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IB DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Study Notes

4.3.6 Angular Momentum in Sports

Angular momentum is a fundamental concept in biomechanics, significantly influencing an athlete's performance in sports involving rotational movements. It encompasses the principles of physics and applies them to human movement, offering insights into how athletes can optimize their actions for better performance.

Relationship Between Angular Momentum, Moment of Inertia, and Angular Velocity

Angular Momentum

  • Definition: Angular momentum refers to the rotational equivalent of linear momentum. It represents the quantity of rotation of a body and is dependent on the mass distribution and the speed of rotation.
  • Expression: It is mathematically expressed as the product of an object's moment of inertia and its angular velocity.

Moment of Inertia

  • Definition: This term describes an object's resistance to change in its rotational motion. It is analogous to mass in linear motion.
  • Factors Affecting Moment of Inertia: The moment of inertia depends on the mass of the object and how this mass is distributed relative to the axis of rotation. For instance, a spread-out mass (like extended arms) increases the moment of inertia.

Angular Velocity

  • Definition: Angular velocity is the rate of change of angular position of a rotating body. It is a vector quantity, indicating both the speed and direction of the rotational movement.
  • Relevance in Sports: Understanding angular velocity helps in analyzing how quickly an athlete can rotate their body or a part of it in sports.


  • Formula: The relationship can be summarized by the formula
  • L=I×ω, where L is angular momentum, I is moment of inertia, and ω is angular velocity.
  • Implications in Sports: This relationship is crucial for athletes, as it dictates how changes in body position (moment of inertia) affect rotational speed (angular velocity) and overall rotational momentum.

Application of Angular Momentum in Sports

Conceptual Application

  • Control of Rotation: Athletes control their rotation speed by manipulating their moment of inertia. By changing their body shape, they can adjust their rotational velocity, crucial in sports like gymnastics and diving.
  • Stability and Precision: Understanding and controlling angular momentum enables athletes to achieve stability and precision in their movements, especially in sports requiring aerial maneuvers.

Manipulating Moment of Inertia

  • Tucked vs. Extended Positions: In a tucked position, an athlete has a smaller moment of inertia, allowing for faster rotation. Conversely, extending the body increases the moment of inertia, slowing down rotation.

Major Axes of Rotation in Human Movement

  • Longitudinal Axis: Runs from head to toe. Rotations around this axis are common in pirouettes in ballet or spins in figure skating.
  • Transverse Axis: Runs horizontally across the body. Movements like somersaults in gymnastics involve rotation around this axis.
  • Frontal Axis: Extends from side to side. Divers and swimmers often rotate around this axis during flips or turns.

Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum

  • Principle: States that in the absence of external torques, the angular momentum of a system remains constant.
  • Application in Sports: Athletes in mid-air (like divers or skaters) experience minimal external torques, thus maintaining their initial angular momentum throughout their aerial phase.
  • Technique Modification: By altering body position (moment of inertia), athletes can control their rotational speed without changing their total angular momentum.

Example: Figure Skating

  • A figure skater increases rotation speed by pulling arms and legs closer to the body, reducing the moment of inertia while keeping the angular momentum constant.

Practical Examples in Sports


  • Initial Phase: Divers begin with a higher moment of inertia for a slower initial rotation.
  • Mid-air Adjustment: They then tuck to increase rotation speed before extending again for a controlled and precise entry into the water.


  • Twists and Flips: Gymnasts start with a set angular momentum and modify their body shape to control rotation, enabling them to perform complex aerial maneuvers.

High Jump

  • Over the Bar Rotation: Athletes manipulate their body's moment of inertia at different phases of the jump to control their rotation over the bar.

Advanced Applications in Sports

Ice Hockey

  • Puck Control: Skilled players use angular momentum principles to control the puck, especially during rapid turns and spins.


  • Kicking Technique: Understanding the effects of angular momentum can aid in achieving the desired curve and spin on the ball.

Dance and Ballet

  • Pirouettes and Jumps: Dancers apply these principles to maintain balance and control during spins and jumps.


Understanding angular momentum is crucial for a discus thrower as it directly influences the efficiency and distance of the throw. In discus, the athlete generates angular momentum through rotational movement within the circle. The initial fast, wide rotations increase the thrower's moment of inertia, storing angular momentum. As the throw approaches, the thrower decreases their moment of inertia by bringing their arms in and accelerating their rotation. This action increases their angular velocity, transferring more energy to the discus upon release. Efficient management of angular momentum, therefore, enhances the thrower's ability to achieve greater distances with the discus.

Cyclists utilise angular momentum to maintain stability, especially at higher speeds. As the cyclist pedals faster, the wheels of the bicycle rotate more quickly, increasing their angular momentum. This increased angular momentum stabilises the bicycle, making it easier to maintain an upright position and control. The gyroscopic effect of the spinning wheels resists changes to the bike's orientation, aiding in balancing. This principle is why a moving bicycle is easier to balance than a stationary one. Understanding and leveraging this aspect of angular momentum enables cyclists to ride more efficiently and with greater control.

Angular momentum plays a pivotal role in a swimmer's flip turn, particularly in how the turn is initiated and executed. During the approach to the wall, a swimmer will tuck into a tight ball, reducing their moment of inertia and thereby increasing their angular velocity. This rapid rotation allows for a swift and efficient turn. The swimmer's ability to control their angular momentum - generating enough to initiate the turn but not so much as to cause over-rotation - is key. Effective management of angular momentum enables a faster turn and a quicker transition from one lap to the next, which can be critical in competitive swimming.

Angular momentum is a fundamental aspect of a baseball player's swing. It begins with the winding up motion, where the player rotates their body, increasing the angular momentum. The bat, being an extension of the arms, gains momentum as the player unwinds and swings towards the ball. The moment of inertia of the bat is manipulated by the grip and arm position. A tight grip and closer arm position reduce the moment of inertia, increasing angular velocity, which is essential for a powerful and fast swing. The player's ability to control and maximise angular momentum directly influences the speed and force of the bat, impacting the distance and speed of the ball post-impact.

The body position of a high jumper significantly impacts their angular momentum throughout the jump. During the run-up and take-off phase, the jumper maintains an extended body position, generating angular momentum essential for the jump. As the jumper ascends and arches over the bar, they subtly adjust their body position, particularly the bending at the waist and the tucking of the knees. These adjustments alter the moment of inertia: bending at the waist decreases the moment of inertia, increasing angular velocity, which helps in clearing the bar. The key is to maintain a balance between the angular momentum for height and angular velocity for rotation, ensuring an optimal trajectory over the bar.

Practice Questions

Explain how a gymnast can use the concept of angular momentum to perform a successful layout somersault. Include the principles of moment of inertia and angular velocity in your answer.

A gymnast utilises angular momentum, primarily by manipulating their moment of inertia, to execute a layout somersault effectively. At the start of the somersault, the gymnast extends their body, increasing the moment of inertia, which results in a slower rotation due to the conservation of angular momentum. Mid-somersault, the gymnast may slightly tuck their body, decreasing the moment of inertia, which in turn increases their angular velocity, allowing for faster rotation. This control over body shape and rotational speed is crucial for the timing and precision of the somersault, demonstrating an advanced understanding of biomechanical principles in sports.

Describe how the law of conservation of angular momentum is applied in a figure skating jump and how it affects the skater's performance.

In figure skating, the law of conservation of angular momentum is exemplified during jumps. When a skater initiates a jump, they start with a certain angular momentum determined by their rotation speed and body position. Mid-jump, as the skater pulls their arms and legs closer to their body, they reduce their moment of inertia. According to the law of conservation of angular momentum, since no external forces are acting on the skater in the air, the decrease in moment of inertia results in an increase in angular velocity, allowing the skater to spin faster. This manipulation of body position is essential for completing multiple rotations before landing and is a key factor in the skater's performance and scoring in competitions.

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