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AQA A-Level Psychology Notes

10.1.2 The Sign Test

Introduction to the Sign Test

The Sign Test is a non-parametric test used for determining whether there is a significant difference between two sets of paired observations. It is particularly relevant when dealing with ordinal data or non-normally distributed interval data.

Key Characteristics

  • Type of Data: Primarily used for ordinal or non-normal interval data.

  • Data Structure: Requires data in the form of paired observations.

  • Purpose: Assesses if the number of positive differences significantly outweighs the negative ones, or vice versa, within a dataset.

Applicability of the Sign Test

The selection of an appropriate statistical test is critical in research. The Sign Test is particularly suitable under the following conditions:

  • Non-Normal Data Distribution: When the data does not conform to a normal distribution, common in psychological data.

  • Small Sample Sizes: Particularly effective for analysing data from small samples, usually less than 25 pairs, which is often the case in psychological studies due to practical constraints.

  • Ordinal Data Analysis: Ideal for data that ranks or orders subjects, like levels of agreement, satisfaction, or confidence.

  • Matched Pairs Design: Commonly used in experiments where the same group of participants is tested under two different conditions or where participants are matched in pairs.

Conducting the Sign Test

Step-by-Step Calculation Process

  • 1. Data Collection: Begin by collecting paired observations from your psychological experiment.

  • 2. Difference Calculation: For each pair, calculate the difference in the scores or measurements.

  • 3. Sign Assignment: Assign a positive (+) or negative (-) sign to each difference based on whether the second measurement is higher or lower than the first.

  • 4. Tallying Signs: Count the total number of positive and negative signs.

  • 5. Determining the Test Statistic: The test statistic, denoted as S, is the smaller of the two counts (either positive or negative).

  • 6. Critical Value Comparison: Use a Sign Test critical values table to determine the critical value for your sample size at the desired significance level (usually 0.05). If S is equal to or less than this critical value, the result is statistically significant.

Illustrative Example

Consider a study measuring the effectiveness of a new educational strategy on student performance. Pre- and post-strategy test scores are collected for a group of 20 students. The differences in scores are calculated, signs assigned, and the numbers of positive and negative signs are tallied. If the test statistic (the smaller count of positive or negative signs) is less than the critical value from the Sign Test table, there is significant evidence that the educational strategy had an effect.

Application in Research Scenarios

Practical Application Tips

  • Type of Data: Most suitable for ordinal data or non-parametric interval data.

  • Sample Size Considerations: The Sign Test is most effective with smaller sample sizes, a common scenario in psychological research.

  • Directional Hypotheses: This test is particularly useful for studies with a specific directional hypothesis (e.g., an intervention will increase or decrease a certain behaviour or characteristic).

Example in Psychological Research

In a study investigating the impact of cognitive-behavioural therapy on anxiety levels, pre- and post-therapy anxiety scores are recorded. The Sign Test can determine if the therapy has significantly affected anxiety levels. Researchers calculate the differences, assign signs, tally them, and then compare the test statistic with the critical value.

Interpretation of Results

  • Statistical Significance: A test statistic lower than the critical value suggests a significant difference between the paired observations.

  • Effect Direction: The predominance of either positive or negative signs indicates whether the intervention increased or decreased the measured variable.

Advantages and Limitations of the Sign Test


  • Simplicity and Accessibility: The test is straightforward to understand and apply, making it accessible to students and researchers alike.

  • Suitability for Non-Parametric Data: It is an excellent choice for data that does not meet the assumptions necessary for parametric tests.

  • Flexibility in Research Design: Useful across a variety of psychological study designs, particularly those involving ordinal data or matched pairs.


  • Reduced Power Compared to Parametric Tests: The Sign Test is less powerful than parametric tests, meaning it might not detect small but meaningful effects.

  • Limited to Directional Differences: It only accounts for the direction of the difference, not its magnitude, which can be a significant limitation when the size of the change is also of interest.

Ethical Considerations in Statistical Testing

Ethical application of statistical tests like the Sign Test is paramount in psychological research.

Responsible Use of Data

  • Integrity in Data Collection and Reporting: Ensuring that data is collected, analysed, and reported honestly and accurately.

  • Informed Consent and Participant Rights: Guaranteeing that participants are fully informed about the nature of the study and their rights, including confidentiality.

Mitigating Bias

Researchers must actively work to identify and mitigate biases in their data collection and analysis methods. Unaddressed biases can lead to misleading results and interpretations.


The Sign Test is a valuable and widely used statistical tool in A-Level Psychology. Its ability to analyse non-parametric data, its applicability in a range of psychological research contexts, and its relative simplicity make it an indispensable part of the psychology student's toolkit. Mastery of the Sign Test will empower students to critically evaluate psychological research and contribute to their understanding of statistical analysis in psychology.


The Sign Test differs from other non-parametric tests such as the Wilcoxon test in several key aspects. The Sign Test focuses solely on the direction of change (positive or negative) between paired observations, not considering the magnitude of the differences. This makes it simpler but less sensitive compared to the Wilcoxon test, which takes into account the size of the differences between pairs. While the Sign Test is used primarily for ordinal data or when the sample size is small, the Wilcoxon test is more suitable for interval data and provides a more powerful analysis when the assumptions for parametric tests are not met. The Wilcoxon test ranks the differences between pairs and then analyses these ranks, making it more informative for detecting subtle changes in data sets with non-normal distributions or outliers. This additional complexity can provide more nuanced insights but also requires a more thorough understanding of statistical concepts.

The Sign Test is not typically used for independent samples; it is designed for paired or matched samples. This test compares two sets of related data, such as measurements taken from the same subjects before and after an intervention, or from subjects matched in pairs based on certain characteristics. For independent samples, where two distinct groups are compared without any natural pairing or matching (e.g., comparing scores from two different groups of individuals), other non-parametric tests are more appropriate. For example, the Mann-Whitney U test is commonly used for independent samples as it compares the distributions between two unrelated groups. The fundamental difference lies in the nature of the data: the Sign Test requires a 'before-and-after' or 'matched-pairs' scenario to function effectively, while tests like the Mann-Whitney U are designed to compare separate, unrelated groups.

The sample size has a significant impact on the reliability of the Sign Test. With a very small sample size, the test may not have enough power to detect a real effect, even if one exists. This is because the Sign Test only considers the direction of change and not the magnitude, which could lead to overlooking subtle but important differences. As the sample size increases, the reliability of the test improves. However, once the sample size becomes large (typically over 25 pairs), the central limit theorem suggests that the data may begin to resemble a normal distribution, at which point a parametric test could become more appropriate and powerful. It's essential to balance the need for a sufficiently large sample to achieve reliable results with the non-parametric nature of the Sign Test, which is particularly suited to smaller samples.

The Sign Test is most frequently used in psychological research that deals with ordinal data, small sample sizes, or non-normal data distributions. This includes studies in areas like clinical psychology, where patient responses to treatments are often ordinal (e.g., levels of depression or anxiety) and sample sizes may be limited due to practical constraints. It's also commonly used in experimental psychology, especially in 'before-and-after' studies where the same participants are measured under different conditions. For instance, the Sign Test is ideal for investigating the effects of an intervention on a specific psychological trait or behaviour within a small group, allowing researchers to determine if there is a statistically significant change in a particular direction (e.g., increase or decrease in stress levels post-intervention).

Common mistakes to avoid when using the Sign Test include misapplying it to inappropriate data types or study designs, incorrectly calculating the test statistic, and misinterpreting the results. Firstly, the Sign Test should only be used for paired or matched data, and it is not suitable for independent samples or interval data that follows a normal distribution. Misapplication can lead to invalid conclusions. Secondly, errors in calculating the test statistic, such as incorrectly tallying the signs or including zero differences in the count, can skew the results. It's crucial to correctly identify and assign positive or negative signs based on the direction of change and to understand that ties (zero differences) are typically excluded from the analysis. Lastly, misinterpreting the results, especially regarding the test's significance, can be misleading. It's important to understand that a significant result indicates a difference in direction but not necessarily in magnitude, and that the Sign Test, being less powerful than parametric tests, might not detect small but meaningful differences.

Practice Questions

In a psychological study, 15 participants were tested for stress levels before and after a meditation course. The Sign Test was used to analyse the data. If 3 participants showed increased stress, 11 showed decreased stress, and 1 showed no change, is the result statistically significant at the 0.05 level? Explain your answer.

The result is statistically significant at the 0.05 level. In the Sign Test, the test statistic (S) is the smaller of the counts of positive or negative differences. Here, 3 participants showed increased stress (negative signs), and 11 showed decreased stress (positive signs). Ignoring the participant with no change, S = 3. Consulting the Sign Test critical values table for n = 15, the critical value at the 0.05 level is 3. Since S (3) is equal to the critical value, the result is at the boundary of significance, indicating a statistically significant reduction in stress levels post-meditation course.

Explain why the Sign Test is more suitable than a parametric test like the t-test in a study with a small sample size and non-normal data distribution.

The Sign Test is more suitable than a parametric test like the t-test in scenarios involving small sample sizes and non-normal data distribution due to its non-parametric nature. Parametric tests, such as the t-test, require the data to follow a normal distribution and are more effective with larger sample sizes. However, the Sign Test does not require data normality and is particularly effective with small samples. This makes it ideal for psychological studies where obtaining large samples is often impractical and where data, especially behavioural or subjective measures, may not follow a normal distribution.

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