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IB DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Study Notes

11.2.4 Flow Chart System for Match Analysis

In team invasion games such as football, rugby, or hockey, the dynamics of play are intricate and ever-changing. To enhance understanding and strategic planning, coaches and players utilise flow chart systems for detailed match analysis. This method not only captures the game's ebb and flow but also provides a structured approach to dissecting various elements such as possession, location changes, and methods of changing possession, like tackles or interceptions.

Understanding Flow Chart Systems

Definition and Purpose

  • A flow chart system in sports is a graphical tool that outlines the sequence of events during a match.
  • It serves to track and visualise the game's flow, offering insights into team strategies, player movements, and game dynamics.

Components of a Flow Chart

  • Nodes and Arrows: These are the building blocks of flow charts, representing events (like passes, shots, or tackles) and the direction of play.
  • Colour Coding and Symbols: To enhance clarity, different colours and symbols can signify various teams, types of events, or specific players.
  • Time Stamps: Incorporating time stamps on the flow chart provides a temporal dimension, showing the duration of certain plays or the timing of key events.

Analysing Possession

Tracking Possession

  • Precisely recording which team maintains control of the ball or playing object during the match.
  • Monitoring the duration and frequency of possession to assess dominance or control in the game.

Assessing Possession Quality

  • Analysing not just the quantity but the quality of possession in terms of progressing towards scoring opportunities.
  • Evaluating decision-making, team coordination, and skill execution during periods of possession.

Location Changes in Play

Mapping Player Movements

  • Documenting the movements of players across the field, noting position changes, and tracking key players.
  • Highlighting areas of high activity, strategic importance, or frequent transitions.

Zone Analysis

  • Dividing the field into zones (defensive, midfield, attacking) to understand strategic play areas.
  • Identifying key zones where possession is most frequently won, maintained, or lost.

Methods of Change in Possession

Tackles and Interceptions

  • Detailing the instances and effectiveness of defensive actions like tackles and interceptions.
  • Understanding their impact on disrupting the opponent's flow and regaining possession.

Turnovers and Errors

  • Documenting instances where possession is lost due to player errors or strategic plays by the opposing team.
  • Analysing turnover patterns to identify team weaknesses or opponent strengths.

Developing a Flow Chart

Step-by-Step Process

  • Preparation: Define the key elements to track based on team strategy and opponent analysis.
  • Data Collection: During the match, either record events in real-time or use video analysis for post-match review.
  • Representation: Create a visual representation using symbols, lines, and colours to depict different actions and phases.
  • Analysis: Post-match, analyse the flow chart to identify patterns, strengths, and areas needing improvement.

Tools and Techniques

  • Using advanced software tools for digital representation, which can offer automated data collection and sophisticated analysis features.
  • Employing manual charting methods for immediate feedback during or immediately after the game.

Practical Applications

Tactical Evaluation

  • Gaining a deep understanding of the team's tactical approach and identifying potential strategic adjustments.
  • Comparing planned tactics with actual game play to evaluate execution efficiency.

Coaching and Training

  • Utilising flow charts as an educational tool to help players visualise and understand complex game dynamics.
  • Developing training sessions targeted at specific insights gained from flow chart analysis, such as improving ball retention or defensive positioning.

Performance Improvement

  • Tracking individual and team performance trends over time to identify areas of consistent strength or needed improvement.
  • Tailoring coaching and training strategies to the specific needs and patterns identified through flow chart analysis.

Ethical and Effective Use

Respecting Fair Play

  • Ensuring that analysis respects the spirit of the game, focusing on skill development and strategic improvement rather than exploiting loopholes.

Data Privacy and Protection

  • Handling sensitive player and team data with care, ensuring privacy and confidentiality are maintained.
  • Being mindful of the ethical implications of data collection and analysis in sports.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

  • Keeping abreast of advancements in analysis techniques and technology to continually refine the flow chart system.
  • Encouraging a culture of continuous learning and adaptation within the team based on analytical insights.


Yes, a flow chart system can be effectively used to analyse individual player performance in team invasion games. By focusing on specific players within the flow chart, coaches can track individual movements, actions, and interactions throughout the match. This includes monitoring how a player contributes to possession, their positional changes, decision-making, and involvement in key events like scoring opportunities or defensive plays. Such an analysis helps in identifying a player's strengths and areas for improvement, assessing their impact on the team's overall strategy, and tailoring individual training needs. It also provides valuable feedback to players on their performance, aiding in their development and tactical understanding.

A flow chart system aids in analysing opponent strategies by mapping out their gameplay patterns and tactical approaches. By creating a flow chart for the opposing team, coaches can identify their common strategies in terms of ball possession, player movements, and methods of attack or defence. This analysis helps in understanding the opponent's strengths, preferred formations, and key players. Coaches can use this information to develop counter-strategies, such as adjusting defensive formations to block dominant attacking routes or exploiting weaknesses in the opponent's defence. Overall, this strategic insight is crucial for preparing the team effectively against specific opponents.

A flow chart system contributes to injury prevention by providing insights into player fatigue and risky patterns of play. By analysing the intensity and frequency of player movements and actions, coaches can identify signs of fatigue or overexertion, which are key contributors to injury. For instance, a player consistently involved in high-intensity actions without adequate recovery may be at a higher risk of injury. The system can also highlight dangerous play patterns, such as frequent physical clashes in certain areas of the field. By addressing these issues, coaches can implement strategies like rotation of players, tailored conditioning programs, and adjustments in play style to minimise injury risks.

A flow chart system assists in long-term team development by providing a comprehensive and ongoing analysis of team performance over time. By consistently using flow charts for match analysis, coaches can track progress in key areas like tactical execution, player coordination, and efficiency in possession. This longitudinal data helps in identifying trends, measuring improvements, and pinpointing persistent issues. The insights gained can guide long-term strategic planning, player development, and training focus areas. Additionally, it helps in building a database of tactical information that can be used for future reference and for training new players, contributing to the sustainable growth and development of the team.

A flow chart system is highly effective in evaluating a team's formation by visually representing positional dynamics and interactions between players. By mapping player movements and locations during various phases of the game, the system can reveal how well a particular formation is working. For example, if the flow chart indicates clustering of players or gaps in certain areas, it suggests the formation may not be optimally utilised. It also helps in understanding how different formations affect possession control, territory coverage, and defensive stability. This detailed analysis enables coaches to refine or change formations to better suit the team's strengths and the opponents' tactics.

Practice Questions

Explain how a flow chart system can assist in identifying and improving strategic weaknesses in a team invasion game.

A flow chart system is instrumental in analysing a team's performance in invasion games by visually representing the game's dynamics. It helps in identifying strategic weaknesses by mapping out possession patterns, player movements, and changes in play locations. For instance, if a flow chart consistently shows loss of possession in specific field zones, it indicates a strategic weakness in those areas. Moreover, by tracking the effectiveness of defensive actions like tackles and interceptions, a coach can pinpoint where defensive strategies need refinement. The flow chart also aids in understanding how and where turnovers occur, allowing coaches to address specific team or individual weaknesses. Overall, this system provides a comprehensive view of the game, enabling targeted improvements in strategy and performance.

Describe how the use of a flow chart system in match analysis can enhance a coach's decision-making process during a team invasion game.

A flow chart system significantly enhances a coach's decision-making process in team invasion games by providing a clear and structured representation of the game's flow. This system allows coaches to visually track possession dynamics, player movements, and key events such as turnovers and tactical plays. By analysing these aspects, coaches can make informed decisions on strategy adjustments. For instance, if the flow chart reveals frequent possession losses in certain areas, the coach can alter player positions or strategies to strengthen those areas. Additionally, understanding the patterns of player movements and interactions helps in devising more effective offensive and defensive strategies. This data-driven approach leads to more strategic and timely decisions, ultimately improving team performance.

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