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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

17.1.3 Simple Harmonic Motion: Displacement Equation

Introduction to SHM and the Displacement Equation

Simple Harmonic Motion is a type of periodic motion where the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement and acts in the direction opposite to that of displacement. The displacement equation in SHM is crucial to understanding this concept.

The Displacement Equation in SHM

The displacement equation for SHM is expressed as:

x = x₀ sin(ωt)


  • x is the displacement at any time t
  • x₀ is the amplitude, the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position
  • ω is the angular frequency, representing the rate of oscillation
Diagram explaining equation for displacement, y, in Simple Harmonic Motion

Displacement (y) equation in Simple Harmonic Motion

Image Courtesy GeeksforGeeks

Detailed Derivation of the Displacement Equation

The derivation of the displacement equation in SHM can be understood through the following steps:

1. From Circular Motion to SHM: SHM can be visualised as a projection of uniform circular motion. Imagine an object moving with a constant speed in a circular path. The shadow or projection of this object on a diameter of the circle will perform SHM.

2. Linking Displacement and Angular Motion: As the object moves in a circle, it forms an angle θ with a fixed line. This angle changes uniformly with time. The horizontal projection of the radius of the circle represents the displacement in SHM.

3. Introduction of Angular Frequency: The angle θ is related to time by θ = ωt. Here, ω denotes the angular frequency, which indicates how rapidly the object completes each cycle of its circular path.

4. Applying Trigonometry: The horizontal component of the radius (representing the displacement x) is x₀ sin(θ). Substituting θ with ωt, we get the displacement equation x = x₀ sin(ωt).

Physical Implications of the Displacement Equation

Amplitude x₀

  • Maximum Displacement: Amplitude represents the furthest distance from the equilibrium position in an oscillatory motion. It indicates the maximum extent of oscillation.
  • Independent of Time: The amplitude in SHM is constant, not affected by factors like time or frequency.

Angular Frequency ω

  • Rate of Oscillation: Angular frequency determines the speed of oscillation. A higher ω results in more rapid oscillations.
  • Relation to Period and Frequency: Angular frequency is related to the conventional frequency (number of oscillations per second) and the period (time taken for one complete oscillation).

Time t

  • Variable Displacement: The displacement in SHM changes over time, following a sinusoidal pattern, which means it varies as the sine or cosine of time.

Application of the Displacement Equation

Mechanical Oscillators

  • Pendulums: The motion of pendulums can be described using the SHM displacement equation, especially for small angular displacements.
  • Mass-Spring Systems: In these systems, the displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position follows the SHM displacement equation.

Wave Phenomena

  • Sound and Light: The principles of SHM are foundational in understanding the propagation of waves, including sound and light, through different mediums.

Phase Difference in SHM

Concept of Phase Difference

  • Definition: Phase difference refers to the angular difference between the oscillatory states of two different points in an oscillatory system or between two different oscillatory systems.
  • Mathematical Representation: It is often represented as φ in the displacement equation, modifying it to x = x₀ sin(ωt + φ).
Diagram showing a graphical representation of phase difference in SHM

Phase difference in SHM

Image Courtesy Alanpedia

Effects of Phase Difference

  • Impact on Displacement: Phase difference influences the resultant displacement when two waves or oscillatory motions superimpose on each other.
  • Real-World Examples: This concept is crucial in understanding phenomena like interference of light or sound waves, where the phase difference determines the pattern of the resultant wave.


The displacement equation in SHM, x = x₀ sin(ωt), is a cornerstone in understanding oscillatory motion in physics. Its applications range from mechanical systems like pendulums and springs to wave phenomena in acoustics and optics. The inclusion of phase difference in the equation adds a layer of complexity, essential for understanding the superposition of waves and related phenomena.

For A-Level Physics students, mastering this equation and its implications is not only essential for their curriculum but also lays the groundwork for future studies in physics and engineering. The concepts of amplitude, angular frequency, and phase difference, all integral to this equation, offer a comprehensive understanding of SHM and its diverse applications in the real world.


Damping in SHM refers to the presence of a force, typically friction or air resistance, that opposes the motion and removes energy from the system. Damping affects the displacement by gradually reducing the amplitude over time, leading to smaller oscillations. In light damping, the system still undergoes oscillatory motion, but the maximum displacement decreases progressively with each cycle. In heavy damping, the system may not complete a full oscillation. The displacement equation in damped SHM becomes more complex, often involving exponential decay factors that reduce the amplitude as a function of time, reflecting the energy loss due to the damping force.

In simple systems, an object typically oscillates with a single natural frequency in SHM, determined by its physical properties. However, in more complex systems, an object can have multiple natural frequencies. This phenomenon is known as modal frequencies, commonly observed in structures and musical instruments. Each mode of vibration corresponds to a different frequency. For example, a stringed instrument like a guitar has multiple natural frequencies corresponding to different harmonics. These frequencies are integral to the rich sound produced by the instrument. The existence of multiple frequencies is crucial in fields like structural engineering, where understanding and controlling these frequencies can prevent resonant structural failures.

SHM can indeed occur in a horizontal spring-mass system and functions similarly to a vertical system, with the primary difference being the force causing the restoring motion. In a horizontal system, the spring's elasticity provides the restoring force, while in a vertical system, both the spring's elasticity and gravity play roles. In the horizontal system, there is no additional force from gravity, so the oscillation's characteristics, like period and frequency, depend solely on the spring's stiffness and the mass's inertia. This simplicity often makes horizontal systems ideal for studying SHM in a pure form, without the complicating factor of gravity.

The amplitude in Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) does not affect the period. The period of SHM is determined solely by properties like mass and spring constant in a spring-mass system or length and gravitational acceleration in a pendulum. The amplitude, which is the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position, does not influence the time it takes for the system to complete one oscillation. This is a unique property of SHM; irrespective of the amplitude, the period remains constant, provided that the system's inherent properties (like mass or spring stiffness) and external conditions (like gravity) remain unchanged.

If SHM starts from a point other than the maximum displacement, the displacement equation incorporates a phase constant to account for the initial condition. The general form of the equation becomes x = x₀ sin(ωt + φ), where φ is the phase constant. This phase constant adjusts the sine function to match the initial displacement condition. For instance, if the motion starts at the equilibrium position (x = 0) and moves in the positive direction, the phase constant would be π/2, making the equation x = x₀ cos(ωt), since sin(ωt + π/2) equals cos(ωt). This flexibility in the equation allows it to describe SHM under various initial conditions.

Practice Questions

A particle is undergoing simple harmonic motion (SHM) with an amplitude of 0.2 m and an angular frequency of 10 rad/s. Calculate the displacement of the particle after 0.5 seconds. Explain your method and answer.

To find the displacement, we use the SHM displacement equation, x = x₀ sin(ωt). Here, x₀ (amplitude) is 0.2 m, ω (angular frequency) is 10 rad/s, and t (time) is 0.5 s. Substituting these values, we get x = 0.2 sin(10 × 0.5) = 0.2 sin(5). Since sin(5) is approximately 0.959, the displacement is 0.2 × 0.959 = 0.1918 m. This calculation demonstrates understanding of the SHM displacement equation and its application to determine the particle's position at a specific time.

Describe how the phase difference affects the displacement of two particles undergoing SHM with the same frequency and amplitude but a phase difference of π/2 radians.

When two particles undergo SHM with the same frequency and amplitude but have a phase difference of π/2 radians, their displacements are affected significantly. Considering the SHM displacement equation, x = x₀ sin(ωt + φ), the phase difference φ alters the displacement. For a phase difference of π/2, one particle’s displacement equation becomes x = x₀ sin(ωt + π/2), leading to a quarter cycle phase shift compared to the other particle. This means when one particle is at maximum displacement, the other is at zero displacement, and vice versa, illustrating the impact of phase difference on SHM displacement.

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