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IB DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Study Notes

14.5.1 Altitude Categories

Understanding altitude categories is pivotal in grasping how different elevations impact physiological performance, a critical factor for athletes, especially in endurance sports. This comprehensive exploration categorizes altitudes from near sea level to extreme heights, discussing their distinctive traits and effects on human physiology and athletic capability.

Altitude, the elevation above sea level, profoundly influences both athletic performance and physiological functions. Athletes, particularly those in endurance disciplines, must understand these impacts for optimal performance. Each altitude category possesses unique features and poses different challenges and adaptations for the body.

Near Sea Level

Definition and Height Range

  • Near Sea Level: Extends up to 500 metres above sea level.
  • Most global population and athletic training occur at this altitude.


  • Air Pressure and Oxygen Availability: At near sea level, air pressure is maximal, ensuring abundant oxygen availability.
  • Athletic Performance: Athletes often achieve their best performance at this altitude, attributed to the optimal oxygen uptake.

Physiological Implications

  • Cardiovascular and Respiratory Efficiency: Near sea level, cardiovascular and respiratory systems operate most efficiently, providing maximum oxygen to muscles.
  • Training and Adaptation: Minimal adaptation required for residents or athletes, making it ideal for baseline training conditions.

Low Altitude

Definition and Height Range

  • Low Altitude: Ranges from 500 to 2,000 metres.
  • Represents a transitional altitude, often encountered in hilly regions.


  • Slight Decrease in Oxygen: Oxygen availability starts to diminish but not enough to significantly impact most individuals or activities.
  • Physiological Impact: Minor changes in respiratory and cardiovascular responses.

Training Implications

  • Adaptation: Athletes may begin to notice a slight change in endurance and recovery times.
  • Performance Considerations: Typically, performance is not notably affected at this altitude for most athletes.

Moderate Altitude

Definition and Height Range

  • Moderate Altitude: Extends from 2,000 to 3,000 metres.
  • Often associated with mountain sports and some high-altitude training camps.


  • Reduced Oxygen Availability: At this altitude, a noticeable decrease in oxygen levels starts, leading to initial signs of hypoxic stress.
  • Physiological Responses: Increased heart rate and faster breathing are common, both at rest and during exercise.

Adaptations and Challenges

  • Acclimatisation Period: Athletes and residents may need days to weeks to acclimatise to this altitude.
  • Training Adjustments: Training intensity and duration may need modification to accommodate the reduced oxygen availability.

High Altitude

Definition and Height Range

  • High Altitude: Spans from 3,000 to 5,500 metres.
  • Significant for high-altitude training regimes and some endurance competitions.


  • Marked Hypoxia: Oxygen levels substantially reduce, posing significant challenges for unacclimated individuals.
  • Adaptive Responses: Enhanced production of erythropoietin (EPO), leading to increased red blood cell production.

Training and Performance

  • Training at High Altitude: Athletes may train at this altitude to induce physiological adaptations beneficial at lower elevations.
  • Risks and Considerations: Awareness of altitude sickness and reduced performance capability is crucial.

Extreme Altitude

Definition and Height Range

  • Extreme Altitude: Above 5,500 metres.
  • More relevant to high-altitude climbers and extreme sports enthusiasts than typical athletes.


  • Severe Hypoxia: Oxygen levels are significantly reduced, making normal activities and athletic performance extremely challenging.
  • Risk of Altitude Sickness: Increased risk of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE), and High-Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE).

Human Adaptation and Limitation

  • Limited Human Habitation: Sustainable human activity at this altitude is challenging without supplemental oxygen.
  • Performance Considerations: Athletic activities at these altitudes are often limited to highly specialised training or climbing expeditions.

Impact on Athletic Training and Performance

General Considerations

  • Acclimatisation and Adaptation: Each altitude category demands different levels of physiological adaptation and acclimatisation, especially for athletes.
  • Performance Variability: Athletic performance can be differentially affected at each altitude, with lower altitudes typically favouring higher performance levels due to better oxygen availability.
  • Training Strategies: Awareness of these altitude categories assists in planning effective altitude training and competition strategies for athletes across various sports.

Specific Training Recommendations

  • Progressive Acclimatisation: Gradually increasing altitude exposure can help in effective adaptation.
  • Hydration and Nutrition: Special attention should be paid to hydration and nutrition at higher altitudes due to increased fluid loss and metabolic changes.

Safety and Health Considerations

  • Monitoring for Altitude Sickness: Athletes and coaches should be vigilant for signs of altitude-related illnesses, especially at moderate to extreme altitudes.
  • Customised Training Programs: Individualised training programs considering an athlete's response to altitude can lead to better performance adaptations.


At high altitudes, the body's fluid balance undergoes significant changes, leading to an increased risk of dehydration. The lower air pressure causes more rapid breathing (hyperventilation), which in turn increases water loss through respiration. Additionally, the lower humidity at high altitudes accelerates evaporation of sweat, further contributing to fluid loss. Athletes may also experience increased urination (altitude diuresis) due to the body’s response to hypoxia. These factors combined mean that athletes need to be particularly vigilant about their hydration status, as dehydration can exacerbate the effects of altitude, impair performance, and increase the risk of altitude sickness.

Yes, altitude can affect an athlete's anaerobic performance. At higher altitudes, especially moderate to extreme, the reduced oxygen availability can impact anaerobic energy systems. Although anaerobic activities rely less on oxygen, the initial phase of anaerobic glycolysis (breaking down glucose for energy) can be hindered. This is due to a lower oxygen supply affecting the replenishment of ATP stores, which are crucial for high-intensity, short-duration activities. Additionally, the reduced air resistance at higher altitudes can benefit activities involving speed and power, potentially enhancing performance in sports that rely on these attributes, like sprinting or jumping.

At moderate and high altitudes, an athlete's aerobic capacity is notably affected due to reduced oxygen availability. As altitude increases, the partial pressure of oxygen decreases, making it harder for oxygen to enter the bloodstream and be transported to muscles. This reduction in oxygen availability means that the body's ability to produce ATP through aerobic metabolism is compromised. Consequently, athletes may experience a decrease in endurance and an increased perception of effort during exercise. However, with acclimatisation, some athletes can partially adapt to these conditions, partially restoring their aerobic capacity through physiological changes such as increased red blood cell count and improved oxygen delivery to tissues.

Acclimated athletes exhibit more efficient physiological responses at high altitudes compared to non-acclimated athletes. Acclimation leads to several adaptations: increased red blood cell count and haemoglobin levels, enhancing oxygen transport; improved lung function, including increased ventilation rates; and enhanced mitochondrial efficiency in muscles. Non-acclimated athletes, on the other hand, often experience acute symptoms of altitude sickness, reduced aerobic performance, faster onset of fatigue, and longer recovery times. Their bodies have not yet adapted to the lower oxygen environment, resulting in less efficient oxygen usage and energy production, which significantly impacts endurance and overall athletic performance.

After training at high altitude and returning to lower altitudes, athletes can expect several physiological adaptations that can enhance their performance. The most notable adaptation is an increased red blood cell count and haemoglobin concentration, improving the blood's oxygen-carrying capacity. Additionally, athletes often experience increased lung capacity and efficiency, as well as enhanced mitochondrial density in muscle cells, allowing for more efficient energy production. These adaptations lead to improved aerobic capacity, endurance, and recovery rates. However, it's important to note that these benefits are typically temporary, lasting a few weeks to months, necessitating strategic timing of high-altitude training in relation to key competitions.

Practice Questions

Define 'high altitude' and describe two physiological responses that occur in this altitude range.

High altitude is categorised as an elevation ranging from 3,000 to 5,500 metres above sea level. At this altitude, the body experiences marked hypoxia due to significantly reduced oxygen levels. One key physiological response is an increased production of erythropoietin (EPO), which stimulates the production of red blood cells, thereby enhancing the body's oxygen-carrying capacity. Additionally, there is an increase in heart rate and respiratory rate, even at rest, as the body tries to compensate for the decreased availability of oxygen. These adaptations are crucial for athletes training at high altitudes to improve their performance at lower elevations.

Explain the concept of 'low altitude' and its potential impact on an unacclimated athlete.

Low altitude refers to elevations ranging from 500 to 2,000 metres above sea level. For an unacclimated athlete, this altitude presents a marginal decrease in oxygen availability compared to sea level. While this may not significantly impact the general population, sensitive or elite athletes might experience slight changes in their performance. They may notice a minor decrease in endurance and a slight increase in recovery time post-exercise. However, these effects are typically subtle and do not require substantial physiological adaptation. Therefore, low altitude can be an intermediary step for athletes in transition to training at higher elevations.

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