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IB DP Physics 2025 Study Notes

2.3.4 Derivation and Application of Gas Laws

Derivation of the Ideal Gas Law

Boyle’s Law

Boyle's Law, named after physicist Robert Boyle who stated it in 1662, provides an initial foray into the world of gas laws. It posits an inverse relationship between the pressure and volume of a gas, contingent upon a constant temperature and amount of gas. Mathematically, Boyle’s Law is elegantly expressed as PV = constant. This equation implies that if the volume of a gas is decreased, the pressure is proportionately increased, and vice versa. Boyle’s experiments with air led him to conclude that air volume contracts linearly as the mechanical pressure increases.

Diagram explaining Boyle’s law

Boyle’s law

Image Courtesy Labster

Charles’ Law

Charles’ Law emerges as another empirical law integral to our understanding of gases. Articulated by Jacques Charles in the late 18th century, it underscores a direct proportionality between volume and absolute temperature of a gas, given constant pressure. Mathematically, it's expressed as V/T = constant. Charles' experiments involved heating gases and observing the corresponding expansion, leading to the formulation of this fundamental law.

Diagram explaining Charle’s Law

Chale’s Law

Image Courtesy Chemistry Learner

Avogadro’s Law

Avogadro’s Law is credited to Amedeo Avogadro, who, in 1811, proposed that equal volumes of gases, at the same temperature and pressure, contain an equal number of molecules. Thus, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the number of moles of gas present. It’s expressed as V/n = constant.

Diagram explaining Avogadro’s law equation

Avogadro’s Law

Image Courtesy Expii

The Ideal Gas Law

Combining these laws and their foundational principles culminates in the Ideal Gas Law:

PV = nRT

Here, P denotes pressure, V volume, n the number of moles, R the universal gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

Diagram showing the Ideal Gas Law

Ideal Gas Law

Image Courtesy Chemistry Learner

Application of the Ideal Gas Law

Equations Governing Ideal Gases

The Ideal Gas Law's manifestations, PV = NkBT and PV = nRT, are instrumental in describing a gas's macroscopic properties. Here, N is the number of molecules, and kB is Boltzmann's constant. These equations offer a bridge connecting the macroscopic and microscopic worlds, rendering a holistic view of gas dynamics.

Pressure–Volume Diagrams

Pressure–volume diagrams, or PV diagrams, are graphical tools that depict the states and processes of a gas. Isotherms on these diagrams represent states of constant temperature. Navigating and interpreting these isotherms are essential skills for students, offering visual insights into processes like isothermal expansion and compression.

Limitations and Applicability of Gas Laws

Specific Scenarios

These laws are optimally applicable in specific scenarios of constant volume, temperature, and pressure. However, in the real world, conditions often vary, leading to deviations in the behaviour predicted by these laws.

Ideal vs Real Gases

Ideal gases are a theoretical construct, where particles have no volume and there are no intermolecular forces. Real gases have particle volumes and intermolecular forces, leading to deviations at high pressures and low temperatures.

Temperature Considerations

The laws are especially accurate at higher temperatures, where kinetic energy effectively negates the impact of intermolecular forces, and at low pressures, where the volume of gas particles becomes a negligible factor.

A Deeper Dive: Analytical Approaches

Mathematical Exploration

The nuanced dance of numbers and symbols in the mathematical formulations of these laws elucidates the intrinsic relationships amongst pressure, volume, and temperature in various gaseous states. Each equation is a gateway into the microcosmic world of particles in perpetual motion, offering quantitative insights that are as profound as they are precise.

Analytical Rigour

Critical thinking and analytical rigour are indispensable allies in navigating the terrains of these laws. The assumptions, idealisations, and theoretical constructs that underpin each law beckon scrutiny and reflection. Such an approach illuminates the chasms and bridges between theoretical postulations and empirical realities.

Real-World Implications and Applications

Despite their limitations and the boundaries of their applicability, the gas laws are pivotal in diverse real-world applications. They find relevance in fields as varied as engineering, chemistry, and meteorology. Each application underscores the robustness and versatility of these laws, attesting to their foundational status in the physical sciences.

In the nuanced dance of theory and application, the Ideal Gas Law and the empirical laws from which it originates offer a rich tapestry of insights into the dynamic world of gases. Though idealised, and not without constraints, they continue to inform, shape, and propel deeper explorations and understandings of particles in motion. The student’s journey through these laws is not merely an academic expedition but a profound engagement with the elegant and intricate choreography of the universe’s fundamental particles.


The ideal gas law is specifically designed for gases and is not applicable to liquids or solids. This is because the fundamental assumptions that underpin the ideal gas law, such as the negligible volume of gas particles and the absence of intermolecular forces between them, are not valid for liquids and solids. In liquids and solids, particles are closely packed together, and the intermolecular forces play a significant role in determining their properties. Additionally, the volume occupied by particles in liquids and solids is significant and cannot be ignored as it is in the gaseous state.

The kinetic theory of gases offers a microscopic, atomic-level view of the behaviour of gases, providing insights into the motion and energy of gas particles. The ideal gas law, on the other hand, offers a macroscopic perspective, describing the relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature. The kinetic theory serves to explain the macroscopic properties outlined in the ideal gas law. For instance, pressure is explained as the force exerted by gas molecules colliding with the walls of a container, and temperature is related to the average kinetic energy of the gas molecules.

Isotherms on a pressure-volume diagram represent the behaviour of a gas at constant temperatures. Each isotherm corresponds to a different temperature. In the context of ideal gases, the isotherms can be used to visually interpret the ideal gas law. They show how pressure and volume are inversely proportional at constant temperatures (Boyle’s Law). For example, an increase in volume results in a decrease in pressure, and this relationship is depicted by the shape and position of the isotherms on the PV diagram. The curves aid in understanding the phase transitions and behavioural dynamics of gases under varied conditions.

The universal gas constant (R) is determined from the ideal gas law and has a fixed value which is experimentally determined. It relates the energy scale in physics to the temperature scale. R is typically expressed in joules per mole kelvin (J/mol·K). The value is derived by dividing the pressure in pascals by the amount of substance in moles, and then dividing again by the temperature in kelvin. The constant serves as a bridge, connecting macroscopic and microscopic properties of gases and is fundamental in thermodynamics.

The ideal gas law is sometimes expressed in terms of the Boltzmann constant (kB) to make it applicable to individual molecules rather than moles of molecules. While R is used when dealing with macroscopic quantities, kB is used for microscopic applications. The equation PV = NkBT allows scientists and students to understand and calculate the behaviour of gases on a molecular level. It helps in making precise calculations and predictions about the properties of gases under various conditions at the molecular level.

Practice Questions

Explain how the ideal gas law is derived from the empirical gas laws. Use specific examples of these empirical laws in your explanation.

The ideal gas law is derived by integrating Boyle's, Charles', and Avogadro's laws. Boyle’s Law illustrates the inverse proportionality between pressure and volume at constant temperature, represented by PV = constant. Charles’ Law, on the other hand, indicates the direct proportionality between volume and temperature at constant pressure, expressed as V/T = constant. Avogadro’s Law expresses the direct proportionality between volume and the number of moles at constant temperature and pressure, depicted by V/n = constant. When combined, these relationships give rise to the ideal gas law, PV = nRT, establishing a link between pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of moles of a gas.

Describe an instance where the ideal gas law might not provide accurate predictions and explain why this occurs. Incorporate the concepts of real and ideal gases in your response.

The ideal gas law may not provide accurate predictions at extremely high pressures or low temperatures. In such scenarios, the assumptions underpinning the ideal gas law—that gas particles have negligible volume and experience no intermolecular forces—become invalid. Real gases have particles with finite volumes and exhibit intermolecular forces, leading to deviations from the behaviour predicted by the ideal gas law. At high pressures, the volume occupied by gas particles can't be ignored, and at low temperatures, the intermolecular forces significantly influence the behaviour of the gas, leading to discrepancies in predictions made by the ideal gas law.

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