant, is determined by the initial conditions of the motion, including the amplitude. A greater initial amplitude means more potential energy is stored in the system at the outset, which, due to the conservation of energy, leads to higher kinetic energy as the particle passes through the equilibrium position. Consequently, the amplitude of oscillation can be inferred from the total mechanical energy, establishing a relationship between the energy conservation and the extent of the oscillatory motion.

The total mechanical energy remains constant in SHM due to the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. In the context of SHM, the kinetic and potential energies are continuously transforming into each other as the particle oscillates. However, the sum of both energies at any point during the motion remains constant. This conservation underscores the predictable and periodic nature of SHM and is a crucial aspect of understanding the mathematical and graphical representations of energy changes during such motion.

When kinetic energy is zero during SHM, it indicates that the particle is at its maximum displacement, either in the positive or negative direction. At this point, the particle momentarily stops before reversing its direction of motion. This cessation of movement is because the restoring force, which is always directed towards the equilibrium position, has slowed the particle down as it moved away from equilibrium, eventually halting it before accelerating it back towards the equilibrium. The potential energy is at its maximum at this point, indicating a complete transformation of energy from kinetic to potential form.

Practice Questions

A particle is undergoing simple harmonic motion with a mass of 0.2 kg and a maximum speed of 3 m/s. At what point during its motion is the kinetic energy equal to the potential energy, and what is the value of this energy?

The particle’s kinetic and potential energies are equal when it’s halfway between the equilibrium position and maximum displacement. At this point, the particle’s speed is lower than its maximum speed. Using the kinetic energy formula KE = 0.5mv2, and substituting in the given mass and speed, the total energy of the system is calculated to be 0.9 J. Since the total energy is conserved and is the sum of kinetic and potential energy at any point in the motion, at the point where these energies are equal, each will be half of the total energy, so 0.45 J.

An oscillating system has a spring constant of 100 N/m and undergoes a maximum displacement of 0.05 m during its simple harmonic motion. Calculate the maximum potential energy stored in the system.

The maximum potential energy of the oscillating system is obtained at the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position. Utilising the formula for potential energy PE = 0.5kx2, where k is the spring constant and x is the displacement, substituting in the given values gives PE = 0.5 * 100 * (0.05)2. Hence, the maximum potential energy stored in the system is 0.125 J. This energy is pivotal in understanding the energy transformations that occur during the oscillations, integral to mastering the concepts of SHM.

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