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IB DP Physics 2025 Study Notes

1.1.4 Principles of Projectile Motion

The study of projectile motion provides insights into the behaviour of objects launched into the air, tracing a path dictated by the gravitational force while ignoring air resistance. This intricate dance between vertical and horizontal movements manifests in distinct yet interconnected ways, offering a rich field for exploration and understanding.

Comprehensive Analysis of Projectiles

The quest to understand projectile motion begins with an intricate examination of its fundamentals. Here, gravitational force reigns supreme, drawing objects towards the Earth and shaping their trajectories.

Vertical Motion

In the realm of vertical motion, gravity plays the leading role.

  • Influence of Gravity: Every projectile, irrespective of its size, shape, or mass, is subject to a constant acceleration due to gravity of approximately 9.8 m/s2 on Earth's surface. This universal pull dictates the ascent and descent of all projectiles.
  • Initial Vertical Velocity: It depends on both the speed of launch and the angle of projection. This component diminishes as the object ascends, reaching zero at the peak of the trajectory before increasing again during descent, under the persistent pull of gravity.
  • Time of Flight: This is the duration for which the projectile remains in the air. It is intimately tied to the initial vertical velocity and the unyielding acceleration due to gravity.

Horizontal Motion

On the horizontal plane, a different set of rules applies.

  • Constant Velocity: The absence of air resistance ensures that the horizontal component of velocity remains unaltered throughout the flight. It's a world of uniform motion, unimpeded by external forces.
  • Displacement: This measure of the horizontal distance covered is a product of the unchanging horizontal velocity and the time of flight, offering insights into the projectile’s journey from launch to landing.
Diagram explaining horizontal projectile motion

Horizontal Projectile Motion

Image Courtesy CK12

Application of Motion Equations

Equations of motion are instrumental in dissecting the behaviour of projectiles, casting light on their vertical and horizontal components.

Vertical Component

  • Equation of Motion: The constant pull of gravity lends itself to analysis through the equations of motion. For example, the final vertical velocity can be elucidated using v = u + gt.
  • Maximum Height: This pinnacle of the projectile’s journey is unveiled when the final vertical velocity pauses at zero. The kinetic energy is momentarily exhausted, with potential energy at its zenith.

Horizontal Component

  • Uniform Motion: A world untainted by air resistance sees the horizontal velocity maintaining its initial fervour, making the horizontal equation of motion a tale of uniform movement.

Understanding the Parabolic Nature

In the grand theatre of projectile motion, the parabolic trajectory is a spectacle of mathematical and physical harmony.

Key Features

  • Symmetry: Like a reflection in still waters, the ascending and descending paths of the projectile mirror each other when launched at an angle.
  • Maximum Height: This zenith in the vertical sojourn occurs at the midpoint of the horizontal displacement.
  • Range: Dependent on both the launch speed and angle, it unveils the total horizontal expanse conquered by the projectile.

Trajectory Equation

Diving deeper, the equation of the trajectory, though not a requisite, offers profound insights.

y = x * tan(theta) - (gx2) / (2v02 * cos2(theta))

Here, every symbol, every variable, weaves into the narrative of the projectile's flight, from the gravitational pull to the initial velocity's dual dance of magnitude and direction.

Studying Various Launch Angles

The angle at which a projectile is launched is not just a geometric entity but a profound influencer of the trajectory and range.

Horizontal Launch

  • Zero Launch Angle: In the world of horizontal launches, the vertical velocity at the onset is nil, and gravity immediately asserts its pull.
  • Trajectory: Even here, the path carved is parabolic, a testament to the constancy of horizontal motion and the accelerated dance of vertical movement.

Angled Launch

  • Initial Velocities: Here, the initial speed unfurls into horizontal and vertical components, each telling a tale of motion influenced by the angle of launch.
  • Optimal Angle for Maximum Range: At 45 degrees, the range reaches its pinnacle, a sweet spot where the horizontal and vertical velocities collaborate to extend the flight.
Angled Launch

Image Courtesy Khan Academy

Practical Applications and Insights

The theoretical constructs and mathematical equations governing projectile motion are not confined to textbooks but breathe life into real-world scenarios. In the absence of air resistance, principles of projectile motion find applications in an array of fields.

Sports Science

  • Optimising Performance: Athletes, especially in sports like basketball and football, can harness insights from projectile principles to enhance their performance. Understanding the effect of launch angles and speeds on the range and trajectory can inform strategies for optimal goal scoring and passing.


  • Structural Analysis: Engineers often turn to the principles of projectile motion to predict the trajectories of objects, aiding in the design of structures that can withstand impacts or facilitate specific types of motion.


  • Space Exploration: The launch of satellites and space vehicles demands a nuanced understanding of projectile motion. It’s a dance of physics and engineering, where calculations of speed, angle, and trajectory are pivotal in transcending Earth’s gravitational pull and venturing into space.

Through a meticulous exploration of these principles, learners step into a world where mathematics and physics intertwine, laying a robust foundation for advanced studies and real-world applications in the awe-inspiring dance of projectiles under gravity’s unyielding gaze. Each equation, each principle, echoes the symphony of forces and motions painting the canvas of the physical universe.


Yes, it is possible for two different launch angles to result in the same range, a concept often referred to as complementary angles. For example, angles of 30 and 60 degrees can yield the same range but different maximum heights and times of flight. This is because the horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity have effectively swapped, maintaining the same overall kinetic energy and, consequently, the same range. However, the projectile's flight characteristics, such as the maximum height reached and the time of flight, will vary due to the different distributions of the velocity components.

The symmetrical nature of the trajectory when a projectile is launched at an angle is a consequence of the consistent acceleration due to gravity and the initial velocity components. The horizontal component of velocity remains constant throughout the flight. In contrast, the vertical component is influenced by gravity, causing the projectile to slow down as it ascends and speed up at the same rate as it descends. The equal influence of gravity on the upward and downward motions results in symmetrical time intervals and distances for the ascent and descent, creating a mirror-like trajectory.

The launch height significantly impacts the range of a projectile when launched horizontally. Since there is no initial vertical velocity, the time of flight is solely determined by how long it takes for the projectile to fall from its launch height to the ground under gravity. The greater the height, the more time it will take for the projectile to reach the ground, and consequently, the greater the horizontal distance it will cover, assuming a constant horizontal velocity. It's essential to note that this is under the assumption of no air resistance and a constant gravitational pull throughout the projectile's flight.

Altering the launch angle directly affects both the time of flight and maximum height attained by a projectile. A larger launch angle increases the initial vertical velocity component, leading to a higher maximum height and a longer time of flight. However, there is an optimal angle, typically 45 degrees, where the range is maximised due to a balanced contribution from both the vertical and horizontal velocity components. Beyond this angle, although the projectile reaches a greater height and stays in the air longer, the horizontal distance covered (or range) starts to decrease due to a reduced horizontal velocity component.

The initial speed and angle of projection together play a pivotal role in determining the subsequent motion of a projectile. The initial speed directly impacts the magnitude of the horizontal and vertical components of velocity. A greater initial speed results in a longer range, higher maximum height, and longer time of flight. Simultaneously, the angle of projection determines the distribution of this speed into its horizontal and vertical components. A balanced angle, like 45 degrees, often maximises the range by optimally distributing the initial speed between the two directions, ensuring that the projectile covers the maximum possible horizontal distance before hitting the ground.

Practice Questions

A projectile is launched horizontally from a cliff with an initial speed of 20 m/s. Calculate the time it takes for the projectile to hit the ground 50 m below. Also, determine the horizontal distance it travels during this time. Neglect air resistance.

The time it takes for the projectile to hit the ground can be calculated using the second equation of motion, s = ut + 1/2at2, where s is the vertical distance, u is the initial vertical velocity, t is the time, and a is the acceleration due to gravity. Since the projectile is launched horizontally, the initial vertical velocity is zero. Substituting the given values, 50 = 0 + 1/2 * 9.8 * t2, we find t ≈ 3.2 s. Now, using the horizontal motion equation, s = ut, where u is the horizontal velocity, and t is the time, we have s = 20 * 3.2 ≈ 64 m. So, the projectile hits the ground after approximately 3.2 seconds and travels about 64 meters horizontally.

A ball is kicked with an initial velocity of 25 m/s at an angle of 40 degrees to the horizontal. Determine the maximum height attained by the ball. Ignore air resistance.

To find the maximum height, we first need to calculate the initial vertical velocity using the formula u = u0 * sin(θ), where u0 is the initial velocity and θ is the angle of projection. Substituting in the given values, u = 25 * sin(40) ≈ 16 m/s. Now, we use the third equation of motion, v2 = u2 + 2as, where v is the final vertical velocity, u is the initial vertical velocity, a is the acceleration (due to gravity in this case), and s is the distance. At the maximum height, the final vertical velocity is zero. Rearranging and solving the equation, we get s = u2 / (2 * g) = (162) / (2 * 9.8) ≈ 13 m. Therefore, the maximum height attained by the ball is approximately 13 meters.

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