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IB DP Physics 2025 SL Study Notes

2.3.5 Internal Energy of Gases

Internal Energy Equations

The concept of internal energy is encapsulated within distinct equations for ideal monatomic gases. These equations intertwine the microscopic and macroscopic worlds, bridging the gap between atomic motion and observable thermal properties.

Diagram explaining internal energy for gas

Internal energy

Image Courtesy Chemistry Learner

For Number of Molecules

U = (3/2)NkBT

  • U: Internal Energy
  • N: Number of molecules
  • kB: Boltzmann’s constant
  • T: Temperature in Kelvin

This equation stems from the kinetic theory of gases. Each molecule in a monatomic gas possesses kinetic energy due to its motion. In essence, the internal energy is a summation of the kinetic energies of all individual molecules.

For Amount of Substance

U = (3/2)nRT

  • n: Amount of substance in moles
  • R: Universal gas constant
  • T: Temperature in Kelvin

Here, the internal energy is related to the amount of substance, showcasing a direct proportionality to both the number of moles and the temperature. The universality of this equation makes it a pivotal tool in thermodynamic calculations.

Molecular Basis of Internal Energy

We delve deeper into the microscopic universe, exploring the molecular origins of internal energy. In this realm, motion and energy are inextricably linked, painting a dynamic picture of gaseous substances.

Kinetic Energy

  • Random Motion: Molecules meander in perpetual, random paths, lending gases their fluidity and expansiveness. This constant motion is a reservoir of kinetic energy.
  • Speed and Energy: The diversity in molecular speeds fosters a range of kinetic energies, cumulating to the total internal energy of the gas.
  • Temperature Dependency: A direct bridge connects the average kinetic energy of molecules to the gas’s temperature, marking temperature as a thermal barometer of molecular motion.

Translational Motion

  • Monatomic Gases: For these, simplicity reigns. Absent are complexities of rotational or vibrational energy modes, laying bare the translational motion as the sole contributor to internal energy.
  • Three Degrees of Freedom: Motion along the x, y, and z axes encapsulates the entirety of the molecules’ kinetic energy, rendering a three-dimensional dance of atomic particles.

Energy Distribution

  • Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution: This statistical tool unveils the diversity in molecular speeds, offering a window into the kinetic energy landscape within a gas.
  • Variation with Temperature: As temperature escalates, so does the breadth of the distribution. Each rise in temperature heralds the advent of molecules with heightened speeds and energies.

Macroscopic Properties

From the microscopic ballet of molecules emerges the tangible, observable properties of gases. Pressure, volume, and temperature are not isolated entities but are manifestations of the underlying molecular symphony.


  • Collision Frequency: The heartbeat of pressure lies in the incessant collisions of molecules with container walls. Every collision, a symphony of forces, is a testament to the gas’s internal energy.
  • Kinetic Energy: With escalating kinetic energy, the collisions turn more forceful, more frequent, echoing the rise in internal energy through heightened pressure.


  • Average Kinetic Energy: Temperature, in its silent eloquence, narrates the tale of the average kinetic energy of molecules. A crescendo in internal energy resonates as a surge in temperature.
  • Thermal Motion: At absolute zero, the dance of molecules grinds to a halt. Yet, even in this silent world, quantum mechanical effects whisper of a residual, albeit minimal, internal energy.


  • Expansibility: The kinetic energy of molecules scripts the narrative of gas expansion. Each molecule, armed with kinetic energy, forges paths to fill available spaces.
  • Space and Energy Interplay: The struggle for space, underpinned by kinetic energy, illuminates the expansibility of gases, making volume a silent witness to the microscopic dance of energy.

Heat Capacity

  • Energy Absorption: Gases, like silent sponges, soak up energy. The heat capacity unveils the thresholds, the limits to energy absorption before notable temperature ascents.
  • Specific Heat: This metric, a silent guardian of thermal stability, narrates the energy narrative of gases. It’s a window into the energy landscape, dictating the thermal rises and falls with energy exchanges.

Practical Implications

As we unravel the threads linking molecular behaviours to macroscopic properties, we illuminate pathways to practical applications. Every formula, every concept etched in the narrative of internal energy, is a tool, a compass in the intricate world of thermal dynamics.

Industrial Applications

In the industrial realm, mastery over the internal energy of gases transforms into enhanced control over processes. Be it in the meticulous crafting of materials or the efficient operation of machinery, the principles and equations governing internal energy stand as silent sentinels, guiding the hand of innovation.

Environmental Insights

The dance of molecules, and the energy they wield, echoes in the realms of atmospheric studies and climate science. Here, the concepts of internal energy are not just theoretical constructs but are vital keys unlocking insights into atmospheric behaviours and climate dynamics.

Experimental Predictions

In labs, amidst beakers and flasks, the laws governing internal energy morph into predictive tools. They guide the hand of the experimenter, offering foresight into the thermal behaviours of gases under varied conditions, and stand as the bridge between theoretical predictions and experimental realisations.

The study of internal energy, in its elegant complexity, weaves together the microscopic and macroscopic worlds. In the silent dance of molecules, in the incessant collisions and motions, we decipher the codes of pressure, volume, and temperature, stepping into a world where energy is not just observed but is understood, predicted, and harnessed.


The internal energy of an ideal gas is considered to be only a function of temperature because, in the kinetic theory model, forces between particles are negligible, and potential energy doesn’t contribute to the internal energy. The energy of the gas is thus solely constituted by the kinetic energy of its particles, which is directly proportional to the temperature. As such, changes in volume or pressure, while influencing each other according to Boyle’s law, do not directly impact the internal energy of an ideal gas. This premise underpins the principle of equipartition of energy where energy is distributed among the degrees of freedom.

The internal energy of a monatomic gas is connected to its specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) through the degree of freedom. For a monatomic ideal gas, with three translational degrees of freedom, the Cv is (3/2)R, where R is the gas constant. As internal energy (U) is also expressed as U = (3/2)nRT for a monatomic gas, it can be discerned that the internal energy is directly proportional to Cv. An increase in internal energy would correspond to a rise in temperature, and consequently, the amount of heat energy required to effect this temperature change is encapsulated in Cv.

When dealing with a mixture of different gases, the internal energy is the summation of the internal energies of the individual component gases. Each component's contribution is calculated based on its respective molecular nature (monatomic, diatomic, etc.), number of molecules, and temperature. The principles of kinetic theory and the ideal gas law are applied individually to each gas type in the mixture. The total internal energy is then an aggregate of these individual energies, accounting for the complex interactions and energy contributions of diverse gas molecules cohabiting in the mixed gaseous environment.

The internal energy concepts, especially those described by the ideal gas law, are generally applicable under a wide range of conditions but have limitations. At extremely high pressures or low temperatures, deviations from ideal behaviour are observed. Real gases, under these conditions, exhibit characteristics influenced by the finite volume of molecules and intermolecular forces. Consequently, the ideal gas law, including the calculation of internal energy, becomes less accurate, necessitating the application of real gas equations and Van der Waals forces to attain precise insights into the internal energy under extreme conditions.

For monatomic gases, the internal energy stems mainly from translational kinetic energy due to the three degrees of motion (x, y, and z axes). Diatomic and polyatomic gases, however, have additional degrees of freedom such as rotational and vibrational motions, contributing to their internal energy. Hence, the complexity and type of gas molecules have a direct bearing on the calculation and manifestations of internal energy. The internal energy isn't solely dependent on translational kinetic energy for diatomic and polyatomic gases, and considerations for their rotational and vibrational energies are integral in thorough thermodynamic analyses.

Practice Questions

Explain how the internal energy of a monatomic ideal gas is related to its temperature and the number of molecules present.

The internal energy of a monatomic ideal gas is directly related to its temperature and the number of molecules. The equation U = (3/2)NkBT showcases this relationship, where U is the internal energy, N is the number of molecules, kB is Boltzmann’s constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin. Essentially, as the temperature of the gas increases, the kinetic energy of the molecules also rises, leading to an increase in internal energy. The number of molecules contributes to the magnitude of this energy, with more molecules resulting in higher internal energy, showcasing a direct proportionality between these variables.

Describe the role of kinetic energy in determining the pressure exerted by a monatomic ideal gas on the walls of its container.

The kinetic energy of molecules in a monatomic ideal gas is a crucial factor in determining the pressure exerted on the walls of its container. Pressure arises due to the force exerted by gas molecules as they collide with the container walls. The kinetic energy of these molecules, determined by their speed, influences the force of each collision. As the kinetic energy increases, collisions become more forceful, leading to an increase in pressure. This kinetic energy is inherently connected to the temperature of the gas, with higher temperatures resulting in increased kinetic energy and, consequently, increased pressure.

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