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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

17.1.1 Simple Harmonic Oscillations: Oscillation Terms

Introduction to Simple Harmonic Motion

Simple Harmonic Motion is a model for understanding various physical systems that exhibit periodic motion. In SHM, the force acting on an object is directly proportional to its displacement and acts in the opposite direction. This results in a sinusoidal motion, a fundamental pattern in physics.

Definitions of Key Terms in SHM

Displacement in SHM

  • Definition: Displacement represents the distance and direction of an object from its mean (equilibrium) position. In SHM, this varies over time following a sinusoidal pattern.
  • Significance: Displacement helps in determining the position of an object at any point during its oscillation.
Diagram explaining displacement in SHM

Displacement  in SHM

Image Courtesy Khan Academy


  • Definition: Amplitude is the maximum extent of displacement from the equilibrium position. It's a measure of how far the oscillating object moves from its central position.
  • Characteristics:
    • Amplitude remains constant in ideal SHM, assuming no energy loss.
    • It's a key factor in determining the energy of the oscillating system.
Diagram showing amplitude and period in SHM

Amplitude in SHM

Image Courtesy askIITians


  • Definition: Frequency is the rate at which an object completes an oscillation cycle. It's measured in Hertz (Hz), equivalent to cycles per second.
  • Application: Frequency is crucial in comparing how quickly different systems oscillate.

Angular Frequency

  • Definition: Angular frequency, denoted as ω, is the rate of change of the phase of the sinusoidal waveform, in radians per second.
  • Relation to Frequency: ω = 2πf. This equation establishes a direct proportionality between angular frequency and the standard frequency.
Diagram explaining Frequency and angular frequency in SHM

Frequency and angular frequency in SHM

Image courtesy askIITians.com

Phase Difference

  • Definition: Phase difference is the measure of the difference in the phase angle between two oscillating objects or two points in a wave.
  • Importance: It's critical in understanding the relative motion and synchronization between different oscillating systems.

Mathematical Relationships in SHM

The Period-Frequency Relationship

  • Period (T): The time taken for one complete oscillation.
  • Frequency (f): Number of complete oscillations per second.
  • Mathematical Relationship: T = 1/f. This relationship is fundamental in understanding the inverse nature of period and frequency.

Frequency and Angular Frequency

  • Angular Frequency (ω): A measure that accounts for the angle traversed in radians during oscillation.
  • Mathematical Expression: ω = 2πf.
  • Interpretation: This relationship allows for a more detailed analysis of oscillations, especially when considering phase angles.

Expressing Angular Frequency via Period

  • Mathematical Formulation: ω = 2π/T.
  • Usage: This expression is particularly useful in scenarios where the period is known or more relevant than frequency.

Phase Difference in Detail

  • Mathematical Representation: Phase difference can be expressed in radians or degrees, denoted as Δφ.
  • Relevance in SHM: Understanding phase difference is crucial in analysing interference patterns and the behaviour of coupled oscillators.
Diagarm explaining phase difference in oscillation

Phase difference in oscillation

Image Courtesy Micoope Cooperatives

Deep Dive into SHM Terms

Exploring Displacement

  • Mathematical Form: In SHM, displacement can be expressed as x = x₀ sin(ωt + φ), where x₀ is the amplitude, ω is the angular frequency, t is time, and φ is the initial phase.
  • Graphical Representation: Displacement in SHM is typically represented by a sinusoidal curve on a displacement-time graph.

Amplitude: A Closer Look

  • Energy Implications: The square of the amplitude is directly proportional to the energy in the SHM system.
  • Amplitude Decay: In non-ideal conditions, amplitude may decrease over time due to damping effects.

Frequency in Various Contexts

  • Natural Frequency: In the absence of external forces, every oscillating system has a natural frequency at which it prefers to oscillate.
  • Impact of External Forces: External forces, like damping and driving forces, can alter the frequency of an oscillating system.

Angular Frequency: Beyond the Basics

  • Circular Motion Analogy: Angular frequency bridges the concept of SHM with uniform circular motion, offering a deeper understanding of oscillatory motion.
  • Phase Angle: The product of angular frequency and time gives the phase angle of the oscillation, providing insights into the oscillation's specific point at any given time.

The Role of Phase Difference

  • Phase Difference in Waves: In wave mechanics, phase difference plays a pivotal role in phenomena such as constructive and destructive interference.
  • Applications: Phase difference is fundamental in understanding the behaviour of systems like coupled pendulums and resonance in oscillating systems.

In conclusion, the terms and mathematical relationships in Simple Harmonic Motion are foundational to a wide range of physical phenomena. From the basic concepts of displacement and amplitude to the more complex relationships involving frequency, angular frequency, and phase difference, these concepts provide a framework for analysing and understanding oscillatory systems in physics.


A zero phase difference in SHM means that two oscillating objects or points on a wave begin their motion from the same initial position and move in sync throughout their oscillation. They reach their maximum and minimum displacements at the same time and pass through their equilibrium positions together. This scenario is often seen in systems where oscillations are initiated simultaneously and under the same conditions. The concept of zero phase difference is crucial in understanding coherent oscillations, where the consistent phase relationship results in predictable and uniform motion patterns, significant in studies of wave interference and resonance.

The concept of SHM is exemplified in real-world systems such as a clock pendulum. A pendulum exhibits SHM when it swings with small amplitudes, where the restoring force (due to gravity) is proportional to the displacement and acts in the opposite direction. This creates a periodic motion that is predictable and consistent, ideal for timekeeping. The principles of SHM, like constant frequency irrespective of amplitude (for small oscillations) and sinusoidal nature of motion, enable the pendulum to keep accurate time. Such applications demonstrate the practical relevance of SHM in engineering and technology.

No, two objects oscillating at the same frequency will have the same angular frequency. This is because angular frequency (ω) is directly proportional to the standard frequency (f) and is calculated using the formula ω = 2πf. Therefore, if two objects have the same frequency, their angular frequency will be identical. This relationship underscores the direct link between these two measures of oscillatory motion, where the angular frequency is essentially the standard frequency scaled up by the factor of 2π, representing the complete cycle of oscillation in radians.

Damping refers to the process where energy is lost from an oscillating system, often due to friction or resistance. In SHM, damping primarily affects the amplitude, causing it to gradually decrease over time. As the energy of the system is dissipated, the maximum displacement from the equilibrium (amplitude) reduces. Interestingly, damping has a lesser effect on frequency. For light damping, the frequency remains almost the same, while in heavy damping, it decreases slightly. The key point is that damping affects amplitude significantly, reducing the energy of the system, but has a relatively minor impact on the frequency, especially in lightly damped systems.

In an ideal SHM system, the amplitude does not affect the frequency because the restoring force is perfectly proportional to the displacement and independent of the amplitude. The frequency of SHM is determined by the properties of the system, such as the mass of the oscillating object and the stiffness of the spring (in a spring-mass system) or the length of the pendulum (in a pendulum system). These properties dictate the system's natural frequency. As the amplitude increases or decreases, the speed of the oscillating object changes, but the time it takes to complete one cycle remains constant, thereby keeping the frequency unaffected by the amplitude. This principle underlines the distinctive characteristic of SHM, where frequency is an inherent property of the system and not influenced by the extent of oscillation.

Practice Questions

A pendulum swings with a period of 2 seconds. Calculate its frequency and angular frequency.

The frequency of the pendulum is the inverse of its period. Therefore, the frequency f is 1/2 Hz or 0.5 Hz. To find the angular frequency ω, the relationship ω = 2πf is used. Substituting the value of frequency, we get ω = 2π x 0.5, which equals π radians per second. An excellent response demonstrates an understanding of the inverse relationship between period and frequency and the direct relationship between frequency and angular frequency, utilising the correct formulas with precise calculation.

Describe the significance of phase difference in SHM, particularly in the context of two pendulums swinging with a phase difference of π/2 radians.

Phase difference in SHM indicates how much one oscillating object lags or leads another. A phase difference of π/2 radians means the oscillations of the two pendulums are quarter-cycles out of sync. When one pendulum reaches its maximum displacement, the other is at its equilibrium position. This phase difference results in the pendulums never being in the same state of motion simultaneously. An excellent response clearly explains the concept of phase difference and its practical implication, especially in illustrating how the pendulums' motion is offset due to the given phase difference, linking theory with practical understanding.

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