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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

17.1.5 Analysing SHM Graphs

Introduction to SHM Graphs

SHM is characterised by its sinusoidal nature, which is best understood through its graphical representations. The key to mastering SHM lies in comprehending these graphs, as they offer insights into the motion's dynamic properties.

Displacement in SHM

Displacement in SHM is the distance from the mean position in a specific direction. It’s a fundamental aspect of SHM as it determines the position of the oscillating object at any given time.

Graphical Representation of Displacement

  • Displacement-Time Graph: A sinusoidal curve representing how displacement varies with time.
  • Amplitude (x₀): The peak value of displacement; the highest point on the displacement graph.
  • Period (T): The duration for a complete oscillation, visible as the distance between two consecutive peaks on the graph.
Diagram showing Displacement-time graph, velocity-time graph and acceleration-time graph in simple harmonic motion

Displacement-time graph, velocity-time graph and acceleration-time graph in simple harmonic motion

Image Courtesy BYJU’S

Velocity in SHM

Velocity in SHM is the rate of change of displacement. It gives us an idea about how fast the object is moving and in which direction.

Velocity-Time Graph in SHM

  • Cosine Curve Representation: Velocity in SHM follows a cosine curve, which is a phase-shifted version of the displacement graph.
  • Maximum Velocity (v₀): The peak value of the velocity graph, occurring when the object crosses the equilibrium position.
  • Zero Velocity: Points where the curve touches the time axis, indicating the object is momentarily at rest (at maximum displacement points).

Acceleration in SHM

Acceleration in SHM, defined as the rate of change of velocity, is always directed towards the mean position and varies with displacement.

Acceleration-Time Graph

  • Inverted Sine Curve: Acceleration graph in SHM typically looks like an inverted sine wave, showing how it changes over time.
  • Maximum Acceleration: Corresponds to the points of maximum displacement.
  • Zero Acceleration: When the object passes through the equilibrium position, acceleration becomes zero.

Deep Dive into SHM Graphs

Detailed Analysis of Displacement Graphs

  • Wave Pattern: The sine curve illustrates the oscillatory motion, starting from zero (equilibrium), reaching maximum (amplitude), and returning to zero.
  • Phase and Displacement: The phase angle in the displacement graph represents the initial position of the object in its cycle.

Insights from Velocity Graphs

  • Graph Characteristics: The cosine wave form of the velocity graph is due to the derivative relationship with displacement.
  • Phase Shift: Notably, the velocity graph is phase-shifted by π/2 (90 degrees) ahead of the displacement graph.

Exploring Acceleration Graphs

  • Acceleration Dynamics: The acceleration graph mirrors the displacement graph but with values reflected across the time axis, indicating that acceleration is directly proportional to displacement but in the opposite direction.
  • Significance of Zero Points: Zero acceleration points are significant as they indicate moments of maximum velocity.

The Sinusoidal Nature of SHM

The sinusoidal patterns in SHM are fundamental to understanding the nature of oscillatory motions in physics.

Visualising the Sinusoidal Motion

  • Repetitive Pattern: The graphs depict the periodic and repetitive nature of SHM.
  • Graph Symmetry: The symmetry in sinusoidal graphs reflects the predictable and regular nature of SHM.

Phase Relationships in SHM Graphs

  • Displacement-Velocity Phase Difference: The 90-degree phase lead of velocity over displacement is a critical aspect in SHM.
  • Acceleration-Displacement Relationship: Acceleration and displacement are out of phase in SHM, meaning when one is maximum, the other is zero.

Practical Implications and Applications

Grasping these concepts is crucial for understanding real-world phenomena where SHM principles are applied.

Real-World Examples

  • Pendulum Motion: The displacement graph of a pendulum depicts its back-and-forth motion over time.
  • Mass-Spring Systems: In mass-spring systems, velocity graphs are key to understanding how the speed of the mass varies with position.

Challenges in Graph Interpretation

  • Understanding Phase Difference: A common challenge is grasping the phase difference between velocity and displacement graphs.
  • Accurate Reading of Graphs: Students often struggle with correctly interpreting the amplitude and period from SHM graphs.

In summary, a thorough understanding of SHM graphs is essential for A-Level Physics students. These concepts lay the foundation for advanced physics studies and find applications in various scientific and engineering domains. Mastery of SHM graph analysis equips students with the tools to understand and predict the behaviour of oscillatory systems, a skill that is invaluable in both academic and practical contexts.


The amplitude and period of SHM cannot be directly determined from the acceleration-time graph alone. The acceleration graph in SHM shows the rate of change of velocity, which is indirectly related to the displacement. While the period of the motion can be inferred from the time it takes for the acceleration to complete one cycle (from peak to peak or trough to trough), the amplitude of the motion (maximum displacement) cannot be deduced. This is because the acceleration graph shows how the acceleration varies over time, not how far the object moves from the equilibrium position. To determine the amplitude, one needs the displacement-time graph or additional information linking acceleration to displacement.

The difference in shapes between the velocity and acceleration graphs in SHM arises from their mathematical relationship to displacement. Displacement in SHM follows a sine wave. Since velocity is the first derivative of displacement with respect to time, the velocity graph becomes a cosine wave – a sine wave shifted by π/2 radians (90 degrees). This phase shift turns the sine wave of displacement into a cosine wave for velocity. On the other hand, acceleration is the derivative of velocity (and thus the second derivative of displacement). The acceleration graph ends up being a sine wave again but inverted and phase-shifted. This mathematical relationship between displacement, velocity, and acceleration dictates their respective waveforms on the graphs.

In a displacement-time graph for SHM, the curve returns to zero after reaching maximum amplitude due to the nature of the restoring force in SHM. When the object reaches its maximum amplitude, it is at its furthest point from the equilibrium position. At this point, the restoring force (which is proportional to the displacement and acts in the opposite direction) is at its strongest, pulling the object back towards the equilibrium. As the object moves back, the displacement decreases, and the restoring force reduces until the object passes through the equilibrium position. The motion continues due to inertia, but as the object moves to the opposite side, the restoring force acts again to decelerate and reverse its motion, bringing it back to the equilibrium. This continuous interplay of restoring force and inertia results in the oscillatory motion represented by the sine curve.

The phase difference between displacement and acceleration in SHM is π radians (180 degrees), meaning when one graph shows a positive value, the other shows a negative value, and vice versa. This relationship is crucial for understanding the opposing nature of the restoring force in SHM. For example, when the displacement graph shows a positive value (indicating the object is on one side of the equilibrium position), the acceleration graph shows a negative value, reflecting the fact that the acceleration (and thus the force) is directed towards the equilibrium. Conversely, when the displacement is negative (the object is on the opposite side), the acceleration is positive, again pointing towards the equilibrium. This phase difference highlights the fundamental principle of SHM where the acceleration is always directed towards the mean position, opposing the displacement.

The concept of SHM can be applied to understand the motion of a pendulum by considering the pendulum's displacement, velocity, and acceleration at different points in its swing. When a pendulum swings, it exhibits characteristics of SHM: the restoring force (due to gravity) is proportional to its displacement from the equilibrium (the lowest point of the swing). At the highest points of its swing, the pendulum has maximum displacement and zero velocity, much like the peaks of a displacement graph in SHM. As it passes through the equilibrium, its velocity is at a maximum while displacement is zero, akin to the crossing point of the time axis in a velocity graph. The pendulum's acceleration is always directed towards the equilibrium, as shown in the acceleration graph of SHM. This understanding allows for the analysis of pendulum motion using SHM principles, such as calculating the period of the pendulum's swing or predicting its motion at different points.

Practice Questions

A mass-spring system undergoes simple harmonic motion with a period of 2 seconds. On a graph of displacement against time, the maximum displacement recorded is 0.3 metres. Draw a displacement-time graph for one complete cycle and label the amplitude and period on the graph. Explain the significance of each.

The displacement-time graph for this SHM would be a sinusoidal curve (sine wave) with an amplitude of 0.3 metres, indicating the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position. The graph would complete one full oscillation (from 0 to 0.3m, back to 0, then to -0.3m and back to 0) over 2 seconds, demonstrating the period of the motion. The amplitude, marked at 0.3 metres, signifies the maximum extent of oscillation from the equilibrium, reflecting the energy in the system. The period, spanning 2 seconds for a full cycle, represents the time taken for the mass-spring system to return to its initial state, highlighting the rate of oscillation.

A graph of velocity against time for a particle undergoing SHM is given. If the maximum velocity is 4 ms^-1 and the period is 3 seconds, describe the features you would expect to see on this graph. Explain your reasoning.

The velocity-time graph for SHM would be a cosine wave, starting at the maximum velocity of 4 ms-1. This peak represents the speed of the particle as it passes through the equilibrium position. The graph would oscillate between +4 ms-1 and -4 ms-1, reflecting changes in the direction of motion. A complete cycle from 4 ms-1 back to 4 ms-1 would take 3 seconds, indicating the period of the motion. This periodic nature of the graph shows the regular and predictable nature of SHM. The zero points on the graph, occurring at 1.5 seconds and 4.5 seconds, represent the instances when the particle is at its maximum displacement, thus momentarily at rest.

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