1. Basic Economic Ideas and Resource Allocation1.1 Scarcity, Choice and Opportunity Cost0/01.1.1 Fundamental Economic Problem of Scarcity1.1.2 Making Choices at Different Levels1.1.3 Understanding Opportunity Cost in Economics1.1.4 Basic Questions of Resource Allocation1.2 Economic Methodology0/01.2.1 Economics as a Social Science1.2.2 Positive and Normative Statements1.2.3 Understanding Ceteris Paribus in Economic Analysis1.2.4 Importance of the Time Period in Economics1.3 Factors of Production0/01.3.1 Factors of Production: Nature and Definition1.3.2 Human Capital vs Physical Capital1.3.3 Rewards to Factors of Production1.3.4 Division of Labour and Specialisation1.3.5 Role of the Entrepreneur in Economics1.4 Resource Allocation in Different Economic Systems0/01.4.1 Decision-Making in Various Economies1.4.2 Resource Allocation in Different Economic Systems1.5 Production Possibility Curves0/01.5.1 Nature and Meaning of PPC1.5.2 Shape of the Production Possibility Curve (PPC)1.5.3 Shifts in a Production Possibility Curve (PPC)1.5.4 Significance of a Position within a Production Possibility Curve (PPC)1.6 Classification of Goods and Services0/01.6.1 Free and Private Goods1.6.2 Public Goods1.6.3 Merit Goods in Economics1.6.4 Demerit Goods1. Basic Economic Ideas and Resource Allocation1.1 Scarcity, Choice and Opportunity Cost0/01.1.1 Fundamental Economic Problem of Scarcity1.1.2 Making Choices at Different Levels1.1.3 Understanding Opportunity Cost in Economics1.1.4 Basic Questions of Resource Allocation1.2 Economic Methodology0/01.2.1 Economics as a Social Science1.2.2 Positive and Normative Statements1.2.3 Understanding Ceteris Paribus in Economic Analysis1.2.4 Importance of the Time Period in Economics1.3 Factors of Production0/01.3.1 Factors of Production: Nature and Definition1.3.2 Human Capital vs Physical Capital1.3.3 Rewards to Factors of Production1.3.4 Division of Labour and Specialisation1.3.5 Role of the Entrepreneur in Economics1.4 Resource Allocation in Different Economic Systems0/01.4.1 Decision-Making in Various Economies1.4.2 Resource Allocation in Different Economic Systems1.5 Production Possibility Curves0/01.5.1 Nature and Meaning of PPC1.5.2 Shape of the Production Possibility Curve (PPC)1.5.3 Shifts in a Production Possibility Curve (PPC)1.5.4 Significance of a Position within a Production Possibility Curve (PPC)1.6 Classification of Goods and Services0/01.6.1 Free and Private Goods1.6.2 Public Goods1.6.3 Merit Goods in Economics1.6.4 Demerit Goods2. The Price System and the Microeconomy2.1 Demand and Supply Curves0/02.1.1 Effective Demand in Market Economies2.1.2 Individual and Market Demand and Supply2.1.3 Determinants of Demand in Economics2.1.4 Determinants of Supply2.1.5 Shifts in Demand Curve2.1.6 Shifts in Supply Curve2.1.7 Shift vs Movement in Curves2.2 Elasticities of Demand0/02.2.1 Definitions of Elasticities2.2.2 Elasticity Calculations2.2.3 Analyzing Elasticity Coefficients2.2.4 Elasticity Value Descriptions2.2.5 Variations in Price Elasticity of Demand2.2.6 Influencing Factors of Elasticity2.2.7 Total Expenditure and Price Elasticity of Demand2.2.8 Decision-making and Elasticities2.3 Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)0/02.3.1 Price Elasticity of Supply (PES) Definition2.3.2 Price Elasticity of Supply (PES) Calculation2.3.3 Price Elasticity of Supply (PES) Coefficient Analysis2.3.4 Factors Influaining Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)2.3.5 Market Reaction and Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)2.4 Market Equilibrium and Dynamics0/02.4.1 Market Equilibrium and Disequilibrium: Core Concepts in Economics2.4.2 Demand and Supply Shifts on Equilibrium2.4.3 Inter-Market Relationships2.4.4 Price Functions in Resource Allocation2.5 Consumer and Producer Surplus0/02.5.1 Consumer Surplus in Market Analysis2.5.2 Producer Surplus: An In-Depth Economic Perspective2.5.3 Changes in Consumer and Producer Surplus2.5.4 Surplus and Price Elasticity2. The Price System and the Microeconomy2.1 Demand and Supply Curves0/02.1.1 Effective Demand in Market Economies2.1.2 Individual and Market Demand and Supply2.1.3 Determinants of Demand in Economics2.1.4 Determinants of Supply2.1.5 Shifts in Demand Curve2.1.6 Shifts in Supply Curve2.1.7 Shift vs Movement in Curves2.2 Elasticities of Demand0/02.2.1 Definitions of Elasticities2.2.2 Elasticity Calculations2.2.3 Analyzing Elasticity Coefficients2.2.4 Elasticity Value Descriptions2.2.5 Variations in Price Elasticity of Demand2.2.6 Influencing Factors of Elasticity2.2.7 Total Expenditure and Price Elasticity of Demand2.2.8 Decision-making and Elasticities2.3 Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)0/02.3.1 Price Elasticity of Supply (PES) Definition2.3.2 Price Elasticity of Supply (PES) Calculation2.3.3 Price Elasticity of Supply (PES) Coefficient Analysis2.3.4 Factors Influaining Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)2.3.5 Market Reaction and Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)2.4 Market Equilibrium and Dynamics0/02.4.1 Market Equilibrium and Disequilibrium: Core Concepts in Economics2.4.2 Demand and Supply Shifts on Equilibrium2.4.3 Inter-Market Relationships2.4.4 Price Functions in Resource Allocation2.5 Consumer and Producer Surplus0/02.5.1 Consumer Surplus in Market Analysis2.5.2 Producer Surplus: An In-Depth Economic Perspective2.5.3 Changes in Consumer and Producer Surplus2.5.4 Surplus and Price Elasticity3. Government Microeconomy InterventionPremium3.1 Reasons for Government Intervention in Markets0/03.1.1 Non-Provision of Public Goods3.1.2 Over-consumption of Demerit Goods and Under-consumption of Merit Goods3.1.3 Controlling Prices in Markets3.2 Methods and Effects of Government Intervention0/03.2.1 Impact of Specific Indirect Taxes3.2.2 Impact of Subsidies3.2.3 Direct Provision of Goods and Services3.2.4 Maximum and Minimum Prices: Implementation and Impact3.2.5 Buffer Stock Schemes in Economics3.2.6 Provision of Information in Market Decision-Making3.3 Addressing Income and Wealth Inequality0/03.3.1 Understanding Income vs Wealth3.3.2 Measuring Income and Wealth Inequality3.3.3 Economic Reasons for Inequality3.3.4 Policies to Redistribute Income and Wealth3. Government Microeconomy InterventionPremium3.1 Reasons for Government Intervention in Markets0/03.1.1 Non-Provision of Public Goods3.1.2 Over-consumption of Demerit Goods and Under-consumption of Merit Goods3.1.3 Controlling Prices in Markets3.2 Methods and Effects of Government Intervention0/03.2.1 Impact of Specific Indirect Taxes3.2.2 Impact of Subsidies3.2.3 Direct Provision of Goods and Services3.2.4 Maximum and Minimum Prices: Implementation and Impact3.2.5 Buffer Stock Schemes in Economics3.2.6 Provision of Information in Market Decision-Making3.3 Addressing Income and Wealth Inequality0/03.3.1 Understanding Income vs Wealth3.3.2 Measuring Income and Wealth Inequality3.3.3 Economic Reasons for Inequality3.3.4 Policies to Redistribute Income and Wealth4. The MacroeconomyPremium4.1 National Income Statistics0/04.1.1 Understanding National Income: Its Meaning and Importance in Economics4.1.2 Measurement of National Income4.1.3 Adjustment from Market Prices to Basic Prices in National Income Statistics4.1.4 Adjustment from Gross to Net Values in National Income4.2 Circular Flow of Income0/04.2.1 Circular Flow of Income in Different Economies4.2.2 Injections and Leakages in the Circular Flow of Income4.2.3 Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in the Circular Flow4.3 AD/AS Analysis0/04.3.1 Definition of Aggregate Demand (AD) in Macroeconomics4.3.2 Components of Aggregate Demand (AD)4.3.3 Determinants of Aggregate Demand (AD)4.3.4 Shape of the Aggregate Demand Curve4.3.5 Shifts in the Aggregate Demand Curve4.3.6 Definition of Aggregate Supply (AS)4.3.7 Determinants of Aggregate Supply4.3.8 Shape of the Aggregate Supply Curve4.3.9 Shifts in the AS Curve: Understanding the Dynamics in Macroeconomics4.3.10 AD and AS Movements and Shifts4.3.11 Equilibrium in AD/AS Model4.3.12 Effects of Shifts in Aggregate Demand (AD) and Aggregate Supply (AS)4.4 Economic Growth0/04.4.1 Economic Growth: An In-Depth Analysis4.4.2 Measurement of Economic Growth4.4.3 Nominal vs Real GDP Growth4.4.4 Causes of Economic Growth4.4.5 Consequences of Economic Growth4.5 Unemployment0/04.5.1 Meaning of Unemployment4.5.2 Measures of Unemployment4.5.3 Causes and Types of Unemployment4.5.4 Consequences of Unemployment4.6 Price Stability0/04.6.1 Understanding Inflation, Deflation, and Disinflation4.6.2 Measurement of Price Level Changes4.6.3 Nominal vs Real Data in Price Levels4.6.4 Causes of Inflation4.6.5 Consequences of Inflation4. The MacroeconomyPremium4.1 National Income Statistics0/04.1.1 Understanding National Income: Its Meaning and Importance in Economics4.1.2 Measurement of National Income4.1.3 Adjustment from Market Prices to Basic Prices in National Income Statistics4.1.4 Adjustment from Gross to Net Values in National Income4.2 Circular Flow of Income0/04.2.1 Circular Flow of Income in Different Economies4.2.2 Injections and Leakages in the Circular Flow of Income4.2.3 Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in the Circular Flow4.3 AD/AS Analysis0/04.3.1 Definition of Aggregate Demand (AD) in Macroeconomics4.3.2 Components of Aggregate Demand (AD)4.3.3 Determinants of Aggregate Demand (AD)4.3.4 Shape of the Aggregate Demand Curve4.3.5 Shifts in the Aggregate Demand Curve4.3.6 Definition of Aggregate Supply (AS)4.3.7 Determinants of Aggregate Supply4.3.8 Shape of the Aggregate Supply Curve4.3.9 Shifts in the AS Curve: Understanding the Dynamics in Macroeconomics4.3.10 AD and AS Movements and Shifts4.3.11 Equilibrium in AD/AS Model4.3.12 Effects of Shifts in Aggregate Demand (AD) and Aggregate Supply (AS)4.4 Economic Growth0/04.4.1 Economic Growth: An In-Depth Analysis4.4.2 Measurement of Economic Growth4.4.3 Nominal vs Real GDP Growth4.4.4 Causes of Economic Growth4.4.5 Consequences of Economic Growth4.5 Unemployment0/04.5.1 Meaning of Unemployment4.5.2 Measures of Unemployment4.5.3 Causes and Types of Unemployment4.5.4 Consequences of Unemployment4.6 Price Stability0/04.6.1 Understanding Inflation, Deflation, and Disinflation4.6.2 Measurement of Price Level Changes4.6.3 Nominal vs Real Data in Price Levels4.6.4 Causes of Inflation4.6.5 Consequences of Inflation5. Government Macroeconomic InterventionPremium5.1 Government Macroeconomic Policy Objectives0/05.1.1 Policy for Macroeconomic Objectives5.2 Fiscal Policy0/05.2.1 Government Budget in Economic Management5.2.2 Budget Deficit vs Surplus5.2.3 National Debt in Fiscal Policy5.2.4 Taxation in Fiscal Policy5.2.5 Government Spending in Fiscal Policy5.2.6 Expansionary vs Contractionary Fiscal Policy5.2.7 Fiscal Policy Impact Analysis5.3 Monetary Policy0/05.3.1 Definition of Monetary Policy5.3.2 Tools of Monetary Policy5.3.3 Types of Monetary Policy5.3.4 Monetary Policy Impact Analysis5.4 Supply-side Policy0/05.4.1 Supply-side Policy Meaning5.4.2 Objectives of Supply-side Policy5.4.3 Tools of Supply-side Policy5.4.4 Supply-Side Policy Impact Analysis5. Government Macroeconomic InterventionPremium5.1 Government Macroeconomic Policy Objectives0/05.1.1 Policy for Macroeconomic Objectives5.2 Fiscal Policy0/05.2.1 Government Budget in Economic Management5.2.2 Budget Deficit vs Surplus5.2.3 National Debt in Fiscal Policy5.2.4 Taxation in Fiscal Policy5.2.5 Government Spending in Fiscal Policy5.2.6 Expansionary vs Contractionary Fiscal Policy5.2.7 Fiscal Policy Impact Analysis5.3 Monetary Policy0/05.3.1 Definition of Monetary Policy5.3.2 Tools of Monetary Policy5.3.3 Types of Monetary Policy5.3.4 Monetary Policy Impact Analysis5.4 Supply-side Policy0/05.4.1 Supply-side Policy Meaning5.4.2 Objectives of Supply-side Policy5.4.3 Tools of Supply-side Policy5.4.4 Supply-Side Policy Impact Analysis6. International Economic IssuesPremium6.1 Reasons for International Trade0/06.1.1 Absolute and Comparative Advantage in International Trade6.1.2 Specialisation and Free Trade6.1.3 Exports, Imports, and Terms of Trade6.1.4 Limitations of Theories in International Trade6.2 Protectionism0/06.2.1 Meaning of Protectionism6.2.2 Tools of Protection6.2.3 Arguments for and Against Protectionism6.3 Current Account of the Balance of Payments0/06.3.1 Components of the Current Account6.3.2 Calculation of Balances6.3.3 Causes of Imbalances in the Current Account6.3.4 Consequences of Imbalances in the Current Account6.4 Exchange Rates0/06.4.1 Exchange Rate Definition6.4.2 Understanding Floating Exchange Rates6.4.3 Understanding Depreciation and Appreciation in Floating Exchange Rates6.4.4 Causes of Exchange Rate Changes6.4.5 Impact of Exchange Rate Changes6.5 Policies to Correct Imbalances0/06.5.1 Stability of the Current Account6.5.2 Impact of Various Policies on Current Account Balance6. International Economic IssuesPremium6.1 Reasons for International Trade0/06.1.1 Absolute and Comparative Advantage in International Trade6.1.2 Specialisation and Free Trade6.1.3 Exports, Imports, and Terms of Trade6.1.4 Limitations of Theories in International Trade6.2 Protectionism0/06.2.1 Meaning of Protectionism6.2.2 Tools of Protection6.2.3 Arguments for and Against Protectionism6.3 Current Account of the Balance of Payments0/06.3.1 Components of the Current Account6.3.2 Calculation of Balances6.3.3 Causes of Imbalances in the Current Account6.3.4 Consequences of Imbalances in the Current Account6.4 Exchange Rates0/06.4.1 Exchange Rate Definition6.4.2 Understanding Floating Exchange Rates6.4.3 Understanding Depreciation and Appreciation in Floating Exchange Rates6.4.4 Causes of Exchange Rate Changes6.4.5 Impact of Exchange Rate Changes6.5 Policies to Correct Imbalances0/06.5.1 Stability of the Current Account6.5.2 Impact of Various Policies on Current Account Balance7. The Price System and the Microeconomy (A Level)7.1 Utility0/07.1.1 Total and Marginal Utility in Economics7.1.2 Diminishing Marginal Utility7.1.3 Understanding the Equi-Marginal Principle7.1.4 Derivation of Demand Curve from Utility Analysis7.1.5 Limitations of Utility Theory7.2 Indifference Curves and Budget Lines0/07.2.1 Indifference Curves and Budget Lines in Consumer Choice Theory7.2.2 Shifts in Budget Line7.2.3 Income, Substitution, Price Effects on Consumer Choice7.2.4 Limitations of the Indifference Curve Model7.3 Efficiency and Market Failure0/07.3.1 Productive and Allocative Efficiency in Market Contexts7.3.2 Conditions for Efficiency in Markets7.3.3 Pareto Optimality in Economic Efficiency7.3.4 Dynamic Efficiency in Economics7.3.5 Market Failure7.3.6 Reasons for Market Failure7.4 Private, External, and Social Costs/Benefits0/07.4.1 Social Costs and Benefits7.4.2 Positive and Negative Externalities7.4.3 Deadweight Loss from Externalities7.4.4 Asymmetric Information and Moral Hazard 7.4.5 Decision Analysis Using Costs/Benefits7.5 Types of Cost, Revenue, and Profit0/07.5.1 Short-run Production Function7.5.2 Short-run Cost Function in Economics7.5.3 Long-Run Production Function7.5.4 Long-run Cost Function7.5.5 Economies of Scale7.5.6 Revenue Analysis in Economics7.5.7 Profit Types and Calculations7.6 Market Structures0/07.6.1 Types of Market Structures7.6.2 Market Structure Features7.6.3 Barriers to Entry and Exit7.6.4 Firm Performance in Market Structures7.6.5 Concentration Ratio in Market Structure7.7 Growth and Survival of Firms0/07.7.1 Firm Size Reasons7.7.2 Internal Growth of Firms7.7.3 External Growth – Integration7.7.4 Cartels in Economics7.7.5 Principal-Agent Problem in Corporate Governance7.8 Firm Objectives and Policies0/07.8.1 Profit Maximisation as a Firm Objective7.8.2 Alternative Firm Objectives7.8.3 Price Discrimination in Economics7.8.4 Price Elasticity and Revenue7. The Price System and the Microeconomy (A Level)7.1 Utility0/07.1.1 Total and Marginal Utility in Economics7.1.2 Diminishing Marginal Utility7.1.3 Understanding the Equi-Marginal Principle7.1.4 Derivation of Demand Curve from Utility Analysis7.1.5 Limitations of Utility Theory7.2 Indifference Curves and Budget Lines0/07.2.1 Indifference Curves and Budget Lines in Consumer Choice Theory7.2.2 Shifts in Budget Line7.2.3 Income, Substitution, Price Effects on Consumer Choice7.2.4 Limitations of the Indifference Curve Model7.3 Efficiency and Market Failure0/07.3.1 Productive and Allocative Efficiency in Market Contexts7.3.2 Conditions for Efficiency in Markets7.3.3 Pareto Optimality in Economic Efficiency7.3.4 Dynamic Efficiency in Economics7.3.5 Market Failure7.3.6 Reasons for Market Failure7.4 Private, External, and Social Costs/Benefits0/07.4.1 Social Costs and Benefits7.4.2 Positive and Negative Externalities7.4.3 Deadweight Loss from Externalities7.4.4 Asymmetric Information and Moral Hazard 7.4.5 Decision Analysis Using Costs/Benefits7.5 Types of Cost, Revenue, and Profit0/07.5.1 Short-run Production Function7.5.2 Short-run Cost Function in Economics7.5.3 Long-Run Production Function7.5.4 Long-run Cost Function7.5.5 Economies of Scale7.5.6 Revenue Analysis in Economics7.5.7 Profit Types and Calculations7.6 Market Structures0/07.6.1 Types of Market Structures7.6.2 Market Structure Features7.6.3 Barriers to Entry and Exit7.6.4 Firm Performance in Market Structures7.6.5 Concentration Ratio in Market Structure7.7 Growth and Survival of Firms0/07.7.1 Firm Size Reasons7.7.2 Internal Growth of Firms7.7.3 External Growth – Integration7.7.4 Cartels in Economics7.7.5 Principal-Agent Problem in Corporate Governance7.8 Firm Objectives and Policies0/07.8.1 Profit Maximisation as a Firm Objective7.8.2 Alternative Firm Objectives7.8.3 Price Discrimination in Economics7.8.4 Price Elasticity and Revenue8. Government Microeconomic Intervention (A Level)Premium8.1 Efficient Resource Allocation and Market Failure0/08.1.1 Efficient Resource Allocation and Market Failure: Measures to Tackle Market Failure8.1.2 Government Failure in Intervention8.2 Equity and Redistribution of Income and Wealth0/08.2.1 Equity vs Equality in Economics8.2.2 Equity vs Efficiency8.2.3 Poverty Concepts8.2.4 Poverty Trap: An In-Depth Analysis8.2.5 Policies for Equity and Equality8.3 Labour Market and Government Intervention0/08.3.1 Demand for Labour8.3.2 Labour Demand Shifts and Movement8.3.3 MRP Theory in Labour Economics8.3.4 Labour Supply Factors in the Economy8.3.5 Labour Supply Shifts and Movement8.3.6 Wage Determination in Perfect Markets8.3.7 Wage Determination in Imperfect Markets8.3.8 Wage Differentials in Various Labour Markets8.3.9 Transfer Earnings and Economic Rent8. Government Microeconomic Intervention (A Level)Premium8.1 Efficient Resource Allocation and Market Failure0/08.1.1 Efficient Resource Allocation and Market Failure: Measures to Tackle Market Failure8.1.2 Government Failure in Intervention8.2 Equity and Redistribution of Income and Wealth0/08.2.1 Equity vs Equality in Economics8.2.2 Equity vs Efficiency8.2.3 Poverty Concepts8.2.4 Poverty Trap: An In-Depth Analysis8.2.5 Policies for Equity and Equality8.3 Labour Market and Government Intervention0/08.3.1 Demand for Labour8.3.2 Labour Demand Shifts and Movement8.3.3 MRP Theory in Labour Economics8.3.4 Labour Supply Factors in the Economy8.3.5 Labour Supply Shifts and Movement8.3.6 Wage Determination in Perfect Markets8.3.7 Wage Determination in Imperfect Markets8.3.8 Wage Differentials in Various Labour Markets8.3.9 Transfer Earnings and Economic Rent9. The Macroeconomy (A Level)Premium9.1 The Circular Flow of Income0/09.1.1 The Multiplier Process in Economics9.1.2 Components of Aggregate Demand and Determinants9.1.3 Full Employment and Equilibrium Income9.2 Economic Growth and Sustainability0/09.2.1 Economic Growth: Actual vs Potential9.2.2 Output Gaps9.2.3 The Business Cycle in Economics9.2.4 Policies for Economic Growth9.2.5 Inclusive Economic Growth9.2.6 Sustainable Economic Growth9.3 Employment/Unemployment0/09.3.1 Full Employment in Macroeconomics9.3.2 Types of Unemployment9.3.3 Natural Rate of Unemployment9.3.4 (Un)employment Trends9.3.5 Labour Mobility in Economics9.3.6 Unemployment Policies9.4 Money and Banking0/09.4.1 Money: Definition and Functions9.4.2 Money Supply: A Comprehensive Exploration9.4.3 Quantity Theory of Money: An In-Depth Analysis of MV = PT9.4.4 Commercial Banks Functions9.4.5 Changes in Money Supply in an Open Economy9.4.6 Inflation Policies9.4.7 Demand for Money: Liquidity Preference Theory9.4.8 Interest Rate Determination9. The Macroeconomy (A Level)Premium9.1 The Circular Flow of Income0/09.1.1 The Multiplier Process in Economics9.1.2 Components of Aggregate Demand and Determinants9.1.3 Full Employment and Equilibrium Income9.2 Economic Growth and Sustainability0/09.2.1 Economic Growth: Actual vs Potential9.2.2 Output Gaps9.2.3 The Business Cycle in Economics9.2.4 Policies for Economic Growth9.2.5 Inclusive Economic Growth9.2.6 Sustainable Economic Growth9.3 Employment/Unemployment0/09.3.1 Full Employment in Macroeconomics9.3.2 Types of Unemployment9.3.3 Natural Rate of Unemployment9.3.4 (Un)employment Trends9.3.5 Labour Mobility in Economics9.3.6 Unemployment Policies9.4 Money and Banking0/09.4.1 Money: Definition and Functions9.4.2 Money Supply: A Comprehensive Exploration9.4.3 Quantity Theory of Money: An In-Depth Analysis of MV = PT9.4.4 Commercial Banks Functions9.4.5 Changes in Money Supply in an Open Economy9.4.6 Inflation Policies9.4.7 Demand for Money: Liquidity Preference Theory9.4.8 Interest Rate Determination10. Government Macroeconomic Intervention (A Level)Premium10.1 Policy Objectives0/010.1.1 Macroeconomic Objectives in Government Policy10.2 Interrelatedness of Macroeconomic Problems0/010.2.1 Internal vs External Value of Money10.2.2 Balance of Payments and Inflation10.2.3 Growth-Inflation Nexus10.2.4 Growth and Balance of Payments10.2.5 Inflation-Unemployment Relationship10.3 Policy Effectiveness and Conflicts0/010.3.1 Policy Effectiveness in Macroeconomic Policies10.3.2 Policy Conflicts and Problems in Macroeconomic Policies10.3.3 Government Failure in Macroeconomic Policies10. Government Macroeconomic Intervention (A Level)Premium10.1 Policy Objectives0/010.1.1 Macroeconomic Objectives in Government Policy10.2 Interrelatedness of Macroeconomic Problems0/010.2.1 Internal vs External Value of Money10.2.2 Balance of Payments and Inflation10.2.3 Growth-Inflation Nexus10.2.4 Growth and Balance of Payments10.2.5 Inflation-Unemployment Relationship10.3 Policy Effectiveness and Conflicts0/010.3.1 Policy Effectiveness in Macroeconomic Policies10.3.2 Policy Conflicts and Problems in Macroeconomic Policies10.3.3 Government Failure in Macroeconomic Policies11. International Economic Issues (A Level)Premium11.1 Balance of Payments Disequilibrium0/011.1.1 Balance of Payments Components11.1.2 Policies Affecting the Balance of Payments11.1.3 Expenditure-Switching vs Expenditure-Reducing Policies in International Trade11.2 Exchange Rates0/011.2.1 Exchange Rate Measurement11.2.2 Fixed and Managed Exchange Rate Systems11.2.3 Understanding Revaluation and Devaluation in Fixed Exchange Rate Systems11.2.4 Exchange Rate Changes: An In-Depth Analysis of Systems and Their Economic Implications11.2.5 Exchange Rate Effects on the External Economy11.3 Economic Development0/011.3.1 Classification of Economies11.3.2 Indicators of Living Standards and Development11.3.3 Growth Rates and Living Standards Comparison11.4 Characteristics of Development Levels0/011.4.1 Population Growth and Structure11.4.2 Income Distribution11.4.3 Economic Structure11.5 Inter-Country Relationships0/011.5.1 International Aid: A Critical Component in Global Development11.5.2 Trade and Investment: A Comparative Analysis11.5.3 Role of Multinational Companies (MNCs)11.5.4 Understanding Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)11.5.5 External Debt 11.5.6 IMF and World Bank: Roles in Global Economic Management11.6 Globalisation0/011.6.1 Globalisation Concept11.6.2 Types of Economic Unions11.6.3 Trade Creation and Diversion11. International Economic Issues (A Level)Premium11.1 Balance of Payments Disequilibrium0/011.1.1 Balance of Payments Components11.1.2 Policies Affecting the Balance of Payments11.1.3 Expenditure-Switching vs Expenditure-Reducing Policies in International Trade11.2 Exchange Rates0/011.2.1 Exchange Rate Measurement11.2.2 Fixed and Managed Exchange Rate Systems11.2.3 Understanding Revaluation and Devaluation in Fixed Exchange Rate Systems11.2.4 Exchange Rate Changes: An In-Depth Analysis of Systems and Their Economic Implications11.2.5 Exchange Rate Effects on the External Economy11.3 Economic Development0/011.3.1 Classification of Economies11.3.2 Indicators of Living Standards and Development11.3.3 Growth Rates and Living Standards Comparison11.4 Characteristics of Development Levels0/011.4.1 Population Growth and Structure11.4.2 Income Distribution11.4.3 Economic Structure11.5 Inter-Country Relationships0/011.5.1 International Aid: A Critical Component in Global Development11.5.2 Trade and Investment: A Comparative Analysis11.5.3 Role of Multinational Companies (MNCs)11.5.4 Understanding Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)11.5.5 External Debt 11.5.6 IMF and World Bank: Roles in Global Economic Management11.6 Globalisation0/011.6.1 Globalisation Concept11.6.2 Types of Economic Unions11.6.3 Trade Creation and Diversion