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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.4.12 Origin of Eukaryotic Cells

Eukaryotic cells, with their intricate and multifaceted structures, differ significantly from their prokaryotic counterparts. To shed light on the evolutionary path that led to eukaryotes, one theory stands out as the most compelling: the endosymbiotic theory.

Endosymbiotic Theory

The endosymbiotic theory paints a scenario wherein eukaryotic cells emerged from a symbiotic partnership between multiple prokaryotic cells. In this intriguing tale of cellular collaboration, one prokaryotic cell engulfed another, giving rise to a symbiotic relationship beneficial for both entities.

Key Events in the Endosymbiotic Theory:

  • Initial Engulfment: A larger, ancestral prokaryotic cell engulfed a smaller one. This wasn't an act of predation but rather a chance event.
  • Formation of Symbiotic Relationship: Instead of the engulfed cell being digested, both cells found mutual benefits. For instance, the engulfed cell might have offered enhanced ATP production capabilities, while the host offered it protection.
  • Evolutionary Integration: As millions of years passed, these initially independent entities became more integrated. The engulfed cell lost certain aspects of its autonomy, evolving into organelles within the host cell. This process eventually gave rise to the eukaryotic cells we study today.
A stepwise diagram showing endosymbiosis.

Image courtesy of Chinthaka Suraj

Concrete Evidence Backing the Endosymbiotic Theory

This theory isn't just an educated guess. A plethora of evidence, both morphological and genetic, supports this evolutionary narrative.

70S Ribosomes

  • Shared Traits with Prokaryotes: Organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotic cells house 70S ribosomes. Remarkably, these are the exact type found in prokaryotes.
  • Potential Origins: Such a striking similarity hints that these organelles may have once been prokaryotic cells themselves, living freely until they were engulfed.

Naked Circular DNA

  • Distinctive Features: Both mitochondria and chloroplasts harbour their own DNA, which is not only naked but also circular. This is notably different from the linear DNA in eukaryotic cell nuclei.
  • Akin to Prokaryotic DNA: The DNA architecture of these organelles bears a striking resemblance to prokaryotic DNA.
  • Historical Inference: Such similarities suggest a past where mitochondria and chloroplasts were autonomous entities, complete with their own genetic blueprints.

Replication Mechanics

  • A Prokaryotic Style: Mitochondria and chloroplasts have a replication mechanism that mirrors binary fission, the primary mode of replication in prokaryotes.
  • Hints of Ancient Autonomy: Their independence in replication further underscores the idea that these organelles might have been self-sufficient prokaryotic cells at one time.
A diagrammatic presentation of endosymbiotic theory.

Image courtesy of Kytianas

Digging Deeper: Further Supporting Evidence

Beyond the primary proofs, several nuanced pieces of evidence lend weight to the endosymbiotic theory.

  • Antibiotics and Their Targets: It's fascinating to note that some antibiotics, which typically target prokaryotic ribosomes, also impact the ribosomes of mitochondria and chloroplasts. However, these antibiotics don't affect the ribosomes in the eukaryotic cytoplasm. This peculiarity hints at a prokaryotic ancestry for the organelles.
  • The Tale of Two Membranes: The double membrane surrounding mitochondria and chloroplasts has its own story to tell. The theory posits that the inner membrane was the original barrier of the engulfed prokaryotic cell, while the outer membrane formed during the engulfment process.
  • Transport Systems – A Shared Legacy: Some transport proteins and mechanisms in organelle membranes bear uncanny resemblances to those in prokaryotic cells, indicating a likely shared evolutionary history.

Broader Biological Implications of the Theory

The endosymbiotic theory isn't merely an evolutionary chronicle; it offers profound insights into life's interconnected nature.

  • A Web of Life: The theory underscores the intricate interconnections of life forms and showcases how cooperative, symbiotic interactions can birth entirely new organisms.
  • Nature's Adaptability: The formation of such beneficial partnerships exemplifies the remarkable adaptability of life. It's a testament to nature's drive for survival and progression.


Even though mitochondria and chloroplasts have retained some autonomy by having their own DNA, they are not isolated entities within the cell. They communicate with the rest of the eukaryotic cell through signalling pathways. These pathways are integral for maintaining cellular homeostasis and coordinating various metabolic activities. For instance, when energy levels in a cell drop, mitochondria can send signals to the nucleus to adjust the transcription rates of certain genes. Such coordination between organelles and the nucleus is essential for the overall health and functionality of the cell.

Mitochondria and chloroplasts, although possessing their own DNA, have a much reduced genome compared to their supposed prokaryotic ancestors. Over evolutionary time, many genes that were once part of these organelles' genomes have been transferred to the nuclear genome of the host cell. The host cell then synthesises these proteins and imports them back into the organelle. This transfer of genes could have been advantageous for streamlining cellular processes and ensuring tighter regulation and integration of the organelle functions with the overall cellular machinery.

The number of membranes surrounding an organelle can provide clues about its evolutionary history. Organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts are surrounded by a double membrane. According to the endosymbiotic theory, the inner membrane is thought to be the original membrane of the engulfed prokaryotic cell, while the outer membrane may have been formed during the engulfment process. Over time, as the symbiotic relationship evolved, the engulfed cell lost some of its autonomy and became integrated within the host cell, while retaining its original membrane, hence the presence of two distinct membranes.

Similarities in transport systems between organelles (like mitochondria and chloroplasts) and prokaryotic cells provide evidence for the endosymbiotic theory. Certain transport proteins and mechanisms in the membranes of these organelles resemble those found in prokaryotic cells, suggesting a shared evolutionary origin. This implies that these organelles, now part of eukaryotic cells, once had independent existence as prokaryotic entities. The retention of these prokaryotic-like transport systems in eukaryotic organelles emphasises the evolutionary benefits of preserving such mechanisms for efficient nutrient exchange and communication.

Yes, endosymbiosis is a widespread phenomenon in nature and not limited to the origin of eukaryotic cells. One prominent example is the relationship between certain plants and nitrogen-fixing bacteria. These bacteria live inside nodules on plant roots and convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use. In return, the plant provides the bacteria with sugars and other organic compounds. Another example is the partnership between corals and zooxanthellae, a type of algae. The algae live inside the coral cells, providing them with nutrients through photosynthesis, while the coral offers protection and access to light. These relationships highlight the adaptability of life forms in forming symbiotic partnerships for mutual benefit.

Practice Questions

Explain the endosymbiotic theory and describe two pieces of evidence supporting it.

The endosymbiotic theory suggests that eukaryotic cells originated through a symbiotic relationship between different prokaryotic cells. Specifically, a larger prokaryotic cell engulfed a smaller one, but rather than digesting it, the two formed a mutually beneficial relationship. Over time, the engulfed cell evolved into an organelle within the host cell, leading to the development of eukaryotic cells. Two pieces of evidence supporting this theory are:

  • The presence of 70S ribosomes in organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts, similar to those found in prokaryotes.
  • The naked circular DNA found in these organelles, which resembles prokaryotic DNA, suggesting these organelles once had independent genetic blueprints.
Why do some antibiotics that target prokaryotic ribosomes also affect the ribosomes of mitochondria and chloroplasts, but not the ribosomes in the eukaryotic cytoplasm?

This phenomenon can be explained by the endosymbiotic theory. Antibiotics that target prokaryotic ribosomes also affect the ribosomes of mitochondria and chloroplasts because these organelles likely originated from engulfed prokaryotic cells. The 70S ribosomes present in mitochondria and chloroplasts are similar to those found in prokaryotes. As a result, antibiotics designed to target prokaryotic ribosomes can also impact the ribosomes in these organelles. However, ribosomes in the eukaryotic cytoplasm are of a different type (80S) and are unaffected by these antibiotics, underscoring the distinct evolutionary paths of these cellular components.

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