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IB DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Study Notes

17.1.4 Absorption of Nutrients

Nutrient absorption is a critical process in the human body, particularly for individuals involved in sports and exercise. This process dictates how effectively the body utilizes nutrients from food, influencing energy levels, performance, and overall health.

Absorption of nutrients is a complex process that occurs predominantly in the small intestine. This involves the transfer of nutrients from the digested food in the intestinal lumen into the bloodstream or lymphatic system, enabling these nutrients to reach different body tissues.

Detailed Mechanisms of Nutrient Absorption

Glucose and Amino Acids Absorption

  • Entry into Enterocytes: Both glucose and amino acids are absorbed into enterocytes, the absorptive cells lining the intestines.
    • Glucose is transported via specific glucose transporters, employing a mechanism known as facilitated diffusion.
    • Amino Acids utilize active transport mechanisms, involving various amino acid transporters.
  • Passage through Cytosol: After entering enterocytes, these nutrients pass through the cytosol, a fluid component within the cell.
  • Transfer to the Bloodstream: They are then transported across the basolateral membrane to enter the capillary network, joining the body's bloodstream.

Fatty Acids Absorption

  • Initial Absorption: Fatty acids, due to their non-polar nature, diffuse through the enterocyte cell membrane.
  • Transport in Lymphatic System: After initial absorption, they are transported into the lymphatic system. Here, they form part of chylomicrons before eventually entering the bloodstream.

The Role of Intestinal Membranes in Nutrient Absorption

Brush-Border Membrane

  • Initial Contact: The brush-border membrane of the enterocytes is the site of initial contact for nutrients. It contains various enzymes and transporters critical for the breakdown and uptake of nutrients.
  • Specificity: Each nutrient type has specific transport mechanisms at this membrane.

Basolateral Membrane

  • Exit Point: The basolateral membrane is responsible for the transfer of absorbed nutrients from enterocytes into the blood.
  • Regulation: This membrane plays a key role in regulating the amount of nutrients entering the bloodstream, maintaining homeostasis.

Pathways and Destinations of Nutrients Post-Absorption

Pathway of Glucose and Amino Acids

  • Transport to Liver: Upon entering the bloodstream, glucose and amino acids are first transported to the liver via the hepatic portal vein.
  • Liver Functions:
    • Storage: Excess glucose can be stored as glycogen.
    • Conversion: Amino acids can be used for protein synthesis or converted to other compounds.

Pathway of Fatty Acids

  • Transport in Lymphatic System: Fatty acids are transported via the lymphatic system, bypassing the liver initially.
  • Use and Storage:
    • Energy Source: Fatty acids are key energy sources, especially during prolonged exercise.
    • Storage: They can be stored in adipose tissue for future energy needs.

Relevance in Sports and Exercise Science

Nutrient absorption is particularly significant in the context of sports and exercise.

  • Energy Requirements: Understanding the absorption and subsequent utilization of nutrients like glucose and fatty acids is crucial for managing energy needs during physical activity.
  • Muscle Recovery and Growth: Amino acids are vital for muscle repair and growth, particularly after intensive training or exercise.
  • Hydration and Electrolyte Balance: The process also includes the uptake of water and electrolytes, critical for maintaining hydration and electrolyte balance, which can directly impact athletic performance and recovery.


Yes, the efficiency of nutrient absorption can vary significantly among individuals, influenced by factors like age, health status, gut microbiota composition, and even genetics. Age-related changes in digestive function can reduce absorption efficiency. Health conditions like Crohn's disease or celiac disease can impair the intestinal lining, negatively affecting absorption. The gut microbiota also plays a role in nutrient breakdown and absorption. Additionally, genetic differences can affect the expression and function of digestive enzymes and transporters. These variations are crucial considerations in dietary planning, especially for athletes who require optimised nutrient uptake for performance.

The body regulates glucose absorption through hormonal control, primarily involving insulin and glucagon. After a meal, elevated blood glucose levels stimulate the pancreas to release insulin, which increases the number of glucose transporters in the small intestine, enhancing glucose absorption. Conversely, when blood glucose levels are low, glucagon is secreted, reducing glucose absorption by decreasing the availability of these transporters. This regulation ensures that glucose absorption matches the body's metabolic needs, preventing hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia, conditions crucial for maintaining energy balance, particularly for athletes and individuals engaged in regular physical activities.

Physical activity can have both immediate and long-term effects on nutrient absorption. During intense exercise, blood flow is diverted away from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to the muscles and lungs, which can temporarily reduce the efficiency of nutrient absorption. However, regular physical activity can enhance overall GI health and nutrient absorption efficiency in the long term. It improves gut motility, which can reduce the risk of constipation and enhance nutrient transit through the GI tract. Additionally, exercise can positively influence the gut microbiome composition, which is known to play a role in nutrient absorption and overall gut health.

The 'brush border' of the small intestine, made up of microvilli, significantly increases the surface area for absorption. It contains various enzymes and transport proteins crucial for the final stages of digestion and the initial stages of nutrient absorption. For instance, disaccharidases in the brush border complete the digestion of carbohydrates to monosaccharides like glucose, which are then absorbed. Similarly, peptidases break down peptides into amino acids. This structural and functional adaptation ensures maximal contact with digested nutrients, enhancing the efficiency of nutrient absorption crucial for maintaining energy and nutrient supply in the body.

Dietary fats, primarily triglycerides, are absorbed through distinct mechanisms depending on their chain length. Short- and medium-chain fatty acids, commonly found in foods like coconut oil, are absorbed directly into the portal blood. This is because they are more water-soluble and can be transported easily in the blood attached to albumin. In contrast, long-chain fatty acids, typical in most dietary fats, require emulsification by bile salts and are absorbed into the lymphatic system as part of chylomicrons. The type of dietary fat influences the efficiency and pathway of fat absorption, impacting energy use and storage in the body.

Practice Questions

Explain how glucose is absorbed in the small intestine and its subsequent pathway before entering the body's internal environment.

Glucose absorption in the small intestine occurs through facilitated diffusion into enterocytes, the intestinal absorptive cells. In these cells, glucose transporters aid in its transfer across the brush-border membrane. Once inside the enterocytes, glucose traverses the cytosol and is released into the bloodstream via the basolateral membrane. The glucose then travels to the liver through the hepatic portal vein. In the liver, it can be stored as glycogen or released into the bloodstream to maintain blood glucose levels, crucial for providing energy to various body tissues, especially during physical activities.

Describe the process of fatty acid absorption in the small intestine and their transportation to different body tissues.

Fatty acids, after being emulsified by bile salts, passively diffuse through the enterocyte membranes in the small intestine. Once inside the enterocytes, they are transported to the endoplasmic reticulum, where they are re-esterified into triglycerides and packaged into chylomicrons. These chylomicrons are then released into the lymphatic system, bypassing the liver initially. The lymphatic system transports them into the bloodstream, where they are eventually delivered to various body tissues. In tissues, fatty acids are either stored in adipose cells for energy reserves or used immediately as a primary energy source, especially during prolonged physical activities.

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