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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.2.3 Graphs and Motion Calculations

Speed Calculation from Distance-Time Graphs

Speed is a fundamental concept in physics, representing how fast an object is moving. A distance-time graph provides a visual representation of this motion, from which speed can be calculated.

Understanding the Distance-Time Graph

  • Graph Components: The vertical axis represents distance, while the horizontal axis represents time.
  • Graph Interpretation: The steeper the graph, the higher the speed. A flat line indicates no movement.

Steps to Calculate Speed

  • 1. Choose Points: Select two distinct points on the graph line.
  • 2. Change in Distance (Δd): Find the vertical difference between these points. This represents the change in distance.
  • 3. Change in Time (Δt): Find the horizontal difference between these points. This represents the change in time.
  • 4. Speed Calculation: Speed (v) is calculated as v = Δd / Δt.

Detailed Example

Imagine a distance-time graph where an object moves 150 meters in 30 seconds. Select any two points along the line, say (0s, 0m) and (30s, 150m). The speed is calculated as 150m - 0m / 30s - 0s = 5 m/s.

Graph Shapes and Their Meanings

  • Straight Horizontal Line: Represents constant speed. The object moves at the same rate throughout.
  • Increasing Slope: Implies increasing speed. The object is accelerating.
  • Decreasing Slope: Indicates decreasing speed, suggesting deceleration.
  • Curved Lines: Represent changing acceleration.

Calculating Distance from Speed-Time Graphs

Speed-time graphs are instrumental in understanding the distance covered under different motion conditions, including constant speed and acceleration.

Distance in Constant Speed Scenarios

  • Graph Interpretation: A constant speed is indicated by a straight horizontal line.
  • Area Calculation: The area under the line represents the total distance travelled.
  • Calculating Rectangle Area: Multiply the constant speed (height of the rectangle) by the total time (width of the rectangle).

In-depth Example

Consider a speed-time graph where a car maintains a constant speed of 10 m/s for 5 seconds. The area under the graph (distance) is calculated as 10 m/s x 5 s = 50 m.

Distance in Constant Acceleration Scenarios

  • Graph Shapes: The area under the line can form a triangle or a trapezoid in scenarios of constant acceleration.
  • Triangle Area: For a triangular graph, the area (representing distance) is calculated as 1/2 x base x height, where the base is the time interval, and the height is the speed.
  • Trapezoid Area: For a trapezoidal graph, calculate the area by adding the areas of the rectangle and the triangular parts of the graph.

Detailed Example for Constant Acceleration

Imagine a speed-time graph showing a linear increase in speed from 0 to 20 m/s over 10 seconds. This forms a triangle. The distance covered is calculated as 1/2 x 10 s x 20 m/s = 100 m.

Key Concepts and Terminology

  • Speed: The rate of change of distance with respect to time.
  • Distance-Time Graph: A graph showing how distance varies with time.
  • Speed-Time Graph: A graph depicting how speed changes over time.
  • Gradient: The slope of a graph line, indicating the rate of change.
  • Area Under the Graph: Represents the total distance travelled in speed-time graphs.

Common Errors and Misunderstandings

  • Misinterpreting the slope of a distance-time graph as acceleration.
  • Not recognizing the significance of the area under speed-time graphs.
  • Confusing the concepts of speed and velocity.

Tips for Mastery

  • Regularly practice sketching and interpreting various graph types.
  • Use real-life scenarios to visualize graph interpretations.
  • Engage in active problem-solving with diverse graph examples.

Exercises for Practice

  • 1. Graphical Analysis: Given a distance-time graph with varying slopes, calculate the speed at different intervals.
  • 2. Distance Calculations: For a given speed-time graph with sections of constant speed and acceleration, calculate the total distance travelled.

In-depth exploration of these concepts solidifies the understanding of motion in physics. It's crucial to grasp how graphical representations translate into physical movement, as this forms a foundation for more advanced physics topics. Encouraging students to visualize real-world examples and engage with diverse problem sets will enhance their comprehension and application skills in this area. The ability to interpret and calculate using these graphs is not just an academic skill but also a practical tool in various scientific and engineering fields.

Understanding these concepts is integral for students studying IGCSE Physics, as it lays the groundwork for further study in mechanics and other related fields. Grasping the basics of how to interpret and use these graphs will enable students to approach more complex problems with confidence. The focus should always be on understanding the underlying principles and being able to apply them in various contexts, which is essential for mastering IGCSE Physics.


A distance-time graph can be used to determine if an object is accelerating by examining the curvature of the graph. In a distance-time graph, acceleration is indicated by a curve, rather than a straight line. If the distance-time graph is a straight line, the object is moving at a constant speed. However, if the graph curves upwards and becomes steeper over time, it shows that the object is accelerating, meaning its speed is increasing over time. The steeper the curve, the greater the acceleration. Conversely, if the curve starts steep and then flattens out, the object is decelerating, or its speed is decreasing. It’s important to note that the actual value of acceleration cannot be directly determined from a distance-time graph, but the presence of acceleration or deceleration can be inferred from the shape of the graph.

A horizontal line on a speed-time graph indicates that the object is moving at a constant speed. This is because the vertical axis of a speed-time graph represents speed, and a horizontal line means that the speed is not changing over time. The height of the horizontal line above the time axis indicates the magnitude of this constant speed. For example, if the horizontal line is drawn at 5 meters per second, it means that the object is moving at a constant speed of 5 meters per second throughout the time period represented on the graph. It’s essential to recognize that a horizontal line signifies no acceleration or deceleration; the object’s speed is unchanging, implying uniform motion.

A speed-time graph does not provide information about the exact direction of an object's motion; it only provides information about the magnitude of the speed and how it changes over time. This is because speed, as represented on the graph, is a scalar quantity – it has magnitude but no direction. A speed-time graph can show whether an object is speeding up or slowing down, but it cannot distinguish between forward and backward motion or motion in different directions. For example, a speed of 10 m/s could mean the object is moving eastwards at 10 m/s or westwards at 10 m/s; the graph will look the same in both cases. To understand the direction of motion, one would need a velocity-time graph. Velocity, unlike speed, is a vector quantity and includes direction.

The area under a speed-time graph represents the distance travelled due to the way speed and time interact to define distance. Speed is defined as the rate of change of distance with respect to time. Therefore, multiplying speed by time gives the distance travelled. In a speed-time graph, speed is plotted on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. The area under the graph, therefore, represents the product of speed and time at each point along the graph. For a constant speed, this is simply the product of speed and time. For varying speeds, the total area - which may be a combination of rectangles, triangles, or trapezoids - gives the total distance. This area is essentially the sum of distances travelled over each small interval of time, providing a cumulative distance for the entire duration depicted in the graph.

Uniform motion and non-uniform motion can be distinguished by observing the shape of the curve on a distance-time graph. In the case of uniform motion, where an object moves at a constant speed, the graph will be a straight line. This straight line indicates that the distance is changing at a constant rate over time. The steeper the line, the faster the speed. On the other hand, non-uniform motion, where the speed is changing (either accelerating or decelerating), is represented by a curved line on the distance-time graph. The nature of the curve depends on the type of acceleration: a convex curve (curving upwards) suggests acceleration, while a concave curve (curving downwards) indicates deceleration. It’s crucial to understand that the straightness or curvature of the line on a distance-time graph directly reflects the nature of the object’s motion.

Practice Questions

A car travels in a straight line and its speed-time graph for a 10-second interval is a straight line sloping upwards from 0 to 30 m/s. Calculate the total distance travelled by the car during these 10 seconds.

To calculate the distance, we need to find the area under the speed-time graph. Since the graph forms a triangle, the area can be calculated using the formula for the area of a triangle: 1/2 x base x height. Here, the base is the time interval (10 seconds) and the height is the final speed (30 m/s). So, the distance travelled is 1/2 x 10 s x 30 m/s = 150 meters. This indicates that the car has travelled a distance of 150 meters in the 10-second interval.

A distance-time graph shows a straight line moving from 0 to 60 meters over a period of 20 seconds. What is the speed of the object?

The speed of an object is calculated by dividing the change in distance by the change in time. In this case, the object travels 60 meters in 20 seconds. Therefore, the speed is 60 meters divided by 20 seconds, which equals 3 meters per second. This means the object is moving at a constant speed of 3 meters per second. The straight line on the distance-time graph confirms that the speed is constant throughout the 20-second interval.

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