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IB DP Physics 2025 Study Notes

2.1.4 Thermal Energy Transfers

Specific Heat Capacity and Specific Latent Heat

The initiation into the realm of thermal energy transfers is marked by a profound understanding of the specific heat capacity and specific latent heat. These intrinsic properties illuminate the interaction between substances and thermal energy.

Q = mcΔT

  • Understanding Specific Heat Capacity: It describes the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by one degree Celsius or Kelvin. This parameter is fundamental in thermodynamics and varies among different materials.
    • Fundamental Properties: The specific heat capacity is defined with a distinct dependence on the phase of the material - solid, liquid, or gas. Each phase, due to its unique molecular structure and behaviour, exhibits a different capacity to store thermal energy.
  • Application of the Equation: The formula Q = mcΔT is the mathematical expression that allows the calculation of the energy required (or released) to change the temperature of a specific mass of a substance. Here, ‘Q’ is the thermal energy, ‘m’ the mass, ‘c’ the specific heat capacity, and ‘ΔT’ the temperature change.
Image explaining specific heat capacity

Specific Heat Capacity

Image Courtesy Expii

Real-World Examples: This equation is often employed in a variety of scenarios, from calculating the energy needed to heat water in a kettle to understanding the thermal energy changes in climatic systems.

Specific Latent Heat Q = mL

  • Understanding Specific Latent Heat: This property is a measure of the energy associated with a phase change of a substance. Unlike specific heat capacity, this energy change occurs at a constant temperature.
    • Latent Heat of Fusion: Energy change during the transition between solid and liquid phases.
    • Latent Heat of Vaporisation: Energy change during the transition between liquid and gas phases.
  • Application of the Equation: Q = mL calculates the energy needed or released during a phase change, where ‘Q’ is the thermal energy, ‘m’ is the mass, and ‘L’ is the specific latent heat.
Diagram showing the graphical representation of the change in various forms of matter and the latent heat

Graphical representation of Latent heat in phase change

Image Courtesy Geeksforgeeks

  • Real-World Applications: This concept is vital in meteorology, where latent heat plays a significant role in weather patterns, and in engineering, particularly in heat exchangers and refrigeration.

Mechanisms of Thermal Energy Transfer

A comprehensive grasp of conduction, convection, and thermal radiation is crucial to fully understand the dynamics of thermal energy transfers.

Diagram showing Mechanisms of Thermal Energy Transfer

Mechanisms of Thermal Energy Transfer

Image Courtesy OpenStax


  • Molecular Interaction: This mode of transfer is grounded in the direct interaction between molecules. In solids, atoms or molecules are closely packed and vibrate about their mean positions. When thermal energy is introduced, it increases the amplitude of vibration of particles, causing adjacent particles to vibrate more vigorously.
    • Energy Transfer Process: Energy is transferred from higher energy particles to adjacent lower energy particles, perpetuating a cascade of energy transfer through the substance.
Diagram showing heat transferring energy in conduction

Energy transfer in conduction

Image Courtesy Digestible notes

  • Metals as Conductors: Metals are particularly proficient conductors due to the presence of free electrons that can move through the metal lattice, transferring energy rapidly from the hot end to the cooler end.


  • The Role of Density: Convection is characterised by the bulk movement of fluids due to temperature-induced density variations. As a fluid is heated, it expands and becomes less dense, rising above cooler, denser portions of the fluid.
    • Convection Currents: This differential in density results in the formation of convection currents, which are observable in phenomena such as ocean currents and atmospheric circulation.
Diagram explaining convection current in boiling water

Convection current

Image Courtesy CK12

  • Natural and Forced Convection: While natural convection is driven by buoyancy forces, forced convection occurs when external mechanisms, like fans or pumps, facilitate fluid movement.

Thermal Radiation

  • Electromagnetic Waves: This energy transfer mechanism is characterized by the emission of electromagnetic waves, which can propagate through vacuum, a property distinguishing it from conduction and convection.
    • Stefan-Boltzmann Law: Mathematically, the Stefan-Boltzmann law is vital in quantifying the power radiated by a black body in terms of its temperature.
Diagram showing the graph for Stefan-Boltzmann Law

Stefan-Boltzmann Law

Image Courtesy Geeksforgeeks

  • Brightness and Luminosity: The concept of apparent brightness and luminosity, described by the equation b = L/(4πd^2), is pivotal in astronomical studies, especially in assessing the energy output of stars and other celestial bodies.

Emission Spectrum and Wien’s Displacement Law

A detailed examination of black body radiation and Wien’s Displacement Law unveils nuanced insights into the spectral distribution and temperature correlation of radiated energy.

Black Body Spectrum

  • Characterisation: A black body is an idealised physical body that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation. The radiation emitted by such a body is referred to as black body radiation.
    • Spectral Distribution: The emission spectrum of a black body is a continuous spectrum that depends solely on the body’s temperature, peaking at a specific wavelength.

Wien’s Displacement Law

  • Temperature Correlation: This law provides a direct correlation between the peak wavelength of emission and the absolute temperature of a black body, expressed mathematically as λmaxT = 2.9 × 10−3 mK.
Diagram explaining Wien’s Law

Wien’s Law

Image Courtesy Science Facts

  • Applications: Beyond academic interest, this law finds applications in a range of fields including astrophysics for estimating star temperatures, and in climate science for understanding Earth’s radiation balance.

Through this in-depth exploration, students are equipped with the foundational knowledge and quantitative tools to analyze thermal energy transfers with precision and depth, fostering a robust understanding that bridges theoretical concepts and real-world applications.


Thermal radiation is integral to Earth’s energy balance and climate system. The Earth receives solar energy in the form of visible and ultraviolet light and reradiates some of this energy back into space as infrared radiation. The balance between incoming solar radiation and outgoing infrared radiation determines the Earth’s average temperature. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb and re-emit a portion of this infrared radiation, trapping heat and leading to the greenhouse effect. Understanding the mechanisms and quantification of thermal radiation is essential for developing models and strategies to address climate change and its impacts on ecosystems and human societies.

The Stefan-Boltzmann law, articulated as L = σAT4, is instrumental in astrophysics, particularly in determining the luminosity and temperature of stars. In this context, ‘L’ represents the total power radiated by a star, ‘A’ is the surface area, ‘T’ is the absolute temperature, and ‘σ’ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. By measuring the star’s apparent brightness and estimating its distance from Earth, astronomers can calculate its luminosity. Subsequently, using the Stefan-Boltzmann law, they infer the star’s surface temperature. This information, combined with spectral analysis, aids in classifying stars and understanding their life cycles, evolution, and the dynamic processes occurring within galaxies.

Indeed, the concept of specific latent heat is pivotal in phase change material (PCM) applications within engineering and technology for thermal energy storage. PCMs leverage the energy absorption or release during phase changes (solid-liquid, liquid-gas) to store or release thermal energy. Because this energy transfer occurs at a constant temperature, PCMs are used for stabilising temperature within a given environment. Applications are diverse, ranging from building construction materials designed to enhance energy efficiency, to thermal regulation in electronic devices, and innovative solutions in renewable energy storage where energy demand and supply can be decoupled and balanced efficiently.

Convection is predominantly observed in fluids (liquids and gases) and not in solids due to the inability of solid particles to move freely. Convection involves the bulk movement of particles, driven by differences in temperature and, consequently, density. In fluids, warmer, less dense particles rise, while cooler, denser ones sink, establishing convection currents. In solids, particles are tightly bound in a fixed lattice structure, restricting such free movement. Hence, thermal energy transfer in solids predominantly occurs through conduction, where energy is transferred via vibrations of adjacent particles or through the movement of free electrons in the case of metals.

The high specific heat capacity of water means it can absorb and store a significant amount of thermal energy without a substantial increase in temperature. This property is pivotal in moderating Earth’s climate. Oceans, covering a significant portion of the Earth’s surface, absorb heat during the day and release it slowly at night, mitigating temperature extremes between day and night. Similarly, during different seasons, water's slow heating and cooling counteracts rapid temperature fluctuations. Coastal regions often experience milder climates compared to inland areas due to the ocean's thermal inertia, leading to moderated temperatures and weather patterns influenced by the proximity to large bodies of water.

Practice Questions

A metal rod of length 0.5m is heated at one end. How does conduction allow for the transfer of thermal energy along the rod? Use the concept of kinetic energy differences between particles to explain this process.

The process of conduction in the metal rod involves the transfer of kinetic energy from the heated end to the cooler end due to the vibrations of particles. As the rod is heated, particles at one end gain kinetic energy and vibrate more vigorously. These energised particles then collide with adjacent particles, transferring some of their kinetic energy. This transfer of energy continues along the rod, causing an energy cascade from the hot end to the cooler end. The process is facilitated by the metal’s free electrons, which can move rapidly through the lattice, aiding in the efficient transfer of energy.

A black body at a certain temperature has a peak wavelength of 500 nm. Using Wien’s Displacement Law, calculate the temperature of the black body.

Using Wien’s Displacement Law, λmaxT = 2.9 × 10−3 mK, we can substitute the given peak wavelength into the equation to find the temperature. Given that λmax is 500 nm or 500 x 10-9 m, the equation becomes 500 x 10-9 m * T = 2.9 x 10−3 mK. Solving for T gives us a temperature of approximately 5800 K. This calculation is essential for understanding the radiation characteristics of the black body, and similar computations are applied in astrophysics to estimate the temperatures of stars and other celestial bodies based on their emission spectra.

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