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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

2.1.5 Absolute Temperature Scale and Gas Laws

Converting Between Kelvin and Celsius Scales

The Kelvin and Celsius scales are two fundamental temperature scales in physics. Each serves a specific purpose and is crucial in different contexts.

The Kelvin Scale

  • Definition: The Kelvin scale is the absolute temperature scale used in scientific studies, starting at absolute zero.

  • Absolute Zero: At 0 K, theoretically, particles have minimal thermal motion. This concept is essential in thermodynamics.

  • Importance in Science: Kelvin is indispensable for calculations involving thermal energy and understanding particle behaviour at different temperatures.

  • No Negative Values: Unlike Celsius or Fahrenheit, Kelvin does not have negative values, simplifying many physics equations.

The Celsius Scale

  • Common Use: The Celsius scale is more familiar in daily life, based on the freezing (0°C) and boiling points (100°C) of water at standard atmospheric pressure.

  • Conversion to Kelvin: To convert Celsius to Kelvin, add 273.15. This aligns the scales, making an increase of 1°C equivalent to an increase of 1 K.

Example: Converting 20°C to Kelvin.

20°C + 273.15 = 293.15 K

Understanding and Application of the Gas Law

The behaviour of gases under various conditions can be described using the fundamental gas law, pV = constant, at constant temperature.

Basics of the Gas Law

  • Pressure (p): The force exerted by the gas per unit area of its container.

  • Volume (V): The space that the gas occupies.

  • Constant Temperature Requirement: This law holds when the temperature of the gas does not change.

  • Inverse Relationship: The law describes an inverse relationship between pressure and volume: as one increases, the other decreases, provided temperature is constant.

Practical Applications in Daily Life

  • Aerosol Cans: The release of gas from an aerosol can is a practical demonstration of the gas law.

  • Breathing Mechanics: Our lungs function by creating differences in volume and pressure, illustrating the gas law.

Gas Law in Scientific Research

  • Studying Atmospheric Gases: The gas law helps in understanding phenomena like atmospheric pressure changes.

  • Industrial Processes: Many industrial processes, such as those in chemical manufacturing, rely on understanding the behaviour of gases under different conditions.

Graphical Representation and Interpretation of the Gas Law

Graphical analysis provides a clear understanding of the relationships between pressure, volume, and temperature in gases.

Pressure-Volume Graphs at Constant Temperature

  • Shape of the Graph: The graph plotting pressure against volume at constant temperature forms a hyperbola.

  • Understanding the Curve: The curve shows the inverse relationship between pressure and volume. A high volume corresponds to low pressure and vice versa.

Detailed Analysis of Graphical Representations

  • Work Done by Gas: The area under the pressure-volume curve represents the work done during the expansion or compression of the gas.

  • Slope and Gas Behaviour: The steepness of the curve at any point indicates how sensitive the pressure of a gas is to changes in volume.

Real-World Examples

  • Automotive Airbags: The rapid expansion of gas in airbags during a car crash demonstrates the principles of the gas law.

  • Refrigeration Systems: These systems operate based on the principles of pressure, volume, and temperature changes in gases.

Boyle's Law: A Special Case

  • Specifics of Boyle's Law: Boyle's Law is a particular instance of the gas law where the temperature remains constant. It states that p is proportional to 1/V.

  • Graphical Representation: In Boyle's Law, the pressure-volume graph at constant temperature is a perfect hyperbola, clearly showing the inverse relationship.

By delving into the absolute temperature scale and gas laws, students gain a comprehensive understanding of gas behaviour. This foundational knowledge is not only crucial for academic purposes in physics but also provides valuable insights into everyday phenomena and various technological applications. These principles enable students to analyse and predict gas behaviour in both practical situations and theoretical studies, making them an indispensable part of the physics curriculum.


Absolute zero, the starting point of the Kelvin scale, is the theoretical temperature at which all molecular motion ceases. At this point, -273.15°C or 0 Kelvin, substances possess minimal internal energy. The significance of absolute zero lies in its foundational role in thermodynamics. It sets a universal baseline for temperature measurements, allowing scientists to calculate the absolute values for thermal properties of substances. Absolute zero is crucial in understanding phenomena like superconductivity and Bose-Einstein condensates. However, it's important to note that absolute zero is an ideal limit; it has not been reached in practice, although temperatures very close to it have been achieved. The Kelvin scale's use in science stems from its ability to provide a continuous scale where temperatures can be compared in terms of proportional increases in thermal energy.

Converting from Celsius to Kelvin is crucial for understanding gas behaviour because the gas laws are based on absolute temperature measurements. When using the Celsius scale, temperature measurements can include negative values, which can lead to conceptual and mathematical complications in gas law calculations. For instance, when calculating the volume or pressure of a gas, using Kelvin ensures that temperature values are always positive, preventing the possibility of nonsensical results like negative pressure or volume. This conversion is particularly important in experiments and calculations where precision is crucial, such as in calculating the behaviour of gases at very low temperatures, where the difference between the Celsius and Kelvin scales becomes more pronounced.

According to the gas law pV = constant at constant temperature, it may seem that gases can be compressed indefinitely by increasing pressure. However, this is not practically possible. As gas is compressed, its particles are forced closer together, increasing the intermolecular forces between them. Eventually, these forces become significant enough to affect the gas's properties, leading to a deviation from ideal gas behaviour. At extremely high pressures, the gas may liquefy or solidify, depending on the temperature. Therefore, while the gas law provides an excellent approximation under many conditions, it does not hold at extremely high pressures or very low temperatures, where the properties of gases change substantially.

The increase in pressure when the volume of a gas decreases at constant temperature can be explained by the kinetic theory of gases. As the volume decreases, gas particles are confined to a smaller space. This means they collide with the walls of their container more frequently. Since pressure is the force exerted by gas particles on the walls per unit area, more frequent collisions result in a higher pressure. Furthermore, the collisions are more forceful because the gas particles have less space to spread out their energy. This relationship between pressure and volume is an intrinsic property of gases and is central to understanding their behaviour under varying conditions.

Changes in pressure significantly affect the boiling point of a liquid. The boiling point is the temperature at which the vapour pressure of the liquid equals the external pressure. When the external pressure is increased, such as in a pressure cooker, more energy (and therefore a higher temperature) is required for the vapour pressure to match the external pressure, thus raising the boiling point. Conversely, in areas of lower atmospheric pressure, such as high altitudes, the boiling point decreases. This is because it requires less energy for the vapour pressure of the liquid to reach the lower external pressure. Understanding this concept is essential in various practical applications, including cooking, industrial processes, and in explaining natural phenomena such as the decrease in boiling point of water at high altitudes.

Practice Questions

A sealed syringe contains 0.050 cubic metres of a gas at a pressure of 100 kPa. If the syringe is compressed to 0.025 cubic metres, what will be the new pressure of the gas, assuming temperature remains constant?

In this scenario, we apply the principle pV = constant, reflecting the inverse relationship between pressure and volume at constant temperature. Initially, the pressure is 100 kPa, and the volume is 0.050 cubic metres. When the volume is halved to 0.025 cubic metres, the pressure must double to maintain the constant product. Thus, the new pressure of the gas will be 200 kPa. This demonstrates Boyle's Law, where pressure and volume are inversely proportional, as long as temperature doesn't change.

Explain why the Kelvin scale is used in scientific calculations instead of the Celsius scale.

The Kelvin scale is preferred in scientific calculations because it starts at absolute zero, the theoretical point where particles have minimal thermal motion. This absolute scale is important as it allows for calculations to be made more straightforwardly, especially in equations dealing with gas laws and thermodynamics. Since Kelvin does not have negative values, unlike Celsius, it simplifies many calculations. For example, in gas law calculations, using Kelvin ensures that temperature values remain positive, preventing unrealistic physical implications, such as negative volumes or pressures, which could occur with negative temperatures on the Celsius scale.

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