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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.2.5 Gravitational Motion

Understanding Gravitational Fields

A gravitational field is an invisible, yet fundamental force field surrounding all masses, attracting other masses towards it. This concept is crucial in understanding how and why objects move as they do in the vicinity of a planet or other celestial body.

  • Uniform Gravitational Field: This theoretical concept assumes a gravitational force that is consistent in both magnitude and direction. While this is never perfectly true, it closely approximates the conditions for relatively small distances near the Earth's surface.

Free Fall and Acceleration

The phenomenon of free fall is observed when an object is solely under the influence of gravity, with no other external forces acting upon it, such as air resistance or friction.

  • Acceleration in Free Fall: Objects in free fall near the Earth's surface experience an acceleration of approximately 9.8 m/s² downwards. This figure implies that the velocity of the object increases by about 9.8 meters per second for every second it continues to fall.

The Concept of Resistance

In real-world scenarios, objects moving through a medium like air encounter resistance. This resistance, often air resistance or drag, plays a significant role in the motion of the object as it opposes the force of gravity.

  • Effect of Air Resistance: As an object falls, it collides with air molecules, creating a force that opposes its downward motion. The magnitude of this force escalates with the increasing speed and surface area of the falling object.

Terminal Velocity

Terminal velocity is a pivotal concept in gravitational motion, defined as the constant speed that a freely falling object eventually reaches when the resistance of the medium through which it moves prevents further acceleration.

  • Reaching Terminal Velocity: An object, while falling, accelerates until the air resistance force equals the gravitational force acting upon it. At this equilibrium point, the object ceases to accelerate and continues to fall at a steady speed, termed as the terminal velocity.
  • Factors Affecting Terminal Velocity: Terminal velocity is influenced by several factors including the mass, shape, and surface area of the object. For example, a skydiver will reach a different terminal velocity depending on whether they are in a freefall position or have deployed a parachute.

Practical Implications and Examples

Understanding gravitational motion has significant practical applications in various fields. From engineering to sports, and even in designing safety measures, the principles of gravitational motion are extensively applied.

  • Aerospace Applications: In aerospace engineering, principles of gravitational motion are fundamental in designing the trajectory and orbit of satellites, space shuttles, and other space-bound vehicles.
  • Sports Physics: In sports like cricket, football, or golf, understanding the trajectories, which are heavily influenced by gravitational motion, can enhance both playing and coaching strategies.
  • Safety Equipment Design: The knowledge of terminal velocity is crucial in designing parachutes, airbags, and other safety devices. This understanding ensures that such equipment can effectively counteract gravitational forces to reduce impact and enhance safety.

Detailed Analysis of Terminal Velocity

Delving deeper into terminal velocity, it's essential to understand how it acts as a balancing force in gravitational motion. The concept is not just limited to theoretical physics but has tangible effects in everyday phenomena.

  • Skydiving Example: When a skydiver jumps from an airplane, they initially accelerate due to gravity. As their speed increases, so does the air resistance they experience. Eventually, this air resistance force equals the gravitational force, and the skydiver reaches terminal velocity, continuing to fall at a constant speed. This phenomenon explains why a skydiver can fall for several minutes without continually accelerating.
  • Variability of Terminal Velocity: The terminal velocity of different objects varies dramatically. A feather, for example, has a much lower terminal velocity than a stone, primarily due to differences in density and shape. The feather’s larger surface area relative to its mass increases air resistance significantly, slowing its fall.

Gravitational Motion in a Vacuum

To further understand the impact of air resistance on gravitational motion, it’s insightful to consider how objects behave in a vacuum, where there is no air resistance.

  • Motion in a Vacuum: In a vacuum, all objects, regardless of their mass or shape, fall at the same rate. This is because the only force acting on them is gravity, and there is no air resistance to alter their motion. This principle was famously demonstrated by Apollo 15 astronaut David Scott on the Moon, where he dropped a hammer and a feather, and both hit the lunar surface at the same time.

Equations of Motion in Gravitational Fields

Equations of motion in gravitational fields allow for the mathematical modelling and prediction of an object's trajectory and velocity.

  • Speed and Time Relation: The equation v = gt is used where 'v' is the final velocity, 'g' is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²), and 't' is the time. This helps calculate how fast an object will be moving after a certain period of free fall.
  • Distance and Time Relation: The distance an object falls can be calculated using the equation d = ½gt², where 'd' is the distance fallen. This equation is particularly useful in predicting the point of impact in free-fall scenarios.

Gravitational Acceleration on Other Planets

Gravitational motion is not exclusive to Earth. Other celestial bodies have their own gravitational fields which affect the motion of objects differently.

  • Variation of 'g' on Other Planets: The acceleration due to gravity varies on different planets. For instance, it's about 3.7 m/s² on Mars and about 24.8 m/s² on Jupiter. This variance significantly affects how objects would move on these planets compared to Earth.


Gravitational motion encompasses an array of concepts from the fundamental forces acting on objects in a gravitational field to the complex calculations involving distance, time, and velocity. Understanding these principles is not just academic but also applicable in a multitude of practical scenarios, shaping our everyday experiences and technological advancements. For IGCSE Physics students, mastering these concepts is essential for a comprehensive understanding of the physical world and its governing laws. This knowledge lays the foundation for further exploration into more advanced areas of physics and engineering.


The mass of an object is a critical factor in determining its terminal velocity, though its impact is often misunderstood. While the gravitational force acting on an object is proportional to its mass (F = mg), heavier objects do not necessarily have a higher terminal velocity. This is because terminal velocity is achieved when the force of gravity is balanced by air resistance, and air resistance is influenced more by an object's shape, size, and speed rather than its mass. However, in the absence of air resistance, as in a vacuum, all objects fall at the same rate regardless of their mass. In an atmosphere, heavier objects might initially accelerate faster due to their greater momentum overcoming air resistance more effectively. Still, their terminal velocity is more influenced by how they interact with the air around them, particularly their aerodynamic properties.

Air density plays a pivotal role in determining terminal velocity, as it directly affects the amount of air resistance an object encounters during its descent. In denser air, molecules are packed more closely together, which increases the frequency and force of collisions between the air molecules and the falling object. This enhanced air resistance slows the object down more effectively, leading to a lower terminal velocity. Conversely, in less dense air, such as at higher altitudes or in warmer temperatures, the air molecules are more spread out. This results in fewer collisions and less air resistance, allowing the object to maintain a higher speed before reaching terminal velocity. Thus, changes in air density, due to altitude or atmospheric conditions, can significantly impact the terminal velocity of a falling object.

The concept of terminal velocity is crucial in parachute design as it ensures the safe deceleration of a person or object from high speeds to a survivable landing speed. A parachute works by increasing the surface area of the falling object (person), thereby increasing air resistance and significantly reducing the terminal velocity. Effective parachute design aims to achieve a terminal velocity that is low enough to allow a safe landing without causing injury. The design must consider factors like the weight of the person, the strength and size of the parachute fabric, and the altitude from which the jump occurs. The understanding of terminal velocity allows designers to calculate the necessary specifications to achieve the desired rate of descent, ensuring the parachute provides a controlled and steady decrease in speed for a safe landing.

Yes, terminal velocity can change during an object's descent, primarily due to changes in air resistance or alterations in the object’s characteristics. For example, a skydiver initially has a smaller surface area when diving headfirst and thus a higher terminal velocity. When the skydiver spreads out their arms and legs, the increased surface area leads to greater air resistance, reducing the terminal velocity. Another factor affecting terminal velocity during descent is the air density, which changes with altitude. Higher altitudes have thinner air, resulting in lower air resistance and a higher terminal velocity. As the object descends into denser air layers, air resistance increases, reducing the terminal velocity. Thus, any factor that influences the balance between gravitational force and air resistance can alter the terminal velocity during descent.

The shape of an object significantly influences its terminal velocity due to the effect on air resistance. Objects with a more aerodynamic shape, like a streamlined bullet, encounter less air resistance compared to objects with a broader, flatter shape, like a spread-out parachute. The aerodynamic shape reduces the air resistance, allowing the object to reach a higher terminal velocity. Conversely, a flatter shape increases the air resistance, reducing the terminal velocity. This difference occurs because air flows more smoothly around streamlined shapes, creating less drag. In contrast, air collides more turbulently with flatter surfaces, creating a greater opposing force. Thus, the shape dictates how quickly an object can travel through the air before the forces of gravity and air resistance equilibrate, determining its terminal velocity.

Practice Questions

A skydiver of mass 70 kg jumps out of a plane and reaches terminal velocity. What is the force of air resistance acting on the skydiver at terminal velocity? Assume the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s².

At terminal velocity, the force of air resistance is equal to the gravitational force acting on the skydiver. The gravitational force can be calculated using the formula F = mg, where 'm' is the mass and 'g' is the acceleration due to gravity. Here, the mass of the skydiver is 70 kg and the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s². Therefore, F = 70 kg × 9.8 m/s² = 686 N. Thus, the force of air resistance acting on the skydiver at terminal velocity is 686 Newtons.

Describe how the concept of terminal velocity is demonstrated in a vacuum, using the example of a feather and a metal ball.

In a vacuum, there is no air resistance to counteract the force of gravity. This means that all objects, regardless of their mass or shape, fall at the same rate under gravity. For instance, if a feather and a metal ball are dropped simultaneously in a vacuum, they will fall together and reach the ground at the same time. This demonstrates that terminal velocity, the constant speed reached by an object when the force of gravity is balanced by the resistance of the medium, is not applicable in a vacuum, as there is no medium to provide resistance. Hence, both the feather and the metal ball accelerate at the same rate and do not reach a terminal velocity before hitting the ground.

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