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IB DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Study Notes

14.5.7 Impact of Altitude on Sports Performance

Altitude significantly alters sports performance by affecting physical exertion and athletic capabilities. This exploration focuses on how altitude impacts drag, maximum aerobic capacity, and projectile motion in various sports, including endurance events, high-velocity events, and ball sports.

Effect of Altitude on Drag in Sports

Understanding Drag

  • Drag is the force acting opposite to the relative motion of any object moving with respect to a surrounding fluid. It is an essential factor in sports science, as it affects the movement of athletes and objects through air.
  • At higher altitudes, where air density is lower, drag is reduced. This can have both positive and negative impacts on different sports.

Implications in Sports

  • Endurance Events: Athletes, like marathon runners or cyclists, benefit from reduced drag at higher altitudes. It means less energy is required to overcome air resistance, potentially improving efficiency and speed.
  • High-Velocity Events: Sports such as sprinting, speed skating, or downhill skiing, where speed is crucial, can see improved performance times due to lower resistance against movement.
  • Impact on Training: Athletes may need to adjust their training strategies to account for the decreased resistance experienced at high altitudes.

Impact on Maximum Aerobic Capacity

Definition of Maximum Aerobic Capacity

  • Maximum Aerobic Capacity (VO2 max) is the maximum rate at which the heart, lungs, and muscles can effectively use oxygen during exercise, crucial for endurance sports.

Influence of Altitude

  • Higher altitudes have less oxygen available in the air, which can significantly decrease VO2 max. This reduction limits the body's ability to perform long-duration, aerobic-intensive tasks.
  • Decrease in VO2 max: The decrease in VO2 max at higher altitudes can be up to 1% for every 100 meters above 1500 meters.

Sports Specific Effects

  • Endurance Sports: Sports like long-distance running and cycling, which rely on sustained aerobic effort, can be significantly impacted. Athletes may experience quicker fatigue and a noticeable decrease in performance.
  • Anaerobic Sports: Sports that rely less on aerobic capacity, such as weightlifting or sprinting, might be less impacted by the reduced oxygen levels at altitude.

Effects on Projectile Motion in Sports

Physics of Projectile Motion

  • Projectile Motion involves the movement of an object thrown into the air and is subject to gravitational forces and air resistance.
  • The reduced air density at higher altitudes means less atmospheric drag on projectiles, affecting their trajectory and distance.

Sports Applications

  • Ball Sports: In sports like football, tennis, or baseball, projectiles like balls can travel further and faster, altering the dynamics of the game.
  • Track and Field Events: Disciplines like javelin, shot put, or long jump may benefit from increased range and height, potentially leading to record-breaking performances at higher altitudes.

Evaluating Altitude Effects in Different Sports

Endurance Events

  • Challenges: Endurance athletes face significant challenges at higher altitudes due to reduced oxygen availability, leading to quicker onset of fatigue and decreased endurance.
  • Adaptation Strategies: Athletes often engage in altitude training to adapt to these conditions, enhancing their performance when they compete at lower altitudes.

High-Velocity Events

  • Advantages: These events may benefit from reduced air resistance, potentially improving speeds and reducing times.
  • Oxygen Dependency: The lesser reliance on aerobic capacity means these sports are generally less affected by the oxygen-deficient environment at high altitudes.

Ball Sports

  • Projectile Advantages: The enhanced range and speed of balls can significantly change the dynamics of sports like football or basketball.
  • Physiological Challenges: Despite the advantages in projectile motion, athletes in these sports still face challenges due to reduced oxygen levels affecting their stamina and performance.

Altitude Training Considerations

Training at High Altitude

  • Athletes often train at high altitudes to stimulate physiological adaptations beneficial for competitions at lower altitudes.
  • EPO and Red Blood Cells: High altitude training stimulates the release of erythropoietin (EPO), which in turn increases red blood cell production, enhancing the blood's oxygen-carrying capacity.

Impact on Return to Sea Level

  • Athletes who have trained at high altitudes often experience a temporary boost in performance upon returning to sea level due to their increased oxygen-carrying capacity. This can give them a competitive edge in endurance sports.

Detailed Analysis of Altitude Training Methods

Live High, Train High (LHTH)

  • Description: Athletes live and train at high altitudes for several weeks or months.
  • Benefits: Enhanced erythropoiesis and acclimatization to hypoxic conditions.
  • Drawbacks: Potential for overtraining and difficulty in maintaining high-intensity training due to reduced oxygen.

Live High, Train Low (LHTL)

  • Description: Athletes live at high altitudes but train at lower altitudes.
  • Benefits: Combines the benefits of erythropoiesis from living high with the ability to maintain high-intensity training at lower altitudes.
  • Drawbacks: Logistical challenges in moving between different altitudes for training and living.

Live Low, Train High (LLTH)

  • Description: Athletes live at low altitudes but train at high altitudes.
  • Benefits: Allows athletes to maintain normal living routines while still gaining some benefits of high-altitude training.
  • Drawbacks: Limited time at high altitude may reduce the effectiveness of the adaptation.


Long-term exposure to high altitudes can have significant effects on an athlete's cardiovascular system. One of the primary adaptations to altitude is an increase in blood volume and red blood cell count, improving the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. However, this also results in increased blood viscosity, which can place a higher workload on the heart as it pumps this thicker blood through the body. Over time, this can lead to changes in heart structure, such as increased left ventricular mass. While these adaptations are beneficial for performance at high altitudes, they can also present risks, particularly if the transition back to lower altitudes is not managed carefully. Athletes need to monitor their cardiovascular health and ensure a gradual transition to avoid potential complications.

Altitude can significantly extend the recovery time needed after intense physical activity. At high altitudes, the body's reduced ability to utilise oxygen efficiently means that muscles receive less oxygen during exercise. This leads to a greater reliance on anaerobic metabolism, resulting in an increased accumulation of lactic acid and other metabolic by-products in the muscles. The body requires more time to clear these by-products and restore muscle pH to normal levels. Additionally, the stress of hypoxic conditions places extra demands on the body, including the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which can prolong the recovery process. This extended recovery time is an important consideration for athletes training or competing at high altitudes, as it can affect their training schedules and performance.

Altitude affects the nutritional requirements of athletes in several ways. Firstly, the increased metabolic rate at higher altitudes means that athletes may require more calories to maintain their energy levels. The body burns more carbohydrates at high altitudes, making it important to consume a higher proportion of carbohydrate-rich foods to sustain energy during training and recovery. Additionally, the risk of dehydration is heightened at altitude due to increased respiratory water loss and the diuretic effect of hypoxia. Therefore, athletes need to ensure adequate hydration and may need to increase their intake of fluids and electrolytes. There is also some evidence to suggest that increased iron intake can be beneficial at high altitudes to support the production of additional red blood cells. However, these nutritional adjustments should be tailored to individual needs and carefully monitored.

Team sports players face unique challenges when training at altitude, distinct from those encountered by individual athletes. In team sports, activities often involve complex, coordinated movements and strategies that depend on multiple players' physical and cognitive abilities. The hypoxic conditions at high altitudes can affect not only the players' physical endurance and performance but also their decision-making, coordination, and reaction times. These cognitive effects can disrupt team dynamics and strategies. Additionally, team players must adapt to these conditions while maintaining their skills and teamwork, which can be more challenging in a hypoxic environment. This is especially significant in fast-paced team sports where quick decision-making and precise coordination are key.

At high altitudes, athletes often experience a decrease in lung capacity and an increase in breathing rate during exercise. The reduced atmospheric pressure at higher elevations means that each breath contains fewer oxygen molecules, leading to a condition known as hypoxia. The body responds to this oxygen deficit by increasing the breathing rate (hyperventilation) to enhance oxygen uptake. However, despite increased breathing rates, the total oxygen absorbed can still be lower than at sea level, as the lung's oxygen diffusion capacity is diminished due to the lower air density. This adaptation is crucial for maintaining oxygen supply to the muscles during exercise, but it can also lead to quicker fatigue and reduced endurance, impacting an athlete's overall performance.

Practice Questions

Evaluate the impact of reduced air density on projectile motion in sports at high altitudes. Use specific examples from ball sports and track and field events to support your response.

At high altitudes, the reduced air density significantly influences projectile motion, evident in both ball sports and track and field events. In ball sports like football or tennis, balls travel faster and further due to decreased air resistance, fundamentally altering the dynamics of the game. For instance, a football kicked at high altitude will cover a greater distance, affecting the strategy and skillset required for the game. Similarly, in track and field events, such as the javelin throw or long jump, athletes can achieve greater distances. The javelin, encountering less air resistance, maintains its velocity for a longer duration, resulting in an increased range. This effect not only enhances performance but can also lead to record-breaking distances in these events. Understanding these alterations is crucial for athletes and coaches when preparing for competitions at high altitudes.

Discuss how altitude training can impact an athlete's performance upon returning to sea level, focusing on the physiological adaptations involved.

Altitude training, where athletes train at high altitudes, leads to several physiological adaptations that enhance performance upon returning to sea level. One of the key adaptations is the increase in red blood cell production, stimulated by the release of erythropoietin (EPO) in response to lower oxygen levels at high altitudes. This increase in red blood cells enhances the blood's oxygen-carrying capacity, crucial for aerobic sports. Upon returning to sea level, athletes benefit from this augmented oxygen transport, experiencing improved endurance and aerobic capacity. Additionally, altitude training enhances pulmonary ventilation efficiency and cardiovascular functioning, allowing athletes to maintain a higher intensity of exercise for longer durations. These adaptations collectively contribute to a temporary but significant improvement in performance, particularly in endurance events.

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