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AQA A-Level Psychology Notes

20.3.1 Brain Neurochemistry and Nicotine Addiction

Introduction to Neurochemistry in Addiction

Neurochemistry examines how neurotransmitters, the brain's chemical messengers, influence and regulate neural activity. In the context of nicotine addiction, understanding the role of these neurotransmitters is essential for grasping how smoking affects brain function and behaviour.

Dopamine: The Reward Neurotransmitter

  • Mechanism of Action: Upon inhaling nicotine from cigarettes or other tobacco products, nicotine quickly crosses the blood-brain barrier. It then stimulates the release of dopamine, particularly in the brain's reward circuits, such as the nucleus accumbens and the ventral tegmental area (VTA).

  • Reward and Reinforcement: Dopamine release produces feelings of pleasure and euphoria, reinforcing the act of smoking and making nicotine use highly rewarding. This reinforcement is at the heart of the development of addiction, as the brain begins to associate smoking with positive reinforcement.

  • Addiction and Neuroplasticity: Chronic exposure to nicotine leads to neuroplastic changes in the brain's reward system. Over time, this can result in an increased number of dopamine receptors or changes in receptor sensitivity, making the brain more reliant on nicotine to stimulate dopamine release.

The Role of Other Neurotransmitters

While dopamine is central to nicotine addiction, other neurotransmitters also play significant roles:

  • Acetylcholine: Nicotine acts as an agonist at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), enhancing cognitive functions and attention, further promoting the use of nicotine due to its perceived positive effects on mental processes.

  • GABA: By inhibiting GABA, nicotine reduces its inhibitory effects, thereby indirectly increasing dopamine release and contributing to the addiction cycle.

  • Glutamate: Nicotine increases glutamate levels, which is associated with enhanced learning and memory related to nicotine cues, thus strengthening the addiction.

  • Noradrenaline and Serotonin: These neurotransmitters are implicated in mood regulation and stress response. Nicotine's modulation of these neurotransmitters can affect mood and contribute to nicotine's addictive properties.

Comprehensive Effects of Nicotine on Brain Neurochemistry

The effects of nicotine on the brain are extensive, influencing mood, cognition, and behaviour, while also leading to long-term neurochemical and structural changes.

Immediate Neurochemical Effects

  • Enhancement of Pleasure and Mood: The quick release of dopamine following nicotine intake is responsible for the immediate feelings of pleasure, relaxation, and stress relief, driving the initial stages of nicotine addiction.

  • Cognitive and Attentional Improvements: Nicotine's stimulatory effects on acetylcholine receptors can lead to improved attention, learning, and memory in the short term, making smoking appear beneficial for cognitive tasks.

Long-term Neurochemical and Structural Changes

  • Tolerance and Dependence: Regular nicotine use leads to tolerance, requiring higher doses to achieve the same dopamine release, and dependence, where nicotine becomes necessary to feel normal.

  • Alterations in Brain Structure and Function: Long-term nicotine exposure can lead to changes in brain regions involved in reward, decision-making, and emotional regulation, potentially affecting behaviour and increasing the risk of addiction to other substances.

  • Withdrawal and Cravings: Withdrawal from nicotine leads to a decrease in dopamine levels, causing symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, and cravings for nicotine. These symptoms make quitting difficult and are a direct consequence of the brain's adaptation to chronic nicotine exposure.

Nicotine Addiction: Learning, Memory, and Environmental Cues

The intersection of neurochemistry with learning and memory processes is crucial in understanding nicotine addiction.

  • Conditioning and Environmental Cues: Through classical and operant conditioning, smoking becomes associated with specific cues (e.g., coffee breaks, stress), which can trigger cravings and relapse, even after periods of abstinence.

  • Memory Enhancement by Nicotine: Nicotine's ability to enhance certain aspects of memory and attention can make the act of smoking more memorable. These enhanced memories can strengthen the psychological component of nicotine addiction, making cessation more challenging.

Overcoming Nicotine Addiction: The Neurochemical Challenge

Given the profound impact of nicotine on the brain's neurochemical balance, overcoming addiction is a significant challenge.

  • Cravings and the Role of Dopamine: The altered neurochemical state of the brain during addiction leads to intense cravings for nicotine, driven by the brain's learned association between nicotine and dopamine-mediated pleasure.

  • Neurochemical Imbalance and Withdrawal: Quitting smoking disrupts the neurochemical balance that the brain has adapted to, leading to withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms are not just physical but also psychological, reflecting the brain's dependence on nicotine for dopamine regulation.


The journey through the neurochemical landscape of nicotine addiction reveals a complex interplay between dopamine, other neurotransmitters, and the brain's reward and learning systems. This detailed analysis highlights the challenges faced in overcoming nicotine addiction, underscoring the importance of addressing both the neurochemical and psychological aspects of addiction. For students of AQA A-Level Psychology, understanding these mechanisms is crucial for a comprehensive grasp of addiction, informing both clinical approaches to treatment and the development of public health strategies aimed at reducing smoking rates. Through this knowledge, we gain insights into not only the challenges of nicotine dependence but also the broader implications of addictive behaviors on brain function and psychology.


Nicotine's alteration of the brain's reward system over time is a complex process involving neuroadaptation and neuroplasticity. Initially, nicotine increases dopamine release in the brain's reward pathways, producing pleasurable sensations that reinforce smoking behavior. However, with repeated exposure, the brain undergoes significant changes. The number of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors increases, and the brain's reward system becomes desensitized to nicotine. This desensitization requires higher doses of nicotine to achieve the same rewarding effects, leading to increased consumption and deeper addiction. Additionally, the chronic elevation of dopamine levels due to nicotine use can cause the downregulation of dopamine receptors, diminishing the brain's ability to respond to natural rewards. This neurochemical imbalance not only reinforces nicotine addiction but also affects the individual's ability to experience pleasure from other activities, contributing to the persistence of addictive behaviors and making cessation more challenging.

The significance of nicotine's effect on acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the context of addiction is profound. Nicotine acts as an agonist at these receptors, which are widely distributed in the brain and are crucial for cognitive functions, arousal, and the release of various neurotransmitters, including dopamine. By binding to nAChRs, nicotine mimics the action of acetylcholine, leading to enhanced release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens, a key region in the brain's reward pathway. This process not only triggers the immediate feelings of pleasure and reward associated with smoking but also affects cognition and attention, making smoking behavior more reinforcing. Furthermore, the chronic activation of nAChRs by nicotine leads to neuroplastic changes in the brain, including receptor upregulation and altered neurotransmitter release, which contribute to the development and maintenance of nicotine addiction. These changes enhance the brain's dependence on nicotine to maintain normal cognitive and emotional functioning, making quitting difficult.

Withdrawal symptoms from nicotine underscore the neurochemical basis of addiction by highlighting the brain's dependence on nicotine to maintain neurochemical balance. When a chronic smoker attempts to quit, the sudden reduction in nicotine intake disrupts the accustomed neurochemical processes, leading to a range of withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms, including irritability, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and intense cravings for nicotine, are direct consequences of the brain's adjustment to the absence of nicotine. The cessation of nicotine intake lowers dopamine levels, causing mood disturbances and reduced pleasure from daily activities. The brain's acetylcholine receptors, now accustomed to the presence of nicotine, signal a lack of stimulation, further exacerbating withdrawal symptoms. These physiological and psychological experiences reflect the brain's neurochemical adaptation to nicotine and its struggle to re-establish a new equilibrium in the absence of the substance, thereby illustrating the neurochemical underpinnings of nicotine addiction.

Nicotine's interaction with glutamate significantly contributes to the addictive process by enhancing learning and memory associated with smoking behavior. Glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain, playing a key role in synaptic plasticity, the mechanism underlying learning and memory. When nicotine activates nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, it not only increases dopamine release but also modulates glutamatergic transmission. This modulation strengthens the neural connections in the brain's reward circuits, making the association between nicotine use and its pleasurable effects more robust. As a result, environmental cues or stressors can more easily trigger cravings and relapse in individuals addicted to nicotine. Furthermore, the enhanced glutamatergic activity contributes to the development of tolerance, requiring increasing amounts of nicotine to achieve the same reinforcing effects. Thus, nicotine's interaction with glutamate is crucial in reinforcing and perpetuating the cycle of addiction.

Yes, nicotine addiction can lead to changes in brain structure, a process mediated by long-term alterations in neurochemistry and neuroplasticity. Chronic nicotine exposure influences the brain's reward system, particularly the areas involved in dopamine release and reception. Over time, this can result in neuroadaptive changes, such as the upregulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and alterations in dopamine receptor density and sensitivity. These changes can affect the structural integrity of neural pathways, leading to altered brain morphology in areas critical for reward processing, decision-making, and impulse control, such as the prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, and hippocampus. Neuroimaging studies have shown that smokers exhibit changes in brain volume, cortical thickness, and white matter integrity compared to non-smokers. These structural changes not only underline the addictive properties of nicotine but also may contribute to cognitive deficits and altered emotional regulation seen in chronic smokers, complicating efforts to quit and increasing the risk of relapse.

Practice Questions

Explain how nicotine addiction is influenced by the brain's neurochemistry, particularly focusing on the role of dopamine.

Nicotine addiction is fundamentally driven by the brain's neurochemistry, with dopamine playing a pivotal role. When nicotine is consumed, it stimulates the release of dopamine in the brain's reward circuits, such as the nucleus accumbens. This release of dopamine generates feelings of pleasure and reward, reinforcing the behaviour of smoking. Over time, the brain's dopamine receptors may adapt to the increased presence of nicotine, leading to changes in the brain's neurochemistry and an increased craving for nicotine to achieve the same pleasurable effects. This cycle of reinforcement and adaptation underlies the process of addiction, illustrating the critical role of dopamine in nicotine dependence.

Discuss the impact of nicotine on other neurotransmitters besides dopamine and explain how these contribute to nicotine addiction.

Nicotine impacts various neurotransmitters besides dopamine, contributing significantly to its addictive properties. By mimicking acetylcholine, nicotine binds to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, enhancing cognitive functions and alertness, which can make smoking behavior more appealing. Additionally, nicotine affects GABA, the brain's primary inhibitory neurotransmitter, by reducing its inhibitory effects, thereby indirectly promoting dopamine release. It also increases levels of glutamate, which enhances synaptic plasticity and learning processes associated with addiction. Furthermore, nicotine influences noradrenaline and serotonin, affecting mood and stress responses. These complex neurochemical interactions enhance nicotine's reinforcing effects, making cessation challenging and contributing to the cycle of addiction.

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