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IB DP Physics 2025 Study Notes

1.3.4 Power and Efficiency

Understanding Power

Definition and Units

Power is the measure of the amount of energy transferred or converted per unit time. In the International System of Units (SI), the unit of power is the watt (W), which is equal to one joule per second. It is a scalar quantity, meaning it has magnitude but no direction.

Calculation of Power


Power can be calculated with the equation: P = ΔW / Δt where:

  • P: Power in watts (W)
  • ΔW: Change in energy or work done in joules (J)
  • Δt: Time interval in seconds (s)

Relation with Work and Energy

Work and energy are closely related to power. When a force acts upon an object to move it, work is done. The speed at which this work is done is the power. If an amount of energy ΔE is transferred over an interval of time Δt, the average power P over that period is given by the formula.

Power from Force and Velocity

There's another formula that directly relates power to force and velocity: P = F * v where:

  • F: Force in newtons (N)
  • v: Velocity in meters per second (m/s)

This equation tells us how much power is being delivered or consumed at any given moment.

Examples and Problems

Example 1: If a 50 N force is applied over a distance of 10 meters in 5 seconds, the work done is W = F * s = 50 N * 10 m = 500 J and the power is P = ΔW / Δt = 500 J / 5 s = 100 W.

Example 2: A car engine applies a force of 4000 N to move at a constant velocity of 20 m/s. The power expended is P = F * v = 4000 N * 20 m/s = 80000 W or 80 KW.

Efficiency in Energy Transfer


Efficiency is indicative of a system’s ability to convert input energy into useful output. It’s a measure of effectiveness and performance, pivotal for energy conservation and environmental preservation.

Calculating Efficiency


Efficiency can be calculated using the formula: η = (Eoutput / Einput) * 100% or alternatively, η = (Poutput / Pinput) * 100%

Diagram showing total electric energy as input energy, light energy as output energy and heat as wasted energy.

Input and output energy

Image Courtesy Brainly

Examples and Implications

Example: In a power plant, if 500 MJ of energy from coal produces 150 MJ of electrical energy, the efficiency is η = (150 MJ / 500 MJ) * 100% = 30%.

Low efficiency indicates significant energy losses, underscoring the need for innovative technologies to enhance energy conversion processes.

Applications in Real-World Scenarios

Home Appliances

The efficiency of home appliances directly impacts energy bills and environmental conservation efforts.

  • Electrical Devices: For instance, an air conditioner’s efficiency determines its energy consumption and cooling capability.
  • Energy Star Rating: Appliances with superior efficiency typically boast higher Energy Star ratings, signifying energy-saving characteristics and cost-effectiveness.

Transportation Systems

The efficiency of transportation systems, especially electric vehicles, is often a major consideration for consumers and manufacturers alike.

  • Automobiles: A car's fuel or energy efficiency is a determinant of its operational cost and environmental impact.
  • Public Transport: Systems like metros and buses are rigorously optimised to enhance energy efficiency, reducing operational expenses and environmental footprints.

Industrial Processes

In industrial setups, efficiency enhancements lead to substantial cost savings and reduced emissions.

  • Manufacturing: The efficiency of machinery and processes is constantly monitored and improved to minimise energy consumption and optimise output.
  • Energy Generation: In power generation plants, improving efficiency means more electricity produced per unit of fuel, reducing costs and emissions.

Everyday Examples

Everyday items and technologies are also subject to efficiency considerations.

  • Light Bulbs: The advent of LEDs revolutionised lighting, offering significantly higher efficiency compared to traditional incandescent bulbs.
  • Solar Panels: The efficiency of solar panels, indicative of their ability to convert sunlight into electricity, is a key parameter influencing their adoption.

Enhancing Efficiency

Technological Advancements

Innovations in materials, design, and technology play a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency of systems and devices.

  • Materials Science: Development of materials with superior conductive, insulative, or mechanical properties.
  • Design Optimization: Incorporating designs that reduce energy losses and enhance performance.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Proper maintenance ensures systems operate at their optimal efficiency levels.

  • Regular Inspections: Identifying and addressing wear and tear and operational issues.
  • Upgrades: Updating outdated systems and technologies to leverage more efficient solutions.

Energy Auditing

Energy auditing helps identify and mitigate energy loss, enhancing overall system efficiency.

  • Assessment: Detailed analysis of energy consumption patterns and losses.
  • Implementation: Adopting measures to rectify inefficiencies and optimize energy use.

In essence, understanding and applying the principles of power and efficiency is quintessential for making informed choices that contribute to energy conservation and efficiency. It offers insights into the functioning of various devices and systems, laying the groundwork for innovations and improvements in technology and processes that are integral to our everyday lives and the environment at large.


Efficiency is a cornerstone in the development and implementation of renewable energy systems. These systems, like solar panels and wind turbines, are designed to convert natural energy sources into usable power efficiently. The efficiency of a solar panel, for instance, is determined by its ability to convert sunlight into electricity. Higher efficiency means more power generation and, consequently, greater cost-effectiveness. As technology advances, improving the efficiency of these renewable systems has become paramount, leading to innovations that maximise power output, reduce costs, and enhance the viability of renewable energy as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.

Yes, there are intrinsic limits to achieving 100% efficiency in power generation and energy transfer systems, largely due to the second law of thermodynamics. This law states that in any energy conversion process, some energy will be lost as waste heat. It’s impossible to convert all the input energy into useful work because of inherent losses like friction, resistance, and other forms of dissipation. Moreover, even in theoretical scenarios like a perpetual motion machine, the second law of thermodynamics prohibits 100% efficiency. Thus, engineers and scientists aim to optimise efficiency within these physical constraints to maximise energy output and minimise waste.

Optimising power and efficiency in home electrical appliances can be achieved through various strategies. Utilising appliances with higher energy efficiency ratings ensures they consume less power for the same output. Moreover, regular maintenance like cleaning and servicing ensures optimal performance. Users should also consider the load placed on the appliances; overloading can reduce efficiency and increase power consumption. Energy-saving modes and features should be used whenever possible, and unplugging appliances when not in use avoids ‘phantom’ energy consumption. Lastly, adopting energy-efficient habits, like using washing machines with full loads and optimising refrigerator temperatures, contributes significantly to saving power and enhancing efficiency.

The type of fuel an engine uses directly impacts its efficiency and power output. Different fuels have varying energy contents and combustion characteristics. For instance, diesel fuel has a higher energy content compared to petrol, often leading to engines that are more fuel-efficient. However, the combustion process, engine design, and fuel purity also play a significant role. Efficient combustion that effectively converts fuel energy into mechanical energy is desired. Engine designers and engineers work to optimise these parameters to enhance performance, but it’s often a balance, with trade-offs between efficiency, power output, emissions, and other factors.

Traditional incandescent bulbs and LEDs vary greatly in terms of power and efficiency. Incandescent bulbs are significantly less efficient because they convert only about 5% of the electrical energy into light, with the rest being lost as heat. This inefficiency is attributed to the heating of the filament to produce light. In contrast, LEDs are highly efficient, converting up to 90% of the electrical energy into light. LEDs use semiconductor materials to produce light, a process that involves minimal heat production. Consequently, LEDs consume less power and have a longer lifespan, making them a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly lighting option.

Practice Questions

A car engine has an input energy of 200,000 J and outputs 150,000 J of useful work. Calculate the efficiency of the engine. Then, explain in terms of energy transformation, why the engine's efficiency is not 100%.

The efficiency of the engine can be calculated using the formula: η = (Eoutput / Einput) * 100%. Plugging in the values gives η = (150,000 J / 200,000 J) * 100% = 75%. The reason the engine is not 100% efficient is due to the inherent energy losses in the conversion processes. Some energy is always lost as heat, sound or other forms of energy due to friction, air resistance, or the inherent inefficiency in energy conversion methods. These unavoidable energy losses account for the 25% inefficiency in the engine.

A student applies a force of 300 N to move a box a distance of 5 m in 10 seconds. Calculate the power exerted. Additionally, describe a real-world scenario where understanding this calculation is crucial.

The power exerted can be calculated using the formula: P = W / t. First, we calculate the work done: W = F * s = 300 N * 5 m = 1500 J. Then, P = 1500 J / 10 s = 150 W. In the context of real-world applications, such an understanding is pivotal in logistics and warehousing where workers or machines move goods. Knowing the power required aids in selecting appropriate machinery, ensuring safety protocols, and optimizing energy consumption for cost efficiency and sustainability while preventing overexertion and potential damage to goods.

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