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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

17.2.1 Kinetic and Potential Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

Introduction to Energy in SHM

Simple Harmonic Motion represents a fundamental type of periodic motion, where an object oscillates about an equilibrium position. The hallmark of SHM is the continuous and rhythmic conversion between kinetic and potential energy forms, which plays a pivotal role in the nature of the oscillation.

Kinetic and Potential Energy: Core Concepts

Kinetic Energy in SHM

Kinetic energy in SHM refers to the energy due to motion. Its expression is:

KE = 1/2 mv2

where m is the mass of the oscillating object, and v is its instantaneous velocity.

  • At the equilibrium position: The velocity reaches its peak, resulting in maximum kinetic energy.
  • Moving away from equilibrium: As the object slows down, its kinetic energy reduces.

Potential Energy in SHM

Potential energy in SHM is the energy stored within the system. For systems like a mass attached to a spring, it is expressed as:

PE = 1/2 kx2

with k being the spring constant, and x representing the displacement from equilibrium.

  • At maximum displacement (amplitude): The potential energy is highest when the kinetic energy is zero.
  • Towards equilibrium: The potential energy diminishes as the object approaches the equilibrium position.

The Periodic Energy Conversion in SHM

The energy in SHM oscillates between kinetic and potential forms, adhering to the conservation of mechanical energy, which asserts that the total mechanical energy in an isolated system remains constant if only conservative forces are at play.

  • Equilibrium Position: Characterised by maximum kinetic energy and zero potential energy.
  • Maximum Displacement: Here, the kinetic energy is zero, and the potential energy is at its peak.
Diagram showing Energy conservation in Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

Energy conservation in Simple Harmonic Motion

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Detailed Energy Calculations in SHM

Energy at Different Oscillation Phases

To understand the energy distribution throughout the oscillation, consider a mass-spring system undergoing SHM.

1. At Equilibrium (x = 0):

  • Maximum KE: KE = 1/2 mvmax2
  • PE is nil.

2. At Maximum Displacement (x = ±x₀):

  • Maximum PE: PE = 1/2 kx₀2
  • KE drops to zero.

3. At Intermediate Points:

  • Both KE and PE can be calculated using their respective formulas at any given displacement.

Example Calculations

Consider a spring-mass system with a mass of 0.5 kg, a spring constant of 200 N/m, and a maximum displacement of 0.1 m.

  • At Equilibrium:
    • KE = 1/2 x 0.5 x vmax2
    • PE = 0
  • At Maximum Displacement (x = 0.1 m):
    • KE = 0
    • PE = 1/2 x 200 x (0.1)2

Extended Applications and Implications

Understanding energy conversion in SHM extends to practical applications in fields like mechanical engineering, seismology, and horology. This knowledge is pivotal in enhancing the design and efficiency of oscillatory systems, from suspension bridges to mechanical watches.


In summary, mastering the concepts of kinetic and potential energy in SHM is crucial for students of physics. It provides a foundational understanding of oscillatory motions, with implications extending into diverse scientific and engineering applications.


When damping forces, such as friction or air resistance, are introduced to a simple harmonic oscillator (SHO), the total mechanical energy of the system decreases over time. Damping forces act to dissipate energy from the system, resulting in a gradual decrease in both kinetic and potential energy. Initially, as the SHO oscillates, kinetic and potential energy still interchange, but due to damping, the maximum amplitudes decrease with each oscillation, reducing the total mechanical energy. Eventually, the system comes to rest as all energy is dissipated by the damping forces. This is in contrast to an ideal SHO with no damping, where the total mechanical energy remains constant. Damping forces are crucial in real-world applications, where energy loss and eventual cessation of oscillation need to be considered.

The mass of an object in simple harmonic motion (SHM) affects its kinetic and potential energy. Kinetic energy (KE) is directly proportional to mass (KE = 1/2 mv2), meaning that an increase in mass leads to a proportional increase in kinetic energy, provided the velocity remains constant. Conversely, potential energy (PE) is independent of mass (PE = 1/2 kx2). Therefore, changes in the mass of the object do not impact its potential energy. In summary, a heavier object in SHM will possess greater kinetic energy due to its increased mass, assuming the velocity remains constant. However, its potential energy, which depends on the spring constant (k) and displacement (x), remains unaffected by changes in mass.

Yes, the spring constant (k) in a simple harmonic motion (SHM) system directly affects the frequency of oscillation. The frequency (f) of SHM is given by the formula:

f = (1/2π) √(k/m)

where k is the spring constant and m is the mass of the object. As seen in the formula, an increase in the spring constant leads to a higher frequency of oscillation, while a decrease in the spring constant results in a lower frequency. This relationship underscores the significance of the spring constant in determining how rapidly an SHM system oscillates. In essence, a stiffer (higher k) spring will yield a higher frequency of oscillation, while a softer (lower k) spring will produce a lower frequency.

No, the total mechanical energy of a simple harmonic oscillator (SHO) remains constant over time, provided there are no non-conservative forces (like friction or air resistance) acting on it. This principle is derived from the conservation of mechanical energy. In SHM, the total mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE). As the SHO oscillates, KE and PE continuously interchange, but their sum remains unchanged. When the SHO is at its maximum displacement (amplitude), the kinetic energy is zero, and the potential energy is at its maximum. At the equilibrium position, the kinetic energy is at its maximum, while the potential energy is zero. This periodic conversion ensures that the total mechanical energy remains constant throughout the oscillation.

The amplitude of a simple harmonic motion (SHM) directly influences its kinetic and potential energy. As the amplitude increases, both the maximum kinetic energy and maximum potential energy also increase. This relationship can be explained by the formulas for kinetic and potential energy in SHM. Kinetic energy (KE) is proportional to the square of the velocity (KE = 1/2 mv2), and velocity is highest at the equilibrium position. Therefore, at larger amplitudes, where the displacement from equilibrium is greater, the velocity is higher, resulting in greater maximum kinetic energy. Similarly, potential energy (PE) is proportional to the square of the displacement (PE = 1/2 kx2), so higher amplitudes lead to higher maximum potential energy. Thus, amplitude plays a crucial role in determining the energy dynamics of SHM.

Practice Questions

A pendulum of mass 0.2 kg is swinging in simple harmonic motion with a maximum speed of 2 m/s. Calculate the kinetic energy of the pendulum at its lowest point. Also, determine the potential energy of the pendulum when it is 0.1 m above its lowest point. (Assume g = 9.8 m/s²)

The kinetic energy (KE) at the lowest point, where the speed is maximum, is calculated using the formula KE = 1/2 mv². Substituting the given values, KE = 1/2 x 0.2 kg x (2 m/s)² = 0.4 J. To calculate the potential energy (PE) when the pendulum is 0.1 m above its lowest point, we use PE = mgh. Here, PE = 0.2 kg x 9.8 m/s² x 0.1 m = 0.196 J. Therefore, the kinetic energy at the lowest point is 0.4 J, and the potential energy 0.1 m above the lowest point is 0.196 J.

A spring with a spring constant of 300 N/m has a mass of 0.5 kg attached to it. If the maximum extension of the spring is 0.04 m, calculate the total mechanical energy of the system.

The total mechanical energy in a simple harmonic oscillator is the sum of its kinetic and potential energy. However, in SHM, this total energy can be represented solely by the potential energy at maximum extension. Using the formula for potential energy, PE = 1/2 kx², where k is the spring constant and x is the extension, we get PE = 1/2 x 300 N/m x (0.04 m)² = 0.24 J. Since the total mechanical energy is conserved and equal to the potential energy at maximum extension, the total mechanical energy of the system is 0.24 J.

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