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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.2.2 Motion Representation on Graphs

Understanding Distance-Time Graphs

Plotting Distance-Time Graphs

  • Distance-time graphs illustrate the distance an object travels over a period of time.
  • The horizontal axis (x-axis) is reserved for time, typically measured in seconds or minutes.
  • The vertical axis (y-axis) represents distance, which could be in metres or kilometres.
  • Plotting: Mark time intervals on the x-axis and corresponding distances on the y-axis. Connect these points to form a graph.

Interpreting Distance-Time Graphs

  • Horizontal Line: Signifies the object is at rest; no distance change indicates no movement.
  • Upward Sloping Line: Indicates constant speed; the object moves further away as time progresses.
  • Steeper Slope: Suggests faster motion; a steeper line means more distance covered in the same time.
  • Curve: Signifies varying speed; acceleration or deceleration is occurring if the slope of the line changes.

Understanding Speed-Time Graphs

Plotting Speed-Time Graphs

  • Speed-time graphs track how an object's speed changes with time.
  • Like distance-time graphs, time is on the x-axis, but speed is now on the y-axis.
  • Units for speed could be metres per second (m/s) or kilometres per hour (km/h).

Interpreting Speed-Time Graphs

  • Horizontal Line: Shows constant speed; the object's speed doesn't change over time.
  • Sloping Line Upwards: Represents acceleration; the object's speed increases.
  • Sloping Line Downwards: Denotes deceleration; the object's speed decreases.
  • Area under the Line: Crucially, this area quantifies the total distance travelled.

Motion Characteristics from Graphs

Identifying Rest and Motion

  • A horizontal line on a distance-time graph means the object hasn't moved, thus at rest.
  • Any non-horizontal line suggests motion, whether constant or varying.

Understanding Constant Speed and Acceleration

  • Constant Speed: Depicted by a straight line on a distance-time graph and a horizontal line on a speed-time graph.
  • Acceleration: Shown by a curved line on a distance-time graph and an upwards sloping line on a speed-time graph.

Decelereleration and Negative Acceleration

  • Deceleration: Visible as a downward sloping line on a speed-time graph, indicating a decrease in speed.
  • Recognise deceleration as negative acceleration, a concept that's important for understanding motion in physics.

Analysing Graphs for Motion Insights

  • The shape and gradient of lines on these graphs reveal crucial details about the object's motion.
  • Steepness of slope: Indicates how fast the speed is changing.
  • Curved lines on a distance-time graph suggest varying speed, either accelerating or decelerating.
  • Flat segments suggest periods of no movement (rest) or uniform motion (constant speed).

Skills in Graph Sketching and Plotting

  • Precision: Accurate plotting of points and drawing lines is essential.
  • Labelling: Correctly label axes with appropriate units and choose suitable scales for clarity.
  • Interpretation: Develop the ability to interpret what each part of the graph signifies in terms of motion.

Practical Applications

  • Understanding motion through graphical representation is not limited to theoretical physics; it has practical implications in various fields.
  • For example, in engineering, these graphs assist in designing machines and predicting their motion.
  • In astronomy, these skills help in understanding the movement of celestial bodies.

Advanced Concepts in Graph Interpretation

  • Changing Slopes: In speed-time graphs, changing slopes can indicate complex motion patterns like oscillation.
  • Non-linear Curves: On distance-time graphs, non-linear curves can represent complex motions like projectiles or orbits.

Case Studies and Examples

  • Incorporating examples, such as the motion of a car on a road or a ball being thrown, can make these concepts relatable.
  • Analysing real-world scenarios where these graphs are applicable reinforces the understanding of theoretical concepts.

Exercises and Practice

  • Engage in plotting and interpreting various types of motion graphs.
  • Practice exercises should include different scenarios: objects at rest, in uniform motion, accelerating, and decelerating.
  • Interpretation exercises help solidify the understanding of how graph characteristics correlate to motion properties.

By mastering these concepts, students can gain a comprehensive understanding of motion and its representation in graphical form. This knowledge is foundational not only for excelling in IGCSE Physics but also for further studies in physics and related fields. Understanding these graphs leads to a deeper

appreciation of how motion is interpreted in a range of scientific contexts.

Challenges in Graph Interpretation

  • Students should be aware of common pitfalls in interpreting these graphs, such as confusing the steepness of a line with the speed of an object in a distance-time graph.
  • Understanding that a steep line indicates a higher rate of change in distance or speed, not necessarily high speed or distance itself.

Linking Graphs to Equations of Motion

  • Connecting the graphical representation to equations of motion enhances understanding.
  • For instance, the slope of a speed-time graph can be linked to the acceleration equation a = ΔvΔt, where Δv is the change in speed and Δt is the time taken.

Integrating Experimental Data

  • Practical work involving collecting and plotting data from experiments can reinforce these concepts.
  • For example, recording the motion of a trolley on a ramp and plotting its distance-time or speed-time graph.

Utilising Technology in Graphing

  • Encourage the use of technology, such as graph plotting software, to create more accurate and detailed graphs.
  • Digital tools can also help in analysing more complex motions, providing a deeper understanding of the concepts.

Enhancing Interpretative Skills

  • Developing skills to not only read but also predict motion from these graphs is crucial.
  • This involves understanding how changes in motion (like acceleration or deceleration) affect the shape and nature of the graph.


These study notes on Motion Representation on Graphs aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of how motion can be represented and interpreted graphically. Mastery of these concepts is crucial for IGCSE Physics students, not only for academic success but also for practical applications in various scientific fields. Through diligent study and practice, students can develop a deep understanding of these fundamental concepts in physics.


Determining the exact speed of an object at a particular point on a distance-time graph is not possible because these graphs provide information about the overall journey, not specific instances. The slope of the line on a distance-time graph gives an average speed over a period. To find the exact speed at a specific moment, you would need a tangent to the curve at that point, which would provide the instantaneous speed. However, this is more relevant for speed-time graphs. In practice, if the distance-time graph is a straight line, the slope gives the constant speed. But for curved lines, it only provides average speed over intervals.

When a distance-time graph displays a horizontal line followed by a steeply sloping line, it indicates a two-phase motion. The horizontal line represents a period of rest; during this phase, the distance from the starting point does not change, meaning the object is stationary. The subsequent steeply sloping line indicates that

the object has started moving and is doing so at a relatively fast speed. The steepness of the slope suggests a higher speed; the steeper the line, the faster the object is moving. This change in the graph's slope from horizontal to steep indicates a transition from a state of rest to rapid motion. This type of graph is common in scenarios where an object, initially at rest, begins to move quickly, such as a car accelerating from a stop.

A distance-time graph, by itself, does not directly indicate whether an object is moving forwards or backwards. These graphs only show how far an object has moved from its starting point and do not provide information about the direction of travel. However, you can infer the direction of motion if you know the context. For example, if an object starts moving from a known location and the graph shows increasing distance, it is moving away from the starting point. If the distance decreases, it is moving towards the starting point. It's important to remember that these graphs show distance from a starting point, not displacement, which takes into account direction.

A curved line on a speed-time graph indicates changing acceleration, meaning the object's speed is increasing or decreasing at a changing rate. If the curve slopes upwards and becomes steeper, the object is accelerating increasingly faster. Conversely, if the curve slopes upwards but becomes less steep, the object is still accelerating but at a decreasing rate. A downward curving line signifies deceleration, where the steepness of the curve tells you how quickly the deceleration is changing. A steeper downward curve means faster deceleration. These curved lines represent more complex motion scenarios compared to straight lines, which depict constant acceleration or deceleration.

The area under a speed-time graph represents the total distance travelled by the object during the given time period. This is because the area under the graph is a graphical representation of the integral of speed with respect to time, which mathematically translates to distance. To calculate this area, you need to identify the shape formed under the graph line and above the time axis. For simple shapes like rectangles or triangles, standard geometric area formulas apply. For instance, the area of a rectangle (constant speed) is calculated as speed (height) multiplied by time (width), and for a triangle (accelerating or decelerating motion), it's half of this product. In cases where the graph forms more complex shapes, the area might need to be broken down into simpler shapes or calculated using integral calculus for precise results. This concept is crucial in physics as it links the graphical representation of speed to the actual distance travelled, providing a visual method to understand motion.

Practice Questions

A car travels along a straight road. The distance-time graph for its journey is a straight line sloping upwards. What does this graph tell you about the speed of the car? Explain your answer.

The distance-time graph showing a straight line sloping upwards indicates that the car is travelling at a constant speed. This conclusion comes from the fact that the distance increases uniformly with time. If the car were accelerating or decelerating, the graph would display a curved line. The straight and sloping nature of the line implies that the distance travelled by the car is directly proportional to the time, which is characteristic of motion at a constant speed. The steeper the slope, the faster the car is moving, but the uniformity of the slope confirms constant speed.

A speed-time graph for an object shows a horizontal line at 20 m/s for the first 5 seconds and then a straight line sloping downwards to reach 0 m/s in the next 5 seconds. Describe the motion of the object during the 10 seconds.

During the first 5 seconds, the object is moving at a constant speed of 20 m/s, as indicated by the horizontal line on the speed-time graph. Constant speed is represented by a horizontal line since the speed does not change with time. In the next 5 seconds, the straight line sloping downwards to 0 m/s shows that the object is decelerating. The downward slope indicates a decrease in speed, and reaching 0 m/s means the object comes to a stop. The uniform slope in this second phase suggests that the object decelerates at a constant rate.

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