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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.2.1 Speed and Velocity: Essential Concepts in Motion

Introduction to Speed

Speed is a way of measuring how quickly something is moving. It is defined as the distance covered per unit of time. The common units for speed are metres per second (m/s) in the metric system and miles per hour (mph) in the imperial system.

Calculating Speed

The formula for speed is:

v = st


  • v is the speed,
  • s is the distance travelled,
  • t is the time taken.

For example, if a car travels 100 metres in 5 seconds, its speed would be 20 m/s, calculated as follows:

v = 100m5s = 20 m/s

Variations of Speed

  • 1. Average Speed: This is calculated by dividing the total distance travelled by the total time taken. It gives a general idea of speed over a journey.
  • 2. Instantaneous Speed: The speed of an object at a specific moment. This can be measured using speedometers in vehicles.

Factors Affecting Speed

  • Environmental Conditions: Wind speed, road surface, and gradients can affect an object's speed.
  • Engine Power and Design: In vehicles, the engine's power and the design play a significant role in determining speed.

Understanding Velocity

Velocity is a vector quantity that describes both the speed of an object and the direction of its motion.

Velocity in Detail

  • Directional Component: Velocity includes directional information, making it different from speed. For instance, "60 km/h east" describes velocity, while "60 km/h" only describes speed.
  • Changing Velocity: An object changes its velocity if there is a change in its speed, direction, or both.

Calculating Velocity

Velocity uses the same formula as speed but with directional information. For example, if a car travels 150 metres north in 10 seconds, its velocity is 15 m/s north.

Key Distinctions Between Speed and Velocity

  • 1. Nature of Quantities: Speed is scalar (only magnitude), whereas velocity is a vector (magnitude and direction).
  • 2. Impact of Direction: Speed is unaffected by direction, but velocity is defined by it.

Real-World Applications

  • Transportation: Knowing the speed and velocity of different modes of transport is crucial for timing and safety.
  • Sports Science: Athletes and coaches use these concepts to improve performance and strategy.
  • Astronomy and Space Exploration: Understanding the velocity of celestial bodies is essential for space missions and studying the universe.

Deep Dive: Speed and Velocity in Different Contexts

Everyday Life

In everyday life, we often talk about speed in terms of how fast we travel from one place to another, be it walking, driving, or cycling.

Technology and Engineering

Engineers design vehicles and craft with speed and velocity considerations. For example, aeroplanes must reach certain speeds for takeoff, which depends on their design and the length of the runway.

Natural Phenomena

In nature, speed and velocity can be observed in phenomena like river currents, where the speed of the water can be measured, and the velocity determines the direction of flow.

Practice Problems and Exercises

  • 1. Average Speed Challenge: Calculate the average speed of a train that covers 300 km in 4 hours.
  • 2. Velocity Conceptual Question: If a drone flies north at 10 m/s and then turns to fly south at the same speed, how does its velocity change?

Interactive Learning: Engaging with Speed and Velocity

  • Experiments: Simple experiments, like measuring how fast a ball rolls down a slope, can bring these concepts to life.
  • Simulation Software: There are various physics simulation programs that allow students to visually grasp the ideas of speed and velocity.

By exploring and understanding speed and velocity, students gain valuable insights into the physics of motion. This knowledge is not only pivotal for academic success in physics but also enhances one's understanding of many everyday phenomena and professional fields.


An object cannot have zero speed and a non-zero velocity simultaneously, as velocity includes speed as part of its definition. Speed is a scalar quantity representing how fast an object is moving, while velocity is a vector quantity, including both speed and direction. If an object's speed is zero, it means the object is not moving. Consequently, its velocity is also zero since velocity cannot exist without movement. For example, if a car is stationary at a traffic light, its speed is zero. Therefore, its velocity is also zero, regardless of the car's orientation or the direction it is facing. This distinction is crucial in understanding motion, as it helps differentiate between the mere presence of speed and the specific directional movement characterised by velocity.

Air resistance significantly affects the velocity of a falling object. When an object falls, it accelerates due to gravity, increasing its speed and, consequently, its velocity. However, as the object's speed increases, so does the air resistance it encounters. This resistance acts in the opposite direction to the object's motion, reducing its acceleration. Eventually, the object reaches a point where the downward force of gravity is balanced by the upward force of air resistance. At this stage, called terminal velocity, the object stops accelerating and continues to fall at a constant speed. The effect of air resistance and the concept of terminal velocity are critical in fields like aerodynamics and parachuting, where controlling the descent speed is essential. The shape, size, and mass of the object, along with the density of the air, determine how quickly it reaches its terminal velocity.

Distinguishing between instantaneous speed and average speed is vital in practical scenarios for accuracy and relevance. Instantaneous speed refers to the speed of an object at a particular moment, like the reading on a car's speedometer. It is crucial for tasks requiring precise speed measurements at specific times, such as enforcing speed limits or in sports timing. On the other hand, average speed is the total distance travelled divided by the total time taken. This is useful for planning journeys, estimating travel times, and understanding the efficiency of a trip. In real-world applications, relying solely on instantaneous speed might not give a true representation of a journey's overall pace, whereas using only average speed might overlook critical variations in speed that occur during the trip. For instance, a car might have an average speed of 60 km/h on a journey, but knowing its instantaneous speeds is essential for understanding if it exceeded the speed limit at any point.

Relative speed is a crucial concept in understanding how two objects in motion perceive each other's speed. When two objects are moving in the same direction, their relative speed is the difference in their individual speeds. For example, if one car is moving at 50 km/h and another at 70 km/h in the same direction, the relative speed from the perspective of the slower car is 20 km/h. Conversely, if the objects are moving in opposite directions, their relative speeds are added. So, if the same cars were moving towards each other, their relative speed would be 120 km/h (50 km/h + 70 km/h). This concept is essential in collision avoidance systems in vehicles, where the relative speed determines the time and distance needed to avoid a collision. In the world of physics, understanding relative speed helps us comprehend how objects interact with each other in motion, especially in scenarios involving vehicles or celestial bodies.

Distance-time graphs are instrumental in visualising and understanding the concepts of speed and velocity. These graphs plot distance on the vertical axis against time on the horizontal axis. The slope of the line on a distance-time graph represents the speed of the object. A steeper slope indicates a higher speed, while a flatter slope indicates a lower speed. If the line is horizontal, the object is stationary

(stationary). Furthermore, the shape of the line provides insights into the nature of the object's motion. For example, a straight, diagonal line indicates constant speed, whereas a curved line suggests changing speed. However, these graphs do not directly convey velocity as they do not include directional information. To analyse velocity, one needs to consider the direction of the object's movement in addition to the information provided by the distance-time graph. This is typically done by including additional data or using specific conventions, like indicating direction with arrows or using separate graphs for different directions. Thus, while distance-time graphs are excellent for analysing speed and aspects of motion, they need to be complemented with directional data to fully understand velocity.

Practice Questions

A car travels a distance of 150 metres in 10 seconds. Calculate the average speed of the car in metres per second.

To calculate the average speed of the car, we use the formula speed = distance/time. The distance travelled by the car is 150 metres, and the time taken is 10 seconds. Therefore, the average speed of the car is 150 metres divided by 10 seconds, which equals 15 metres per second. This calculation shows that the car is moving at a consistent speed of 15 metres per second over the given distance and time.

A cyclist moves 30 km north in 2 hours and then 40 km south in 3 hours. Calculate the average speed for the entire journey and describe the average velocity.

The total distance travelled by the cyclist is 30 km north plus 40 km south, equalling 70 km. The total time taken is 2 hours plus 3 hours, which is 5 hours. To find the average speed, we divide the total distance by the total time. Thus, the average speed is 70 km divided by 5 hours, resulting in 14 km/h. However, the average velocity considers direction. Since the final displacement is 10 km south (40 km south minus 30 km north), and the time is 5 hours, the average velocity is 2 km/h south.

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