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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.8.4 Calculating Pressure Changes in Liquids

Introduction to Pressure in Liquids

In physics, pressure within a liquid is a key concept, indicating the force exerted per unit area. This pressure varies with the depth of the liquid, primarily due to the weight of the liquid above any given point. The equation to calculate this change in pressure is critical:

Change in p = ρ * g * change in h


  • p represents the pressure,
  • ρ (rho) is the liquid's density,
  • g stands for the acceleration due to gravity,
  • h denotes the depth within the liquid.

Understanding the Pressure Equation

The Role of Density (ρ)

  • Density (ρ) of a liquid, defined as its mass per unit volume, is crucial in determining the pressure it exerts.
  • Denser liquids, like oil or mercury, exert more pressure at a given depth compared to less dense liquids like alcohol or petrol.

The Impact of Gravity (g)

  • Gravity (g), the force attracting objects towards Earth, is approximately 9.8 m/s² at Earth's surface.
  • This constant plays a fundamental role in the pressure equation, determining the weight of the liquid due to gravity.

Depth Factor (h)

  • Depth (h) in the context of this equation refers to the vertical distance below the liquid's surface.
  • As depth increases, so does the pressure, due to the increasing weight of the liquid above.

Applying the Pressure Equation

Practical Examples

  • Calculating the pressure exerted by water at different depths in a swimming pool can help in understanding buoyancy.
  • Estimating the pressure a submarine withstands at various ocean depths is crucial for its design and safety.

Step-by-Step Calculations

  • 1. Identify the liquid's density.
  • 2. Measure the depth for which pressure needs to be calculated.
  • 3. Use the formula: Change in p = ρ * g * change in h to calculate the pressure.

Factors Influencing Pressure in Liquids

Variations in Density

  • Since different liquids have varying densities, they exert distinct pressures at the same depth. For example, the pressure at 10 meters depth in seawater is different from that in freshwater due to seawater's higher density.

Depth Variations

  • Pressure in a liquid increases linearly with depth. This principle is why the pressure at great depths in the ocean can be enormous, affecting everything from submarine design to the physiology of deep-sea creatures.

Pressure Calculations in Everyday Life

Engineering Applications

  • In civil engineering, understanding the pressure exerted by water is crucial for designing structures like dams and reservoirs.
  • In mechanical engineering, calculating the pressure in pipelines at various depths is essential for ensuring structural integrity and preventing leaks.

Environmental Considerations

  • Ecologists study pressure in natural water bodies to understand the conditions faced by aquatic organisms.
  • Geologists use pressure calculations to assess underwater geological formations and phenomena.

Challenges in Calculating Pressure

Accuracy in Measurements

  • Precise depth and density measurements are imperative for accurate pressure calculations. Inaccurate measurements can lead to significant errors, particularly in engineering applications.

Variability in Natural Conditions

  • In real-world scenarios, factors like temperature variations and salinity can alter a liquid's density, complicating pressure calculations.
  • Adapting the basic equation to account for these variations is often necessary in practical applications.

Enhancing Understanding Through Experiments

Classroom Experiments

  • Conducting experiments using columns of different liquids to measure pressure at various depths can solidify students' understanding.
  • Such experiments can demonstrate the linear relationship between depth and pressure, as well as the impact of liquid density on pressure.

Advanced Studies

  • Investigating how temperature changes affect the density and thus the pressure in liquids can be an intriguing study for advanced students.
  • Applying the pressure equation to real-world scenarios, like estimating the pressure at different levels of the ocean, can offer practical insights.

Practical Implications and Safety

Diving and Underwater Activities

  • Understanding pressure changes is crucial for divers to avoid decompression sickness, a condition caused by rapid changes in pressure.
  • Calculating the pressure at different diving depths helps in planning safe ascent and descent rates.

Hydraulic Systems

  • In hydraulic systems, the principles of liquid pressure are used to create force multiplication.
  • Calculations of pressure changes in liquids are essential for designing these systems, used in everything from car brakes to industrial machinery.


Mastering the calculation of pressure changes in liquids is an essential skill in IGCSE Physics. This knowledge not only aids in academic success but also has practical applications in various fields, from engineering to environmental science. By understanding and applying the equation Change in p = ρ * g * change in h, students gain a deeper appreciation for the behaviour of liquids under different conditions and how this knowledge can be applied in real-world situations. This comprehension is invaluable for future studies and potential careers in science and engineering.


The pressure equation Change in p = ρ * g * change in h is specific to liquids and does not apply directly to gases. This distinction arises from the fundamental differences in the properties of liquids and gases. Liquids are incompressible and have a relatively constant density, making the equation applicable as the density (ρ) remains constant with depth. In contrast, gases are compressible, and their density changes significantly with pressure and temperature. In gases, the pressure change with height is described by different principles, such as the ideal gas law and barometric formulas, which take into account the variations in density and temperature. These principles consider the gas's ability to expand or compress under different conditions, which is a behaviour not exhibited by liquids. Therefore, while the basic concept of pressure increasing with depth applies to both, the specific equations and principles used to calculate pressure changes in gases are different from those in liquids.

Yes, it is possible for two different liquids to exert the same pressure at the same depth, and this can be understood through the pressure equation. For two liquids to have the same pressure at a given depth, the product of their density (ρ) and depth (h) must be the same. Since pressure is calculated as Change in p = ρ * g * change in h, if one liquid is denser but shallower, and another is less dense but deeper, they can exert the same pressure. For instance, if liquid A is twice as dense as liquid B, it only needs to be at half the depth of liquid B to exert the same pressure. This scenario is crucial in understanding the behaviour of liquids in different contexts, such as comparing the pressure exerted by seawater and freshwater at different depths, or designing vessels that need to contain different types of liquids at the same pressure.

Temperature can affect the pressure exerted by a liquid at a given depth indirectly by changing the liquid's density. As most liquids expand when heated and contract when cooled (with the notable exception of water near 4°C), their density changes with temperature. Since density (ρ) is a crucial factor in the pressure equation (Change in p = ρ * g * change in h), changes in density due to temperature variations will affect the pressure. However, the effect of temperature on liquid density is usually small for moderate temperature changes, so in many practical scenarios, it might be negligible. It becomes significant in scenarios involving extreme temperatures or precision measurements, such as in industrial processes or scientific research where liquids are subjected to high or low temperatures. In such cases, it is essential to consider the temperature-dependent density variations when calculating the pressure at a given depth.

Understanding pressure changes in liquids is crucial for submarine design for several reasons. Firstly, the pressure exerted by water increases significantly with depth, and a submarine must be built to withstand these enormous pressures to prevent structural failure. The hull of the submarine, in particular, must be designed to resist the external pressure to maintain integrity and ensure the safety of those onboard. Secondly, the understanding of pressure variations is essential for the submarine's buoyancy control. Submarines adjust their buoyancy to descend or ascend by controlling the amount of water in their ballast tanks, which directly relates to understanding how pressure changes with depth. Additionally, accurate knowledge of pressure changes assists in navigation and operational planning, ensuring submarines can safely operate at various depths without exceeding their structural limits. Hence, the principles governing pressure changes in liquids are integral to the design, safety, and functionality of submarines.

The shape of a container does not affect the pressure at a particular depth in a liquid. This might seem counterintuitive, but pressure at a specific depth is dependent only on the height of the liquid above that point, not on the overall volume or shape of the liquid. According to the principle of hydrostatic pressure, the pressure at any given depth in a liquid is the same regardless of the container's shape. This is because pressure is a result of the weight of the liquid above the point in question, and weight is a function of height and density of the liquid, not the container's shape. For instance, whether in a narrow tube or a wide basin, the pressure at the bottom will be the same if the depth of the liquid is the same. This principle is fundamental in fluid mechanics and is crucial for understanding fluid behaviour in various scenarios, such as in designing water tanks, dams, or studying natural water bodies.

Practice Questions

A tank is filled with water to a depth of 5 meters. Given that the density of water is 1000 kg/m³ and the acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s², calculate the pressure exerted by the water at the bottom of the tank.

To calculate the pressure at the bottom of the tank, we use the equation for pressure change in a liquid: Change in p = ρ * g * change in h. The density (ρ) of water is given as 1000 kg/m³, gravity (g) is 10 m/s², and the depth (h) is 5 meters. Substituting these values into the equation, we get Change in p = 1000 kg/m³ * 10 m/s² * 5 m = 50000 Pa (Pascals). Therefore, the pressure exerted by the water at the bottom of the tank is 50000 Pascals.

In an experiment, a student finds that the pressure at a certain depth in a container filled with oil is 4500 Pascals. The depth of the oil is measured to be 3 meters. Knowing that the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s², calculate the density of the oil.

To find the density of the oil, we rearrange the pressure equation: ρ = Change in p / (g * change in h). The pressure (Change in p) is 4500 Pa, gravity (g) is 9.8 m/s², and the depth (h) is 3 meters. Substituting these values, we get ρ = 4500 Pa / (9.8 m/s² * 3 m) = 4500 / 29.4 ≈ 153.06 kg/m³. Hence, the density of the oil in the experiment is approximately 153.06 kg/m³. This calculation demonstrates the application of the pressure equation in determining the density of a liquid.

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