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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

17.1.4 Velocity in Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

Introduction to Velocity in SHM

Velocity in SHM is characterized by its periodic and sinusoidal nature, changing in a predictable pattern as the object moves back and forth. This section outlines the primary formulas used to describe this velocity and explains their significance in the broader context of SHM.

Essential Formulas for Velocity in SHM

The Standard Velocity Formula

  • Formula: v = v0 * cos(ωt)
  • Components:
    • v = Velocity at any time t
    • v0 = Maximum or peak velocity
    • ω = Angular frequency, linking time and velocity
    • t = Time variable

This formula shows how velocity varies with time in a sinusoidal pattern, mirroring the oscillatory nature of SHM.

Alternative Velocity Expression

  • Formula: v = ±ω * sqrt(x0² – x²)
  • Components:
    • x0 = Amplitude, the maximum displacement
    • x = Instantaneous displacement at time t

This expression provides a link between velocity and displacement, demonstrating how velocity varies as the object oscillates between its extreme positions.

In-Depth Derivation of Velocity Formulas

Deriving v = v0 * cos(ωt)

1. Starting Point: The journey begins with the displacement equation in SHM, x = x0 * sin(ωt).

2. Velocity as a Derivative: Since velocity is the rate of change of displacement, differentiate x with respect to t.

3. Application of Calculus: The differentiation process involves applying basic calculus principles to the sine function.

4. Final Formula: Through differentiation, we obtain v = v0 * cos(ωt), establishing a cosine relationship between velocity and time.

Deriving v = ±ω * sqrt(x0² – x²)

1. Begin with the Standard Formula: Start from v = v0 * cos(ωt).

2. Incorporate Displacement Equation: Remember that x = x0 * sin(ωt), and hence sin(ωt) = x/x0.

3. Trigonometric Identity: Utilize the identity sin²θ + cos²θ = 1 to relate the sine and cosine functions.

4. Combine and Rearrange: Replace cos(ωt) in the velocity formula with the appropriate trigonometric terms and rearrange to derive v = ±ω * sqrt(x0² – x²).

Practical Applications of Velocity Formulas in SHM

Analyzing Maximum and Zero Velocity Points

  • At Maximum Velocity: This occurs when the object is at its equilibrium position (i.e., x = 0), where it attains v = ±v0.
  • At Zero Velocity: This happens at the amplitude points (i.e., x = ±x0), where the object momentarily stops, marking a change in direction of motion.
Diagram explaining velocity-time graph for oscillation of an object on a spring

Velocity-time graph in simple harmonic motion

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Real-World Examples

  • Pendulums: In pendulums, velocity analysis is crucial for understanding the energy transformations between kinetic and potential forms.
  • Spring Systems: Velocity insights assist in identifying points of maximum compression and extension in spring-mass systems.

Graphical Interpretation of Velocity in SHM

The graphical representation of velocity against time in SHM depicts a cosine wave, illustrating the motion's periodicity and sinusoidal nature.

  • Graph Features:
    • Amplitude: Indicated by the maximum velocity v0.
    • Periodicity: The time for a complete oscillation, inversely related to the angular frequency ω.

Grasping these graphs is vital for visualizing the temporal changes in velocity during SHM.

Advanced Concepts in SHM Velocity

Phase Difference and Its Effect on Velocity

  • Phase Difference: Refers to the difference in the oscillation phase between two points in the SHM cycle.
  • Impact on Velocity: Phase difference can alter the velocity profile, affecting the timing of maximum and minimum velocities.

Energy Considerations in Velocity

  • Kinetic Energy: Directly related to the square of velocity, kinetic energy in SHM varies throughout the cycle.
  • Energy Transitions: At points of maximum velocity, kinetic energy is at its peak, while potential energy is minimal, and vice versa at points of zero velocity.


Damping in SHM refers to the presence of a force that opposes the motion of the oscillating object, typically due to friction or air resistance. Damping affects the velocity of the object by gradually reducing its amplitude over time. This reduction in amplitude consequently decreases the maximum velocity of the object. In a damped SHM system, the object takes longer to return to the equilibrium position, and the velocity at any given displacement is lower compared to an undamped system. Over time, the object in a damped SHM system will come to a stop as the energy of the system is dissipated by the damping force.

Resonance in SHM occurs when the frequency of an external force matches the natural frequency of the system, leading to a significant increase in the amplitude of oscillation. This increase in amplitude directly impacts the velocity of the oscillating object. At resonance, the velocity of the object reaches its maximum values, significantly higher than those achieved under normal oscillating conditions. This is because the external force continuously adds energy to the system at the most effective rate, causing larger oscillations. However, if damping is present, it can limit the maximum velocity achievable at resonance, preventing the system from reaching dangerously high amplitudes.

Yes, the velocity in SHM can be negative, which signifies the direction of motion. In SHM, velocity is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. A positive velocity indicates that the object is moving in one direction, while a negative velocity indicates motion in the opposite direction. This change in sign is especially important at the points of maximum displacement, where the object changes its direction of motion. The negative velocity does not imply a decrease in speed but rather a reversal in the direction of the oscillatory motion relative to a chosen reference direction.

The phase constant in SHM affects the velocity equation by shifting the phase of the velocity-time graph. Typically, the velocity in SHM is given by v = v0 * cos(ωt + φ), where φ is the phase constant. This constant determines the initial phase of the oscillation. For example, if φ = 0, the velocity starts at its maximum value. If φ = π/2, the velocity starts at zero. This shift does not change the amplitude or the frequency of the velocity-time graph, but it does affect the initial value of velocity at t = 0. The phase constant is crucial in situations where the initial conditions of the motion, such as the initial position or velocity, are known and need to be accounted for in the velocity equation.

The velocity in SHM plays a crucial role in the conservation of energy principle. In SHM, the total mechanical energy of the system (sum of kinetic and potential energy) remains constant. The kinetic energy of the object in SHM is given by KE = 1/2 m * v², where v is the velocity. At the mean position, where the potential energy is at its minimum, the velocity (and hence the kinetic energy) is at its maximum. Conversely, at the maximum displacement (amplitude), the velocity is zero, and all the energy is potential. This interplay between kinetic and potential energy, with velocity as a key factor, exemplifies the conservation of energy in SHM systems.

Practice Questions

A mass-spring system in SHM has a maximum displacement of 0.2 m and an angular frequency of 10 rad/s. Calculate the velocity of the mass when its displacement is 0.1 m.

To calculate the velocity at a displacement of 0.1 m, we use the formula v = ±ω * sqrt(x0² – x²). Here, ω = 10 rad/s, x0 = 0.2 m, and x = 0.1 m. Substituting these values, we get v = ±10 * sqrt(0.2² – 0.1²) = ±10 * sqrt(0.04 – 0.01) = ±10 * sqrt(0.03). Therefore, the velocity of the mass at this displacement is ±5.48 m/s. This calculation demonstrates the direct relationship between displacement and velocity in SHM, where velocity decreases as the mass moves towards the amplitude.

Explain how the velocity-time graph for a simple harmonic oscillator changes when the amplitude of the motion is doubled, keeping the angular frequency constant.

When the amplitude of a simple harmonic oscillator is doubled, while keeping the angular frequency constant, the velocity-time graph undergoes specific changes. The amplitude of the velocity-time graph, represented by the peak velocity (v0), will also double. This is because the peak velocity in SHM is directly proportional to the amplitude (v0 = ωx0). However, the period and frequency of the motion, which are determined by the angular frequency, remain unchanged. Consequently, the velocity-time graph will exhibit higher peaks (indicating increased maximum velocity), but the time taken for each oscillation remains the same.

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