1. Social Influence1.1 Types of Conformity0/01.1.1 Internalisation in Conformity1.1.2 Identification in Conformity1.1.3 Compliance in Conformity1.2 Explanations for Conformity0/01.2.1 Informational Social Influence in Psychology1.2.2 Normative Social Influence in Conformity1.2.3 Variables Affecting Conformity1.3 Conformity to Social Roles0/01.3.1 Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment1.4 Explanations for Obedience0/01.4.1 Explanations for Obedience: Agentic State and Legitimacy of Authority1.4.2 Situational Variables in Obedience1.4.3 Dispositional Explanation: Authoritarian Personality1.5 Resistance to Social Influence0/01.5.1 Resistance to Social Influence: Social Support1.5.2 Locus of Control1.6 Minority Influence0/01.6.1 Minority Influence: Strategies of Consistency, Commitment, and Flexibility1.7 Social Influence in Social Change0/01.7.1 Role of Social Influence Processes1. Social Influence1.1 Types of Conformity0/01.1.1 Internalisation in Conformity1.1.2 Identification in Conformity1.1.3 Compliance in Conformity1.2 Explanations for Conformity0/01.2.1 Informational Social Influence in Psychology1.2.2 Normative Social Influence in Conformity1.2.3 Variables Affecting Conformity1.3 Conformity to Social Roles0/01.3.1 Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment1.4 Explanations for Obedience0/01.4.1 Explanations for Obedience: Agentic State and Legitimacy of Authority1.4.2 Situational Variables in Obedience1.4.3 Dispositional Explanation: Authoritarian Personality1.5 Resistance to Social Influence0/01.5.1 Resistance to Social Influence: Social Support1.5.2 Locus of Control1.6 Minority Influence0/01.6.1 Minority Influence: Strategies of Consistency, Commitment, and Flexibility1.7 Social Influence in Social Change0/01.7.1 Role of Social Influence Processes2. Memory2.1 The Multi-Store Model of Memory0/02.1.1 The Multi-Store Model of Memory: Sensory Register2.1.2 The Multi-Store Model of Memory: Short-Term Memory2.1.3 Long-Term Memory (LTM) in the Multi-Store Model2.2 Types of Long-Term Memory0/02.2.1 Episodic Memory: An In-depth Examination2.2.2 Semantic Memory2.2.3 Procedural Memory2.3 The Working Memory Model0/02.3.1 The Working Memory Model: Central Executive2.3.2 The Phonological Loop2.3.3 The Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad2.3.4 The Episodic Buffer in the Working Memory Model2.3.5 The Working Memory Model: Features of the Mode2.4 Explanations for Forgetting0/02.4.1 Explanations for Forgetting: Proactive and Retroactive Interference2.4.2 Retrieval Failure Due to Absence of Cues2.5 Factors Affecting Eyewitness Testimony Accuracy0/02.5.1 Factors Affecting Eyewitness Testimony: Misleading Information2.5.2 The Impact of Anxiety on Eyewitness Testimony Accuracy2.5.3 Factors Affecting Eyewitness Testimony Accuracy: Leading Questions2.5.4 Misleading Information: Post-Event Discussion2.6 Improving Eyewitness Testimony Accuracy0/02.6.1 Cognitive Interview Technique2. Memory2.1 The Multi-Store Model of Memory0/02.1.1 The Multi-Store Model of Memory: Sensory Register2.1.2 The Multi-Store Model of Memory: Short-Term Memory2.1.3 Long-Term Memory (LTM) in the Multi-Store Model2.2 Types of Long-Term Memory0/02.2.1 Episodic Memory: An In-depth Examination2.2.2 Semantic Memory2.2.3 Procedural Memory2.3 The Working Memory Model0/02.3.1 The Working Memory Model: Central Executive2.3.2 The Phonological Loop2.3.3 The Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad2.3.4 The Episodic Buffer in the Working Memory Model2.3.5 The Working Memory Model: Features of the Mode2.4 Explanations for Forgetting0/02.4.1 Explanations for Forgetting: Proactive and Retroactive Interference2.4.2 Retrieval Failure Due to Absence of Cues2.5 Factors Affecting Eyewitness Testimony Accuracy0/02.5.1 Factors Affecting Eyewitness Testimony: Misleading Information2.5.2 The Impact of Anxiety on Eyewitness Testimony Accuracy2.5.3 Factors Affecting Eyewitness Testimony Accuracy: Leading Questions2.5.4 Misleading Information: Post-Event Discussion2.6 Improving Eyewitness Testimony Accuracy0/02.6.1 Cognitive Interview Technique3. AttachmentPremium3.1 Caregiver-Infant Interactions0/03.1.1 Caregiver-Infant Interactions: Reciprocity3.1.2 Interactional Synchrony in Caregiver-Infant Interactions3.1.3 Stages of Attachment by Schaffer3.1.4 Multiple Attachments and Role of the Father in Attachment3.2 Animal Studies of Attachment0/03.2.1 Lorenz's Study on Geese: Understanding Imprinting in Attachment3.2.2 Harlow's Study on Monkeys3.3 Explanations of Attachment0/03.3.1 Explanations of Attachment: Learning Theory3.3.2 Bowlby’s Monotropic Theory of Attachment3.4 Ainsworth’s ‘Strange Situation’0/03.4.1 Ainsworth’s ‘Strange Situation’: Types of Attachment3.4.2 Cultural Variations in Attachment3.5 Bowlby’s Theory of Maternal Deprivation0/03.5.1 Bowlby’s Theory of Maternal Deprivation3.5.2 Romanian Orphan Studies3.6 Influence of Early Attachment0/03.6.1 Influence of Early Attachment on Childhood Relationships3.6.2 Influence of Early Attachment on Adult Relationships3. AttachmentPremium3.1 Caregiver-Infant Interactions0/03.1.1 Caregiver-Infant Interactions: Reciprocity3.1.2 Interactional Synchrony in Caregiver-Infant Interactions3.1.3 Stages of Attachment by Schaffer3.1.4 Multiple Attachments and Role of the Father in Attachment3.2 Animal Studies of Attachment0/03.2.1 Lorenz's Study on Geese: Understanding Imprinting in Attachment3.2.2 Harlow's Study on Monkeys3.3 Explanations of Attachment0/03.3.1 Explanations of Attachment: Learning Theory3.3.2 Bowlby’s Monotropic Theory of Attachment3.4 Ainsworth’s ‘Strange Situation’0/03.4.1 Ainsworth’s ‘Strange Situation’: Types of Attachment3.4.2 Cultural Variations in Attachment3.5 Bowlby’s Theory of Maternal Deprivation0/03.5.1 Bowlby’s Theory of Maternal Deprivation3.5.2 Romanian Orphan Studies3.6 Influence of Early Attachment0/03.6.1 Influence of Early Attachment on Childhood Relationships3.6.2 Influence of Early Attachment on Adult Relationships4. Psychopathology (A Level Only)4.1 Definitions of Abnormality0/04.1.1 Deviation from Social Norms4.1.2 Failure to Function Adequately4.1.3 Statistical Infrequency as a Definition of Abnormality4.1.4 Deviation from Ideal Mental Health4.2 Characteristics of Phobias, Depression, OCD0/04.2.1 Phobias: Behavioural, Emotional, Cognitive Characteristics4.2.2 Depression: Behavioural, Emotional, Cognitive Characteristics4.2.3 OCD: Behavioural, Emotional, Cognitive Characteristics4.3 Behavioural Approach to Phobias0/04.3.1 Systematic Desensitisation: A Behavioural Approach to Treating Phobias4.3.2 Behavioural Approach to Phobias: The Two-Process Model4.3.3 Flooding in the Treatment of Phobias4.4 Cognitive Approach to Depression0/04.4.1 Beck’s Negative Triad4.4.2 Ellis's ABC Model in Understanding Depression4.4.3 Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Depression4.5 Biological Approach to OCD0/04.5.1 Genetic Explanations for OCD4.5.2 Neural Explanations for OCD4.5.3 Drug Therapy in the Treatment of OCD4. Psychopathology (A Level Only)4.1 Definitions of Abnormality0/04.1.1 Deviation from Social Norms4.1.2 Failure to Function Adequately4.1.3 Statistical Infrequency as a Definition of Abnormality4.1.4 Deviation from Ideal Mental Health4.2 Characteristics of Phobias, Depression, OCD0/04.2.1 Phobias: Behavioural, Emotional, Cognitive Characteristics4.2.2 Depression: Behavioural, Emotional, Cognitive Characteristics4.2.3 OCD: Behavioural, Emotional, Cognitive Characteristics4.3 Behavioural Approach to Phobias0/04.3.1 Systematic Desensitisation: A Behavioural Approach to Treating Phobias4.3.2 Behavioural Approach to Phobias: The Two-Process Model4.3.3 Flooding in the Treatment of Phobias4.4 Cognitive Approach to Depression0/04.4.1 Beck’s Negative Triad4.4.2 Ellis's ABC Model in Understanding Depression4.4.3 Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Depression4.5 Biological Approach to OCD0/04.5.1 Genetic Explanations for OCD4.5.2 Neural Explanations for OCD4.5.3 Drug Therapy in the Treatment of OCD5. Approaches in PsychologyPremium5.1 Origins of Psychology0/05.1.1 Wilhelm Wundt and the Founding of Psychology5.1.2 Emergence of Psychology as a Science5.2 Learning Approaches0/05.2.1 The Behaviourist Approach in Psychology5.2.2 Social Learning Theory5.3 Cognitive Approach0/05.3.1 Cognitive Approach to Internal Mental Processes5.3.2 Emergence of Cognitive Neuroscience5.4 Biological Approach0/05.4.1 The Influence of Genes and Neurochemistry on Behaviour5.4.2 Biological Approach: Biological Structures and Behaviour5.4.3 Evolution and Behaviour5.5 Psychodynamic Approach (A Level Only)0/05.5.1 Psychodynamic Approach: The Role of the Unconscious5.5.2 Structure of Personality: The Psychodynamic Approach5.5.3 Defence Mechanisms5.5.4 Psychosexual Stages in Freud's Theory5.6 Humanistic Psychology (A Level Only)0/05.6.1 Free Will and Self-Actualisation5.6.2 Focus on the Self and Congruence in Humanistic Psychology5.6.3 Conditions of Worth in Humanistic Psychology5.7 Comparison of Approaches (A Level Only)0/05.7.1 Comparison of Psychological Approaches: Exploring Basic Assumptions5.7.2 Evaluating Strengths and Weaknesses of Psychological Approaches5. Approaches in PsychologyPremium5.1 Origins of Psychology0/05.1.1 Wilhelm Wundt and the Founding of Psychology5.1.2 Emergence of Psychology as a Science5.2 Learning Approaches0/05.2.1 The Behaviourist Approach in Psychology5.2.2 Social Learning Theory5.3 Cognitive Approach0/05.3.1 Cognitive Approach to Internal Mental Processes5.3.2 Emergence of Cognitive Neuroscience5.4 Biological Approach0/05.4.1 The Influence of Genes and Neurochemistry on Behaviour5.4.2 Biological Approach: Biological Structures and Behaviour5.4.3 Evolution and Behaviour5.5 Psychodynamic Approach (A Level Only)0/05.5.1 Psychodynamic Approach: The Role of the Unconscious5.5.2 Structure of Personality: The Psychodynamic Approach5.5.3 Defence Mechanisms5.5.4 Psychosexual Stages in Freud's Theory5.6 Humanistic Psychology (A Level Only)0/05.6.1 Free Will and Self-Actualisation5.6.2 Focus on the Self and Congruence in Humanistic Psychology5.6.3 Conditions of Worth in Humanistic Psychology5.7 Comparison of Approaches (A Level Only)0/05.7.1 Comparison of Psychological Approaches: Exploring Basic Assumptions5.7.2 Evaluating Strengths and Weaknesses of Psychological Approaches6. BiopsychologyPremium6.1 Divisions of the Nervous System0/06.1.1 Central Nervous System (CNS)6.1.2 Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)6.2 Neurons and Synaptic Transmission0/06.2.1 Sensory, Relay, and Motor Neurons in Neural Communication6.2.2 Process of Synaptic Transmission6.3 Endocrine System0/06.3.1 Endocrine System: Glands and Hormones6.4 Fight or Flight Response0/06.4.1 The Role of Adrenaline in the Fight or Flight Response6.5 Brain Function and Lateralisation (A Level Only)0/06.5.1 Localisation of Function in the Brain6.5.2 Hemispheric Lateralisation6.5.3 Broca's and Wernicke's Areas: Exploring Language Processing and Production6.5.4 Split Brain Research6.5.5 Brain Plasticity and Recovery6.6 Studying the Brain (A Level Only)0/06.6.1 Brain Scanning Techniques6.6.2 Postmortem Examinations in Psychology6.7 Biological Rhythms (A Level Only)0/06.7.1 Biological Rhythms: Types and Characteristics6.7.2 Endogenous Pacemakers and Exogenous Zeitgebers6. BiopsychologyPremium6.1 Divisions of the Nervous System0/06.1.1 Central Nervous System (CNS)6.1.2 Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)6.2 Neurons and Synaptic Transmission0/06.2.1 Sensory, Relay, and Motor Neurons in Neural Communication6.2.2 Process of Synaptic Transmission6.3 Endocrine System0/06.3.1 Endocrine System: Glands and Hormones6.4 Fight or Flight Response0/06.4.1 The Role of Adrenaline in the Fight or Flight Response6.5 Brain Function and Lateralisation (A Level Only)0/06.5.1 Localisation of Function in the Brain6.5.2 Hemispheric Lateralisation6.5.3 Broca's and Wernicke's Areas: Exploring Language Processing and Production6.5.4 Split Brain Research6.5.5 Brain Plasticity and Recovery6.6 Studying the Brain (A Level Only)0/06.6.1 Brain Scanning Techniques6.6.2 Postmortem Examinations in Psychology6.7 Biological Rhythms (A Level Only)0/06.7.1 Biological Rhythms: Types and Characteristics6.7.2 Endogenous Pacemakers and Exogenous Zeitgebers7. Research MethodsPremium7.1 Experimental Method0/07.1.1 Types of Experiments7.2 Observational Techniques0/07.2.1 Types of Observation in Psychology7.3 Self-Report Techniques0/07.3.1 Self-Report Techniques: Questionnaires7.3.2 Interviews in Psychological Research7.4 Correlations0/07.4.1 Analysis of Co-variables in Correlations7.5 Content Analysis (A Level Only)0/07.5.1 Content Analysis: Techniques and Application7.6 Case Studies (A Level Only)0/07.6.1 Use in Psychological Research7. Research MethodsPremium7.1 Experimental Method0/07.1.1 Types of Experiments7.2 Observational Techniques0/07.2.1 Types of Observation in Psychology7.3 Self-Report Techniques0/07.3.1 Self-Report Techniques: Questionnaires7.3.2 Interviews in Psychological Research7.4 Correlations0/07.4.1 Analysis of Co-variables in Correlations7.5 Content Analysis (A Level Only)0/07.5.1 Content Analysis: Techniques and Application7.6 Case Studies (A Level Only)0/07.6.1 Use in Psychological Research8. Scientific ProcessesPremium8.1 Aims, Hypotheses, and Sampling0/08.1.1 Aims and Hypotheses in Research Design8.1.2 Sampling Methods in Psychology Research8.2 Experimental and Observational Design0/08.2.1 Experimental Designs in Psychology8.2.2 Observational Design Elements in Psychology8.3 Questionnaire and Interview Construction0/08.3.1 Designing Questionnaires8.3.2 Interview Design in Psychology Research8.4 Variables and Control in Research0/08.4.1 Managing Variables in Research8.4.2 Control Techniques in Research8.5 Research Ethics and Review0/08.5.1 Ethical Guidelines and Issues in Psychological Research8.5.2 The Role of Peer Review in Psychological Research8.6 Advanced Research Methods (A Level Only)0/08.6.1 Reliability and Validity in Psychological Research8.6.2 Features of Scientific Enquiry in Psychology8.6.3 Reporting Research in Psychology8. Scientific ProcessesPremium8.1 Aims, Hypotheses, and Sampling0/08.1.1 Aims and Hypotheses in Research Design8.1.2 Sampling Methods in Psychology Research8.2 Experimental and Observational Design0/08.2.1 Experimental Designs in Psychology8.2.2 Observational Design Elements in Psychology8.3 Questionnaire and Interview Construction0/08.3.1 Designing Questionnaires8.3.2 Interview Design in Psychology Research8.4 Variables and Control in Research0/08.4.1 Managing Variables in Research8.4.2 Control Techniques in Research8.5 Research Ethics and Review0/08.5.1 Ethical Guidelines and Issues in Psychological Research8.5.2 The Role of Peer Review in Psychological Research8.6 Advanced Research Methods (A Level Only)0/08.6.1 Reliability and Validity in Psychological Research8.6.2 Features of Scientific Enquiry in Psychology8.6.3 Reporting Research in Psychology9. Data Handling and AnalysisPremium9.1 Data Types and Collection0/09.1.1 Quantitative and Qualitative Data in Psychology9.1.2 Primary and Secondary Data in Psychology9.2 Descriptive Statistics0/09.2.1 Measures of Central Tendency9.2.2 Measures of Dispersion in Psychology9.2.3 Calculation of Percentages and Correlations9.3 Presentation of Data0/09.3.1 Graphs and Tables: Presentation of Quantitative Data9.3.2 Bar Charts and Histograms in Data Presentation9.4 Understanding Distributions0/09.4.1 Understanding Distributions: Normal and Skewed9.5 Statistical Testing (A Level Only)0/09.5.1 Introduction to Statistical Testing9.5.2 Calculation of the Sign Test9.6 Advanced Data Analysis (A Level Only)0/09.6.1 Correlation Coefficients in Psychology9.6.2 Content Analysis and Coding9. Data Handling and AnalysisPremium9.1 Data Types and Collection0/09.1.1 Quantitative and Qualitative Data in Psychology9.1.2 Primary and Secondary Data in Psychology9.2 Descriptive Statistics0/09.2.1 Measures of Central Tendency9.2.2 Measures of Dispersion in Psychology9.2.3 Calculation of Percentages and Correlations9.3 Presentation of Data0/09.3.1 Graphs and Tables: Presentation of Quantitative Data9.3.2 Bar Charts and Histograms in Data Presentation9.4 Understanding Distributions0/09.4.1 Understanding Distributions: Normal and Skewed9.5 Statistical Testing (A Level Only)0/09.5.1 Introduction to Statistical Testing9.5.2 Calculation of the Sign Test9.6 Advanced Data Analysis (A Level Only)0/09.6.1 Correlation Coefficients in Psychology9.6.2 Content Analysis and Coding10. Inferential Testing (A Level Only)10.1 Statistical Testing0/010.1.1 Introduction to Statistical Testing in Psychology10.1.2 The Sign Test10.2 Probability and Significance0/010.2.1 Understanding Probability in Testing10.2.2 Understanding Type I and Type II Errors in Statistical Testing10.3 Choice of Statistical Test0/010.3.1 Choice of Statistical Test: Factors Affecting Test Choice10.3.2 Specific Statistical Tests10. Inferential Testing (A Level Only)10.1 Statistical Testing0/010.1.1 Introduction to Statistical Testing in Psychology10.1.2 The Sign Test10.2 Probability and Significance0/010.2.1 Understanding Probability in Testing10.2.2 Understanding Type I and Type II Errors in Statistical Testing10.3 Choice of Statistical Test0/010.3.1 Choice of Statistical Test: Factors Affecting Test Choice10.3.2 Specific Statistical Tests11. Issues and Debates (A Level Only)11.1 Gender and Culture in Psychology0/011.1.1 Gender Bias in Psychological Research11.1.2 Cultural Bias in Psychology11.2 Free Will and Determinism0/011.2.1 Types of Determinism11.3 Nature-Nurture Debate0/011.3.1 Importance of Heredity and Environment in Behaviour11.3.2 Interactionist Approach in Psychology11.4 Holism and Reductionism0/011.4.1 Levels of Explanation in Psychology11.4.2 Types of Reductionism in Psychology11.5 Approaches to Psychological Investigation0/011.5.1 Idiographic and Nomothetic Approaches in Psychology11.6 Ethical Implications of Research0/011.6.1 Ethical Considerations in Research11. Issues and Debates (A Level Only)11.1 Gender and Culture in Psychology0/011.1.1 Gender Bias in Psychological Research11.1.2 Cultural Bias in Psychology11.2 Free Will and Determinism0/011.2.1 Types of Determinism11.3 Nature-Nurture Debate0/011.3.1 Importance of Heredity and Environment in Behaviour11.3.2 Interactionist Approach in Psychology11.4 Holism and Reductionism0/011.4.1 Levels of Explanation in Psychology11.4.2 Types of Reductionism in Psychology11.5 Approaches to Psychological Investigation0/011.5.1 Idiographic and Nomothetic Approaches in Psychology11.6 Ethical Implications of Research0/011.6.1 Ethical Considerations in Research12. Relationships (A Level Only)Premium12.1 Evolutionary Explanations for Partner Preferences0/012.1.1 Sexual Selection and Reproductive Behaviour12.2 Factors Affecting Attraction0/012.2.1 Factors Affecting Attraction: Self-Disclosure12.2.2 Physical Attractiveness and the Matching Hypothesis in Romantic Attraction12.2.3 Filter Theory in Romantic Attraction12.3 Theories of Romantic Relationships0/012.3.1 Social Exchange Theory in Romantic Relationships12.3.2 Equity Theory in Romantic Relationships12.3.3 Rusbult’s Investment Model12.4 Relationship Breakdown0/012.4.1 Duck’s Phase Model of Relationship Breakdown12.5 Virtual Relationships in Social Media0/012.5.1 Self-Disclosure in Virtual Relationships12.5.2 Effects of Absence of Gating in Virtual Relationships12.6 Parasocial Relationships0/012.6.1 Levels of Parasocial Relationships12.6.2 Absorption Addiction Model in Parasocial Relationships12.6.3 Attachment Theory Explanation in Parasocial Relationships12. Relationships (A Level Only)Premium12.1 Evolutionary Explanations for Partner Preferences0/012.1.1 Sexual Selection and Reproductive Behaviour12.2 Factors Affecting Attraction0/012.2.1 Factors Affecting Attraction: Self-Disclosure12.2.2 Physical Attractiveness and the Matching Hypothesis in Romantic Attraction12.2.3 Filter Theory in Romantic Attraction12.3 Theories of Romantic Relationships0/012.3.1 Social Exchange Theory in Romantic Relationships12.3.2 Equity Theory in Romantic Relationships12.3.3 Rusbult’s Investment Model12.4 Relationship Breakdown0/012.4.1 Duck’s Phase Model of Relationship Breakdown12.5 Virtual Relationships in Social Media0/012.5.1 Self-Disclosure in Virtual Relationships12.5.2 Effects of Absence of Gating in Virtual Relationships12.6 Parasocial Relationships0/012.6.1 Levels of Parasocial Relationships12.6.2 Absorption Addiction Model in Parasocial Relationships12.6.3 Attachment Theory Explanation in Parasocial Relationships13. Gender (A Level Only)Premium13.1 Sex and Gender0/013.1.1 Sex-Role Stereotypes13.1.2 Androgyny and the Bem Sex Role Inventory13.2 Biological Aspects0/013.2.1 Role of Chromosomes and Hormones in Sex and Gender Development13.2.2 Atypical Sex Chromosome Patterns13.3 Cognitive Explanations of Gender Development0/013.3.1 Kohlberg's Theory of Gender Development13.3.2 Gender Schema Theory13.4 Psychodynamic Explanation0/013.4.1 Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory of Gender Development13.5 Social Learning Theory0/013.5.1 Gender Development13.6 Atypical Gender Development0/013.6.1 Gender Dysphoria13.6.2 Biological and Social Explanations for Gender Dysphoria13. Gender (A Level Only)Premium13.1 Sex and Gender0/013.1.1 Sex-Role Stereotypes13.1.2 Androgyny and the Bem Sex Role Inventory13.2 Biological Aspects0/013.2.1 Role of Chromosomes and Hormones in Sex and Gender Development13.2.2 Atypical Sex Chromosome Patterns13.3 Cognitive Explanations of Gender Development0/013.3.1 Kohlberg's Theory of Gender Development13.3.2 Gender Schema Theory13.4 Psychodynamic Explanation0/013.4.1 Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory of Gender Development13.5 Social Learning Theory0/013.5.1 Gender Development13.6 Atypical Gender Development0/013.6.1 Gender Dysphoria13.6.2 Biological and Social Explanations for Gender Dysphoria14. Cognition and Development (A Level Only)Premium14.1 Piaget’s Theory0/014.1.1 Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development: Key Concepts14.1.2 Piaget’s Theory of Intellectual Development14.2 Vygotsky’s Theory0/014.2.1 Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development14.3 Early Infant Abilities0/014.3.1 Baillargeon's Explanation of Early Infant Abilities14.4 Social Cognition Development0/014.4.1 Selman's Levels of Perspective-Taking14.4.2 Theory of Mind14.4.3 Sally-Anne Study and Theory of Mind14.4.4 Mirror Neuron System in Social Cognition14. Cognition and Development (A Level Only)Premium14.1 Piaget’s Theory0/014.1.1 Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development: Key Concepts14.1.2 Piaget’s Theory of Intellectual Development14.2 Vygotsky’s Theory0/014.2.1 Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development14.3 Early Infant Abilities0/014.3.1 Baillargeon's Explanation of Early Infant Abilities14.4 Social Cognition Development0/014.4.1 Selman's Levels of Perspective-Taking14.4.2 Theory of Mind14.4.3 Sally-Anne Study and Theory of Mind14.4.4 Mirror Neuron System in Social Cognition15. Schizophrenia (A Level Only)Premium15.1 Classification and Symptoms0/015.1.1 Classification of Schizophrenia15.1.2 Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia15.1.3 Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia15.1.4 Reliability and Validity in the Diagnosis of Schizophrenia15.2 Biological Explanations0/015.2.1 Biological Explanations: Genetics and Neural Correlates in Schizophrenia15.3 Psychological Explanations0/015.3.1 Psychological Explanations: Family Dysfunction and Schizophrenia15.3.2 Cognitive Explanations for Schizophrenia15.4 Treatment Approaches0/015.4.1 Drug Therapy15.4.2 Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Treating Schizophrenia15.4.3 Family Therapy in the Treatment of Schizophrenia15.4.4 Introduction to Token Economies15.5 Interactionist Approach0/015.5.1 Importance in Treatment: An Interactionist Approach to Schizophrenia15.5.2 The Diathesis-Stress Model in Schizophrenia15. Schizophrenia (A Level Only)Premium15.1 Classification and Symptoms0/015.1.1 Classification of Schizophrenia15.1.2 Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia15.1.3 Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia15.1.4 Reliability and Validity in the Diagnosis of Schizophrenia15.2 Biological Explanations0/015.2.1 Biological Explanations: Genetics and Neural Correlates in Schizophrenia15.3 Psychological Explanations0/015.3.1 Psychological Explanations: Family Dysfunction and Schizophrenia15.3.2 Cognitive Explanations for Schizophrenia15.4 Treatment Approaches0/015.4.1 Drug Therapy15.4.2 Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Treating Schizophrenia15.4.3 Family Therapy in the Treatment of Schizophrenia15.4.4 Introduction to Token Economies15.5 Interactionist Approach0/015.5.1 Importance in Treatment: An Interactionist Approach to Schizophrenia15.5.2 The Diathesis-Stress Model in Schizophrenia16. Eating Behaviour (A Level Only)Premium16.1 Explanations for Food Preferences0/016.1.1 Evolutionary Explanation for Food Preferences16.1.2 Role of Learning in Food Preference16.2 Mechanisms of Eating Control0/016.2.1 Neural and Hormonal Mechanisms in Controlling Eating Behaviour16.3 Anorexia Nervosa0/016.3.1 Biological Explanations for Anorexia Nervosa16.3.2 Psychological Explanations for Anorexia Nervosa16.4 Obesity0/016.4.1 Biological Explanations for Obesity16.4.2 Psychological Explanations for Obesity16.4.3 Dieting Success and Failure16. Eating Behaviour (A Level Only)Premium16.1 Explanations for Food Preferences0/016.1.1 Evolutionary Explanation for Food Preferences16.1.2 Role of Learning in Food Preference16.2 Mechanisms of Eating Control0/016.2.1 Neural and Hormonal Mechanisms in Controlling Eating Behaviour16.3 Anorexia Nervosa0/016.3.1 Biological Explanations for Anorexia Nervosa16.3.2 Psychological Explanations for Anorexia Nervosa16.4 Obesity0/016.4.1 Biological Explanations for Obesity16.4.2 Psychological Explanations for Obesity16.4.3 Dieting Success and Failure17. Stress (A Level Only)Premium17.1. Physiology of Stress0/017.1.1 General Adaptation Syndrome17.1.2 The Hypothalamic Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) System in Stress Response17.1.3 The Sympathomedullary Pathway (SAM) in Acute Stress17.2. Stress and Illness0/017.2.1 Stress and Immunosuppression17.2.2 Stress and Cardiovascular Disorders17.3. Sources of Stress0/017.3.1 Life Changes and Daily Hassles17.3.2 Workplace Stress17.4. Measuring Stress0/017.4.1 Self-Report Scales in Measuring Stress17.4.2 Physiological Measures of Stress17.5. Individual Differences in Stress0/017.5.1 Personality Types (A, B, C) and Stress17.5.2 Introduction to Hardiness17.6. Managing and Coping with Stress0/017.6.1 Drug Therapy in Managing and Coping with Stress17.6.2 Stress Inoculation Therapy (SIT)17.6.3 Biofeedback as a Stress Management Technique17.6.4 Gender Differences in Coping with Stress17.6.5 Role of Social Support in Coping with Stress17. Stress (A Level Only)Premium17.1. Physiology of Stress0/017.1.1 General Adaptation Syndrome17.1.2 The Hypothalamic Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) System in Stress Response17.1.3 The Sympathomedullary Pathway (SAM) in Acute Stress17.2. Stress and Illness0/017.2.1 Stress and Immunosuppression17.2.2 Stress and Cardiovascular Disorders17.3. Sources of Stress0/017.3.1 Life Changes and Daily Hassles17.3.2 Workplace Stress17.4. Measuring Stress0/017.4.1 Self-Report Scales in Measuring Stress17.4.2 Physiological Measures of Stress17.5. Individual Differences in Stress0/017.5.1 Personality Types (A, B, C) and Stress17.5.2 Introduction to Hardiness17.6. Managing and Coping with Stress0/017.6.1 Drug Therapy in Managing and Coping with Stress17.6.2 Stress Inoculation Therapy (SIT)17.6.3 Biofeedback as a Stress Management Technique17.6.4 Gender Differences in Coping with Stress17.6.5 Role of Social Support in Coping with Stress18. Aggression (A Level Only)Premium18.1. Biological Mechanisms0/018.1.1 Neural Mechanisms in Aggression18.1.2 Hormonal Mechanisms in Aggression18.1.3 Genetic Factors in Aggression18.2. Ethological and Evolutionary Explanations0/018.2.1 Ethological Explanation of Aggression18.2.2 Evolutionary Explanations of Human Aggression18.3. Social Psychological Explanations0/018.3.1 Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis18.3.2 Social Learning Theory and Aggression18.3.3 De-individuation and Aggression18.4. Institutional Aggression0/018.4.1 Aggression in Prisons18.5. Media Influences on Aggression0/018.5.1 Effects of Computer Games on Aggressive Behaviour18.5.2 Role of Desensitisation and Disinhibition18.5.3 Cognitive Priming by Media18. Aggression (A Level Only)Premium18.1. Biological Mechanisms0/018.1.1 Neural Mechanisms in Aggression18.1.2 Hormonal Mechanisms in Aggression18.1.3 Genetic Factors in Aggression18.2. Ethological and Evolutionary Explanations0/018.2.1 Ethological Explanation of Aggression18.2.2 Evolutionary Explanations of Human Aggression18.3. Social Psychological Explanations0/018.3.1 Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis18.3.2 Social Learning Theory and Aggression18.3.3 De-individuation and Aggression18.4. Institutional Aggression0/018.4.1 Aggression in Prisons18.5. Media Influences on Aggression0/018.5.1 Effects of Computer Games on Aggressive Behaviour18.5.2 Role of Desensitisation and Disinhibition18.5.3 Cognitive Priming by Media19. Forensic Psychology (A Level Only)Premium19.1. Offender Profiling0/019.1.1 Top-Down Approach in Offender Profiling19.1.2 Bottom-Up Approach in Offender Profiling19.1.3 Geographical Profiling19.2. Biological Explanations of Offending0/019.2.1 Historical Approach (Atavistic Form)19.2.2 Genetics and Neural Explanations of Offending Behaviour19.3. Psychological Explanations of Offending0/019.3.1 Eysenck’s Theory of the Criminal Personality19.3.2 Cognitive Explanations of Offending19.3.3 Differential Association Theory19.3.4 Psychodynamic Explanations of Offending19.4. Dealing with Offending Behaviour0/019.4.1 Aims of Custodial Sentencing19.4.2 Psychological Effects of Custodial Sentencing19.4.3 Recidivism: Understanding Causes and Strategies for Reduction19.4.4 Behaviour Modification in Custody19.4.5 Anger Management Programmes in Custodial Settings19.4.6 Restorative Justice Programmes19. Forensic Psychology (A Level Only)Premium19.1. Offender Profiling0/019.1.1 Top-Down Approach in Offender Profiling19.1.2 Bottom-Up Approach in Offender Profiling19.1.3 Geographical Profiling19.2. Biological Explanations of Offending0/019.2.1 Historical Approach (Atavistic Form)19.2.2 Genetics and Neural Explanations of Offending Behaviour19.3. Psychological Explanations of Offending0/019.3.1 Eysenck’s Theory of the Criminal Personality19.3.2 Cognitive Explanations of Offending19.3.3 Differential Association Theory19.3.4 Psychodynamic Explanations of Offending19.4. Dealing with Offending Behaviour0/019.4.1 Aims of Custodial Sentencing19.4.2 Psychological Effects of Custodial Sentencing19.4.3 Recidivism: Understanding Causes and Strategies for Reduction19.4.4 Behaviour Modification in Custody19.4.5 Anger Management Programmes in Custodial Settings19.4.6 Restorative Justice Programmes20. Addiction (A Level Only)Premium20.1. Describing Addiction0/020.1.1 Physical and Psychological Dependence: An In-depth Analysis20.1.2 Tolerance in the Context of Addiction20.1.3 Withdrawal Syndrome20.2. Risk Factors in Addiction0/020.2.1 Genetic Vulnerability in Addiction20.2.2 Stress as a Risk Factor in Addiction20.2.3 Personality Factors and Addiction Risk20.2.4 Family and Peer Influences in Addiction20.3. Explanations for Nicotine Addiction0/020.3.1 Brain Neurochemistry and Nicotine Addiction20.3.2 Learning Theory and Smoking20.4. Explanations for Gambling Addiction0/020.4.1 Learning Theory and Gambling20.4.2 Cognitive Theory and Gambling20.5. Reducing Addiction0/020.5.1 Drug Therapy for Addiction20.5.2 Behavioural Interventions in Reducing Addiction20.5.3 Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) in Treating Addiction20.6. Theories of Behaviour Change0/020.6.1. Theory of Planned Behaviour: Understanding and Modifying Addictive Behaviours20.6.2 Prochaska’s Six-Stage Model of Behaviour Change20. Addiction (A Level Only)Premium20.1. Describing Addiction0/020.1.1 Physical and Psychological Dependence: An In-depth Analysis20.1.2 Tolerance in the Context of Addiction20.1.3 Withdrawal Syndrome20.2. Risk Factors in Addiction0/020.2.1 Genetic Vulnerability in Addiction20.2.2 Stress as a Risk Factor in Addiction20.2.3 Personality Factors and Addiction Risk20.2.4 Family and Peer Influences in Addiction20.3. Explanations for Nicotine Addiction0/020.3.1 Brain Neurochemistry and Nicotine Addiction20.3.2 Learning Theory and Smoking20.4. Explanations for Gambling Addiction0/020.4.1 Learning Theory and Gambling20.4.2 Cognitive Theory and Gambling20.5. Reducing Addiction0/020.5.1 Drug Therapy for Addiction20.5.2 Behavioural Interventions in Reducing Addiction20.5.3 Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) in Treating Addiction20.6. Theories of Behaviour Change0/020.6.1. Theory of Planned Behaviour: Understanding and Modifying Addictive Behaviours20.6.2 Prochaska’s Six-Stage Model of Behaviour Change