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IB DP Physics 2025 Study Notes

1.2.6 Collisions and Explosions

Collisions and explosions are pivotal in the study of physics, illuminating the principles of momentum and energy conservation. They provide insights into the interactions between objects and the subsequent energy transformations.

Elastic and Inelastic Collisions

Elastic Collisions

Elastic collisions are idealised interactions where both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved. These theoretical collisions are seldom observed in the natural world due to inherent energy losses, like sound and heat, in most real-life collisions.

  • Momentum Conservation: One fundamental aspect is the conservation of momentum. It’s governed by the equation m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2, where m1 and m2 are the masses of the colliding bodies, and u1, u2, v1, v2 are their initial and final velocities respectively.
  • Kinetic Energy Conservation: In these collisions, total kinetic energy remains constant. Mathematically, it’s expressed as 1/2 * m1 * u12 + 1/2 * m2 * u22 = 1/2 * m1 * v12 + 1/2 * m2 * v22.
Diagram explaining the conservation of momentum and kinetic energy in an elastic collision

Elastic Collision

Image Courtesy Science Facts

  • Coefficient of Restitution: A dimensionless quantity, denoted by e, it’s equal to one in perfectly elastic collisions. It provides insights into the relative velocities of colliding objects and is calculated as e = (v2 - v1) / (u1 - u2).

Inelastic Collisions

In inelastic collisions, momentum remains conserved but kinetic energy does not, leading to diverse energy transformations and dissipations.

  • Momentum Conservation: The principle remains intact, expressed mathematically as m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2.
  • Energy Dissipation: Energy transforms from kinetic form into others like heat or sound, indicating a loss in total kinetic energy.
  • Perfectly Inelastic Collisions: A specific scenario where colliding bodies stick together, resulting in the maximum kinetic energy loss while still conserving momentum.
Diagram showing a comparison between elastic collision and inelastic collision

Elastic collision vs Inelastic collision

Image Courtesy Science Facts

Dynamics of Explosions

Explosions are characterised by a rapid release of energy, propelling fragments outward due to the sudden conversion of internal energy into kinetic, sound, heat, and light energy.

Conservation of Momentum

  • Pre-Explosion Momentum: Assuming an initially stationary body, the pre-explosion momentum is zero.
  • Post-Explosion Momentum: After the explosion, fragments move in opposite directions, maintaining total momentum at zero.

Energy Release Mechanisms

The sudden and rapid conversion of internal energy into other forms is central to explosions.

  • Kinetic Energy: A significant portion of the released energy translates into the kinetic energy of the fragments.
  • Other Energy Forms: Energy also manifests as heat, sound, and light, resulting in a bright flash and loud sound typical of explosions.

Energy Considerations in Collisions and Explosions

Kinetic Energy Dynamics

Energy behaviour distinguishes the types of collisions.

  • Elastic Collisions: Characterised by a constant total kinetic energy.
  • Inelastic Collisions: Notable for the kinetic energy loss, giving insights into energy transformations and dissipations.

Internal and External Energy Transformations

Energy transformations are intricate, involving both internal and external shifts.

  • Internal Energy: Includes energy associated with the deformation of colliding bodies.
  • External Energy: Encompasses energy radiated outward as sound, heat, or light.

Quantitative Energy Analyses

A meticulous approach is required to quantify energy behaviors in these events.

  • Calculations: Utilize conservation laws and equations representing energy transformations.
  • Application: Essential for detailed analyses of collision and explosion dynamics, especially in experimental and applied physics.

Mathematical Representation

Equations and mathematical models are integral for a comprehensive understanding and analysis of these phenomena.

Momentum and Energy Equations

  • Momentum: Central to both collisions and explosions, represented by conservation equations.
  • Energy: Different equations are used based on whether the collision is elastic or inelastic, focusing on energy conservation or transformation.

Advanced Mathematical Models

  • Computational Tools: Simulation and computational models are often employed for complex scenarios.
  • Analytical Solutions: Provide insights into the intricate dynamics of collisions and explosions.

Real-Life Applications

The principles governing collisions and explosions find extensive applications in everyday life and advanced technological innovations.

Transportation Safety

  • Vehicle Design: Cars and other vehicles are engineered to manage collisions efficiently, ensuring passenger safety.
  • Energy Absorption: Materials and design strategies focus on absorbing impact energy, rooted in the principles of inelastic collisions.

Space Explorations

  • Propulsion Systems: Rockets and spacecraft use controlled explosions to propel into space.
  • Energy Utilisation: The rapid energy release is harnessed efficiently to achieve the necessary thrust.

Engineering and Construction

  • Impact Resistance: Buildings and structures are designed considering collision impacts and energy dissipation mechanisms.
  • Material Selection: Informed by the principles of collisions and explosions, ensuring structural integrity and safety.

By exploring the detailed dynamics of collisions and explosions, students gain comprehensive insights into momentum and energy conservation principles. These concepts are not just theoretical but find extensive applications in real-world scenarios, enhancing the students’ ability to bridge the gap between theoretical principles and practical applications. The mathematical representations serve as tools to quantify and predict outcomes of these physical phenomena, essential in various fields including engineering, space exploration, and safety designs.


The principles of collisions can be applied in designing structures and materials to withstand impacts and vibrations, essential in mitigating the effects of natural disasters. For example, understanding the energy transformations during collisions can inform the design of buildings to absorb and dissipate the energy of earthquakes, reducing damage. For meteor impacts, studying the dynamics of explosions and collisions at high velocities can aid in developing protective measures or strategies to deflect or break apart incoming celestial bodies, reducing the impact energy and potential for devastation on the Earth's surface.

The mass of the colliding objects plays a crucial role in determining the outcome of the collision. In momentum conservation, the product of mass and velocity for each object before the collision equals that after the collision. Heavier objects tend to have a more significant influence on the final velocities of the colliding bodies. In terms of energy transformations, the mass can affect the distribution of kinetic and potential energy. For example, in inelastic collisions, heavier objects may experience less deformation, and the kinetic energy conversion into other energy forms can be different, impacting factors like sound and heat generation.

Yes, both experimental and theoretical studies of collisions and explosions are subject to errors and uncertainties. Experimentally, measurement errors, including the precision of instruments, air resistance, and friction, can affect the accuracy of results. Theoretically, assumptions and simplifications made in models, such as treating collisions as perfectly elastic or inelastic, can lead to deviations from real-world scenarios. It’s essential to account for these factors to enhance the reliability and applicability of the findings, often involving sophisticated statistical and analytical techniques to quantify and mitigate errors and uncertainties, leading to refined models and predictions.

Collisions can be studied in the laboratory using apparatus like air tracks or collision carts to minimise friction and closely observe and measure the dynamics of collisions. High-speed cameras can capture the motion, allowing for detailed analysis. Data on velocities, angles, and energy transformations can be collected and compared with theoretical predictions. Computational tools can also be employed for simulations and analysis. These experimental setups not only help in understanding the fundamental principles of collisions but also provide insights into the real-world applications and implications of these principles in areas like safety engineering and materials science.

The coefficient of restitution (e) is a measure of the "bounciness" of a collision. In a perfectly elastic collision, e equals 1, indicating no loss of kinetic energy. In perfectly inelastic collisions, e is 0, representing maximum energy loss as the colliding objects stick together. In real-world scenarios, e usually lies between 0 and 1 as collisions are rarely perfectly elastic or inelastic. The value of e has significant implications, especially in engineering and safety protocols. For instance, understanding the specific e values in car crashes can inform the design of vehicles to enhance passenger safety, ensuring that enough energy is absorbed by the car’s structure to reduce the impact on occupants.

Practice Questions

A 0.5 kg ball moving at 10 m/s collides elastically with a stationary 1 kg ball. What will be the velocities of both balls after the collision? Use the principles of conservation of momentum and kinetic energy.

The total initial momentum is 0.5kg * 10m/s = 5 kgm/s and the total initial kinetic energy is 0.5 * (102) * 0.5 = 25 J. By the conservation of momentum, 0.5kg * v1 + 1kg * v2 = 5 kgm/s, and for kinetic energy, 0.5 * (v12) * 0.5 + 0.5 * (v22) * 1 = 25 J. Solving these simultaneous equations, the velocities obtained are v1 = 5 m/s and v2 = 2.5 m/s respectively.

Distinguish between an elastic and inelastic collision. During a car crash, which type of collision occurs and what are the energy transformations that take place?

An elastic collision is one where both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved, with no energy converted into other forms. In an inelastic collision, momentum is conserved, but kinetic energy is not entirely conserved. During a car crash, an inelastic collision occurs. The kinetic energy of the moving car is transformed into various other forms of energy. These include sound energy, as a noise is heard upon impact, and heat energy due to the friction between the colliding surfaces. There's also deformation energy as the shape of the car changes due to the impact. This energy transformation is vital for absorbing the impact, reducing the force transferred to passengers and thus enhancing safety.

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