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AQA A-Level Psychology Notes

10.3.1 Choice of Statistical Test: Factors Affecting Test Choice

Introduction to Statistical Test Selection

Statistical tests are the cornerstone of data analysis in psychology, enabling researchers to make sense of their data and derive conclusive insights. The appropriateness of a statistical test is contingent upon several factors, including how the data is measured and the structure of the experimental design. A thorough understanding of these elements is critical for making informed decisions in test selection.

Level of Measurement

Types of Data

  • Nominal Data: This is the most basic level of data, categorising variables without any intrinsic ordering. Examples include gender, ethnicity, or eye colour. Here, the data is used to label or name categories of a qualitative variable.

  • Ordinal Data: This type of data involves order but not equal intervals between the categories. Common examples are rankings, such as class positions or levels of satisfaction on a Likert scale. It allows for the relative position of items to be determined but not the magnitude of difference between them.

  • Interval Data: Interval data is numerical, offering not just rank ordering but also meaningful intervals between values. An example is the temperature in degrees Celsius. It lacks a true zero point, meaning it cannot express ratios.

  • Ratio Data: The most informative level of measurement, ratio data, is numerical and has a true zero point. It allows for expressing ratios and comparisons of absolute magnitude. Examples include weight, height, and time.

Impact on Test Choice

The level of measurement determines the appropriateness of statistical tests:

  • Nominal Data: Suitable for non-parametric tests like the Chi-Squared test, which can examine the frequency within and between categories.

  • Ordinal Data: Generally analyzed using non-parametric tests such as Spearman’s rho, which can handle ranked data.

  • Interval and Ratio Data: These data types are ideal for parametric tests like Pearson’s r, related t-tests, and unrelated t-tests, which assume interval or ratio scales.

Experimental Design

Types of Experimental Designs

  • Independent Measures Design: Also known as between-groups design, it involves using different participants for each condition of the experiment. This design is prone to participant variability, which can be a confounding variable.

  • Repeated Measures Design: In this design, the same participants are used in all conditions. It helps control participant variables but raises issues like order effects.

  • Matched Pairs Design: Each participant in one condition is matched with a participant in the other condition based on certain criteria like age, IQ, etc. This design aims to control participant variables without the problems of repeated measures.

Impact on Test Choice

The experimental design influences statistical test selection:

  • Independent Measures Design: Utilises tests such as the unrelated t-test or the Mann-Whitney U test, which compare differences between independent groups.

  • Repeated Measures Design: Calls for tests like the related t-test or Wilcoxon signed-rank test, which are designed for comparing two related samples.

  • Matched Pairs Design: Depending on the nature of matching and data, a variety of tests can be used, including those applicable for independent and repeated measures.

Additional Considerations in Test Selection

Sample Size

  • Large Samples: They generally allow the assumption of a normal distribution of data, making parametric tests like Pearson’s r or t-tests more suitable.

  • Small Samples: Often necessitate the use of non-parametric tests, like Spearman’s rho or the Mann-Whitney test, due to their less stringent requirements on data distribution.

Data Distribution

  • Normal Distribution: If data is normally distributed, parametric tests (e.g., Pearson’s r, related t-test) are typically more powerful and appropriate.

  • Non-Normal Distribution: Non-parametric tests (e.g., Spearman’s rho, Mann-Whitney test) are more suitable as they don't assume normal distribution.

Research Hypothesis

  • Directional Hypotheses: Hypotheses predicting the direction of an effect might necessitate one-tailed tests, which can be more powerful in detecting an effect in a specific direction.

  • Non-directional Hypotheses: Typically require two-tailed tests, assessing the possibility of an effect in either direction.

Ethical Considerations

  • Ethical considerations in test choice revolve around ensuring that the statistical methods do not mislead or misrepresent data.

  • Participant welfare and ethical research practices should guide the choice of experimental design, consequently influencing statistical test selection.

Practical Implications

Interpretation of Results

The choice of a statistical test directly impacts how results are interpreted. A deep understanding of the chosen test’s strengths, limitations, and assumptions is essential to accurately interpret and communicate research findings.

Research Validity

The validity of research is heavily reliant on the appropriate selection of statistical tests. Misapplication of tests can lead to invalid conclusions, undermining the study's credibility.


The replicability of research is a cornerstone of scientific enquiry. Choosing the right statistical test ensures that other researchers can replicate the study under similar conditions and achieve comparable results.


The selection of a statistical test in psychological research is a nuanced process, influenced by a myriad of factors. A clear understanding of these factors is essential for any psychology student or researcher looking to design robust, meaningful, and ethically sound research studies.


The scale of measurement profoundly influences the power and sensitivity of a statistical test. Power refers to the test's ability to correctly reject a false null hypothesis. Sensitivity, on the other hand, is the test's capability to detect an actual effect when it exists. Parametric tests, which are used for interval and ratio data, generally have higher power and sensitivity compared to non-parametric tests (used for nominal and ordinal data). This is because parametric tests make full use of the data's properties, like mean values and standard deviations, which are more informative for interval and ratio data. However, this advantage comes with the caveat that the data must meet certain assumptions like normal distribution. Non-parametric tests, while less powerful in terms of detecting small effect sizes, are more robust to violations of these assumptions, making them suitable for nominal and ordinal data where such assumptions are not met.

A researcher might opt for a non-parametric test over a parametric one, even with interval or ratio data, under certain conditions. Firstly, if the sample size is small, the assumptions required for parametric tests (like normal distribution of data) might not hold, reducing their validity. Non-parametric tests are less stringent about these assumptions and can provide more reliable results in such cases. Secondly, if the data exhibits significant outliers or is skewed, parametric tests might give misleading results as they are sensitive to such anomalies. Non-parametric tests, which often use median values instead of means, are less affected by these issues and can offer a more accurate analysis. Finally, if the research question is better addressed by the type of analysis a non-parametric test offers (e.g., median comparisons), a researcher might favour them regardless of the data scale.

The choice of statistical test significantly influences the type of data visualisation used in presenting research findings. For instance, if a researcher uses a parametric test like Pearson’s r for correlation analysis, scatter plots are often employed to visually represent the linear relationship between variables. In contrast, with non-parametric tests like the Chi-Squared test for nominal data, bar charts or pie charts are more appropriate to display frequencies or proportions within categories. Similarly, for tests comparing means in an independent measures design (like the unrelated t-test), bar graphs with error bars showing standard deviations or confidence intervals are typical. The visual representation not only complements the statistical analysis but also aids in making the data more comprehensible and accessible to the audience, highlighting key findings and trends in a more intuitive manner.

Using an inappropriate statistical test can indeed lead to ethical concerns in psychological research. Ethical research practice is not just about how data is collected but also how it is analysed and reported. An incorrect choice of test can lead to misleading results, which may be unintentionally deceptive. This is particularly crucial in psychology, where research findings can influence public policy, clinical practices, and the understanding of human behaviour. Misinterpretation due to improper statistical analysis can lead to wasted resources, misinformed decisions, and potentially harmful outcomes. Therefore, ethical considerations in psychological research extend to the rigorous and appropriate analysis of data, ensuring that findings are reliable, valid, and representative of the true nature of the phenomena being studied.

A deep understanding of statistical tests is pivotal for a psychologist's ability to critically evaluate research. It enables them to assess the appropriateness of the methods used in a study, considering whether the chosen statistical tests align with the data type, research design, and hypotheses. Psychologists can scrutinise whether the assumptions underlying certain tests have been met, and if the interpretation of results is justified. Furthermore, this knowledge allows them to evaluate the reliability and validity of the findings, and whether conclusions drawn are a true reflection of the data. Critically evaluating the statistical methodology helps in identifying potential biases, errors, or misinterpretations in research, fostering a more robust and reliable body of psychological knowledge. It also equips psychologists with the skills to design their own research with appropriate statistical methods, ensuring the generation of high-quality, impactful data in the field.

Practice Questions

Explain how the level of measurement of data influences the selection of a statistical test in psychological research.

The level of measurement of data is fundamental in determining the appropriate statistical test in psychological research. For nominal data, which categorises variables without intrinsic ordering (like gender or ethnicity), non-parametric tests such as the Chi-Squared test are suitable due to their ability to handle frequency data. When dealing with ordinal data, which involves order but not equal intervals (like Likert scale responses), non-parametric tests like Spearman’s rho are appropriate. For interval and ratio data, which provide numerical measurements with equal intervals (like temperature for interval, height for ratio), parametric tests such as Pearson’s r or t-tests are ideal. These tests utilise mean values and standard deviations, fully leveraging the properties of interval and ratio data. Thus, the level of measurement dictates whether a parametric or non-parametric test is more suitable, ensuring the validity and reliability of the research findings.

Discuss the impact of experimental design on the choice of statistical test in psychology.

Experimental design significantly impacts the choice of statistical test in psychology. In an independent measures design, where different participants are used in each condition, tests like the unrelated t-test or Mann-Whitney U test are appropriate. These tests compare differences between independent groups and are beneficial in reducing the influence of participant variables. Conversely, in a repeated measures design, where the same participants are used in all conditions, tests like the related t-test or Wilcoxon signed-rank test are required. These tests are tailored for comparing two related samples and control for individual differences. Additionally, in a matched pairs design, the choice of test can vary. Depending on the data's nature and matching criteria, tests applicable for both independent and repeated measures might be used. Overall, the experimental design influences the statistical test selection to ensure accurate and valid comparisons between groups or conditions.

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