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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

2.1.1 Characteristics of States of Matter

Understanding the different states of matter—solids, liquids, and gases—is crucial in the field of physics. The Kinetic Particle Model of Matter helps explain the properties and behaviour of these states, based on the arrangement and movement of their constituent particles.

Properties of Solids

Structure and Arrangement

  • Rigidity: Solids maintain a rigid structure due to the tightly packed arrangement of particles. This arrangement is often in a regular, repeating pattern known as a crystal lattice.

  • Vibrational Movement: Particles in solids vibrate around fixed positions but do not move freely. This restricted movement results in the solid's definite shape and volume.

Interaction and Energy

  • Strong Intermolecular Forces: The forces holding the particles together are very strong, contributing to the solid's rigidity and incompressibility.

  • Low Kinetic Energy: The particles have minimal kinetic energy but possess potential energy due to their positions in the lattice.

Density and Compressibility

  • High Density: Due to the close packing of particles, solids typically have high density.

  • Incompressibility: The lack of space between particles means solids are almost completely incompressible.

Properties of Liquids

Particle Movement and Arrangement

  • Fluidity: Liquids can flow and take the shape of their container. The particles are less tightly packed than in solids, allowing them to slide past one another.

  • Random Arrangement: Unlike solids, liquids do not have a fixed, regular arrangement of particles.

Energy and Forces

  • Intermediate Kinetic Energy: Particles in a liquid have more kinetic energy than in solids, contributing to their ability to move but still stay close.

  • Weaker Intermolecular Forces: While stronger than in gases, the forces between liquid particles are weaker than in solids, allowing for fluid movement.

Volume and Shape

  • Fixed Volume, Variable Shape: Liquids have a definite volume but no fixed shape, adapting to the shape of their container.

Properties of Gases

Particle Dynamics

  • Random and Rapid Movement: Gas particles move rapidly and in all directions, colliding with each other and the walls of their container.

  • No Fixed Arrangement: Gases have no fixed shape or volume and will expand indefinitely to fill any container.

Energy and Forces

  • High Kinetic Energy: The particles in a gas have the highest kinetic energy among the three states, leading to their rapid and random movement.

  • Negligible Intermolecular Forces: The forces between gas particles are extremely weak or negligible, allowing for the free movement of particles.

Density and Compressibility

  • Low Density: Gases have a much lower density than solids or liquids due to the significant space between particles.

  • High Compressibility: Because of this space, gases can be compressed easily.

State Transitions


  • Process: Solid to liquid transition occurs when the solid absorbs enough thermal energy to overcome the strong intermolecular forces.

  • Melting Point: Each substance has a specific melting point, which is the temperature at which it changes from solid to liquid.


  • Process: The transition from liquid to solid happens when a liquid loses thermal energy, causing particles to slow down and arrange themselves into a fixed structure.

  • Freezing Point: The temperature at which a liquid becomes a solid. For pure substances, the freezing and melting points are the same.


  • Process: Boiling is the rapid transition from liquid to gas that occurs when a liquid's vapor pressure equals the atmospheric pressure.

  • Boiling Point: The temperature at which this change occurs varies based on atmospheric pressure.


  • Process: The gas-to-liquid transition happens when gas particles lose energy and come close enough for intermolecular forces to take effect.

  • Condensation Point: The temperature at which a gas becomes a liquid, typically the same as the boiling point under the same conditions.

Excluded Transitions

  • Sublimation and Deposition: These transitions involve direct changes between solid and gas states, and are not covered in this syllabus section.

In conclusion, understanding the states of matter and their transitions is essential for comprehending the physical world. Through the Kinetic Particle Model, we can explain why materials behave differently under various conditions, providing a foundation for further studies in physics and other sciences. This knowledge is not only fundamental to physics but also has practical applications in everyday life and various scientific fields.


Solids are generally denser than liquids and gases due to the close packing of their particles. In a solid, particles are arranged in a tight, fixed structure, often in a crystalline pattern, which leaves very little empty space between them. This close packing results from the strong intermolecular forces that bind the particles tightly together, limiting their movement to small vibrations around fixed points. Because the particles are so closely packed, the mass of the substance is concentrated in a relatively small volume, leading to a high density. In contrast, liquids have slightly more space between their particles, and gases have particles that are far apart, resulting in lower densities for these states of matter. The density of a substance in its solid state is a direct consequence of the strength of the intermolecular forces and the degree of packing of its particles.

The temperature of a substance is directly related to the average kinetic energy of its particles. In solids, where particles are tightly bound and can only vibrate around fixed positions, an increase in temperature causes these vibrations to become more vigorous. However, the overall movement of the particles remains restricted due to the strong intermolecular forces. In liquids, the particles have more freedom to move, and an increase in temperature leads to faster movement and more collisions between particles. In gases, the effect of temperature is even more pronounced. Since gas particles move freely and rapidly, a rise in temperature significantly increases their speed and the frequency of collisions. This relationship between temperature and kinetic energy is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics and explains various phenomena, such as thermal expansion and changes in pressure and volume in gases.

Absolute zero, theoretically the lowest possible temperature, is significant because it is the point at which particles have the minimum possible kinetic energy. At absolute zero (-273.15°C or 0 Kelvin), the motion of particles in a substance would theoretically cease entirely. This cessation of movement implies that the particles would have no kinetic energy. In reality, reaching absolute zero is practically impossible due to quantum mechanical effects, which allow particles to retain some minimal energy and movement. The concept of absolute zero is crucial in understanding the behaviour of gases at very low temperatures and forms the basis for the Kelvin scale of temperature. It also underpins many theoretical models in physics, such as those explaining superconductivity and the behaviour of gases at extremely low temperatures.

Yes, the boiling point of a liquid can change depending on external conditions, particularly atmospheric pressure. The boiling point is the temperature at which a liquid's vapour pressure equals the surrounding atmospheric pressure. At higher altitudes, where atmospheric pressure is lower, liquids boil at lower temperatures. Conversely, under higher pressure conditions, such as in a pressure cooker, liquids boil at higher temperatures. This variability is crucial in many practical applications, such as cooking, industrial processes, and understanding environmental effects on boiling. The relationship between pressure and boiling point is explained by the fact that a decrease in atmospheric pressure allows the liquid particles to escape into the gas phase more easily, thus lowering the boiling point.

During a phase change, the temperature of a substance remains constant because the energy supplied or removed is used for changing the state of the substance rather than increasing its temperature. For example, during melting, the energy absorbed by a solid is utilised to overcome the intermolecular forces that hold the particles in a fixed position, allowing them to move more freely and form a liquid. Similarly, during boiling, the energy supplied to a liquid is used to break the intermolecular forces sufficiently for the particles to escape into the gas phase. This energy, known as latent heat, is required for the phase transition and does not contribute to a temperature change. Only after the phase change is complete will additional energy affect the temperature of the substance. This principle is a key concept in thermodynamics and explains why phase changes occur at constant temperatures.

Practice Questions

Describe the changes in particle arrangement and energy during the melting of ice.

In the melting of ice, the arrangement of water molecules changes from a rigid, structured lattice to a more random and less ordered structure. This transition occurs because the particles in the ice absorb thermal energy, which increases their kinetic energy. As a result, the vibrations of the particles become more vigorous, weakening the intermolecular forces that hold them in a fixed position. Eventually, these forces are overcome, and the particles begin to move more freely, transitioning the substance from a solid (ice) to a liquid (water). During this process, the temperature remains constant at the melting point, as the energy absorbed is used to overcome the forces between particles, rather than increasing the temperature.

Explain why gases are compressible, but liquids are not, using the Kinetic Particle Model of Matter.

Gases are compressible because the particles in a gas are far apart and move rapidly in all directions, resulting in a lot of empty space between them. When pressure is applied to a gas, these particles can be pushed closer together, reducing the volume of the gas. This compressibility is a direct consequence of the weak intermolecular forces and high kinetic energy of gas particles, allowing them to move freely and occupy a smaller volume when compressed. In contrast, liquids are not compressible because their particles are much closer together with little empty space between them. The stronger intermolecular forces in liquids restrict the movement of particles, preventing them from being compressed into a smaller volume. The Kinetic Particle Model of Matter thus explains the compressibility of gases and the relative incompressibility of liquids based on the differences in particle arrangement, energy, and intermolecular forces.

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