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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

2.1.3 Gas Behaviour and Brownian Motion

Understanding Gas Pressure through Particle Collision Theory

Gas pressure is an essential concept in physics, illustrating how the kinetic energy of particles translates into observable phenomena.

Origin of Gas Pressure

  • Particle Movement: Gas particles are in perpetual, random motion. This is a key characteristic of gases, distinguishing them from solids and liquids.

  • Collisions and Pressure: When these particles collide with the walls of their container, they exert a force. The cumulative effect of these forces over the container's surface area is perceived as gas pressure.

  • Microscopic View: On a microscopic scale, each collision may seem insignificant. However, the sheer number of particles and collisions results in a measurable pressure.

Factors Affecting Gas Pressure

  • Temperature Influence: An increase in temperature escalates the kinetic energy of gas particles. This, in turn, leads to more frequent and powerful collisions, thus elevating the pressure.

  • Volume Relationship: If the volume of a container is increased while keeping the temperature constant, the gas pressure decreases. This is because the particles have more space to move, reducing collision frequency.

  • Molecular Mass: Heavier gas molecules, due to their greater mass, can exert more force upon collision, affecting the pressure.

Observation and Explanation of Brownian Motion

Brownian motion, observed in particles suspended in a fluid, provides physical evidence for the kinetic theory of matter.

Discovery and Significance

  • Robert Brown's Observation: In 1827, Robert Brown noticed pollen grains suspended in water moving erratically, a phenomenon now known as Brownian motion.

  • Evidence for Kinetic Theory: This movement is a result of countless collisions with water molecules, invisible to the naked eye. This provided tangible evidence for the existence of atoms and molecules in continuous motion.

Analytical Importance of Brownian Motion

  • Empirical Verification: Brownian motion has been pivotal in empirically verifying the theoretical predictions of the kinetic particle model.

  • Study of Diffusion: It also aids in understanding diffusion, where particles move from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentration, driven by this random motion.

Factors Influencing Properties of Gases

Gases exhibit unique properties due to their particle dynamics, encompassing forces, motion, and interactions.

Intermolecular Forces in Gases

  • Negligible Attraction: In gases, particles are far apart, with minimal intermolecular forces. This is in stark contrast to solids and liquids.

  • Consequence on Behaviour: This results in gases having no fixed shape or volume. They expand to fill any container, regardless of its size or shape.

Particle Motion in Gases

  • Random and Continuous: Gas particles move in a straight line until they collide with an obstacle. These collisions result in a change of direction, making the motion appear random and continuous.

  • Speed Variations: The speed of particles varies widely, dependent on temperature and the mass of the particles.

Temperature Effects on Gas Behaviour

  • Kinetic Energy: As temperature increases, so does the kinetic energy of the gas particles. This leads to higher speeds and more collisions.

  • Thermal Expansion: Gases expand upon heating due to increased particle movement, illustrating thermal expansion.

Gas Laws and Pressure-Volume Relationship

  • Boyle's Law: This law states that for a given mass of gas at constant temperature, the pressure of the gas is inversely proportional to its volume.

  • Graphical Interpretation: Plotting pressure against volume for a fixed amount of gas at constant temperature yields a hyperbolic graph, illustrating Boyle's Law.

Density Variations in Gases

  • Low and Variable Density: Gases have significantly lower densities compared to solids and liquids. This density is not fixed and changes with pressure and temperature variations.

  • Application in Real-World Scenarios: Understanding these variations is crucial in fields like meteorology and aeronautics, where gas behaviour under different conditions is critical.

In summary, the study of gas behaviour and Brownian motion under the kinetic particle model of matter provides invaluable insights into the microscopic world of particles. These insights not only explain the unique properties of gases but also reinforce fundamental concepts in physics, enhancing our understanding of the natural world.


When a gas is compressed into a smaller volume while maintaining a constant temperature, its pressure increases due to the principles of particle dynamics. In a smaller volume, gas particles have less space to move around, which leads to an increase in the frequency of collisions with the walls of the container. Since pressure is a result of the force exerted by gas particles upon the container walls, more frequent collisions translate to a higher pressure. This relationship is described by Boyle's Law, which states that for a given amount of gas at constant temperature, the pressure of the gas is inversely proportional to its volume. Therefore, decreasing the volume increases the pressure. This concept is fundamental in understanding the behaviour of gases under compression and has wide applications in various fields, including engineering and meteorology.

Absolute zero is a pivotal concept in the kinetic particle model of matter. It is theoretically the lowest possible temperature, -273.15°C, at which particles have minimal kinetic energy. According to the kinetic theory, the temperature of a substance is directly related to the average kinetic energy of its particles. At absolute zero, this kinetic energy would be at its minimum, meaning the particles would be in their least energetic state, barely moving. In reality, reaching absolute zero is practically impossible, but this concept helps in understanding the relationship between temperature and particle movement. It underlines that as temperature decreases, particle movement slows down, affecting properties like pressure and volume in gases. This concept is fundamental in thermodynamics and has significant implications in fields like cryogenics and low-temperature physics.

The random motion of gas particles is a cornerstone in understanding gas behaviour. This randomness is due to the constant, haphazard collisions between the gas particles themselves and with the walls of their container. This motion is significant for several reasons:

  • Pressure Explanation: It explains why gas pressure is exerted uniformly in all directions within a container. As particles move randomly, they collide with all parts of the container walls with equal probability, leading to an even distribution of pressure.

  • Diffusion: It accounts for the process of diffusion in gases, where particles spread out to fill the available space, moving from areas of higher concentration to lower concentration.

  • Temperature Dependence: The speed and kinetic energy of these particles are temperature-dependent, providing insights into how temperature affects gas properties like pressure and volume.

Understanding this random motion is crucial for comprehending fundamental gas laws and principles, such as Boyle’s Law and Charles’s Law, which govern the behaviour of gases under different conditions.

The pressure of a gas decreases with increasing altitude. This phenomenon can be explained by considering the distribution of air molecules in the Earth's atmosphere. At higher altitudes, the air becomes less dense, meaning there are fewer air molecules in a given volume. Since gas pressure is a result of collisions between gas particles and the walls of their container, fewer particles mean fewer collisions, leading to lower pressure. Additionally, gravitational force, which pulls the gas molecules towards the Earth, is stronger closer to the Earth's surface. This results in a higher concentration of air molecules and therefore higher pressure at lower altitudes. Understanding how gas pressure varies with altitude is crucial in fields like aviation and meteorology, where pressure changes can significantly impact performance and weather patterns.

Real gases can indeed deviate from the predictions of the kinetic particle model of matter, particularly under conditions of low temperature and high pressure. The kinetic particle model assumes that gas particles do not attract or repel each other and that the volume of the particles themselves is negligible compared to the volume of the container. However, in real gases:

  • At Low Temperatures: As the temperature drops, the kinetic energy of the gas particles decreases, allowing the effects of intermolecular attractions to become more pronounced. These attractions can cause the gas to condense into a liquid, deviating from ideal gas behaviour.

  • At High Pressures: When gases are compressed under high pressure, the actual volume of the gas particles becomes significant compared to the volume of the container. This affects the pressure exerted by the gas, as part of the container's volume is 'occupied' by the particles themselves.

These deviations are particularly noticeable in gases with strong intermolecular forces or large molecular sizes and are described by real gas laws, such as the Van der Waals equation, which provide a more accurate description of gas behaviour under these conditions. Understanding these deviations is important in industrial applications where gases are often used under extreme conditions.

Practice Questions

Explain how the concept of Brownian motion provides evidence for the particle theory of matter.

Brownian motion vividly illustrates the particle theory of matter. This phenomenon, first observed by Robert Brown, involves the erratic movement of particles suspended in a fluid. Brownian motion occurs due to the constant, random collisions between the suspended particles and the smaller, faster-moving particles of the fluid. These collisions, though invisible to the naked eye, cause the noticeable jittery motion. This observation supports the particle theory by providing empirical evidence of the existence and continuous movement of atoms and molecules. It effectively demonstrates that matter is composed of small, perpetually moving particles, a cornerstone of the kinetic theory of matter.

Describe how temperature affects the pressure of a gas contained in a fixed volume and explain why this happens.

When the temperature of a gas in a fixed volume increases, its pressure also increases. This is because temperature is directly related to the kinetic energy of gas particles. Higher temperatures impart more kinetic energy to the particles, causing them to move faster. As a result, these particles collide more frequently and with greater force against the walls of the container. Since pressure is a measure of the force exerted by the particles per unit area of the container's walls, this increase in collision frequency and force results in higher pressure. This relationship is an application of the kinetic theory of gases, which connects temperature, particle motion, and pressure.

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