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IB DP Physics 2025 Study Notes

1.1.2 Dynamics of Motion


Velocity serves as a fundamental aspect of motion, offering insights into the speed and direction of moving objects.

Definition and Calculation

Velocity is defined as the rate of change of position. It’s a vector quantity, implying that it encapsulates both magnitude (speed) and direction. The formula to calculate velocity is expressed in plain text as:

Velocity (v) = Change in Displacement (s) / Change in Time (t)


  • Change in Displacement (s): Indicates the change in position.
  • Change in Time (t): The time interval during which the displacement occurs.
Diagram explaining the formula to calculate velocity


Image Courtesy Science Facts


  • Magnitude: Reflects the object’s speed.
  • Direction: Indicates the path along which the object is moving.


Acceleration illuminates the changes in an object’s velocity, offering a dynamic perspective on motion.

Diagram explaining acceleration


Image Courtesy Geeksforgeeks

Definition and Calculation

Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity. Being a vector quantity, it incorporates both the magnitude and the direction of velocity change. The plain text expression for calculating acceleration is:

Acceleration (a) = Change in Velocity (v) / Change in Time (t)


  • Change in Velocity (v): Denotes how much the velocity changes.
  • Change in Time (t): The interval during which this change occurs.


  • Positive Acceleration: Indicates an increase in velocity.
  • Negative Acceleration or Deceleration: Denotes a decrease in velocity.
  • Zero Acceleration: Occurs when the object maintains a constant velocity.


Displacement offers a comprehensive view of motion, integrating both distance and direction.

Understanding Displacement

Displacement signifies the change in an object’s position, factoring in the direction of movement. It’s calculated with the plain text formula:

Displacement (s) = Final Position - Initial Position

Diagram explaining the difference between distance and displacement

Displacement vs distance

Image Courtesy Science Facts

Key Aspects

  • Direction: Fundamental to displacement, offering a directional perspective to motion.
  • Magnitude: Represents the straight-line distance between starting and ending points.

Uniform and Non-Uniform Acceleration

Differing acceleration types unveil unique characteristics and complexities of motion.

Uniform Acceleration

Uniform acceleration is marked by a constant change in velocity over time. It’s predictable and mathematically straightforward.


  • Consistency: Indicates a steady, unchanging rate of acceleration.
  • Graphical Representation: Typically depicted as a straight line on a velocity-time graph.

Non-Uniform Acceleration

Non-uniform acceleration occurs when velocity changes at varying rates over time, adding complexity to motion analysis.


  • Variability: Indicates inconsistent changes in velocity over time.
  • Graphical Representation: Often depicted as a curved line on a velocity-time graph.
Non-Uniform Acceleration

Image Courtesy Udaix

Analysing Motion

Motion analysis involves a close examination of velocity and acceleration, particularly focusing on their uniform and non-uniform characteristics.

Tools and Techniques

  • Graphical Analysis: Utilizes graphs to offer visual insights into velocity and acceleration changes.
  • Mathematical Calculations: Employs formulas and equations to quantify and analyze motion parameters.

Practical Applications

The principles of motion transcend theoretical boundaries, finding applications in real-world scenarios. Observing these principles in action, from free-falling objects to the motion of planets, enriches the learning experience.

Motion in Focus

The dynamics of motion, rooted in the interplay of velocity, acceleration, and displacement, unravels the complex narrative of moving objects. Each concept, from uniform to non-uniform acceleration and the nuanced nature of displacement, enriches our understanding of the physical world. Through detailed analysis and real-world applications, the dynamics of motion emerges not just as a theoretical concept but as a tangible and observable reality, inviting students to explore, analyze, and comprehend the intricate dance of objects in motion.


On a velocity-time graph, positive and negative accelerations are distinguished by the slope of the graph. Positive acceleration is indicated by a graph with a slope that ascends to the right, demonstrating an increase in velocity over time. Negative acceleration, or deceleration, is depicted by a graph that descends to the right, indicating a decrease in velocity over time. The steeper the slope, the greater the magnitude of the acceleration or deceleration. Hence, by examining the direction and steepness of the slope on a velocity-time graph, one can infer the nature and magnitude of the acceleration.

The direction of motion is intrinsic to the calculation of displacement. Since displacement is a vector quantity, it not only takes into account the magnitude of motion but also its direction. In scenarios where the object moves in a straight line, the calculation remains straightforward. However, for motions involving multiple directions, vector addition becomes essential. Each segment of the journey is treated as a separate vector, and these vectors are then added to determine the total displacement. The final value of displacement also carries the direction, indicating the object’s overall change in position relative to its starting point.

Magnitude and direction are both fundamental in comprehensively understanding and solving physics problems involving velocity and acceleration, as they are vector quantities. The magnitude provides information about the speed of motion or the rate of change in speed, while the direction offers insights into the path or orientation of the movement. Ignoring either aspect can lead to incomplete or inaccurate analyses. For instance, two objects with similar speeds but moving in opposite directions will have different velocities. Similarly, understanding the direction of acceleration is crucial in problems involving forces, as it helps in identifying the acting forces and predicting the object's motion accurately.

Non-uniform acceleration can arise from a variety of factors. These can include variations in the force applied to an object, resistance or friction encountered by the moving object, and gravitational influences in the case of astronomical bodies. For instance, a car might experience non-uniform acceleration due to changes in the force applied on the accelerator, or because of friction from the road and air resistance. In a more complex scenario, a planet might experience non-uniform acceleration due to the gravitational pull from neighbouring celestial bodies, leading to variations in its orbital speed.

The initial velocity plays a crucial role in determining the final velocity of an object under uniform acceleration. If the object starts at a higher initial velocity, it will reach a higher final velocity in a given time under the same acceleration, compared to an object that starts from rest. For instance, a car accelerating at a rate of 2 m/s² from an initial velocity of 10 m/s will have a greater final velocity after a certain period than a car accelerating at the same rate from rest. This initial boost in speed propels the object to cover a greater distance in the same amount of time, leading to a higher displacement. The equation of motion v = u + at encapsulates this relationship succinctly.

Practice Questions

An object starts from rest and accelerates uniformly at a rate of 2 m/s² for 5 seconds. Calculate the final velocity of the object. Also, determine the displacement of the object during this time interval.

The object starts from rest, so its initial velocity is 0 m/s. Using the equation of motion v = u + at, where u is the initial velocity, a is acceleration, and t is time, we substitute the known values to get the final velocity: v = 0 m/s + (2 m/s² * 5s) = 10 m/s. For displacement, we use the equation s = ut + 0.5at². Substituting in the values, s = (0 m/s * 5s) + 0.5 * (2 m/s²) * (5s)² = 0 + 0.5 * 2 * 25 = 25m. So, the object’s final velocity is 10 m/s and its displacement is 25m.

Describe the differences in the graphical representation on a velocity-time graph between an object moving with uniform acceleration and an object experiencing non-uniform acceleration.

An object with uniform acceleration is characterised by a straight line on a velocity-time graph, indicating a constant rate of change in velocity. The slope of the line represents the magnitude of the constant acceleration. In contrast, non-uniform acceleration is represented by a curved line on the velocity-time graph. This curve illustrates that the rate of change of velocity is not constant but varies over time. The curvature of the line provides insights into the varying acceleration rate, becoming steeper as acceleration increases and flatter as it decreases.

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