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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

2.1.2 Particle Dynamics in Different States

The kinetic particle model of matter plays a crucial role in understanding the physical properties and behaviours of different states of matter: solids, liquids, and gases. It provides insights into the arrangement, movement, and energy of particles in these states and explains how these properties change with temperature, culminating in the concept of absolute zero.

Characteristics of Particles in Solids, Liquids, and Gases

In Solids

  • Arrangement: Particles in solids are tightly packed in a regular, fixed arrangement. The particles are in close proximity, often in a crystalline or amorphous structure, which gives solids their fixed volume and shape.

  • Movement: In solids, particles vibrate around their fixed positions but do not move freely. This limited movement is due to the strong intermolecular forces holding the particles together, which also makes solids incompressible.

  • Energy: The kinetic energy of particles in solids is relatively low because of their limited movement. However, the particles possess potential energy due to their fixed positions in the solid structure.

In Liquids

  • Arrangement: Liquid particles are not fixed in place and are less orderly compared to solids. They are close together but not in a fixed pattern, allowing for some fluidity.

  • Movement: Particles in liquids can move past one another, which allows liquids to flow and take the shape of their containers, although they cannot expand to fill the container like gases.

  • Energy: The kinetic energy of liquid particles is higher than in solids, enabling them to overcome some of the intermolecular forces that hold them together. This energy facilitates the fluidity and movement seen in liquids.

In Gases

  • Arrangement: Gas particles are far apart and have no regular arrangement. This separation is due to the weak intermolecular forces between gas particles, allowing them to occupy all available space.

  • Movement: Gas particles move freely and randomly at high speeds, colliding with each other and the walls of their container. This movement allows gases to expand and fill any container uniformly.

  • Energy: Particles in gases possess the highest kinetic energy among the three states, accounting for their rapid and random movement. The energy in gas particles is almost entirely kinetic, with negligible potential energy due to the lack of fixed positions or strong intermolecular forces.

Particle Diagrams Representation


  • Diagrams of solids depict particles in a tightly packed, regular lattice pattern. These diagrams often illustrate the crystalline structure of solids, with particles represented as closely spaced dots or spheres.

  • Small arrows or vibrations around each particle can be used to represent their vibrational movement.


  • Particle diagrams for liquids show particles in a less ordered, more fluid arrangement. The particles are close but not in a fixed pattern, representing the fluidity and ability to conform to container shapes.

  • Movement can be depicted as curved paths or flow lines around the particles, indicating their ability to move past one another.


  • Gas diagrams illustrate widely spaced particles, with no discernible pattern. This represents the large distances between particles in a gas and their weak intermolecular forces.

  • Arrows indicating random directions and lengths can be used to represent the rapid, random movement of gas particles.

Temperature and Particle Kinetic Energy

  • Direct Correlation: There is a direct correlation between temperature and the kinetic energy of particles. As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of particles also increases. This relationship is fundamental in understanding the changes in state and behaviour of matter.

  • State Transitions: When solids are heated, the increase in kinetic energy causes particles to vibrate more vigorously until they overcome the strong intermolecular forces, leading to melting into liquids. Further heating increases the kinetic energy of liquid particles, enabling them to overcome the weaker forces holding them together, resulting in vaporisation into gases.

  • Absolute Zero: Absolute zero, theoretically the lowest possible temperature (-273.15°C or 0 Kelvin), is where particles have minimal internal energy and theoretically cease all motion. At absolute zero, particles would have zero kinetic energy, but in reality, this temperature is unattainable, and particles still possess quantum mechanical zero-point energy.

Practical Examples

Heating Water

  • A common example is heating water. As the temperature of water increases, its particles gain kinetic energy, moving more vigorously. At 100°C, water boils, transitioning from liquid to gas (steam) as the particles gain sufficient kinetic energy to overcome the intermolecular forces in the liquid.

Cooling Water

  • Conversely, cooling water serves as an example of reducing kinetic energy in particles. As water cools, its particles lose kinetic energy and move less vigorously. At 0°C, water freezes, turning to ice as the particles lose enough energy to become locked in a fixed structure, forming a solid.

Absolute Temperature Scale

  • The Kelvin scale is used to measure absolute temperature. It starts at absolute zero and progresses in units equivalent to degrees Celsius. This scale is fundamental in scientific measurements as it provides an absolute reference point for temperature measurements.

Concluding Remarks

Understanding the kinetic particle model of matter is essential for students studying IGCSE Physics. It forms the basis for comprehending the behaviour of different materials under various conditions and is a cornerstone for more advanced studies in thermodynamics and materials science.


Gases occupy more space than liquids or solids at the same temperature due to the significant differences in particle arrangement and energy. In gases, particles are far apart with no regular arrangement, a result of the weak intermolecular forces between them. This allows gas particles to move freely and rapidly in all directions, leading them to occupy all available space. Moreover, the kinetic energy of gas particles is much higher compared to solids and liquids at the same temperature. This high energy level enables the particles to overcome any attractive forces between them, resulting in expansion to fill any container. In contrast, the particles in solids and liquids are closer together and move less freely, which keeps them confined to a specific volume.

Sublimation, the transition of a substance directly from the solid to the gas phase without passing through the liquid phase, can be explained using the particle model. In solids, particles are tightly packed together in a fixed arrangement, held by strong intermolecular forces. However, when certain solids are heated, they gain enough kinetic energy to overcome these forces directly from the solid state. Instead of first becoming a liquid, these particles break free from the solid structure and move into the gas phase. This process requires a significant amount of energy, as the particles must overcome the solid’s rigid structure. Sublimation is observable in substances like dry ice (solid carbon dioxide), where it transitions directly into carbon dioxide gas upon heating.

Liquids have a definite volume but no definite shape due to the intermediate strength of intermolecular forces and the kinetic energy of their particles. In liquids, the particles are close together but not in a fixed, rigid structure like in solids. The intermolecular forces in liquids are strong enough to keep the particles close, giving liquids a definite volume. However, these forces are not strong enough to maintain a fixed shape. The particles in a liquid can move past each other, allowing the liquid to flow and take the shape of its container. This fluidity is a key characteristic of liquids, distinguishing them from solids, which have a fixed shape, and gases, which have neither a definite shape nor volume.

The role of kinetic energy in the boiling of a liquid is pivotal. Boiling occurs when a liquid turns into a gas, a process that requires a significant increase in the kinetic energy of the liquid’s particles. When a liquid is heated, its particles gain kinetic energy, which increases their movement. As the temperature reaches the boiling point, the particles gain enough energy to overcome the attractive forces that keep them in the liquid state. This energy allows the particles to break away from the liquid and enter the gas phase. In essence, the boiling of a liquid is a result of its particles acquiring sufficient kinetic energy to transition into a more disordered, high-energy gas state.

Decreasing the temperature of a gas significantly affects the movement of its particles. As temperature decreases, the kinetic energy of the gas particles also decreases. This reduction in kinetic energy results in slower particle movement, as the particles lose the energy required for rapid and random motion. In extreme cases, if the temperature is lowered sufficiently, the gas can condense into a liquid. This occurs when the kinetic energy of the particles is low enough for the intermolecular forces to become effective, causing the particles to come closer together and form a liquid. The process of cooling a gas, therefore, involves a decrease in particle kinetic energy, leading to a decrease in particle speed and movement.

Practice Questions

Describe the differences in particle arrangement and movement between a solid and a gas.

The particle arrangement in a solid is tightly packed in a regular, fixed pattern due to strong intermolecular forces, giving solids a definite shape and volume. The particles vibrate around fixed positions but do not move freely. In contrast, gas particles are far apart and have no regular arrangement, reflecting the weak intermolecular forces between them. Gas particles move freely and randomly at high speeds, which allows gases to expand and fill any available space. This difference in particle arrangement and movement is fundamental in understanding the distinct properties of solids and gases.

Explain how the kinetic energy of particles changes when water is heated from room temperature to its boiling point and then to steam.

As water is heated from room temperature, the kinetic energy of its particles increases. This increase in kinetic energy causes the water particles to move more vigorously. When the water reaches its boiling point at 100°C, the particles have gained enough kinetic energy to overcome the attractive forces between them, leading to a phase change from liquid to gas. As the water turns into steam, its particles possess the highest kinetic energy, moving freely and rapidly in all directions. This transition from liquid to gas demonstrates the direct correlation between temperature and the kinetic energy of particles.

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