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IB DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Study Notes

14.5.3 Physiological Effects of Altitude

Altitude exerts a profound influence on the human body's physiological processes. In this exploration, we delve into the respiratory, cardiovascular, and metabolic responses encountered at high altitudes. This understanding is crucial for athletes and individuals engaging in physical activities in such environments.

Respiratory Responses to Altitude

Hyperventilation at High Altitudes

  • Definition and Cause: Hyperventilation is characterised by an increased breathing rate and depth, primarily triggered by the hypoxic conditions (lower oxygen levels) at high altitudes.
  • Mechanism: The body responds to lower oxygen availability by hyperventilating, thereby increasing oxygen intake.
  • Effects:
    • Enhanced Oxygen Uptake: This compensatory mechanism helps in maximising the oxygen absorbed in the lungs.
    • Respiratory Alkalosis: Prolonged hyperventilation can lead to a significant reduction in blood carbon dioxide levels, causing an increase in blood pH (respiratory alkalosis).
    • Long-term Adaptation: The body gradually adapts, with a reduction in the sensitivity of the respiratory centre to carbon dioxide, stabilising respiratory rates over time.

Oxygen Saturation and Partial Pressure

  • Oxygen Saturation Levels: Refers to the percentage of haemoglobin binding sites in the bloodstream occupied by oxygen. At high altitudes, the saturation levels can decrease due to lower atmospheric oxygen.
  • Partial Pressure Impact: The partial pressure of oxygen in the air reduces with altitude, leading to a decrease in oxygen saturation in the blood and, consequently, reduced oxygen supply to tissues.
  • Performance Implications: Athletes may experience limitations in endurance and high-intensity performance due to lower oxygen availability.

Cardiovascular Responses to Altitude

Elevated Submaximal Heart Rate

  • Impact on Heart Rate: Due to hypoxia, the heart must pump more frequently to deliver adequate oxygen to tissues, resulting in an elevated submaximal heart rate.
  • Performance Consequences: This cardiovascular strain can limit endurance capacity and overall athletic performance, especially in sports requiring sustained effort.

Blood Volume and Pressure Adjustments

  • Initial Blood Volume Changes: In the early stages of altitude exposure, there is often a decrease in blood volume due to increased urination (diuresis). However, over time, the body compensates by producing more red blood cells.
  • Blood Pressure Variations: Blood pressure may rise at high altitudes, reflecting the body's effort to enhance oxygen transport to the muscles and other tissues.

Cardiac Output and Stroke Volume Adaptations

  • Cardiac Output: The total volume of blood the heart pumps per minute may initially increase at altitude but tends to normalize or even decrease as the body adapts.
  • Stroke Volume Changes: The amount of blood ejected with each heartbeat (stroke volume) can decrease in high-altitude conditions, potentially impacting aerobic performance.

Metabolic Responses to Altitude

Energy Production at Altitude

  • Aerobic Energy Production: Oxygen scarcity at high altitudes can significantly impair aerobic energy production, leading to decreased efficiency in sustained physical activities.
  • Anaerobic Metabolism: The body increasingly relies on anaerobic metabolic pathways, less efficient for prolonged activities and contributing to faster onset of fatigue.

Increased Lactic Acid Production

  • Anaerobic Glycolysis: With a greater dependence on anaerobic glycolysis for energy, lactic acid accumulates more rapidly in the muscles, leading to quicker fatigue and a decrease in performance, particularly in endurance sports.

Adaptations in Muscle Metabolism

  • Muscle Efficiency: Muscles may undergo changes in enzyme activity, affecting how they use oxygen and produce energy.
  • Fuel Utilisation Shifts: Altitude can cause alterations in the way muscles utilise fuels (like fats and carbohydrates), impacting endurance capabilities.

Long-Term Physiological Adaptations to Altitude

Blood Composition Changes

  • Erythropoiesis Stimulation: In response to hypoxia, the body increases the production of red blood cells (a process called erythropoiesis), improving oxygen transport.
  • Hemoglobin Concentration: The concentration of haemoglobin in the blood may rise, boosting the blood's oxygen-carrying capacity.

Cardiovascular and Respiratory System Adaptations

  • Enhanced Oxygen Delivery: Over time, adaptations in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems lead to more efficient oxygen delivery and utilisation.
  • Aerobic Capacity Improvement: Athletes often experience an improvement in aerobic capacity after acclimatising to high altitude for a prolonged period.

Muscle Tissue Adaptations

  • Capillary Density Increase: The density of capillaries within muscle tissues tends to increase, enhancing the delivery of oxygen to muscle cells.
  • Enzymatic Activity Changes: Muscle tissues may adapt by altering enzymatic activities, improving the efficiency of aerobic metabolism.

Key Takeaways and Implications

  • Altitude's Broad Impact: The physiological changes triggered by altitude affect various body systems, notably impacting respiratory and cardiovascular functions, as well as metabolic processes.
  • Adaptation is Key: While initial exposure to altitude can hinder athletic performance, the body's adaptation over time can lead to improved efficiency and potential performance benefits.
  • Individual Response Variability: Athletes may respond differently to altitude, with variations in the rate and extent of adaptation, influencing their performance in high-altitude environments.
  • Crucial for Training Strategies: Understanding these physiological effects is essential for devising effective training strategies for athletes competing or training at high altitudes, ensuring optimal performance and health.


Exposure to high altitudes can lead to changes in muscle fibre composition, although these changes are generally more subtle and occur over a longer period. At high altitudes, there is a tendency for a slight shift from fast-twitch (Type II) muscle fibres to slow-twitch (Type I) fibres. This shift is attributed to the increased reliance on aerobic metabolism due to the lower oxygen availability. Slow-twitch fibres are more efficient in using oxygen for energy production and are more resistant to fatigue, which is advantageous under hypoxic conditions. However, this shift could affect performance in sports that rely heavily on explosive, high-intensity movements typically associated with fast-twitch muscle activity.

Exposure to high altitude significantly influences the acid-base balance in the body. The primary change is the development of respiratory alkalosis, a condition where the pH of blood increases due to hyperventilation-induced reduction in carbon dioxide levels. At high altitudes, the body hyperventilates to increase oxygen uptake, but this also causes a decrease in CO2, which is an acid. The reduction in CO2 leads to a decrease in hydrogen ion concentration in the blood, thereby raising its pH. Although the body can adapt to this change over time, the initial phase of respiratory alkalosis can affect enzyme activities and electrolyte balance, which might impact athletic performance.

Increased pulmonary ventilation plays a crucial role in the body's adaptation to high altitude. At altitude, the body responds to the lower oxygen levels in the environment by increasing the rate and depth of breathing – a process known as hyperventilation. This increased ventilation enhances the oxygen uptake in the lungs, compensating for the reduced oxygen content in the air. Over time, this adaptation helps in maintaining oxygen saturation levels in the blood, ensuring sufficient oxygen delivery to the tissues. It's a vital adaptation mechanism for athletes training at altitude, as it helps to mitigate the effects of hypoxia on aerobic performance.

Altitude-induced diuresis, the increased production of urine that occurs at high altitudes, can have important implications for athletic performance. This diuresis is a physiological response to hypoxia, where the body attempts to decrease blood volume to counteract the increased red blood cell production. However, this diuresis can lead to dehydration if fluid intake is not adequately increased. Dehydration, even in mild forms, can significantly impair physical performance, reducing strength, endurance, and coordination, and increasing the risk of heat-related illnesses. Athletes training or competing at high altitudes need to be aware of this risk and ensure adequate hydration to maintain optimal performance levels.

Altitude has a significant impact on the anaerobic threshold of athletes. The anaerobic threshold is the point during intense exercise at which the body starts to accumulate lactic acid in the muscles faster than it can be removed. At higher altitudes, due to reduced oxygen availability, this threshold is reached more quickly. This occurs because the body, under hypoxic conditions, relies more heavily on anaerobic metabolism, which leads to a faster build-up of lactic acid. Consequently, athletes may experience a decrease in the time they can sustain high-intensity activities before fatigue sets in. This alteration in the anaerobic threshold can affect training routines and performance, particularly for sports requiring sustained high-intensity effort.

Practice Questions

Describe the physiological effects of high altitude on the respiratory system, specifically focusing on hyperventilation and oxygen saturation.

The physiological effects of high altitude on the respiratory system are primarily characterised by hyperventilation and decreased oxygen saturation. Hyperventilation, an increased rate and depth of breathing, occurs as a response to the reduced oxygen levels in the environment. This compensatory mechanism enhances the amount of oxygen absorbed in the lungs. However, despite this increase in breathing rate, oxygen saturation in the blood decreases at high altitudes due to the lower partial pressure of oxygen. This reduction in oxygen saturation can limit the oxygen available to muscles and other tissues, affecting physical performance and endurance.

Explain how high altitude impacts cardiovascular responses, particularly focusing on submaximal heart rate and blood volume.

At high altitudes, cardiovascular responses are notably altered, with significant changes in submaximal heart rate and blood volume. The heart rate during moderate-intensity activities (submaximal heart rate) increases in an effort to compensate for reduced oxygen availability. This elevation in heart rate is the body's attempt to maintain adequate oxygen delivery to tissues. Additionally, there is an initial decrease in blood volume due to increased urination, a response to the hypoxic environment. Over time, however, the body adapts by producing more red blood cells, which can help enhance oxygen transport and improve overall cardiovascular efficiency in high-altitude conditions.

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