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IB DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Study Notes

14.5.6 Impact of Altitude Training

Altitude training, a specialized approach in sports science, involves athletes training in environments with reduced oxygen levels. This method is particularly beneficial for enhancing athletic performance at sea level, as it prompts physiological adaptations to the lower oxygen availability at high altitudes.

Understanding Altitude Training

Conceptual Basis

  • Altitude training is predicated on the body's adaptive response to hypoxia, a state where oxygen supply is lower than usual.
  • The primary aim is to enhance the body's ability to utilize oxygen efficiently, thus improving performance in normoxic (normal oxygen) conditions.

Types of Altitude Training

Live High, Train High (LHTH)

  • Definition: Athletes both live and train at high altitudes.
  • Physiological Adaptations: Increased erythropoiesis (red blood cell production), leading to a higher haemoglobin count.
  • Challenges: Maintaining high-intensity training is difficult due to lower oxygen levels, which can lead to overtraining syndrome.

Live High, Train Low (LHTL)

  • Approach: Athletes live at high altitudes but train at lower altitudes.
  • Benefits: This approach combines hypoxic adaptation with the ability to maintain higher training intensities.
  • Preference: Often preferred for its balance between physiological adaptation and maintaining the quality of training sessions.

Live Low, Train High (LLTH)

  • Methodology: Involves living at low altitudes but training in high altitude conditions.
  • Focus: Primarily on short-term hypoxic exposure to stimulate adaptive responses.
  • Practicality: More feasible for teams and athletes based in low-altitude regions.

Individual Altitude Training Programs


  • Programs are customized considering each athlete’s specific physiological responses, sport, and training objectives.
  • Assessment: Regular assessments of heart rate, oxygen saturation, and performance metrics are crucial.

Adaptation and Response

  • Variability: Athletes exhibit varied rates of adaptation to altitude, influencing the duration and intensity of training required.
  • Recovery: Emphasis on adequate recovery and nutrition to support the increased demands of altitude training.

Impact on Individual Athletes

Endurance Athletes

  • Aerobic Capacity: Noticeable improvements in VO2 max and endurance performance.
  • Efficiency: Enhanced efficiency in oxygen usage during prolonged activities.

Strength and Power Athletes

  • Limited Benefits: Less pronounced benefits due to the anaerobic nature of their events.
  • Focus: Training may focus more on maintaining muscle strength and power output.

Adaptation Period

  • Time Frame: Ranges from a few weeks to several months, depending on the individual’s response.

Impact on Team Sports

Team Endurance

  • Overall Benefit: Enhanced endurance capabilities for the entire team.
  • Strategic Training: Allows for focused team strategy and cohesion development during the adaptation period.

Coordination Challenges

  • Balancing individual adaptation with team dynamics and training schedules.
  • Logistics: Managing logistics for training camps at altitude can be challenging.

Effects on Performance in Different Sports

Endurance Sports

  • Significant Improvement: Sports like marathon running and long-distance cycling see substantial benefits.
  • Oxygen Utilisation: Enhanced ability to perform at high intensity for extended periods.

High-Intensity Team Sports

  • Mixed Effects: Sports like football and basketball may see improved endurance but varied effects on short-duration, high-intensity efforts.
  • Training Focus: Emphasis on integrating altitude training with sport-specific skills and tactics.

Skill-Based Sports

  • Lesser Impact: Limited impact on sports where skill and precision are more critical than aerobic capacity.

Evaluation of Altitude Training


  • Enhanced Performance: Notable improvements in aerobic capacity and endurance in athletes.
  • Physiological Gains: Increased haemoglobin and red blood cells improve oxygen delivery to muscles.


  • Response Variability: Individual differences in response to altitude can affect the effectiveness of the training.
  • Health Risks: Potential for altitude sickness, dehydration, and overtraining.
  • Financial and Logistical Considerations: Significant investment required for high-altitude training facilities and camps.

Key Considerations in Altitude Training


  • Tailoring Programs: Adjusting training based on individual responses and goals.
  • Monitoring and Adjustment: Ongoing monitoring to ensure optimal adaptation and to prevent adverse effects.

Integration with Training Plans

  • Balancing: Aligning altitude training with overall athletic development and competition schedules.
  • Periodisation: Planning training phases to maximise the benefits of altitude adaptation.


Altitude training affects an athlete's lactate threshold and anaerobic performance by initially decreasing the lactate threshold due to reduced oxygen availability. However, with adaptation, the lactate threshold can improve, meaning the athlete can sustain higher intensities of exercise before lactic acid accumulation becomes inhibitory. For anaerobic performance, altitude training may have less direct benefit, as anaerobic activities rely less on oxygen use. However, the overall increase in cardiovascular efficiency and oxygen utilisation can indirectly benefit anaerobic performance by improving recovery times between high-intensity efforts, which is particularly relevant in sports with intermittent bouts of high intensity, such as football or basketball.

Altitude training carries several risks, including altitude sickness, dehydration, and overtraining. Altitude sickness, or acute mountain sickness (AMS), is caused by rapid exposure to high altitude and can manifest as headaches, nausea, and dizziness. To mitigate these risks, a gradual ascent to high altitudes is recommended, allowing the body time to acclimatise. Adequate hydration is also crucial, as the body loses more water through respiration at high altitudes. Monitoring training intensity and ensuring adequate recovery are essential to prevent overtraining. Athletes should also have access to medical support to manage any health issues promptly.

The duration of stay at altitude greatly influences the effectiveness of altitude training. Typically, a minimum of two weeks is necessary for the body to begin adapting to the reduced oxygen levels. However, more substantial and long-lasting adaptations occur with longer durations, often recommended as three to four weeks or more. These extended periods allow for more significant increases in red blood cell count and haemoglobin levels, thereby enhancing the athlete's aerobic capacity and endurance. It’s important to note that adaptations to altitude training are reversible; hence, returning to lower altitudes for extended periods without maintenance training can result in the loss of these adaptations.

Yes, altitude training can significantly benefit athletes who compete predominantly at sea level. The primary advantage of altitude training for these athletes is the physiological adaptations that occur due to hypoxia, such as increased haemoglobin levels and red blood cell count. These adaptations enhance the body’s oxygen-carrying capacity and aerobic efficiency. When the athlete returns to sea level, where oxygen levels are higher, their body can utilise oxygen more effectively, thereby improving their endurance and performance. This is particularly beneficial in sports that demand high levels of aerobic capacity, such as long-distance running, cycling, and swimming.

Altitude training typically results in a decrease in an athlete's resting heart rate over time. This adaptation is significant as it indicates an improved efficiency of the cardiovascular system. At high altitudes, the body initially experiences stress due to lower oxygen levels, leading to an increased heart rate. However, as adaptation occurs, the heart becomes more efficient at pumping blood, and thus, the resting heart rate decreases. This enhanced cardiovascular efficiency means the heart can pump more blood per beat, improving oxygen delivery to muscles during both rest and exercise. This adaptation is crucial for endurance athletes, as a lower resting heart rate is often associated with improved endurance performance and overall cardiovascular health.

Practice Questions

Discuss the physiological adaptations that occur in athletes following a Live High, Train Low (LHTL) altitude training programme.

Athletes participating in a Live High, Train Low (LHTL) altitude training programme experience several physiological adaptations. Primarily, there's an increase in red blood cell count and haemoglobin concentration, enhancing oxygen-carrying capacity. This adaptation improves oxygen delivery to muscles, significantly benefiting aerobic performance. Additionally, athletes often demonstrate increased VO2 max, indicating improved aerobic efficiency. The unique aspect of LHTL is the combination of hypoxic adaptation with the ability to maintain high-intensity training at lower altitudes. This dual approach ensures that while the athletes benefit from the adaptations due to living at high altitude, they do not compromise on training intensity and quality, which can sometimes be a limitation in high-altitude environments.

Evaluate the benefits and limitations of the Live Low, Train High (LLTH) approach to altitude training for team sports.

The Live Low, Train High (LLTH) approach offers several benefits for team sports. It provides the opportunity for athletes to experience hypoxic conditions during training sessions while maintaining their normal lifestyle at lower altitudes. This method can lead to improved aerobic capacity and endurance, which are beneficial for sustained performance in team sports. However, there are limitations. The primary challenge is the short-term nature of exposure to high altitudes, which might not be sufficient for long-lasting physiological adaptations. Additionally, logistical challenges in arranging training at high-altitude facilities can be significant, especially for larger teams. Thus, while LLTH can be beneficial for short-term gains in endurance, it may not be as effective as other altitude training methods for long-term physiological adaptations.

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