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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.1.5 Vector Addition and Resolution

What are Vectors?

Vectors are quantities that have both magnitude and direction. Common examples include force, velocity, and acceleration. Unlike scalars, which have only magnitude, vectors provide a more comprehensive description of physical phenomena.

Fundamentals of Vector Addition

The process of vector addition involves combining two or more vectors to find a single vector known as the resultant.

Graphical Method

  • Tail-to-Head Method: To add vectors graphically, place the tail of the second vector at the head of the first. The resultant vector is drawn from the tail of the first to the head of the second.
  • Parallelogram Method: When two vectors originate from the same point, a parallelogram is formed by drawing lines parallel to each vector. The diagonal of this parallelogram gives the resultant vector.

Calculation Method

  • Pythagorean Theorem: For perpendicular vectors, A and B, the magnitude of the resultant R is given by R = square root of (A^2 + B^2).
  • Angle Determination: The direction of R is found using trigonometric functions like tan, sin, and cos.

Resolving Vectors into Components

Vector resolution involves breaking down a vector into its perpendicular components, usually along the x and y axes.

Horizontal and Vertical Components

  • Horizontal Component (X-axis): For a vector A at angle theta, the horizontal component is A_x = A cos(theta).
  • Vertical Component (Y-axis): The vertical component is A_y = A sin(theta).

Practical Applications

Forces in Physics

  • Equilibrium of Forces: In balancing forces, vector addition helps in determining net force.
  • Inclined Planes: Resolving weight into parallel and perpendicular components simplifies calculations.

Velocities in Motion

  • Projectile Motion: The initial velocity of a projectile is resolved into horizontal and vertical components to analyse its motion.
  • Relative Velocity: Understanding how the velocity of one object appears from the perspective of another involves vector addition.


Vector addition and resolution are fundamental in understanding complex physical phenomena. By mastering graphical and calculation methods, students can apply these concepts to real-world physics problems, enhancing their analytical skills.


For students pursuing careers in engineering and architecture, the study of vector addition and resolution is invaluable. These concepts are fundamental in designing and analysing structures, machinery, and systems. In civil and structural engineering, understanding how forces interact and combine is crucial for ensuring the stability and safety of buildings, bridges, and other structures. Vector addition allows engineers to calculate the resultant forces and moments acting on various parts of a structure, informing decisions about materials, dimensions, and support requirements. Similarly, in mechanical engineering, vectors are used to analyse forces and motion in machinery and vehicles, aiding in the design of components that can withstand operational stresses and perform effectively. In architecture, vector concepts are used in the planning and design stages to ensure that structures are not only aesthetically pleasing but also structurally sound. Additionally, vector analysis plays a role in environmental engineering, where it's used to model forces and flows in natural and built environments, crucial for sustainable design and development.

Vector addition plays a significant role in understanding electrical circuits, particularly in the context of alternating current (AC). In AC circuits, both the current and voltage are not constant but vary sinusoidally. They can be represented as phasors, which are vectors that rotate in a plane at a constant angular frequency. The use of vectors in AC circuit analysis allows for the representation of the magnitude and phase relationship between different alternating quantities. For instance, in an AC circuit containing resistors, capacitors, and inductors, the voltages across these components are out of phase with each other and with the current. Vector addition (phasor addition) is used to find the total voltage in the circuit, considering both the magnitude and phase of the individual voltages. This understanding is critical for designing and analysing AC circuits, especially in complex electrical systems where phase differences play a key role in the circuit's behaviour.

Vector addition is closely related to the concept of equilibrium in physics, particularly in mechanics. Equilibrium refers to a state where the net force and net torque acting on an object are zero, resulting in the object either being at rest or moving with constant velocity. In analysing equilibrium, it is essential to consider all the forces acting on an object and determine their resultant. If the resultant force is zero, the object is in translational equilibrium; similarly, if the resultant torque is zero, the object is in rotational equilibrium. This involves adding vectors representing different forces, considering both their magnitudes and directions. For instance,

in a stationary object under the influence of multiple forces, vector addition is used to show that these forces balance each other out. In the case of a suspended object, the tension in the supporting cable and the gravitational force must be equal and opposite for the object to remain in equilibrium. This balance is critical in designing stable structures and machinery. Understanding how to apply vector addition to establish equilibrium conditions is a fundamental skill in physics, engineering, and related fields, enabling the design and analysis of systems that remain stable and functional under various forces.

Understanding vector addition is crucial in real-life navigation, particularly in sailing or aviation, where it is used to calculate the actual course and speed of a vessel or aircraft relative to the Earth. In these contexts, navigators must consider not just the intended direction and speed (the velocity vector of the vessel or aircraft) but also environmental vectors, such as wind or water currents. By adding these vectors, navigators can determine the resultant vector, which represents the actual path and speed. This is vital for accurate navigation; failing to account for these environmental factors can lead to significant deviations from the intended course. For example, an airplane flying in a strong crosswind must adjust its heading to ensure that its path relative to the ground is correct. Similarly, a boat sailing in a river must adjust its course to counteract the flow of the water. This application of vector addition ensures safe and efficient navigation, allowing vessels and aircraft to reach their destinations accurately.

Resolving vectors into components is a fundamental technique in physics, providing a clearer and more manageable way of understanding complex situations. When vectors are broken down into their perpendicular components, typically along the x (horizontal) and y (vertical) axes, it simplifies the analysis of their effects. This is particularly useful in problems involving forces, motion, and equilibrium. For instance, in projectile motion, resolving the initial velocity into horizontal and vertical components allows for separate analysis of the horizontal displacement and vertical motion, which are governed by different principles (constant velocity for horizontal and accelerated motion due to gravity for vertical). Additionally, in force analysis, resolving forces helps in understanding how different components contribute to the overall effect, aiding in the calculation of net force or torque. This method also makes it easier to apply Newton's laws of motion, as it allows for the separation of forces acting in different directions, which is essential in determining the resultant motion or stability of objects.

Practice Questions

A car is moving with a velocity of 20 m/s eastward. At the same time, the wind is blowing with a velocity of 10 m/s northward. Calculate the resultant velocity of the car.

To calculate the resultant velocity, we use vector addition. Here, the car's velocity (20 m/s east) and the wind's velocity (10 m/s north) are perpendicular to each other. Using the Pythagorean theorem, the magnitude of the resultant velocity is the square root of (202 + 102) m/s, which equals the square root of 500 m/s or approximately 22.36 m/s. The direction can be found using the tangent function: tan(theta) = 10/20, giving theta as 26.57 degrees north of east. Therefore, the car's resultant velocity is approximately 22.36 m/s at an angle of 26.57 degrees north of east.

A force of 30 N is acting at an angle of 60 degrees to the horizontal. Determine the horizontal and vertical components of this force.

To find the components of the force, we resolve the 30 N force into horizontal and vertical components. The horizontal component (along the x-axis) is calculated using Fx = F cos(theta), which is 30 cos(60 degrees). This equals 15 N. The vertical component (along the y-axis) is calculated using Fy = F sin(theta), which is 30 sin(60 degrees). This equals approximately 25.98 N. Therefore, the horizontal component of the force is 15 N, and the vertical component is about 25.98 N.

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