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IB DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Study Notes

3.3.2 Ultrastructure of a Mitochondrion

Mitochondria are essential organelles in eukaryotic cells, playing a critical role in energy production. They are involved in several key metabolic processes, including the synthesis of ATP, which is vital for cellular activities. Understanding the ultrastructure of mitochondria is fundamental to comprehending their role in cellular metabolism and overall cell function.

Detailed Structure of a Mitochondrion

Mitochondria are dynamic, rod-shaped structures found in almost all eukaryotic cells. They are unique in possessing their own DNA and the machinery for protein synthesis. The structure of a mitochondrion can be broken down into several components, each with specific functions.

Outer Membrane

  • Composition and Properties: The outer membrane is composed of a lipid bilayer containing proteins. It is roughly 60-75 Å thick and contains large numbers of integral proteins known as porins.
  • Function: This membrane is permeable to ions, nutrient molecules, ATP, and ADP, thanks to the presence of porins. It acts as a barrier between the cytosol and the inner environment of the mitochondrion, playing a key role in the exchange of materials.

Intermembrane Space

  • Location: It is the narrow space between the outer and inner membranes.
  • Role: The intermembrane space is important in the process of oxidative phosphorylation. It accumulates protons (H+ ions) during this process, contributing to the formation of the proton gradient essential for ATP synthesis.

Inner Membrane

  • Structure: Unlike the outer membrane, the inner membrane is highly impermeable, with a very limited number of proteins allowing transport across it. It contains cardiolipin, a unique phospholipid, which makes it impermeable to ions.
  • Cristae: The inner membrane folds inward to form cristae, which significantly increase the surface area for biochemical reactions, particularly those involved in ATP production.
  • Functions: The inner membrane houses the components of the electron transport chain and ATP synthase. It is vital for the production of ATP through oxidative phosphorylation.


  • Morphology: Cristae are shelf-like or tubular projections of the inner membrane into the matrix. They can vary in shape and number depending on the energy demands of the cell.
  • Significance: They house key enzymes and electron carriers of the respiratory chain. The increased surface area provided by cristae is crucial for enhancing the mitochondrion's ability to produce ATP.


  • Composition: The matrix is a dense solution enclosed by the inner membrane. It contains a mixture of enzymes, mitochondrial DNA, ribosomes, ions, and organic molecules.
  • Metabolic Functions: The matrix is the site where several vital metabolic processes occur, including the Krebs cycle (or citric acid cycle) and parts of fatty acid oxidation.
  • Genetic Material: Mitochondrial DNA is located here, which encodes some of the proteins essential for mitochondrial function.

Energy Production in Mitochondria

Mitochondria are most well-known for their role in ATP production, a process that involves several steps and components within the mitochondrion.

Oxidative Phosphorylation

  • Electron Transport Chain: Located within the cristae, this chain of protein complexes and other molecules transfers electrons from electron donors to acceptors via redox reactions, releasing energy.
  • Proton Gradient and ATP Synthase: The energy released during these reactions is used to pump protons from the matrix into the intermembrane space, creating a proton gradient. This gradient drives the synthesis of ATP by ATP synthase.

Krebs Cycle

  • Location and Process: Occurring in the matrix, the Krebs cycle is a series of enzymatic reactions that oxidize acetyl-CoA to produce electron carriers NADH and FADH2, which then feed into the electron transport chain.

Role in Cell Metabolism

  • Energy Conversion: Mitochondria convert the chemical energy found in glucose and other nutrients into ATP, the cell's energy currency.
  • Regulation of Metabolic Pathways: They also play a role in regulating various metabolic pathways by providing ATP and by the production and consumption of metabolic intermediates.


Mitochondrial ribosomes, located in the mitochondrial matrix, are specialised for synthesising proteins encoded by mitochondrial DNA. These proteins are primarily components of the electron transport chain and ATP synthase. Mitochondrial ribosomes are different from cytosolic ribosomes in both size and sensitivity to antibiotics. They are smaller and have a different sensitivity profile to certain antibiotics, reflecting their evolutionary origin from bacteria. The unique properties of mitochondrial ribosomes ensure the effective synthesis of mitochondrial proteins, which is crucial for maintaining the functional integrity and efficiency of the mitochondrion.

The mitochondrial matrix is central to regulating the cell's metabolic environment. It contains a high concentration of enzymes involved in the Krebs cycle and fatty acid oxidation, which are key metabolic pathways. The matrix’s environment, including its pH and ion concentration, is optimised for these enzymatic reactions. It also contains mitochondrial DNA, which encodes some proteins essential for mitochondrial function, contributing to the regulation of energy production. The matrix plays a role in buffering cytosolic calcium levels, influencing cellular signalling pathways. Thus, the matrix is not just a site for metabolic reactions but also a regulator of the cell's metabolic state.

The proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane is critical for ATP synthesis in a process known as chemiosmosis. This gradient is established by the electron transport chain, where electrons from NADH and FADH2 are passed through a series of complexes, releasing energy. This energy is used to pump protons from the matrix into the intermembrane space, creating a high concentration of protons outside the inner membrane. The gradient represents a store of potential energy. When protons flow back into the matrix through ATP synthase, this energy is harnessed to synthesise ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate. This gradient-driven synthesis is fundamental to the cell's energy production.

Cardiolipin, a unique phospholipid found in the mitochondrial inner membrane, plays a crucial role in mitochondrial function. Its presence in the inner membrane contributes to the membrane’s impermeability to ions, which is essential for maintaining the proton gradient used in ATP synthesis. Cardiolipin also stabilises the protein complexes involved in the electron transport chain, enhancing their efficiency. Additionally, it plays a role in apoptosis (programmed cell death) by interacting with proteins that trigger this process. Therefore, cardiolipin is not only vital for energy production but also for the regulation of key cellular functions.

The mitochondrial inner membrane is distinct from the outer membrane in both structure and function. The inner membrane is highly impermeable and contains specific transport proteins, which regulate the passage of molecules in and out of the mitochondria. This impermeability is crucial for maintaining the proton gradient necessary for ATP synthesis. In contrast, the outer membrane is more permeable, featuring porins that allow the free passage of ions and small molecules. This structural difference is significant as it enables the compartmentalisation of metabolic processes; the outer membrane acts as a boundary, while the inner membrane hosts critical components of the electron transport chain and ATP synthesis.

Practice Questions

Describe the structure and function of cristae in a mitochondrion. How do they contribute to the process of energy production in a cell?

The cristae are inward foldings of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion, significantly increasing the surface area for biochemical reactions. This structural adaptation is vital for energy production in the cell. The cristae house the electron transport chain (ETC) and ATP synthase, essential components in oxidative phosphorylation. During this process, electrons are transferred through the ETC, releasing energy used to pump protons into the intermembrane space, creating a proton gradient. This gradient drives ATP synthase to synthesise ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate. Thus, cristae are crucial for efficient ATP production, the primary energy currency of the cell.

Explain the role of the mitochondrial matrix in cellular metabolism.

The mitochondrial matrix plays a pivotal role in cellular metabolism. It is the site where the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle) takes place, a crucial process in cellular respiration. During the Krebs cycle, acetyl-CoA is oxidised, producing NADH and FADH2, which are electron carriers essential for the electron transport chain. The matrix also contains enzymes for fatty acid oxidation and amino acid metabolism, contributing to the cell's energy supply. Additionally, it houses mitochondrial DNA and ribosomes, which are responsible for synthesising some of the proteins required for mitochondrial function. Therefore, the matrix is essential for energy production and various metabolic pathways within the cell.

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