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IB DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Study Notes

2.2.2 Functions of Blood Cells

Blood, the life-sustaining fluid coursing through our veins and arteries, is a complex amalgamation of cells each meticulously designed to fulfil specific roles. A profound comprehension of the functions of erythrocytes, leucocytes, and platelets is essential for unraveling the intricate mechanisms underlying the cardiovascular system.

Erythrocytes: Oxygen Transport Pioneers


Erythrocytes, colloquially known as red blood cells (RBCs), boast a distinctive biconcave morphology. This structural marvel is crucial for optimizing their primary function – the efficient transport of oxygen.

  • Biconcave Shape: The flattened, biconcave shape of erythrocytes provides a larger surface area for gas exchange, ensuring an optimal interface for the diffusion of oxygen.
  • Lack of Nucleus and Organelles: To accommodate more hemoglobin, the crucial oxygen-binding protein, erythrocytes dispense with a nucleus and organelles. This sacrifice enhances their capacity for oxygen transport.


The hallmark function of erythrocytes revolves around the transport of oxygen from the lungs to tissues throughout the body.

  • Oxygen Binding and Release: Hemoglobin, the iron-containing protein within erythrocytes, forms reversible bonds with oxygen. In the oxygen-rich environment of the lungs, hemoglobin binds with oxygen, forming oxyhemoglobin. As erythrocytes traverse the circulatory system, they release oxygen to tissues, where it is crucial for cellular metabolism.
  • Flexibility for Capillary Navigation: The unique biconcave structure of erythrocytes endows them with remarkable flexibility. This characteristic allows them to traverse the narrowest capillaries, ensuring efficient oxygen delivery to even the remotest tissues.

Regulation and Adaptation:

Erythrocyte levels are intricately regulated to maintain oxygen-carrying capacity.

  • Erythropoiesis: Stimulated by low oxygen levels, especially at high altitudes or during anaerobic exercise, the kidneys release erythropoietin, prompting the bone marrow to increase erythrocyte production. This adaptation enhances the blood's oxygen-carrying capacity.
  • Lifespan and Recycling: Erythrocytes have a limited lifespan of around 120 days. Aging or damaged erythrocytes are phagocytosed by macrophages in the spleen and liver, and their components are recycled for new erythrocyte production.

Leucocytes: Guardians of Immunity


Leucocytes, commonly known as white blood cells (WBCs), exhibit remarkable diversity, divided into granulocytes and agranulocytes.

  • Granulocytes: Neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils.
  • Agranulocytes: Lymphocytes (T cells, B cells) and monocytes.


Leucocytes are integral components of the immune system, orchestrating responses to pathogens and safeguarding the body against infections.

  • Neutrophils – First Responders: Neutrophils, granular phagocytes, are the frontline defenders against bacterial infections. They engulf and neutralize pathogens through a process known as phagocytosis.
  • Lymphocytes – Adaptive Immunity: Lymphocytes, including T cells and B cells, play pivotal roles in adaptive immunity.
    • T Cells: Coordinate immune responses, recognize and destroy infected cells.
    • B Cells: Produce antibodies that bind to and neutralize pathogens, marking them for destruction by other immune cells.
  • Monocytes – Phagocytosis and Tissue Repair: Monocytes, upon entering tissues, differentiate into macrophages. These large phagocytic cells engulf pathogens and cellular debris, contributing to tissue repair.

Immune Response Coordination:

Leucocytes collaborate to mount effective immune responses against a myriad of pathogens.

  • Chemotaxis and Margination: Leucocytes are attracted to sites of infection through chemical signals (chemotaxis) and adhere to blood vessel walls (margination), preparing to exit the bloodstream.
  • Inflammation and Immune Activation: Release of inflammatory mediators by leucocytes triggers local inflammation, enhancing blood flow and immune cell recruitment. This orchestrated response ensures the rapid deployment of immune forces to combat infections.

Platelets: Blood Clotting Enforcers


Platelets, or thrombocytes, are not true cells but rather small cell fragments derived from megakaryocytes in the bone marrow.


While not true cells, platelets play a critical role in preventing excessive bleeding through the formation of blood clots.

  • Vascular Injury Response: When a blood vessel is injured, platelets adhere to the exposed collagen at the site of injury, initiating the formation of a temporary plug.
  • Coagulation Cascade: Platelets release chemicals that further attract additional platelets to the injury site. This activates the coagulation cascade, a series of events leading to the formation of a stable blood clot, preventing further blood loss.

Thrombopoiesis and Lifespan:

Platelet production and regulation are tightly controlled to maintain homeostasis.

  • Megakaryocytes: These large precursor cells in the bone marrow undergo fragmentation to produce thousands of platelets.
  • Lifespan: Platelets have a brief lifespan of around 8-10 days, after which they are removed by phagocytic cells in the spleen and liver.

Interplay of Functions

Oxygen Transport and Immune Response:

Erythrocytes and leucocytes engage in a symbiotic relationship, ensuring optimal functioning of both systems.

  • Oxygenated Tissues and Immunity: Adequate oxygen transport facilitated by erythrocytes ensures optimal immune cell function. Oxygenated tissues create an environment conducive to immune responses, enhancing the efficiency of white blood cells.

Blood Clotting and Immune Response:

Platelets, primarily associated with blood clotting, also contribute to the inflammatory response, thereby aiding immune cells in reaching infection sites.

  • Inflammatory Response: Platelets release inflammatory mediators, facilitating the recruitment of immune cells to sites of infection.
  • Clot Formation as Protection: The blood clot formed by platelets acts as a protective barrier, preventing the spread of pathogens and maintaining the integrity of the circulatory system.


Leucocytes play a crucial role in the inflammatory response. Upon infection, they release inflammatory mediators that attract other immune cells to the site. This process involves chemotaxis, where leucocytes move towards areas of infection, and margination, where they adhere to blood vessel walls in preparation for exiting the bloodstream. The orchestrated release of inflammatory signals and the subsequent recruitment of immune cells ensure a swift and effective response to infections, contributing to the body's ability to combat pathogens.

Platelet production, known as thrombopoiesis, is regulated by megakaryocytes in the bone marrow. These large precursor cells undergo fragmentation, yielding thousands of platelets. In response to vascular injury, platelets adhere to exposed collagen, initiating the formation of a temporary plug. Subsequent activation of the coagulation cascade leads to the formation of a stable blood clot, preventing further blood loss. This tightly regulated process ensures a delicate balance between hemostasis and preventing excessive bleeding.

Erythrocyte levels are regulated by the hormone erythropoietin, released in response to low oxygen levels. This hormone stimulates the bone marrow to increase erythrocyte production. Additionally, factors like high altitudes or anaerobic exercise can trigger erythropoiesis, adapting the body to increased oxygen demands. The lifespan of erythrocytes, around 120 days, ensures a turnover that maintains optimal oxygen-carrying capacity. This intricate regulation reflects the body's adaptability to varying environmental and physiological demands.

Lymphocytes, crucial components of the immune system, include T and B cells. T cells coordinate immune responses by recognizing and destroying infected cells. B cells produce antibodies, proteins that mark pathogens for destruction by other immune cells. This collaboration establishes adaptive immunity, providing a specific and targeted defence against a wide range of pathogens.

The biconcave structure of erythrocytes enhances their surface area for efficient gas exchange. This unique shape allows flexibility, enabling them to navigate narrow capillaries and deliver oxygen effectively. Environmental factors, such as low oxygen levels, stimulate the release of erythropoietin from the kidneys. This hormone, in turn, triggers the bone marrow to increase erythrocyte production, adapting the body to varying oxygen demands.

Practice Questions

Explain the role of erythrocytes in oxygen transport, highlighting the structural features that contribute to their efficiency. How does the lack of a nucleus and organelles in erythrocytes align with their primary function?

Erythrocytes, or red blood cells, are integral to oxygen transport. Their biconcave shape maximizes surface area for efficient gas exchange. Lack of a nucleus and organelles enhances space for hemoglobin, enabling the binding and release of oxygen. This structural adaptation aligns with their primary function of transporting oxygen, facilitating optimal oxygenation of tissues.

Contrast the functions of neutrophils and lymphocytes in the immune response. How do these leucocytes collaborate during an infection, and what distinguishes their roles in combating pathogens?

Neutrophils and lymphocytes play distinct roles in the immune response. Neutrophils, as granular phagocytes, are first responders, engulfing and neutralizing pathogens through phagocytosis. Lymphocytes, including T and B cells, contribute to adaptive immunity. T cells coordinate responses and destroy infected cells, while B cells produce antibodies for pathogen neutralization. During infection, neutrophils initiate the immediate response, while lymphocytes provide a targeted and specific defence, demonstrating the complementary roles of these leucocytes.

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