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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.2.4 Acceleration Concepts in Physics

Introduction to Acceleration

Acceleration is the rate at which an object's velocity changes with time. It is a vector quantity, which means it has both magnitude and direction. This concept is central to understanding how objects speed up, slow down (deceleration), or change their direction of movement.

Understanding Acceleration

Acceleration can be observed in everyday life, from cars moving on a road to objects falling due to gravity. It's essential to differentiate between speed and velocity as these terms are often confused. Speed is a scalar quantity that refers only to how fast an object is moving, whereas velocity is a vector, including both speed and direction.

Formula for Acceleration

The general formula for calculating acceleration is:

  • a = (change in v) / (change in t)

Where 'a' is acceleration, 'change in v' denotes the change in velocity, and 'change in t' indicates the change in time.

Calculating Acceleration

To calculate acceleration, one must understand the initial and final velocities of an object and the time interval over which this change occurs. The expanded formula is:

  • a = (vfinal - vinitial) / t

'vfinal' stands for the final velocity, 'vinitial' for the initial velocity, and 't' for the time taken for this change.

Practical Examples

  • 1. A Car Accelerating: Consider a car that increases its speed from 0 to 60 km/h in 5 seconds. Here, 'vfinal' is 60 km/h, 'vinitial' is 0, and 't' is 5 seconds. Converting km/h to m/s (since 1 km/h = 0.278 m/s), we get:
    • a = (16.68 m/s - 0 m/s) / 5 s = 16.68 m/s² / 5 s = 3.336 m/s²
  • 2. A Ball Thrown Upwards: When a ball is thrown upwards, it decelerates until it reaches its highest point. If a ball reaches its peak in 3 seconds and its initial velocity was 9.8 m/s (approximating gravity), the deceleration is:
    • a = (0 m/s - 9.8 m/s) / 3 s = -9.8 m/s / 3 s = -3.27 m/s²

This negative sign indicates a decrease in velocity, or deceleration.

Acceleration on Speed-Time Graphs

Speed-time graphs are a fundamental tool in understanding and visualising the concept of acceleration. The shape and gradient of the curve on these graphs tell us a lot about the motion of an object.

Constant Acceleration

A straight, sloping line on a speed-time graph signifies constant acceleration. The steeper this line, the higher the acceleration. For instance, a car moving at a constant acceleration will show a straight line with a positive slope on such a graph.

Variable Acceleration

Variable or changing acceleration is represented by a curved line on the graph. An upward curving line indicates increasing acceleration, while a downward curving line signifies deceleration.

Deceleration – Understanding Negative Acceleration

Deceleration is a term used to describe negative acceleration – that is, when an object is slowing down. In terms of graph representation, this would be indicated by a downward sloping line on a speed-time graph.

Calculating Deceleration

The calculation of deceleration is similar to that of acceleration but with the consideration that the final velocity is less than the initial velocity, leading to a negative acceleration value.

Examples of Deceleration

  • 1. Braking Car: If a car moving at 20 m/s comes to a stop in 4 seconds, the deceleration can be calculated as:
    • a = (0 m/s - 20 m/s) / 4 s = -20 m/s / 4 s = -5 m/s²
  • 2. A Roller Coaster: As a roller coaster reaches the peak of a track and starts descending, it experiences deceleration. If it goes from 30 m/s to 15 m/s in 2 seconds, the deceleration is:
    • a = (15 m/s - 30 m/s) / 2 s = -15 m/s / 2 s = -7.5 m/s²

Real-World Applications

Understanding acceleration is not just crucial for academic purposes; it has real-world applications in fields like automotive engineering, aerospace, sports, and many others.

  • 1. Automotive Engineering: Car designers use the principles of acceleration and deceleration to improve the safety and performance of vehicles.
  • 2. Aerospace: In rocket launches, understanding acceleration is crucial for achieving the necessary speed to escape Earth's gravity.
  • 3. Sports Science: Athletes and coaches use the concept of acceleration to enhance performance and strategy in sports like sprinting and cycling.

Final Thoughts

For IGCSE Physics students, mastering the concepts of acceleration and deceleration is essential. It provides a foundation for understanding more complex topics in physics and is a critical component in the study of motion. By applying these concepts to real-world scenarios, students can better appreciate the relevance and application of physics in their everyday lives.


In the absence of air resistance, objects of different masses fall at the same rate due to the principle of gravitational acceleration. This phenomenon was famously demonstrated by Galileo. According to Newton's law of universal gravitation, the force of gravity acting on an object is proportional to its mass. However, according to Newton's second law of motion, the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. When these two laws are combined, the mass of the object cancels out, meaning that all objects, regardless of their mass, will experience the same acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s² on Earth) if other forces like air resistance are negligible. This is why a feather and a hammer will fall at the same rate in a vacuum.

An object can have a negative acceleration even when it is speeding up, provided it is moving in the negative direction. In physics, the sign of acceleration (positive or negative) is determined by the direction of the change in velocity. If an object is moving in the negative direction (for instance, on a number line, moving left from zero) and its speed is increasing, it will have a negative acceleration. This scenario is a bit less intuitive but can occur in situations like a car reversing and picking up speed. It's crucial to remember that acceleration is a vector and its direction matters as much as its magnitude. Negative acceleration doesn't always mean slowing down; it can also mean speeding up in the negative direction.

Air resistance significantly impacts acceleration during free fall, particularly for objects with large surface areas or those falling from great heights. Initially, when an object starts to fall, it accelerates due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s² near Earth's surface). However, as its speed increases, air resistance builds up in the opposite direction to the motion. This resistance reduces the net acceleration of the object. Over time, the upward force of air resistance becomes equal to the downward force of gravity, causing the net force to be zero. At this point, the object stops accelerating and reaches what is known as terminal velocity. From here on, it continues to fall at a constant speed. The exact value of terminal velocity depends on factors like the object's shape, density, and surface area, as well as the density of the air.

When an object moves in a circular path at a constant speed, it still experiences acceleration, known as centripetal acceleration. This might seem counterintuitive since the speed (magnitude of velocity) is constant, but acceleration in physics is concerned with changes in velocity, which is a vector quantity having both magnitude and direction. In circular motion, the direction of the velocity changes continuously, even if its magnitude remains constant. The acceleration here is directed towards the centre of the circle. This centripetal acceleration is responsible for keeping the object in circular motion, preventing it from moving off in a straight line (as per Newton's first law of motion). It can be calculated using the formula a = v²/r, where 'v' is the speed and 'r' is the radius of the circular path. This form of acceleration is crucial in understanding phenomena like the orbits of planets and the functioning of centrifuges.

The angle of a slope has a significant impact on the acceleration of an object sliding down it. This is because the component of gravitational force acting along the slope changes with the angle. On

a steeper slope, a larger component of gravitational force acts in the direction of the slope, leading to greater acceleration. Conversely, on a gentler slope, this component is smaller, resulting in lesser acceleration. This can be understood through the concept of components of forces. The gravitational force acting on the object can be resolved into two components: one perpendicular to the slope (which doesn't contribute to the motion) and one parallel to the slope (which causes acceleration). As the angle increases, the parallel component becomes larger, thereby increasing the acceleration. This principle is essential in understanding phenomena like the speed of an object on inclined planes and is widely applied in designing roads, roller coasters, and ski slopes, where control over acceleration is crucial.

Practice Questions

A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly to reach a speed of 30 m/s in 5 seconds. Calculate the acceleration of the car. Also, determine the distance travelled by the car during this period.

The car's acceleration can be calculated using the formula a = (v_final - v_initial) / t. Since the car starts from rest, v_initial = 0 m/s. Therefore, a = (30 m/s - 0 m/s) / 5 s = 6 m/s². To find the distance travelled, we use the formula s = ut + 1/2 at², where u is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, and t is the time. Substituting the values, we get s = 0 m/s × 5 s + 1/2 × 6 m/s² × (5 s)² = 0 + 75 = 75 meters. So, the car travels 75 meters.

A speed-time graph shows a vehicle accelerating from 0 to 20 m/s in 4 seconds, maintaining that speed for 2 seconds, and then decelerating to 0 m/s in another 4 seconds. Describe the acceleration and deceleration of the vehicle.

During the first 4 seconds, the vehicle accelerates from 0 to 20 m/s. The acceleration can be calculated as a = (change in velocity) / (change in time) = (20 m/s - 0 m/s) / 4 s = 5 m/s². For the next 2 seconds, the vehicle maintains a constant speed of 20 m/s, which means the acceleration is 0 m/s² during this phase. Finally, in the last 4 seconds, the vehicle decelerates to 0 m/s. This deceleration is calculated as a = (0 m/s - 20 m/s) / 4 s = -5 m/s². The negative sign indicates deceleration. Thus, the vehicle first accelerates at 5 m/s², then moves at constant speed, and finally decelerates at -5 m/s².

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