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IB DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Study Notes

5.2.7 Motor Programmes and Feedback

Exploring the intricacies of motor programmes and feedback in sports offers invaluable insights for athletes and coaches. This comprehensive guide delves deep into the mechanisms of movement memory storage, varied perspectives on motor control, and the multifaceted role of feedback in sports performance.

Motor Programmes: A Deep Dive

Motor programmes are a fundamental concept in sports science, representing sequences of movements stored in the brain for efficient recall and execution.

Defining Motor Programmes

  • Complex Sequences: Involves coordination of muscles and limbs.
  • Stored as Templates: Act as blueprints for movement execution.
  • Acquisition: Formed through repetitive practice and learning.

Significance in Sports

  • Predictability: Allows athletes to execute complex skills smoothly.
  • Speed of Execution: Reduces the need for conscious decision-making during performance.
  • Adaptability: Can be modified with practice and feedback.

Perspectives on Motor Programmes

Motor programmes are understood through two primary models: open-loop and closed-loop systems, each providing unique insights into motor control and execution.

Open-loop Perspective

  • Autonomous Functioning: Movements are pre-programmed and executed without ongoing feedback.
  • High-Speed Sports: Ideal for actions requiring rapid execution, where there's no time for mid-performance adjustments.
  • Fixed Patterns: Less adaptable to changing conditions during performance.

Closed-loop Perspective

  • Feedback Reliant: Continuous input adjusts and refines movements.
  • Adaptive Control: Suitable for sports requiring constant adjustments like gymnastics or team sports.
  • Sensory Input Utilisation: Heavily relies on visual, auditory, and tactile feedback.

Adams’ Theory in Motor Learning

Richard A. Adams' theory provides a framework for understanding how motor skills are developed and refined.

Core Principles of Adams’ Theory

  • Memory and Perceptual Traces: Proposes that skilled movement involves the formation of memory and perceptual traces in the brain.
  • Practice and Error Correction: Emphasises the role of practice and feedback in refining these traces for better performance.

Feedback in Motor Learning and Control

Feedback is a critical component in the learning and execution of motor skills, offering information that aids in performance enhancement and error correction.

Intrinsic Feedback

  • Internal Sensory Feedback: Comes from within the athlete’s body.
  • Self-assessment: Athletes learn to gauge their performance based on internal cues.

Extrinsic Feedback

  • External Guidance: Provided by coaches, video analysis, or biomechanical data.
  • Enhances Understanding: Helps in understanding the correct technique and performance standards.

Knowledge of Results and Performance

  • Result-Oriented Feedback: Focuses on the outcome of the action.
  • Performance-Quality Feedback: Concentrates on the quality and technique of the movement.

Positive and Negative Feedback

  • Reinforcement vs. Correction: Positive feedback reinforces correct actions, while negative feedback addresses errors.

Concurrent and Terminal Feedback

  • During vs. After Performance: Concurrent feedback is given in real-time, whereas terminal feedback is provided post-performance.

Integration of Motor Programmes and Feedback

The interplay between motor programmes and feedback is essential in the realm of sports science, shaping how athletes learn, adapt, and enhance their skills.

Feedback's Role in Motor Programme Development

  • Skill Refinement: Continuous feedback refines motor programmes, leading to more efficient and effective movements.
  • Adaptation to Conditions: Feedback helps athletes adapt their movements to different competitive environments.

Error Correction and Performance Improvement

  • Immediate Adjustments: Real-time feedback allows athletes to make instant corrections.
  • Long-Term Skill Development: Consistent feedback over time leads to the development of more accurate and efficient motor programmes.

Application in Sports Training

Understanding and applying these concepts in sports training can drastically improve athlete performance.

Training Implications

  • Drills and Practice: Designing drills that enhance motor programme development and refine feedback mechanisms.
  • Customised Feedback: Tailoring feedback to individual athlete needs for optimal learning and performance enhancement.

Technological Integration

  • Biomechanical Analysis: Utilising technology for precise feedback on movements.
  • Video Replay: Offering visual feedback to athletes for better understanding and correction of techniques.


Motor programmes can indeed be negatively affected, particularly by factors such as stress, fatigue, injury, or lack of practice. Stress and anxiety can disrupt the smooth execution of motor programmes, leading to errors or decreased performance. Fatigue, both mental and physical, can impair coordination and concentration, affecting the efficiency of motor programmes. Injuries can force athletes to modify their motor programmes, sometimes leading to less optimal movement patterns. To address these issues, training should incorporate stress management techniques, adequate rest, injury prevention and rehabilitation strategies, and consistent practice. Mindfulness and mental rehearsal can also be effective in maintaining the integrity of motor programmes during periods of injury or stress.

Technology plays a significant role in developing and refining motor programmes in athletes. Tools such as motion capture systems, video analysis software, and wearable sensors provide detailed insights into an athlete's movement patterns, allowing for precise identification of areas needing improvement. Video analysis, for instance, enables athletes and coaches to break down movements frame by frame, offering a clear view of technique and execution. Wearable technology can monitor physiological responses during movements, providing data on aspects like muscle activation, balance, and force application. Virtual reality and augmented reality systems offer immersive environments for athletes to practice and refine motor programmes in a simulated, controlled setting. These technological tools enhance the learning process by providing accurate, objective feedback that can be used to make informed adjustments to training regimens.

The complexity of a sport significantly influences the development of motor programmes. In more complex sports, such as gymnastics or figure skating, the motor programmes required are highly intricate, involving a vast array of movements that demand precise coordination and timing. Developing motor programmes for such sports requires extensive practice and often begins at a young age. The complexity demands a greater focus on the closed-loop system, where constant feedback and adjustments are essential for mastering the nuanced movements. Conversely, in less complex sports, such as running or cycling, motor programmes are relatively simpler and may rely more on the open-loop system, where pre-planned movements are executed with minimal adjustments.

The learning environment plays a critical role in the development of motor programmes in novice athletes. A supportive, well-structured, and positive environment can significantly enhance the learning and retention of motor skills. Novice athletes benefit from clear instructions, demonstrations, and ample opportunities for practice. A learner-centred approach, where feedback is tailored to the individual's level and needs, fosters better understanding and skill acquisition. Additionally, a varied learning environment that exposes athletes to different conditions and scenarios helps in developing adaptable motor programmes. For novices, starting with simple skills and gradually increasing complexity aids in building a solid foundation for more advanced motor programme development. The inclusion of both closed-loop and open-loop learning experiences ensures a well-rounded development of motor skills.

As athletes age and gain experience, their motor programmes become more refined and efficient. Experienced athletes have a greater number of well-developed motor programmes stored in their long-term memory, allowing them to execute complex movements with greater precision and less cognitive effort. This efficiency results from the repeated practice and refinement of these programmes, leading to a phenomenon known as 'motor learning'. With age, there's also a shift in reliance from closed-loop (feedback-dependent) to more open-loop (pre-planned and less feedback-dependent) motor programmes in certain skills, reflecting the athlete's ability to perform complex tasks with minimal conscious thought. This shift is particularly evident in sports where experience and muscle memory play a significant role, such as in martial arts or competitive swimming.

Practice Questions

Describe the differences between open-loop and closed-loop motor programmes, providing examples from sports to illustrate each.

Open-loop motor programmes operate without reliance on sensory feedback during execution. They are pre-planned and are generally used in skills where speed and precision are essential, and there is little time for adjustments. For example, a javelin throw follows an open-loop motor programme as the athlete executes a pre-determined sequence of movements quickly, without adjusting mid-throw. On the other hand, closed-loop motor programmes involve continuous adjustments based on sensory feedback. This is common in sports requiring ongoing adaptability, such as basketball. Here, a player continually adjusts their movements and strategies based on visual and auditory feedback during the game. Closed-loop programmes are crucial in sports where conditions and requirements change rapidly.

Explain the importance of extrinsic feedback in the learning and refinement of motor skills in sports. Use specific examples to support your answer.

Extrinsic feedback is crucial in sports for the learning and refinement of motor skills, as it provides athletes with information that cannot be perceived internally. It often comes from coaches, video analysis, or biomechanical data, offering an external perspective on performance. For instance, in gymnastics, a coach’s feedback on a gymnast's vault technique provides insights into form and execution that the gymnast cannot observe while performing. Similarly, video replay in cricket can help a batsman analyse and correct their batting technique. Extrinsic feedback is essential for athletes to understand and correct their form, leading to improved performance and skill mastery.

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