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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.4.4 Structures Common to All Cells

All living organisms, from the smallest bacteria to the largest mammals, comprise cells. These cells, despite their diverse roles and functions, share certain core structures essential to the maintenance and propagation of life.

DNA as Genetic Material

DNA is not just a molecule; it is the central hub of life's operations.

  • Function:
    • DNA, or Deoxyribonucleic Acid, carries the genetic code. It ensures that living organisms function correctly, and when cells divide, DNA ensures the genetic information is passed on.
  • Structure:
    • DNA is a double-stranded helix formed by nucleotide sequences. These nucleotides consist of a phosphate group, deoxyribose sugar, and one of four nitrogenous bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), or guanine (G).
    • These bases pair in specific ways: A with T and C with G, forming base pairs that run the helix's length.
  • Significance:
    • Blueprint of Life: DNA's sequences are instructions for the synthesis of proteins, which are the workhorses of cells. Every trait, from the colour of one's eyes to one's susceptibility to certain diseases, can be traced back to DNA.
    • Replication: Prior to cell division, DNA replicates, ensuring each new cell receives a complete set of genetic instructions.
    • Gene Expression: Through transcription (where DNA is converted to RNA) and translation (where RNA guides protein synthesis), DNA dictates cellular function and structure.
A diagram od of double stranded DNA.

Image courtesy of Forluvoft


This gelatinous substance is more than just filler; it's the cell's metabolic engine room.

  • Function:
    • The cytoplasm is a cell's inner environment where numerous vital reactions occur, from energy production to the synthesis of structural proteins.
  • Structure:
    • Primarily, the cytoplasm consists of water, but it also contains dissolved ions, small organic molecules, and large macromolecules. This mixture, called cytosol, is where metabolic reactions happen.
    • Within the cytoplasm are organelles, specialised structures with distinct functions, floating in the cytosol.
  • Significance:
    • Metabolic Reactions: Glycolysis, one of the initial stages of cellular respiration, takes place in the cytoplasm. Here, glucose breaks down into pyruvate, releasing energy.
    • Organic Synthesis: The synthesis of many molecules, from nucleotides to fatty acids, occurs here.
    • Structural Support: It ensures that organelles remain in their respective places, maintaining cellular integrity.
A labelled diagram showing the structure of a cell.

Image courtesy of Nejash Abdela

Plasma Membrane

This protective boundary is crucial for cellular function, ensuring the internal environment remains stable.

  • Function:
    • The plasma membrane separates the cell's interior from its surroundings. It selectively allows substances to pass, receiving signals from outside and responding accordingly.
  • Structure:
  • The foundational structure is the lipid bilayer, formed by phospholipids. These molecules have hydrophilic heads (attracted to water) and hydrophobic tails (repelled by water).
  • Proteins are interspersed throughout this bilayer. Some span the membrane (integral proteins) while others are on the surface (peripheral proteins).
  • Cholesterol molecules are also present, providing flexibility to the membrane.
  • On the surface, carbohydrate chains attach to lipids (glycolipids) or proteins (glycoproteins), playing a role in cell recognition.
  • Significance:
    • Selective Transport: The membrane's semi-permeable nature ensures essential nutrients enter the cell while waste products are expelled.
    • Signal Reception: Receptor proteins in the membrane detect signals, allowing cells to respond to changing environments.
    • Protection: The plasma membrane defends against potentially harmful substances in the external environment.
Labelled diagram of the cell membrane or plasma membrane.

Image courtesy of LadyofHats Mariana Ruiz derivative work: Dhatfield

Importance of These Structures

These shared cellular structures are more than just commonalities; they're fundamental to life itself.

  • Unified Theory of Life: The ubiquity of these structures across all living organisms supports the theory of a shared evolutionary origin.
  • Cellular Operations: These components support core cellular operations like energy production, waste removal, growth, and response to environmental changes.
  • Complexity and Evolution: While every cell possesses these structures, they also provide a foundation upon which evolutionary processes can introduce complexity, as seen in the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.


Cholesterol, a lipid molecule, plays a vital role in modulating the fluidity and stability of the plasma membrane. Embedded within the lipid bilayer, cholesterol fills spaces between phospholipids, preventing them from packing too closely together. This action ensures that the membrane remains fluid, which is vital for cellular functions like transport, signalling, and movement. Moreover, in colder temperatures, cholesterol prevents phospholipids from solidifying by preventing tight packing, maintaining membrane fluidity. Conversely, in higher temperatures, cholesterol restrains excessive movement of phospholipids, adding stability to the membrane.

DNA replication is a meticulous process that ensures each new cell has a complete and accurate set of genetic instructions. Before a cell divides, its DNA is duplicated so that both daughter cells receive an identical DNA set. This process involves enzymes that "unzip" the DNA double helix, followed by complementary nucleotide bases pairing up with the original strand, forming two identical DNA molecules. Proofreading mechanisms correct errors, ensuring a high fidelity in replication. This accuracy ensures that traits are consistently inherited, allowing organisms to maintain their species characteristics across generations.

The cytoplasm is dubbed a "metabolic furnace" due to the multitude of biochemical reactions that take place within it. While organelles like mitochondria are responsible for specific metabolic processes, a significant number of reactions, especially the preliminary stages of many metabolic pathways, occur directly in the cytosol of the cytoplasm. For instance, glycolysis, the first stage of cellular respiration where glucose is broken down to produce energy, takes place in the cytoplasm. Such reactions are vital for cellular energy production, growth, and maintenance, hence the metaphorical reference to a furnace, where fuel is "burned" to produce energy.

The plasma membrane's fluidity is influenced by external factors like temperature and the presence of specific chemicals. As temperatures rise, phospholipids move more freely, increasing fluidity. Conversely, colder temperatures restrict movement, leading to decreased fluidity and potentially causing the membrane to solidify. Some chemicals can also impact fluidity. For instance, ethanol can increase membrane fluidity, which might alter the membrane's permeability. Moreover, the lipid composition, influenced by diet and cellular processes, can also change the membrane's fluidity. Omega-3 fatty acids, for example, can increase fluidity due to the presence of double bonds that prevent tight packing of phospholipids.

The self-assembly of the plasma membrane can be attributed to the amphipathic nature of phospholipids, meaning they have both hydrophilic (water-attracting) and hydrophobic (water-repelling) parts. When in an aqueous environment, the hydrophilic phosphate heads of phospholipids face the water, while the hydrophobic fatty acid tails align away from it. This spontaneous arrangement results in a bilayer formation where the hydrophobic tails are shielded from water by the hydrophilic heads. This bilayer structure is essential for creating the semi-permeable barrier that distinguishes the cell's interior from its external environment.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of the plasma membrane's lipid bilayer structure in relation to its function.

The plasma membrane's lipid bilayer structure is fundamental to its function as the gatekeeper of the cell. The hydrophilic (water-attracting) heads of the phospholipids face outward, interacting with the aqueous environment both inside and outside the cell. Conversely, the hydrophobic (water-repelling) tails are oriented inwards, creating a barrier to most polar and charged molecules. This arrangement ensures that the cell membrane is semi-permeable, allowing only specific molecules to pass through either by simple diffusion or facilitated transport. Moreover, the fluidity provided by the bilayer allows for the movement of membrane proteins, facilitating processes such as signal transduction and cellular recognition.

Describe the role and significance of DNA as the genetic material in all living cells.

DNA, or Deoxyribonucleic Acid, is the cornerstone of life, acting as the repository for genetic information in all living cells. Its primary role is to store the instructions necessary for constructing and operating an organism. Structured as a double helix, DNA sequences, composed of nitrogenous bases, are translated into proteins, which subsequently drive most cellular functions. The significance of DNA extends to reproduction, where it ensures the faithful transfer of genetic information to offspring. Furthermore, its ability to replicate ensures continuity of life, while its potential to mutate allows for evolutionary adaptation, driving the diversity of life on Earth.

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