1. Anatomy1.1 The Skeletal System0/01.1.1 Overview of the Skeletal System1.1.2 Types and Structure of Bones1.1.3 Anatomical Terminology and Bone Locations1.1.4 Connective Tissue in the Skeletal System1.1.5 Joints: Definition and Types1.2 The Muscular System0/01.2.1 General Characteristics of Muscle Tissue1.2.2 Types of Muscle Tissue1.2.3 Structure of Skeletal Muscle1.2.4 Origin and Insertion of Muscles1.2.5 Location and Function of Major Skeletal Muscles (Anterior)1.2.6 Location and Function of Major Skeletal Muscles (Posterior)1. Anatomy1.1 The Skeletal System0/01.1.1 Overview of the Skeletal System1.1.2 Types and Structure of Bones1.1.3 Anatomical Terminology and Bone Locations1.1.4 Connective Tissue in the Skeletal System1.1.5 Joints: Definition and Types1.2 The Muscular System0/01.2.1 General Characteristics of Muscle Tissue1.2.2 Types of Muscle Tissue1.2.3 Structure of Skeletal Muscle1.2.4 Origin and Insertion of Muscles1.2.5 Location and Function of Major Skeletal Muscles (Anterior)1.2.6 Location and Function of Major Skeletal Muscles (Posterior)2. Exercise Physiology2.1 Structure and Function of the Ventilatory System0/02.1.1 Principal Structures of the Ventilatory System2.1.2 Functions of the Conducting Airways2.1.3 Pulmonary Volumes and Capacities2.1.4 Mechanics of Ventilation2.1.5 Control of Ventilation during Exercise2.1.6 Role of Haemoglobin in Oxygen Transport2.1.7 Gaseous Exchange at the Alveoli2.2 Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular System0/02.2.1 Composition and Function of Blood2.2.2 Functions of Blood Cells2.2.3 Anatomy of the Heart2.2.4 Heart Rate Regulation and Excitation Sequence2.2.5 The Relationship between Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation2.2.6 Heart Rate, Cardiac Output, and Stroke Volume2.2.7 Analysis of Cardiovascular Data2.2.8 Cardiovascular Drift2.2.9 Blood Pressure Definitions and Analysis2.2.10 Blood Pressure Response to Exercise2.2.11 Blood Distribution: Rest vs. Exercise2.2.12 Cardiovascular Adaptations to Training2.2.13 Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2max)2. Exercise Physiology2.1 Structure and Function of the Ventilatory System0/02.1.1 Principal Structures of the Ventilatory System2.1.2 Functions of the Conducting Airways2.1.3 Pulmonary Volumes and Capacities2.1.4 Mechanics of Ventilation2.1.5 Control of Ventilation during Exercise2.1.6 Role of Haemoglobin in Oxygen Transport2.1.7 Gaseous Exchange at the Alveoli2.2 Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular System0/02.2.1 Composition and Function of Blood2.2.2 Functions of Blood Cells2.2.3 Anatomy of the Heart2.2.4 Heart Rate Regulation and Excitation Sequence2.2.5 The Relationship between Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation2.2.6 Heart Rate, Cardiac Output, and Stroke Volume2.2.7 Analysis of Cardiovascular Data2.2.8 Cardiovascular Drift2.2.9 Blood Pressure Definitions and Analysis2.2.10 Blood Pressure Response to Exercise2.2.11 Blood Distribution: Rest vs. Exercise2.2.12 Cardiovascular Adaptations to Training2.2.13 Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2max)3. Energy SystemsPremium3.1 Nutrition0/03.1.1 Macronutrients and Micronutrients3.1.2 Composition and Structure of Glucose3.1.3 Lipids: Triacylglycerol and Fatty Acids3.1.4 Protein Composition and Amino Acids3.1.5 Healthy Balanced Diet3.1.6 Energy Content of Macronutrients3.1.7 Dietary Needs of Endurance Athletes vs Non-Athletes3.2 Carbohydrate and Fat Metabolism0/03.2.1 Metabolism Fundamentals3.2.2 Glycogen and Triglycerides3.2.3 Hormonal Regulation of Metabolism3.2.4 Glucose Uptake During Exercise3.3 Nutrition and Energy Systems0/03.3.1 Ultrastructure of an Animal Cell3.3.2 Ultrastructure of a Mitochondrion3.3.3 Cell Respiration and ATP3.3.4 ATP–CP System3.3.5 Lactic Acid System3.3.6 Oxygen Deficit and Debt3.3.7 Aerobic System3.3.8 Energy Systems in Exercise3. Energy SystemsPremium3.1 Nutrition0/03.1.1 Macronutrients and Micronutrients3.1.2 Composition and Structure of Glucose3.1.3 Lipids: Triacylglycerol and Fatty Acids3.1.4 Protein Composition and Amino Acids3.1.5 Healthy Balanced Diet3.1.6 Energy Content of Macronutrients3.1.7 Dietary Needs of Endurance Athletes vs Non-Athletes3.2 Carbohydrate and Fat Metabolism0/03.2.1 Metabolism Fundamentals3.2.2 Glycogen and Triglycerides3.2.3 Hormonal Regulation of Metabolism3.2.4 Glucose Uptake During Exercise3.3 Nutrition and Energy Systems0/03.3.1 Ultrastructure of an Animal Cell3.3.2 Ultrastructure of a Mitochondrion3.3.3 Cell Respiration and ATP3.3.4 ATP–CP System3.3.5 Lactic Acid System3.3.6 Oxygen Deficit and Debt3.3.7 Aerobic System3.3.8 Energy Systems in Exercise4. Movement AnalysisPremium4.1 Neuromuscular Function0/04.1.1 Structure of a Motor Unit4.1.2 Role of Neurotransmitters4.1.3 Mechanism of Muscle Contraction4.1.4 Fast and Slow Twitch Fibres4.2 Joint and Movement Type0/04.2.1 Types of Synovial Joint Movements4.2.2 Types of Muscle Contractions4.2.3 Reciprocal Inhibition and Joint Action4.2.4 Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)4.3 Fundamentals of Biomechanics0/04.3.1 Fundamental Definitions in Biomechanics4.3.2 Analysis of Graphs in Sporting Actions4.3.3 Centre of Mass in Sports4.3.4 Levers in Human Anatomy4.3.5 Newton’s Laws of Motion in Sports4.3.6 Angular Momentum in Sports4.3.7 Factors Affecting Projectile Motion 4.3.8 Bernoulli Principle and Projectile Motion4. Movement AnalysisPremium4.1 Neuromuscular Function0/04.1.1 Structure of a Motor Unit4.1.2 Role of Neurotransmitters4.1.3 Mechanism of Muscle Contraction4.1.4 Fast and Slow Twitch Fibres4.2 Joint and Movement Type0/04.2.1 Types of Synovial Joint Movements4.2.2 Types of Muscle Contractions4.2.3 Reciprocal Inhibition and Joint Action4.2.4 Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)4.3 Fundamentals of Biomechanics0/04.3.1 Fundamental Definitions in Biomechanics4.3.2 Analysis of Graphs in Sporting Actions4.3.3 Centre of Mass in Sports4.3.4 Levers in Human Anatomy4.3.5 Newton’s Laws of Motion in Sports4.3.6 Angular Momentum in Sports4.3.7 Factors Affecting Projectile Motion 4.3.8 Bernoulli Principle and Projectile Motion5. Skill in SportsPremium5.1 The Characteristics and Classification of Skill0/05.1.1 Definition of Skill5.1.2 Types of Skill5.1.3 Classification of Motor Skills5.1.4 Skill Profiles in Sports5.1.5 Understanding Ability5.1.6 Fleishman’s Classification of Abilities5.1.7 Definition of Technique5.1.8 Relationship among Ability, Skill, and Technique5.1.9 Skilled vs. Novice Performers5.2 Information Processing0/05.2.1 Models of Information Processing5.2.2 Sensory Input and Signal Detection5.2.3 Memory and Attention5.2.4 Memory Improvement Techniques5.2.5 Response Time and Factors5.2.6 Psychological Refractory Period (PRP)5.2.7 Motor Programmes and Feedback5.2.8 Feedback in the Learning Process5.2.9 Projectile Motion and Biomechanics5.2.10 Skill, Technique, and Performance5.3 Principles of Skill Learning0/05.3.1 Learning vs. Performance5.3.2 Phases of Learning and Learning Curves5.3.3 Factors Influencing Learning Rates5.3.4 Transfer of Learning5.3.5 Practice and Presentation Techniques5.3.6 Teaching Styles in Sports5. Skill in SportsPremium5.1 The Characteristics and Classification of Skill0/05.1.1 Definition of Skill5.1.2 Types of Skill5.1.3 Classification of Motor Skills5.1.4 Skill Profiles in Sports5.1.5 Understanding Ability5.1.6 Fleishman’s Classification of Abilities5.1.7 Definition of Technique5.1.8 Relationship among Ability, Skill, and Technique5.1.9 Skilled vs. Novice Performers5.2 Information Processing0/05.2.1 Models of Information Processing5.2.2 Sensory Input and Signal Detection5.2.3 Memory and Attention5.2.4 Memory Improvement Techniques5.2.5 Response Time and Factors5.2.6 Psychological Refractory Period (PRP)5.2.7 Motor Programmes and Feedback5.2.8 Feedback in the Learning Process5.2.9 Projectile Motion and Biomechanics5.2.10 Skill, Technique, and Performance5.3 Principles of Skill Learning0/05.3.1 Learning vs. Performance5.3.2 Phases of Learning and Learning Curves5.3.3 Factors Influencing Learning Rates5.3.4 Transfer of Learning5.3.5 Practice and Presentation Techniques5.3.6 Teaching Styles in Sports6. Measurement and Evaluation of Human PerformancePremium6.1 Statistical Analysis0/06.1.1 Understanding Data Variability6.1.2 Mean and Standard Deviation Calculations6.1.3 Standard Deviation in Normal Distributions6.1.4 Comparing Data Sets with Standard Deviation6.1.5 Coefficient of Variation and Data Significance6.1.6 Correlation vs. Causation6.2 Study Design0/06.2.1 Principles of Fitness Testing6.2.2 Scientific Rigour in Study Design6.2.3 Pre-Test Procedures and Performance Testing6.3 Components of Fitness0/06.3.1 Understanding Fitness Components6.3.2 Fitness Components in Depth6.3.3 Evaluation of Fitness Tests6.4 Principles of Training Programme Design0/06.4.1 Elements of a General Training Programme6.4.2 Key Principles of Training Programme Design6.4.3 Monitoring Exercise Intensity6. Measurement and Evaluation of Human PerformancePremium6.1 Statistical Analysis0/06.1.1 Understanding Data Variability6.1.2 Mean and Standard Deviation Calculations6.1.3 Standard Deviation in Normal Distributions6.1.4 Comparing Data Sets with Standard Deviation6.1.5 Coefficient of Variation and Data Significance6.1.6 Correlation vs. Causation6.2 Study Design0/06.2.1 Principles of Fitness Testing6.2.2 Scientific Rigour in Study Design6.2.3 Pre-Test Procedures and Performance Testing6.3 Components of Fitness0/06.3.1 Understanding Fitness Components6.3.2 Fitness Components in Depth6.3.3 Evaluation of Fitness Tests6.4 Principles of Training Programme Design0/06.4.1 Elements of a General Training Programme6.4.2 Key Principles of Training Programme Design6.4.3 Monitoring Exercise Intensity7. Further Anatomy (HL)7.1 The Skin System (HL)0/07.1.1 Structure of the Skin7.1.2 Functions of the Skin7.2 Structure and Function of the Brain (HL)0/07.2.1 Principal Structures of the Brain7.2.2 Principal Lobes of the Cerebrum7.2.3 Blood Supply to the Brain7.2.4 Energy for Brain Cells7.2.5 Functions of the Principal Brain Parts7. Further Anatomy (HL)7.1 The Skin System (HL)0/07.1.1 Structure of the Skin7.1.2 Functions of the Skin7.2 Structure and Function of the Brain (HL)0/07.2.1 Principal Structures of the Brain7.2.2 Principal Lobes of the Cerebrum7.2.3 Blood Supply to the Brain7.2.4 Energy for Brain Cells7.2.5 Functions of the Principal Brain Parts8. The Endocrine System (HL)8.1 Endocrine Organs and Hormones (HL)0/08.1.1 Major Endocrine Organs8.1.2 Role of Hormones8.1.3 Regulation of Hormone Levels8. The Endocrine System (HL)8.1 Endocrine Organs and Hormones (HL)0/08.1.1 Major Endocrine Organs8.1.2 Role of Hormones8.1.3 Regulation of Hormone Levels9. Fatigue (HL)Premium9.1 Understanding Fatigue (HL)0/09.1.1 Definition of Fatigue9.1.2 Types of Fatigue9.1.3 High-Intensity vs Endurance Activities9.1.4 Causes of Fatigue9.1.5 Recovery from Fatigue9. Fatigue (HL)Premium9.1 Understanding Fatigue (HL)0/09.1.1 Definition of Fatigue9.1.2 Types of Fatigue9.1.3 High-Intensity vs Endurance Activities9.1.4 Causes of Fatigue9.1.5 Recovery from Fatigue10. Friction and Drag (HL)Premium10.1 Friction (HL)0/010.1.1 Definition of Friction10.1.2 Coefficient of Friction10.1.3 Static vs Dynamic Friction10.2 Friction in Sports (HL)0/010.2.1 Influence of Friction on Performance10.3 Drag (HL)0/010.3.1 Definition of Drag10.4 Drag in Sports (HL)0/010.4.1 Factors Influencing Drag10.5 Analyzing Forces in Sports (HL)0/010.5.1 Free-Body Diagram10. Friction and Drag (HL)Premium10.1 Friction (HL)0/010.1.1 Definition of Friction10.1.2 Coefficient of Friction10.1.3 Static vs Dynamic Friction10.2 Friction in Sports (HL)0/010.2.1 Influence of Friction on Performance10.3 Drag (HL)0/010.3.1 Definition of Drag10.4 Drag in Sports (HL)0/010.4.1 Factors Influencing Drag10.5 Analyzing Forces in Sports (HL)0/010.5.1 Free-Body Diagram11. Skill Acquisition and Analysis (HL)Premium11.1 Pedagogy for Skill Acquisition (HL)0/011.1.1 Traditional vs Non-linear Pedagogy11.1.2 Newell’s Constraints-led Approach11.1.3 Constraints-led Approach & Motivation11.2 Notation and Analysis (HL)0/011.2.1 Reasons for Using Notational Analysis11.2.2 Applications of Notation11.2.3 Phase Analysis vs Performance Outcome Model11.2.4 Flow Chart System for Match Analysis11.2.5 Developing a Simple Notation System11.2.6 Use of Digital Technology11.2.7 Evaluating Information Technologies11. Skill Acquisition and Analysis (HL)Premium11.1 Pedagogy for Skill Acquisition (HL)0/011.1.1 Traditional vs Non-linear Pedagogy11.1.2 Newell’s Constraints-led Approach11.1.3 Constraints-led Approach & Motivation11.2 Notation and Analysis (HL)0/011.2.1 Reasons for Using Notational Analysis11.2.2 Applications of Notation11.2.3 Phase Analysis vs Performance Outcome Model11.2.4 Flow Chart System for Match Analysis11.2.5 Developing a Simple Notation System11.2.6 Use of Digital Technology11.2.7 Evaluating Information Technologies12. Genetics and Athletic Performance (HL)Premium12.1 Role of Genes in Inheritance0/012.1.1 Genes and Inheritance12.1.2 Influence of Genes12.1.3 Genetic vs. Environmental Factors12.1.4 Implications of Genetic Screening12. Genetics and Athletic Performance (HL)Premium12.1 Role of Genes in Inheritance0/012.1.1 Genes and Inheritance12.1.2 Influence of Genes12.1.3 Genetic vs. Environmental Factors12.1.4 Implications of Genetic Screening13. Exercise and Immunity (HL)Premium13.1 Immune System (HL)0/013.1.1 Function of the Immune System13.1.2 Mechanisms in Response to Damage or Infection13.2 Exercise and Immune System Interaction (HL)0/013.2.1 Effects of Intense Exercise13.2.2 Relationship Between Exercise and Infection Susceptibility13.3 Strategies to Minimize Infection Risk (HL)0/013.3.1 Minimizing Infection Risk Among Athletes13.3.2 Ethical Considerations13.3.3 Technology and Sports Analysis13. Exercise and Immunity (HL)Premium13.1 Immune System (HL)0/013.1.1 Function of the Immune System13.1.2 Mechanisms in Response to Damage or Infection13.2 Exercise and Immune System Interaction (HL)0/013.2.1 Effects of Intense Exercise13.2.2 Relationship Between Exercise and Infection Susceptibility13.3 Strategies to Minimize Infection Risk (HL)0/013.3.1 Minimizing Infection Risk Among Athletes13.3.2 Ethical Considerations13.3.3 Technology and Sports Analysis14. Optimizing Physiological PerformancePremium14.1 Training0/014.1.1 Training, Overtraining, and Overreaching14.1.2 Various Methods of Training14.1.3 Indicators of Overtraining14.1.4 Periodization14.2 Environmental Factors and Physical Performance0/014.2.1 Heat Production and Cellular Metabolism14.2.2 Body Temperature Range14.2.3 Thermoregulation Mechanisms14.2.4 Humidity and Wind Effects14.2.5 Sweat Formation and Response14.2.6 Physiological Responses to Heat14.2.7 Health Risks in Hot Conditions14.2.8 Prevention and Treatment of Heat Disorders14.2.9 Heat Acclimatisation14.2.10 Adaptations with Heat Acclimatization14.3 Non-Nutritional Ergogenic Aids0/014.3.1 Definition of Ergogenic Aids14.3.2 The Placebo Effect14.3.3 Banned Non-Nutritional Ergogenic Aids14.3.4 Reasons for Banning Substances14.3.5 Benefits and Expected Gains14.3.6 Harmful Effects of Long-Term Use14.4 Recovery from Sports and Exercise (HL)0/014.4.1 Definition of Active Recovery14.4.2 Reasons for Active Recovery14.4.3 Indicators of Recovery14.4.4 Importance of Planned Recovery14.4.5 Use of Compression Garments and Cryotherapy14.5 Training and Performance at Altitude (HL)0/014.5.1 Altitude Categories14.5.2 Definition of Hypoxia14.5.3 Physiological Effects of Altitude14.5.4 Effects of Altitude on Fluid Balance14.5.5 Altitude Training14.5.6 Impact of Altitude Training14.5.7 Impact of Altitude on Sports Performance14.5.8 Adaptations Resulting from Altitude Hypoxia14.5.9 Symptoms of Altitude-Related Illnesses14.5.10 Prevention of High-Altitude Illness14. Optimizing Physiological PerformancePremium14.1 Training0/014.1.1 Training, Overtraining, and Overreaching14.1.2 Various Methods of Training14.1.3 Indicators of Overtraining14.1.4 Periodization14.2 Environmental Factors and Physical Performance0/014.2.1 Heat Production and Cellular Metabolism14.2.2 Body Temperature Range14.2.3 Thermoregulation Mechanisms14.2.4 Humidity and Wind Effects14.2.5 Sweat Formation and Response14.2.6 Physiological Responses to Heat14.2.7 Health Risks in Hot Conditions14.2.8 Prevention and Treatment of Heat Disorders14.2.9 Heat Acclimatisation14.2.10 Adaptations with Heat Acclimatization14.3 Non-Nutritional Ergogenic Aids0/014.3.1 Definition of Ergogenic Aids14.3.2 The Placebo Effect14.3.3 Banned Non-Nutritional Ergogenic Aids14.3.4 Reasons for Banning Substances14.3.5 Benefits and Expected Gains14.3.6 Harmful Effects of Long-Term Use14.4 Recovery from Sports and Exercise (HL)0/014.4.1 Definition of Active Recovery14.4.2 Reasons for Active Recovery14.4.3 Indicators of Recovery14.4.4 Importance of Planned Recovery14.4.5 Use of Compression Garments and Cryotherapy14.5 Training and Performance at Altitude (HL)0/014.5.1 Altitude Categories14.5.2 Definition of Hypoxia14.5.3 Physiological Effects of Altitude14.5.4 Effects of Altitude on Fluid Balance14.5.5 Altitude Training14.5.6 Impact of Altitude Training14.5.7 Impact of Altitude on Sports Performance14.5.8 Adaptations Resulting from Altitude Hypoxia14.5.9 Symptoms of Altitude-Related Illnesses14.5.10 Prevention of High-Altitude Illness15. Psychology of SportsPremium15.1 Individual Differences0/015.1.1 Definition of Personality15.1.2 Social Learning Theory and Personality15.1.3 Interactionist Approach to Personality15.1.4 Issues in Personality Measurement15.1.5 Evaluation of Personality Research15.2 Motivation0/015.2.1 Definition of Motivation15.2.2 Types of Motivation15.2.3 Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation15.2.4 Models of Achievement Motivation15.2.5 Goal Orientation Theory15.2.6 Attribution Theory in Sports15.3 Arousal, Stress, and Anxiety0/015.3.1 Understanding Arousal15.3.2 Arousal Theories and Representation15.3.3 Emotions and Athletic Performance in Sports15.3.4 Comprehending Anxiety15.3.5 Anxiety Types and Measurement15.3.6 The Stress Phenomenon in Sports15.4 Psychological Skills Training0/015.4.1 Introduction to Psychological Skills Training (PST)15.4.2 Goal Setting and Mental Imagery15.4.3 Relaxation and Self-talk Techniques15.5 Talent Identification and Development (HL)0/015.5.1 Understanding Talent15.5.2 Talent Identification vs. Multidimensional Talent Identification and Development15.5.3 Evolution of Talent for Athlete Development15.5.4 Talent Transfer in Elite Athletes15.6 Self-determination Theory and Self-regulated Learning (HL) 0/015.6.1 Self-determination Theory (SDT)15.6.2 Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)15.6.3 The Interplay of SRL and Motivation15. Psychology of SportsPremium15.1 Individual Differences0/015.1.1 Definition of Personality15.1.2 Social Learning Theory and Personality15.1.3 Interactionist Approach to Personality15.1.4 Issues in Personality Measurement15.1.5 Evaluation of Personality Research15.2 Motivation0/015.2.1 Definition of Motivation15.2.2 Types of Motivation15.2.3 Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation15.2.4 Models of Achievement Motivation15.2.5 Goal Orientation Theory15.2.6 Attribution Theory in Sports15.3 Arousal, Stress, and Anxiety0/015.3.1 Understanding Arousal15.3.2 Arousal Theories and Representation15.3.3 Emotions and Athletic Performance in Sports15.3.4 Comprehending Anxiety15.3.5 Anxiety Types and Measurement15.3.6 The Stress Phenomenon in Sports15.4 Psychological Skills Training0/015.4.1 Introduction to Psychological Skills Training (PST)15.4.2 Goal Setting and Mental Imagery15.4.3 Relaxation and Self-talk Techniques15.5 Talent Identification and Development (HL)0/015.5.1 Understanding Talent15.5.2 Talent Identification vs. Multidimensional Talent Identification and Development15.5.3 Evolution of Talent for Athlete Development15.5.4 Talent Transfer in Elite Athletes15.6 Self-determination Theory and Self-regulated Learning (HL) 0/015.6.1 Self-determination Theory (SDT)15.6.2 Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)15.6.3 The Interplay of SRL and Motivation16. Physical Activity and HealthPremium16.1 Hypokinetic Disease0/016.1.1 Understanding Physical Activity Terms16.1.2 Hypokinetic Disease: Definition and Types16.1.3 Physical Activity, Lifestyle, and Hypokinetic Disease16.2 Cardiovascular Disease0/016.2.1 Coronary Circulation and Atherosclerosis16.2.2 Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease16.2.3 Physical Inactivity and Cardiovascular Risk16.3 Physical Activity and Obesity0/016.3.1 Determining Obesity16.3.2 Health Consequences of Obesity16.3.3 Energy Balance and Obesity16.3.4 Appetite Regulation and Chemical Signals16.4 Physical Activity and Type 2 Diabetes0/016.4.1 Understanding Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes16.4.2 Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes16.4.3 Health Risks Associated with Diabetes16.5 Physical Activity and Bone Health0/016.5.1 Bone Density Changes Over the Lifespan16.5.2 Osteoporosis: Risk and Consequences16.5.3 Risk Factors for Osteoporosis16.5.4 Physical Activity and Bone Health16.6 Prescription of Exercise for Health0/016.6.1 Physical Activity Guidelines16.6.2 Aims of Exercise in Hypokinetic Disease16.6.3 Barriers to Physical Activity16.7 Exercise and Psychological Well-Being0/016.7.1 Understanding Mood16.7.2 Effects of Exercise on Mood16.7.3 Exercise and Psychological Well-being16.7.4 Exercise's Role in Anxiety and Depression16.7.5 Barriers to Physical Activity16.7.6 Strategies for Enhancing Exercise Adherence16.7.7 Negative Aspects of Exercise Adherence16.8 Public Health (HL)0/016.8.1 Understanding Diseases and Risks16.8.2 Public Health Priorities and Exercise Benefits16.8.3 Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes and Public Health Ethics16.9 Injury and Hazards (HL)0/016.9.1 Understanding Musculoskeletal Injuries16.9.2 Types of Injuries and Their Mechanics16.9.3 Sport-Specific Injuries16.9.4 Mitigating Risks and Hazards in Sports16.9.5 Balancing the Benefits and Hazards of Exercise16. Physical Activity and HealthPremium16.1 Hypokinetic Disease0/016.1.1 Understanding Physical Activity Terms16.1.2 Hypokinetic Disease: Definition and Types16.1.3 Physical Activity, Lifestyle, and Hypokinetic Disease16.2 Cardiovascular Disease0/016.2.1 Coronary Circulation and Atherosclerosis16.2.2 Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease16.2.3 Physical Inactivity and Cardiovascular Risk16.3 Physical Activity and Obesity0/016.3.1 Determining Obesity16.3.2 Health Consequences of Obesity16.3.3 Energy Balance and Obesity16.3.4 Appetite Regulation and Chemical Signals16.4 Physical Activity and Type 2 Diabetes0/016.4.1 Understanding Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes16.4.2 Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes16.4.3 Health Risks Associated with Diabetes16.5 Physical Activity and Bone Health0/016.5.1 Bone Density Changes Over the Lifespan16.5.2 Osteoporosis: Risk and Consequences16.5.3 Risk Factors for Osteoporosis16.5.4 Physical Activity and Bone Health16.6 Prescription of Exercise for Health0/016.6.1 Physical Activity Guidelines16.6.2 Aims of Exercise in Hypokinetic Disease16.6.3 Barriers to Physical Activity16.7 Exercise and Psychological Well-Being0/016.7.1 Understanding Mood16.7.2 Effects of Exercise on Mood16.7.3 Exercise and Psychological Well-being16.7.4 Exercise's Role in Anxiety and Depression16.7.5 Barriers to Physical Activity16.7.6 Strategies for Enhancing Exercise Adherence16.7.7 Negative Aspects of Exercise Adherence16.8 Public Health (HL)0/016.8.1 Understanding Diseases and Risks16.8.2 Public Health Priorities and Exercise Benefits16.8.3 Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes and Public Health Ethics16.9 Injury and Hazards (HL)0/016.9.1 Understanding Musculoskeletal Injuries16.9.2 Types of Injuries and Their Mechanics16.9.3 Sport-Specific Injuries16.9.4 Mitigating Risks and Hazards in Sports16.9.5 Balancing the Benefits and Hazards of Exercise17. Nutrition for Sports, Exercise and HealthPremium17.1 Digestion and Absorption0/017.1.1 Anatomy of the Digestive System17.1.2 pH Levels in the Digestive System17.1.3 Role of Enzymes in Digestion17.1.4 Absorption of Nutrients17.2 Water and Electrolyte Balance0/017.2.1 Importance of Water n the Human Body17.2.2 Extracellular Fluid Distribution17.2.3 Water Distribution in Athletes17.2.4 Homeostasis and Negative Feedback17.2.5 Water Balance Regulation17.2.6 Monitoring Hydration in Athletes17.2.7 Water Intake in Endurance Athletes17.2.8 Electrolyte Balance During Exercise17.3 Energy Balance and Body Composition0/017.3.1 Basal Metabolic Rate and Energy Components17.3.2 Body Composition's Impact on Performance17.3.3 Manipulating Body Composition through Diet17.4 Nutritional Strategies0/017.4.1 Glycogen Content in Muscle Fibres17.4.2 Glycogen Utilization in Athletics17.4.3 Muscle Glycogen Use During Exercise17.4.4 Understanding Glycemic Index17.4.5 GI Relevance for Athletes17.4.6 Carbohydrate Loading and Training17.4.7 Enhancing Endurance with Sodium and Carbohydrates17.4.8 Nutritional Ergogenic Aids17.4.9 Protein Intake Recommendations17.4.10 Protein Intake for Athletes17.5 Glucose Uptake (HL)0/017.5.1 Blood Glucose Levels at Rest17.5.2 Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia17.5.3 Glucose Transportation in Cells17.5.4 Training's Impact on Glucose Uptake17.6 The Effects of Alcohol on Performance and Health (HL)0/017.6.1 Acute Effects of Excess Alcohol17.6.2 Chronic Effects of Alcohol Intake17.6.3 Alcohol and Athletic Performance17.7 Antioxidants (HL)0/017.7.1 Role of Antioxidants in the Body17.7.2 Harmful Effects of Free Radicals17.7.3 Free Radical Production During Exercise17.7.4 Antioxidants and Free Radicals: Evaluation17. Nutrition for Sports, Exercise and HealthPremium17.1 Digestion and Absorption0/017.1.1 Anatomy of the Digestive System17.1.2 pH Levels in the Digestive System17.1.3 Role of Enzymes in Digestion17.1.4 Absorption of Nutrients17.2 Water and Electrolyte Balance0/017.2.1 Importance of Water n the Human Body17.2.2 Extracellular Fluid Distribution17.2.3 Water Distribution in Athletes17.2.4 Homeostasis and Negative Feedback17.2.5 Water Balance Regulation17.2.6 Monitoring Hydration in Athletes17.2.7 Water Intake in Endurance Athletes17.2.8 Electrolyte Balance During Exercise17.3 Energy Balance and Body Composition0/017.3.1 Basal Metabolic Rate and Energy Components17.3.2 Body Composition's Impact on Performance17.3.3 Manipulating Body Composition through Diet17.4 Nutritional Strategies0/017.4.1 Glycogen Content in Muscle Fibres17.4.2 Glycogen Utilization in Athletics17.4.3 Muscle Glycogen Use During Exercise17.4.4 Understanding Glycemic Index17.4.5 GI Relevance for Athletes17.4.6 Carbohydrate Loading and Training17.4.7 Enhancing Endurance with Sodium and Carbohydrates17.4.8 Nutritional Ergogenic Aids17.4.9 Protein Intake Recommendations17.4.10 Protein Intake for Athletes17.5 Glucose Uptake (HL)0/017.5.1 Blood Glucose Levels at Rest17.5.2 Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia17.5.3 Glucose Transportation in Cells17.5.4 Training's Impact on Glucose Uptake17.6 The Effects of Alcohol on Performance and Health (HL)0/017.6.1 Acute Effects of Excess Alcohol17.6.2 Chronic Effects of Alcohol Intake17.6.3 Alcohol and Athletic Performance17.7 Antioxidants (HL)0/017.7.1 Role of Antioxidants in the Body17.7.2 Harmful Effects of Free Radicals17.7.3 Free Radical Production During Exercise17.7.4 Antioxidants and Free Radicals: Evaluation