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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.4.7 Processes in Unicellular Organisms

Unicellular organisms, being made up of just a single cell, showcase the sheer complexity and capability that a single cell can possess. This page elaborates on the essential life processes that these fascinating organisms manage within their individual cellular confines.

Microscopic picture of unicellular organisms.

Image courtesy of Zeynap


For survival and proper functionality, unicellular organisms must maintain a state of equilibrium or homeostasis, ensuring that their internal environment remains relatively constant.

Ion Balance

  • Purpose: Unicellular organisms need to manage the balance of ions inside and outside the cell to maintain osmotic balance.
  • Osmoregulation: This process ensures that water doesn't flood into or rush out of the cell due to osmotic pressures. Cells in hypotonic solutions might absorb too much water, while those in hypertonic solutions could lose vital water.
  • Ion Transport: Through active transport and facilitated diffusion, cells actively regulate ion concentrations.

Temperature Regulation

  • Thermotaxis: Some unicellular organisms move towards or away from certain temperatures, ensuring they stay in favourable conditions.
  • Heat Shock Proteins: Produced in response to extreme temperatures, these molecules help in protein folding, protecting the cell from heat stress.


Metabolism, at its core, is about energy transformations and molecular conversions that sustain life.


  • Energy Production: Breaking down complex molecules to release energy. The most universal pathway is glycolysis.
  • Respiration: In oxygen-rich conditions, organisms like yeast and some bacteria undergo aerobic respiration for energy.


  • Biosynthesis: Cells synthesise essential components like nucleic acids, amino acids, and lipids from simpler molecules.
  • Energy Storage: Glucose can be stored as glycogen or starch for future use.
A diagrammatic presentation of metabolism (catabolism and anabolism).

Image courtesy of Christinelmiller


The strategies for nutrient acquisition differ among unicellular organisms.


  • Photosynthesis: Cyanobacteria and some protists use light energy to convert CO₂ and water into glucose.
  • Chemosynthesis: Certain bacteria can produce organic compounds using energy derived from chemical reactions, typically seen in deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
Labelled diagram of cyanobacteria.

Cyanbacteria have flattened sacs known as thylakoids where photosynthesis take place and hence are autotrophs.

Image courtesy of VectorMine


  • Phagocytosis: The engulfing of solid food particles or even other organisms, seen in amoebas.
  • Pinocytosis: The ingestion of liquid particles or dissolved substances.
Mode of nutrition in amoeba.

Mode of nutrition in amoeba, where food particles are engulfed with the help of psedopodia.

Image courtesy of Sawat


Mobility offers advantages in terms of finding food or escaping adverse conditions.


  • Function and Structure: Composed of protein flagellin, it provides whip-like movements to the organism.
  • Examples: Some bacteria have flagella that allow them to move towards nutrients or away from toxins.


  • Coordinated Movement: Composed of microtubules, cilia beat in synchrony to move the organism or to move substances across the cell surface.
  • Examples: Paramecium uses cilia for locomotion and to sweep food into its oral groove.


  • Amoeboid Movement: This involves the cell changing shape by extending pseudopods.
  • Function: Besides movement, pseudopods can also engulf food particles.
Different methods of movement in unicellular organisms.

Image courtesy of Lumen Learning


Excretion is vital to remove waste products and prevent their accumulation.


  • Simplest Method: Small waste molecules like ammonia can simply diffuse out of the cell.

Contractile Vacuole

  • Function: Found in freshwater protists, it expels excess water to prevent the cell from bursting due to osmotic pressure.


  • Increase in Cell Content: Cells uptake nutrients and use them for biosynthesis.
  • Cell Division: Once they reach a certain size, unicellular organisms will reproduce, which in many cases is also a mode of growth.

Response to Stimuli

Phototaxis and Chemotaxis

  • Navigational Mechanisms: Organisms move towards beneficial stimuli and away from harmful ones. This behaviour optimises their survival and energy efficiency.


Binary Fission

  • Simplest Form: The DNA is replicated and the cell divides into two roughly equal halves.
A diagram showing the process of binary fission.

Image courtesy of Ecoddington14


  • Outgrowth: A small bud grows out and detaches when mature, seen in yeast.
A diagram showing the process of budding.

Image courtesy of A.houghton19

Spore Formation

  • Adverse Conditions: When environmental conditions are tough, some unicellular organisms form resistant spores which can endure and later develop into full cells.

Through these myriad processes, unicellular organisms not only survive but also thrive across diverse habitats, illustrating the adaptability and resilience of life even at the microscopic scale.


Yes, there are. Extremophiles are unicellular organisms that thrive in environments considered hostile for most life forms. For instance, thermophiles can live in extremely hot conditions, like hot springs or hydrothermal vents. Psychrophiles, on the other hand, thrive in extremely cold conditions, often found in deep-sea environments or icy terrains. Acidophiles can survive in highly acidic conditions, often seen in acid mine drainages. Halophiles are adapted to live in high-salt conditions, like salt pans. These extremophiles have specialised cellular machinery, enabling them to not just survive but also flourish in these extreme conditions.

While unicellular organisms can operate independently, forming colonies offers several advantages. In a colonial arrangement, cells can specialise in certain tasks, leading to division of labour. This can increase the efficiency of certain processes. For example, some cells in a colony might focus on reproduction while others could specialise in nutrient acquisition. Colonies can also provide protection, with outer cells shielding the inner ones from environmental adversities. Moreover, being part of a larger entity can deter predators. Lastly, colonies increase the chances of genetic diversity through exchange of genetic material, enhancing adaptability and resilience of the population to changing conditions.

Unicellular organisms have developed various strategies to evade predation. Some employ rapid movement, using flagella, cilia, or pseudopodia to escape from predators. Others exhibit cryptic behaviours, camouflaging themselves with their surroundings. Moreover, certain organisms can produce toxins or other deterrent chemicals that make them unpalatable or harmful to potential predators. Defensive mutualism is another strategy; some unicellular organisms live in association with larger organisms, offering them benefits in exchange for protection. For example, certain algae live inside coral polyps and provide them with nutrients through photosynthesis. In return, the coral provides the algae with protection and access to light.

Though unicellular, many of these organisms exhibit intricate communication and sensing mechanisms. Quorum sensing is one such method where bacteria communicate using chemical molecules. As the bacterial population grows, these chemical signals increase in concentration. Once they reach a threshold, they initiate coordinated group behaviours, like biofilm formation or toxin production. Sensing the surroundings is crucial for survival, especially in environments that are ever-changing. Many unicellular organisms possess light-sensitive organelles, enabling them to detect and move towards light, a behaviour known as phototaxis. Similarly, chemotaxis allows them to navigate based on chemical gradients in their environment, moving towards beneficial substances or away from harmful ones.

Unicellular organisms have evolved various strategies to shield themselves from external adversities. One such strategy is the formation of a cyst - a protective capsule in which the organism encases itself. This cyst can resist unfavourable environmental conditions, such as desiccation, temperature extremes, or chemical threats. Once conditions become favourable again, the organism emerges from this protective state and resumes its normal activities. Furthermore, certain unicellular organisms produce biofilms, a sticky matrix that offers protection against hostile conditions and can also help in adhering to surfaces. The biofilm environment can offer enhanced resistance against antibiotics and other chemical threats.

Practice Questions

Explain the difference between autotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition in unicellular organisms, providing an example for each.

Autotrophic unicellular organisms synthesise their own organic molecules using energy derived from non-organic sources. This energy could come from light, as seen in photosynthesis carried out by cyanobacteria, or from chemical reactions, termed chemosynthesis, as seen in certain deep-sea bacteria near hydrothermal vents. On the other hand, heterotrophic unicellular organisms obtain organic molecules by ingesting other organisms or their products. An example is amoebas, which engulf their prey through phagocytosis, taking in solid food particles and then breaking them down internally for nutrients.

Describe the importance of homeostasis in unicellular organisms and detail two mechanisms by which they maintain it.

Homeostasis in unicellular organisms is vital to ensure their survival, as they have to perform all life-sustaining functions within that single cell. This balance helps maintain the internal environment despite external fluctuations. One mechanism by which they maintain homeostasis is osmoregulation, ensuring that the cell doesn't take in or lose excessive water by balancing the concentration of ions inside and outside the cell. Another mechanism involves thermotaxis, where some unicellular organisms move towards or away from certain temperatures. This movement ensures they remain in environments most conducive to their survival and prevents damage from extreme temperatures.

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