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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.4.10 Cell Types and Structures in Micrographs

Micrographs offer an invaluable window into the intricate world of cells, granting biologists the ability to distinguish between various cell types and their individual structures. By studying prokaryotes, plant cells, and animal cells through micrographs, we can gain profound insights into their unique features and the vast diversity of cellular life. Their primary purpose is to magnify the minute details of specimens to the point where they can be studied with precision.

Types of Micrographs

  • Light Micrographs (LM): Derived from light microscopes that utilise visible light and a series of magnifying lenses.
  • Advantages: Can visualise living organisms. Can display tissues in their natural colours or when stained. Suitable for viewing larger structures like full cells, tissues, or even small organisms.
  • Disadvantages: Limited in their magnification and resolution. Cannot discern organelles at an ultrastructural level.
Cross section of pine leaf, 20X light micrograph.

Cross section of pine leaf, 20X light micrograph.

Image courtesy of Peter Hermes Furian

  • Electron Micrographs (EM): Produced by electron microscopes that use beams of electrons.
  • Advantages: High magnification and resolution. Capable of visualising structures at a molecular level, like individual organelles and even some large molecules.
  • Disadvantages: Cannot be used to view living specimens. Specimens often require complex preparation, including dehydration.
Electron micrograph of ebola virus.

Colourized scanning electron micrograph of Ebola virus particles.

Image courtesy of BernbaumJG

Identifying Cell Types in Micrographs

Prokaryotic Cells

Prokaryotic cells, predominantly bacteria and archaea, are characterised by their simplicity relative to eukaryotic cells.

Key Features:

  • Absence of a nucleus: Instead, they have a nucleoid region where DNA floats freely within the cytoplasm.
  • Size and Structure: Prokaryotes are considerably smaller than eukaryotic cells. Their structure is simpler, with no membrane-bound organelles. However, they might have structures like pili, flagella, or a capsule.
  • Cell Wall Composition: Made of peptidoglycan in bacteria, which appears different in micrographs compared to the cellulose-based cell wall in plants.
A detailed diagram of prokaryotic cells.

Image courtesy of Mariana Ruiz Villarreal, LadyofHats

Plant Cells

Key Features:

  • Cell Wall: Distinctly visible, this rigid layer offers structural support to the plant. Made primarily of cellulose, it is much thicker than the plasma membrane.
  • Chloroplasts: Disc-shaped organelles responsible for photosynthesis. Their green pigment, chlorophyll, can sometimes be discerned in colour-enhanced light micrographs.
  • Central Vacuole: This large structure occupies a significant portion of a mature plant cell's volume. It serves numerous functions, including storing nutrients and waste products.
  • Plasmodesmata: Channels between plant cells allowing communication and transport. While challenging to see, with the right magnification and staining, they can be identified in micrographs.
A diagram showing the structure of plant cells.

Image courtesy of LadyofHats

Animal Cells

Key Features:

  • Absence of a Cell Wall: This lack provides animal cells with a degree of flexibility, allowing them to adopt a variety of shapes.
  • Lysosomes and Peroxisomes: Vesicles that break down waste materials and detoxify certain chemicals.
  • Centrioles and Microtubules: These structures are crucial during cell division, aiding in chromosome separation.
  • Tight Junctions and Desmosomes: These cellular structures are vital for adhering cells to one another in tissues.
A diagram showing the structure of animal cells.

Image courtesy of LadyofHats (Mariana Ruiz)

Tips for Deciphering Micrographs

  • Scale Bar Reference: Always check the scale bar. This will provide context for the size of the structures you're examining.
  • Staining: Various stains can be applied to samples to enhance the contrast in light micrographs. Familiarise yourself with the appearance of these stains to identify structures more efficiently.
  • Practice: Regularly challenge yourself by reviewing unlabelled micrographs. This will refine your identification skills.
  • Use References: Compare the micrographs you're examining with labelled examples from reputable sources. This can be particularly beneficial when you're unsure about what you're viewing.
  • Contextual Clues: If you're looking at tissue samples, consider the larger context. For instance, a micrograph from lung tissue might contain alveoli, which wouldn't be found in a sample from the liver.


While electron microscopes provide unparalleled resolution for observing cellular ultrastructures, there are emerging techniques that also offer high-resolution imaging. One such method is super-resolution microscopy, which breaks the diffraction limit of light to allow the imaging of structures at a nanoscale resolution. Techniques under this umbrella include STORM (Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy) and PALM (Photo-Activated Localisation Microscopy). Another approach is atomic force microscopy, which scans surfaces using a sharp probe, producing topographical maps at a molecular or even atomic scale. While these methods offer high-resolution insights, the choice of technique often depends on the specific requirements of the study and the nature of the specimen.

The scale bar in micrographs provides a reference to the actual size of the structures being observed. As micrographs are often magnified to various degrees, it becomes imperative to have a consistent reference point that allows readers to gauge the size of cellular components accurately. Without a scale bar, viewers might misinterpret the size of objects, leading to misconceptions about the relative dimensions of cell parts. By comparing the length of the scale bar with the magnification level, one can calculate the real-world dimensions of structures in the micrograph, thus ensuring accuracy in data interpretation and comparison.

Electron microscopy requires samples to be viewed in a high-vacuum environment to ensure that the electron beam travels unimpeded to the specimen. The presence of water or any volatile substance can interfere with this beam. Thus, samples are dehydrated to remove water. However, dehydration can distort or damage the structure of biological specimens. To counteract this, specimens are often first fixed with chemicals to preserve their structure. After dehydration, they are typically embedded in resin to provide stability and support. This entire preparation process ensures that the ultrastructure of cells and tissues remains intact and observable under the electron microscope.

Yes, micrographs can be instrumental in disease diagnosis. Pathologists often employ light microscopy to analyse tissue samples for signs of diseases like cancer. The shape, size, and arrangement of cells can indicate the presence or type of malignancy. Electron microscopy, with its higher resolution, can provide detailed insights into cellular anomalies at an ultrastructural level, aiding in the diagnosis of certain diseases that may not be detectable at lower resolutions. For example, viral infections can sometimes be identified based on the presence of specific viral particles in cells. Overall, micrographs offer a visual tool that complements biochemical and molecular diagnostic methods, providing a comprehensive understanding of disease states.

Staining plays a crucial role in light microscopy because many cellular components have similar refractive indices as their surroundings, making them nearly invisible under a microscope. Stains or dyes are used to introduce contrast, allowing these structures to stand out. Moreover, different dyes bind specifically to certain cell structures, enabling a detailed analysis of cellular components. For instance, methylene blue can stain nucleic acids, making nuclei prominent in animal cells, while iodine in potassium iodide can bind to starch, highlighting starch granules in plant cells. In addition, differential staining techniques, like the Gram stain in bacteriology, can provide insights into the nature and properties of cells based on their staining pattern.

Practice Questions

Distinguish between a light micrograph and an electron micrograph in terms of their creation and their applications in studying cell structures.

Light micrographs are derived from light microscopes that utilise visible light and a series of magnifying lenses to magnify an image. They allow for visualisation of living organisms and can display tissues in their natural colours, especially when stained. Their primary limitation is lower magnification and resolution. In contrast, electron micrographs are produced by electron microscopes that use beams of electrons to visualise the specimen. They offer high magnification and resolution, making them ideal for viewing ultrastructural details of cells. However, the complex preparation required, including dehydration, means they cannot be used for viewing living specimens.

Describe two key features that can help differentiate plant cells from animal cells when observed under a microscope.

Plant cells typically exhibit a rigid cell wall made of cellulose, which provides structural support and is absent in animal cells. This cell wall is distinctly visible under a microscope and surrounds the plasma membrane. Another distinguishing feature is the presence of chloroplasts in plant cells. These are disc-shaped organelles responsible for photosynthesis and contain the green pigment chlorophyll. Animal cells lack these organelles. Additionally, plant cells often contain a large central vacuole that occupies a significant portion of the cell's volume, whereas in animal cells, while vacuoles may be present, they are generally smaller and less prominent.

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