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IB DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Study Notes

10.5.1 Free-Body Diagram

Free-body diagrams are crucial in the field of sports science, providing a clear visual representation of the forces acting on athletes and objects. Understanding these forces is essential for optimizing performance and preventing injuries in sports. Through free-body diagrams, we can dissect the complexities of physical interactions, specifically focusing on key forces like friction and ground reaction force.

Understanding Free-Body Diagrams

What is a Free-Body Diagram?

  • A free-body diagram (FBD) is a scientific tool used to illustrate the forces acting on an isolated object or athlete within a particular scenario.
  • It simplifies the analysis of physical interactions by focusing solely on the object or athlete, disregarding external factors.

Components of a Free-Body Diagram

  • Objects: Typically represented by a simple geometric shape or a dot, indicating the focus of the analysis.
  • Forces: Illustrated as arrows emanating from the object, with the direction of the arrow showing the force's direction.
  • Force Labels: Each force is clearly labelled, indicating its nature, such as gravitational force, friction, or applied force.
  • Force Magnitude: The length of the arrows is proportional to the magnitude of the forces, providing a visual sense of their relative strength.

Analyzing Forces in Sports

Common Forces in Sports

  • Gravity: A constant force acting downwards towards the Earth's centre, affecting all objects with mass.
  • Friction: A resistive force that acts parallel to the contact surface, opposing the relative motion or intended motion of an object.
  • Normal Force: The support force exerted by a surface, perpendicular to the object's contact surface.
  • Applied Forces: These include any external forces exerted by athletes or equipment, such as muscular force or tension in a rope.
  • Air Resistance: Also known as drag, it acts opposite to the direction of movement, significant in high-speed sports.

Importance of Free-Body Diagrams in Sports

  • Performance Analysis: Free-body diagrams enable athletes and coaches to understand the balance and interplay of forces during sports activities.
  • Injury Prevention: By analyzing the forces acting on the body, strategies can be developed to minimize the risk of injury.
  • Equipment Design: Helps in the design and selection of sports equipment, ensuring it is suited to manage and utilize the forces effectively.

Friction in Sports

Types of Friction

  • Static Friction: This force prevents surfaces from sliding against each other, maintaining stationary contact.
  • Kinetic Friction: Acts when surfaces slide over each other, typically less than static friction.

Role of Friction in Sports

  • Traction and Control: In sports like athletics or football, friction between the shoe and ground provides the necessary grip for movement.
  • Impact on Performance: The right amount of friction can enhance performance, while too much can lead to energy loss and inefficient movement.

Ground Reaction Force

Nature of Ground Reaction Force

  • Based on Newton’s Third Law of Motion, the ground reaction force is the force exerted by the ground on a body in contact with it.
  • It is equal and opposite to the force the body exerts on the ground.

Influence on Athletic Performance

  • Jumping and Sprinting: The force is crucial in determining the height of a jump or the acceleration in a sprint.
  • Energy Transfer: It plays a key role in how energy is transferred between the athlete and the ground, affecting movement efficiency.

Application in Specific Sports


  • Gravity: Affects the runner's stride and energy expenditure.
  • Friction: Essential for propelling the runner forward, preventing slipping.
  • Ground Reaction Force: Influences stride length and running speed.


  • Gravity: Influences buoyancy and swimming posture.
  • Friction: Water resistance shapes swimming techniques and affects speed.
  • Applied Forces: Determine the swimmer's propulsion and direction.


  • Gravity: Governs the trajectory and landing of a gymnast.
  • Friction: Crucial for grip on apparatus like bars and beams.
  • Normal Force: Absorbs impact during landings, influencing safety and performance.

Practical Exercise: Annotating a Free-Body Diagram

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Identify the Subject: Choose an athlete or object in a specific sporting scenario.
  • Determine Forces: List all the forces acting on the subject, considering their direction and magnitude.
  • Draw the Subject: Represent the athlete or object with a simple shape or dot.
  • Represent Forces: Draw arrows for each force, with length indicating magnitude.
  • Label Forces: Accurately label each force, like 'gravitational force', 'muscular force', or 'friction'.

Example: A Footballer Kicking a Ball

  • Forces Identified: Gravity acting downwards, friction between the ball and foot, and the applied force of the kick.
  • Diagram Annotation: Depict these forces on a simplified representation of the ball, showing the direction and relative strength of each force.


The angle of force application is critical in sports like javelin throw, as it directly influences the distance and trajectory of the throw. The optimal angle for javelin throw is often debated, but it generally lies between 30 to 45 degrees relative to the horizontal. An angle too low may not give the javelin enough height to benefit from aerodynamic lift and air time, while an angle too high might result in excessive height but insufficient horizontal distance. Therefore, athletes train extensively to perfect their technique, ensuring that they apply force at the optimal angle for maximum distance, considering factors like wind resistance and their physical strength.

Different shoe designs impact the forces experienced by athletes in track and field events significantly. Shoes with spikes, for instance, enhance grip on the track, allowing for more effective transfer of force from the athlete to the ground, leading to better acceleration and speed. The stiffness of the shoe sole can also affect energy transfer; a stiffer sole minimises energy loss during the toe-off phase of running. Additionally, cushioning in the shoe affects how the ground reaction force is absorbed and redistributed, impacting comfort and reducing injury risk. Manufacturers continuously research and develop shoe technology to optimise these aspects, aiming to enhance performance and reduce injury risk for athletes.

Understanding free-body diagrams is crucial for coaches as it aids in the analysis and improvement of an athlete's technique and performance. By comprehending the forces acting on an athlete, a coach can identify areas of inefficiency or potential for injury. For instance, in activities like long jump or shot put, coaches can use free-body diagrams to optimise the angle of launch or body positioning to maximise distance or force. Additionally, in injury prevention, these diagrams help coaches understand the stress points in an athlete’s movements, allowing them to modify training regimes to reduce the risk of injury, thus ensuring the athlete's longevity in the sport.

Air resistance, also known as aerodynamic drag, significantly impacts a cyclist's performance, particularly at higher speeds. As a cyclist moves faster, the force of air resistance increases exponentially, requiring more power to maintain or increase speed. This resistance acts in the opposite direction to the cyclist's motion, making it harder to pedal and maintain speed. Cyclists often adopt streamlined positions and wear tight-fitting clothing to minimise this resistance. In team events like road racing, cyclists use drafting techniques, riding closely behind one another to reduce air resistance. The lead cyclist takes the brunt of the air resistance, allowing those behind to benefit from the reduced drag, conserving their energy for crucial parts of the race.

The surface texture of sports equipment, such as a basketball, plays a significant role in how it interacts with forces, particularly friction and grip. A basketball's textured surface increases the friction between the ball and the player’s hands, providing better grip and control, which is essential for accurate passing and shooting. Similarly, the interaction between the ball and the court surface is influenced by the texture; a rougher texture increases friction, affecting the ball's bounce and roll. In sports where equipment handling is crucial, the surface texture is often designed to strike a balance between too much and too little friction, ensuring optimal performance and control.

Practice Questions

Describe how the ground reaction force affects a high jumper's performance. Include a discussion of Newton's Third Law of Motion in your response.

Ground reaction force plays a pivotal role in a high jumper's performance. According to Newton's Third Law of Motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When a high jumper exerts force downwards against the ground, the ground responds with an equal and opposite force upwards. This upward force is the ground reaction force, which is crucial for propelling the athlete into the air. The magnitude of this force directly influences the height achieved in the jump. Efficient utilisation of this force, through proper technique and posture, maximises the jumper's potential height. Thus, understanding and harnessing ground reaction force is essential for high jumpers to enhance their performance.

Explain the role of friction in a sprinter's performance. Discuss how different types of surfaces might affect a sprinter's speed and efficiency.

Friction is vital in sprinting, as it provides the necessary traction for a sprinter to push off the ground effectively. The friction between the sprinter's footwear and the running surface enables the transfer of muscular force into forward motion. Different surfaces affect a sprinter’s speed and efficiency due to varying levels of friction. For instance, a track with a higher coefficient of friction offers more grip, allowing for stronger push-offs and faster acceleration. Conversely, a slippery or low-friction surface could lead to energy loss and reduced efficiency, as the athlete struggles to gain adequate traction. Therefore, optimal friction is key to maximising a sprinter’s speed and performance efficiency.

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