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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

2.1.4 Temperature and Pressure in Gases

Introduction to Gas Kinetics

The kinetic theory of gases provides a framework for understanding the behavior of gases.

Particle Movement in Gases

  • Random Motion: Gas particles are in constant, random motion.

  • Kinetic Energy: The movement of these particles represents their kinetic energy.

  • Impact on Properties: This motion and energy affect the properties of the gas, such as pressure and temperature.

Temperature in Gases

Temperature is a key factor influencing the behavior of gases.

Temperature and Kinetic Energy

  • Direct Relationship: The temperature of a gas is directly proportional to the average kinetic energy of its particles.

  • Increased Temperature: With higher temperature, particles move faster, increasing their kinetic energy.

  • Decreased Temperature: Lowering the temperature reduces particle speed and kinetic energy.

Gas Pressure: An Overview

Pressure in gases is a result of particle interactions with their container.

Mechanism of Pressure

  • Particle Collisions: Gas pressure is caused by particles colliding with the container walls.

  • Force of Collisions: The force and frequency of these collisions determine the pressure exerted by the gas.

Temperature and Pressure Relationship

The interplay between temperature and pressure is a cornerstone of gas behavior.

At Constant Volume

  • Temperature Increase: Raising the temperature at constant volume causes more frequent and forceful collisions, increasing pressure.

  • Temperature Decrease: Lowering the temperature leads to less energetic collisions, hence lower pressure.

At Constant Pressure

  • Volume Adjustments: To maintain constant pressure, the volume must change in response to temperature changes.

The Gas Laws and Their Applications

The behavior of gases under different conditions is described by various gas laws.

Charles' Law

  • Volume-Temperature Relationship: This law states that the volume of a gas changes in direct proportion to its temperature.

  • Real-World Example: A hot air balloon expands when heated because the air inside increases in volume with temperature.

Boyle's Law

  • Pressure-Volume Relationship: Boyle's Law shows how pressure and volume are inversely related in a gas.

  • Practical Application: When divers go deeper underwater, the pressure increases, causing the volume of air in their equipment to decrease.

The Combined Gas Law

  • Integrating Temperature, Pressure, and Volume: This law combines Charles' and Boyle's laws to describe situations where multiple factors change.

  • Usefulness: It's particularly useful in calculations involving changes in several conditions of a gas.

Kinetic Theory and Gas Behavior

Delving deeper into the kinetic theory helps explain the molecular dynamics in gases.

Particle Speed and Energy

  • Variations in Speed: Particles in a gas move at different speeds, with a distribution that depends on the temperature.

  • Temperature Increases: As temperature increases, the spread of particle speeds widens, indicating higher energy states.

Pressure and Molecular Interactions

  • Nature of Collisions: Particles in a gas collide elastically, meaning they conserve energy and momentum.

  • Pressure Dynamics: The rate and force of these collisions with container walls determine the gas pressure.

Practical Examples and Experiments

Real-world examples help illustrate these concepts.

Aerosol Cans

  • Temperature Effect: Aerosol cans warn against heating because increased temperature can raise the pressure dangerously high.

Breathing and Lung Function

  • Biological Application: Understanding pressure and volume changes is crucial in respiratory mechanics, where lung volume changes with breathing.

Advanced Concepts

Further exploration of advanced concepts helps deepen understanding.

Absolute Zero and Particle Motion

  • Absolute Zero: At this theoretical temperature, particle motion would stop, representing a state of minimum energy.

  • Practical Implications: This concept is critical in understanding the limits of temperature and its effects on gas behavior.

Real Gases vs. Ideal Gases

  • Ideal Gas Assumptions: Ideal gas laws assume no interactions between particles and infinite compressibility.

  • Real Gas Behavior: In real gases, these assumptions don't always hold, especially under high pressure or low temperature.


A comprehensive understanding of the relationship between temperature, pressure, and volume in gases is fundamental in physics and essential for various practical applications. This knowledge not only enables students to grasp key concepts in physics but also helps them understand natural phenomena and the principles behind many technologies.


When the temperature of a gas is lowered while maintaining a constant volume, the pressure of the gas decreases. This occurs due to a decrease in the kinetic energy of the gas particles. As the temperature decreases, the particles move slower, reducing the frequency and force of their collisions with the container's walls. According to the kinetic molecular theory, the pressure exerted by a gas is directly proportional to the average kinetic energy of its particles. Thus, with a lower temperature, the average kinetic energy decreases, leading to a reduction in pressure. This relationship is quantitatively described by Charles' Law, which states that the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature at constant pressure. However, in this scenario, since the volume is constant, a decrease in temperature directly translates to a decrease in pressure. This phenomenon is evident in real-life situations such as deflated tyres in cold weather, where the air inside the tyre contracts, lowering its pressure.

The kinetic theory of gases provides a comprehensive explanation for the increase in pressure when a gas is heated in a fixed volume. According to this theory, gas particles are in constant, random motion and collide with each other and the walls of their container. These collisions are what cause gas pressure. When the gas is heated, the energy imparted to the gas increases the kinetic energy of its particles. As a result, the particles move faster, leading to more frequent and more forceful collisions with the container walls. The increased rate and intensity of collisions directly translate to an increase in pressure. This is because pressure is defined as the force exerted per unit area, and with more vigorous collisions, the force per collision increases. Furthermore, since the volume is fixed, the particles have the same amount of space to move in, so the increased energy cannot be dispersed by expanding the gas, leading instead to an increase in pressure. This principle is key in many applications, such as in internal combustion engines where fuel-air mixtures are compressed and heated, significantly increasing the pressure to produce mechanical work.

The behavior of gases at extremely high pressures cannot be accurately predicted using the ideal gas law. The ideal gas law, PV = nRT, assumes that gas particles have no volume and no intermolecular forces. However, these assumptions break down at extremely high pressures. At such pressures, the volume of the gas particles themselves becomes significant compared to the total volume of the gas. Additionally, intermolecular forces, which are typically negligible under standard conditions, become increasingly significant as particles are forced closer together. These forces can either be attractive or repulsive, affecting the behavior of the gas. For example, attractive forces between particles can cause the gas to exert less pressure than predicted by the ideal gas law, leading to deviations. Therefore, under conditions of high pressure (and also at very low temperatures), real gas behavior needs to be considered, and more complex equations of state, like the Van der Waals equation, are used to describe the gas behavior more accurately.

A gas cools down when it expands in a vacuum due to the principle of adiabatic expansion. In an adiabatic process, no heat is exchanged with the surroundings. When a gas expands in a vacuum, it does work on its surroundings as it increases in volume. However, since there is no external source of heat (as it's a vacuum), the energy needed for this expansion comes from the internal energy of the gas itself. As the gas expands, the kinetic energy of its particles decreases because part of their energy is used in doing the work of expansion. Since temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance, a decrease in kinetic energy leads to a decrease in temperature. This phenomenon is a key principle in refrigeration systems, where the rapid expansion of refrigerant gases results in cooling, which is then used to lower the temperature inside the refrigerator.

Altitude significantly affects both the pressure and temperature of a gas. As altitude increases, the atmospheric pressure decreases. This is because atmospheric pressure is caused by the weight of the air above the measurement point. At higher altitudes, there is less air above a given point, resulting in lower pressure. The temperature of the gas also typically decreases with altitude, although this relationship can be more complex due to atmospheric conditions. In the lower atmosphere (troposphere), temperature generally decreases with increasing altitude. This decrease is due to the reduction in air pressure at higher altitudes, which causes the air to expand and cool (adiabatic cooling). However, in higher layers of the atmosphere, other factors come into play that can cause temperature variations. In practical terms, this relationship between altitude, pressure, and temperature is crucial for various applications, such as aviation and meteorology. For instance, aircraft cabins must be pressurized for passenger comfort and safety due to the low atmospheric pressure at cruising altitudes.

Practice Questions

A sealed, rigid container is filled with a gas at 20°C and a pressure of 100 kPa. If the temperature of the gas is increased to 40°C, what will be the new pressure inside the container? Assume the volume of the gas remains constant.

When the temperature of a gas increases while its volume remains constant, its pressure increases. This is because the increased temperature leads to increased kinetic energy of the gas particles, causing more frequent and forceful collisions with the container walls. According to the gas laws, specifically Charles' Law, the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature when measured in Kelvin. At 20°C (293 K), the pressure is 100 kPa. At 40°C (313 K), the new pressure P can be found using the formula P1/T1 = P2/T2. Substituting the values, 100/293 = P/313. Solving for P gives a pressure of approximately 106.8 kPa. Therefore, the new pressure inside the container is 106.8 kPa.

Explain how the pressure of a gas changes when it is compressed to half of its original volume while maintaining a constant temperature.

When a gas is compressed to half of its original volume at a constant temperature, its pressure increases. According to Boyle's Law, the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume when temperature remains constant. This means if the volume decreases, the pressure increases. By compressing the gas to half its volume, the particles are confined to a smaller space. This leads to an increased rate of particle collisions with the walls of the container. Since pressure is the result of these collisions, the pressure of the gas doubles when its volume is halved. This is a direct application of Boyle's Law, where the product of pressure and volume remains constant for a given mass of gas at constant temperature.

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