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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

17.1.2 Acceleration in Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

Fundamental Characteristics of SHM

SHM describes a type of periodic motion where an object oscillates about an equilibrium position. The defining feature of SHM is the restoring force, directly proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium and directed towards it.

  • Restoring Force: In SHM, the force responsible for the motion is always directed towards the equilibrium position.
A diagram showing restoring force for a spring in SHM

Restoring Force

Image Courtesy mini.physics

  • Equilibrium Position: This is the central position where the object would stay at rest if not disturbed.
Diagram showing equilibrium motion in Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

Equilibrium position in Simple Harmonic Motion

Image Courtesy Sarthaks.com

Acceleration's Role in SHM Dynamics

In SHM, acceleration is a critical factor determining the rate of change of velocity. It is always directed towards the equilibrium position, opposite the displacement.

  • Direction and Magnitude of Acceleration: The magnitude of acceleration in SHM varies throughout the motion, being greatest at maximum displacement and zero at the equilibrium.
  • Acceleration and Displacement Relationship: Acceleration is directly proportional to the displacement from equilibrium but in the opposite direction.

Mathematical Expression of Acceleration in SHM

The acceleration in SHM is mathematically expressed as "a = -ω2 x", where:

  • "a" represents acceleration,
  • "ω" is the angular frequency, a measure of how rapidly the oscillation occurs,
  • "x" is the displacement from the equilibrium position.
  • Negative Sign in the Equation: The negative sign indicates that the acceleration is always directed opposite to the displacement.
  • Importance of Angular Frequency (ω): It remains constant for a particular system, indicating a consistent oscillatory motion.

Physical Interpretation of "a = -ω2 x"

1. Variation of Acceleration with Displacement: The acceleration increases with increasing displacement, albeit in the opposite direction.

2. Maximum Acceleration at Extremes: At the points of maximum displacement, the acceleration is at its peak.

3. Zero Acceleration at Equilibrium: Acceleration is zero when the object is at the equilibrium position, though this is also where its velocity is highest.

4. Role of Angular Frequency: The angular frequency (ω) defines the system's time-dependent behaviour, reflecting the regularity of the motion.

Exploring the Oscillatory Nature Through Acceleration

  • Acceleration as the Driving Force: Acceleration in SHM is not a mere consequence but a driving factor, constantly altering the direction of velocity to produce the oscillatory motion.
  • Energy Transformations: The change in acceleration and velocity during SHM corresponds to the conversion between kinetic and potential energy.

Real-world Examples and Applications

1. Pendulums and Mass-Spring Systems: These classic examples of SHM vividly illustrate the principles of acceleration and its role in maintaining oscillation.

2. Technological Applications: From precision instruments like watches to seismic vibration control in buildings, understanding SHM and particularly its acceleration aspects is critical.

Common Challenges in Understanding SHM

  • Differentiating SHM from Other Motions: It is crucial for students to distinguish SHM from other periodic motions, focusing on the unique relationship between acceleration and displacement.
  • Interpreting the Negative Sign in "a = -ω2 x": Understanding that the negative sign indicates the direction of acceleration relative to displacement is essential.

Advanced Insights into Acceleration in SHM

Beyond the basics, several nuanced aspects of acceleration in SHM are critical for a deeper understanding:

  • Phase of the Motion: The phase in SHM is crucial in determining the position and velocity at any given time. Acceleration, being related to displacement, is also affected by the phase.
  • Harmonic Oscillator Model: SHM can be modelled as a harmonic oscillator, a fundamental concept in physics that describes a wide range of physical systems.

Acceleration and Graphical Representations in SHM

Visualizing SHM through graphs is an effective way to comprehend the role of acceleration:

  • Displacement-Time Graphs: These graphs show the sinusoidal nature of the motion, with acceleration being inferred from the curvature of the graph.
  • Velocity-Time Graphs: They provide insights into how velocity changes, offering a direct view of the acceleration's effects.
Diagram showing Displacement-time graph, velocity-time graph and acceleration-time graph in simple harmonic motion

Displacement-time graph, velocity-time graph and acceleration-time graph in simple harmonic motion

Image Courtesy BYJU’S

Concluding Remarks on Acceleration in SHM

In conclusion, understanding acceleration in SHM is crucial for grasping the dynamics of oscillatory systems. The relationship encapsulated in the equation "a = -ω2 x" is fundamental, not just for academic study but also for its applications in various fields of science and engineering. For students delving into the world of physics, mastering these concepts paves the way for exploring more complex topics in mechanics, wave theory, and beyond. The principles of SHM, particularly the role of acceleration, offer a window into the intricate dance of forces and motion that governs our physical world.


In Simple Harmonic Motion, the acceleration cannot be constant. This is due to the nature of SHM, where acceleration is proportional to the negative of the displacement ("a = -ω2 x"). As the object moves in its path, the displacement from the equilibrium position changes, and so does the acceleration. When the object is at the maximum displacement, the acceleration is maximum (in magnitude), and when it passes through the equilibrium position, the acceleration is zero. The acceleration, therefore, varies throughout the motion, making it inherently non-constant. This variation in acceleration is fundamental to the oscillatory nature of SHM, as it is responsible for reversing the direction of motion of the object.

The phase difference in SHM affects the acceleration of an object by determining its position and velocity at a given instant, which in turn influences the acceleration. In SHM, the displacement can be represented as "x = x₀ sin(ωt + φ)", where "φ" is the phase difference. The acceleration, which is proportional to the negative of displacement ("a = -ω2 x"), is thus also influenced by this phase difference. A different phase means the object starts its motion from a different point in its oscillatory path, leading to a different relationship between displacement, velocity, and acceleration at any given time. Therefore, the phase difference is crucial in determining the exact state of motion of the object at any point during its oscillation.

In Simple Harmonic Motion, if the amplitude of oscillation is increased, the maximum acceleration of the object also increases. This is because the acceleration in SHM is directly proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium position ("a = -ω2 x"). The amplitude represents the maximum displacement, so a larger amplitude means a larger maximum displacement. As the object reaches this increased maximum displacement, the magnitude of its acceleration also reaches a higher value. However, the angular frequency (ω) remains unchanged. Therefore, an increase in amplitude results in a proportionate increase in the maximum acceleration experienced by the object during its oscillation.

In Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM), the mass of the object does not directly affect its acceleration. This is because the acceleration in SHM is given by the formula "a = -ω2 x", where "ω" is the angular frequency and "x" is the displacement. Neither of these variables is dependent on mass. The angular frequency depends on factors like the stiffness of the spring (in the case of a spring-mass system) or the length of the pendulum (in a pendulum system), but not on mass. Therefore, in SHM, two objects of different masses but attached to identical springs or pendulums will have the same acceleration if they are displaced by the same amount. This highlights a unique characteristic of SHM, where mass affects the period but not the acceleration.

The equation "a = -ω2 x" is significant in understanding energy transformations in SHM because it relates the motion's kinetic and potential energies. In SHM, when the object is at maximum displacement (x), its velocity (and hence kinetic energy) is zero, but its acceleration (and potential energy) is maximum. Conversely, at the equilibrium position, where displacement is zero, the velocity is maximum (maximum kinetic energy), but the acceleration (and potential energy) is zero. This equation shows how energy is transformed from potential to kinetic and back as the object oscillates. It illustrates the conservation of mechanical energy in SHM, where total energy remains constant but is continuously interchanged between kinetic and potential forms.

Practice Questions

A pendulum of length 0.5 m is oscillating with a maximum angular frequency of 5 rad/s. Calculate the maximum acceleration of the pendulum bob.

To calculate the maximum acceleration, we use the formula for acceleration in simple harmonic motion, "a = -ω2 x". Here, "ω" is the angular frequency, and "x" is the maximum displacement. Since the maximum displacement for a pendulum is its amplitude, which is the length of the pendulum, "x = 0.5" m and "ω = 5" rad/s. Substituting these values, we get "a = -(52 x 0.5) = -25 x 0.5 = -12.5" m/s2. The negative sign indicates the direction of the acceleration opposite to the displacement. Hence, the maximum acceleration of the pendulum bob is 12.5 m/s2.

In a simple harmonic oscillator, the acceleration of the object is found to be 8 m/s^2 when the displacement from the equilibrium position is 0.2 m. Determine the angular frequency of this oscillator.

Using the equation "a = -ω2 x", where "a" is acceleration, "ω" is angular frequency, and "x" is displacement, we can rearrange the equation to solve for "ω". Given "a = 8" m/s2 and "x = 0.2" m, the equation becomes "8 = -ω2 x 0.2". Solving for "ω2", we get "ω2 = 8 / 0.2 = 40" rad2/s2. Taking the square root gives "ω = sqrt(40)", which is approximately 6.32 rad/s. Therefore, the angular frequency of this simple harmonic oscillator is around 6.32 rad/s.

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