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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

17.2.2 Total Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

1. Introduction to SHM and Its Energy Components

Simple Harmonic Motion epitomizes a system where an object oscillates around an equilibrium point. The study of energy within these systems reveals fascinating insights into their behaviour.

1.1 Key Energy Types in SHM

  • Kinetic Energy (KE): This is the energy of motion. It reaches its peak as the object passes through the equilibrium position, where its velocity is highest.
  • Potential Energy (PE): This is the energy stored due to the object's position. It is at its maximum at the maximum displacement from the equilibrium, where the object momentarily comes to rest.

1.2 Energy Transformation in SHM

  • The oscillatory motion in SHM is a clear demonstration of energy transformation. Energy continually oscillates between kinetic and potential forms. This interconversion is symmetrical, meaning the total energy remains constant if the system is isolated and there are no non-conservative forces like friction.

2. Deriving the Total Energy in SHM

The total energy in an SHM system is a combination of kinetic and potential energies. Its derivation is a cornerstone in understanding the dynamics of oscillatory systems.

2.1 The Total Energy Formula

  • Formula Derivation: The total energy E in an SHM system is given by E = 1/2 m ω2 x02, where m is the mass of the oscillating object, ω the angular frequency, and x0 the maximum displacement or amplitude.
Diagram showing the graph and formula for total energy in SHM

Total energy in SHM

Image Courtesy BYJU’S

2.1.1 Steps in Derivation

1. Start with Basic Energy Forms: Recognize that KE = 1/2 mv2 and PE = 1/2 kx2 in SHM, where k is the spring constant and x the displacement.

2. Applying Conservation of Energy: Combine the expressions of KE and PE, acknowledging that their sum remains constant.

3. Integrating with SHM Properties: Recognize that ω2 = k/m in SHM, and substitute to express the energy in terms of mass, angular frequency, and amplitude.

2.2 Application in Problem-Solving

  • This formula is pivotal in calculating the total energy in various SHM scenarios, like pendulums and spring-mass systems. Understanding its application enables students to solve complex problems involving energy transformations in SHM.

3. Conservation of Energy in SHM

The conservation of energy principle is a fundamental concept in physics, particularly in the study of SHM.

3.1 Energy Conservation in SHM

  • The Principle: In an isolated SHM system, the total energy, comprising kinetic and potential energies, remains constant.
  • Implication in SHM: This principle is crucial in understanding the motion's characteristics, such as its amplitude and frequency.
Diagram explaining Energy conservation in SHM

Energy conservation in SHM

Image Courtesy BYJU’S

3.2 Impact on Oscillatory Motion

  • The constancy of total energy in ideal SHM scenarios implies that the amplitude of the motion remains constant over time, assuming no energy loss to external factors like air resistance or internal friction.

4. Mathematical Insights into SHM Energy

Mathematically expressing the energy relationships in SHM enhances comprehension and problem-solving abilities.

4.1 Equation Utilisation and Graphical Interpretations

  • Equations: They are used to express the relationships and transformations between kinetic and potential energies in SHM.
  • Graphs: Graphical representations, such as energy versus displacement or time, provide visual insights into how energy is distributed and transformed during the motion.

4.2 Solving Typical A-Level Problems

  • Practical Problems: Applying these principles in solving typical A-level questions about energy in pendulums and springs.
  • Interpretation and Analysis: Developing the skill to interpret mathematical results in the context of physical SHM systems.

5. Practical Applications of SHM Energy Concepts

The concepts of energy in SHM are not confined to theoretical physics but have real-world applications.

5.1 Everyday Examples

  • Pendulums and Springs: These common systems provide practical examples of energy transformations in SHM. Understanding their energy dynamics is essential in fields like engineering and design.
  • Seismology: The principles of SHM are instrumental in understanding and modelling seismic waves, which follow similar energy transformation principles.

5.2 Engineering and Technological Applications

  • Mechanical Systems: Many mechanical systems, like shock absorbers and oscillators, rely on principles of SHM.
  • Electronic Oscillators: In electronics, oscillators that generate repetitive signals employ SHM principles.

6. Extending Beyond the Basics

Exploring complex scenarios and advanced applications of energy in SHM encourages deeper understanding and innovation.

6.1 Beyond Ideal Conditions

  • Damping and External Forces: Investigating energy in non-ideal SHM scenarios, such as those involving damping or external driving forces, is crucial for a comprehensive understanding.
  • Wave Motion and Coupled Oscillators: Extending the concept of energy in SHM to more complex systems like coupled oscillators and wave motion broadens the scope of study.

6.2 Advanced Theoretical Implications

  • Technological Innovations: Understanding SHM is foundational in developing new technologies, especially in fields requiring precise motion control.
  • Theoretical Physics: Bridging SHM concepts with more complex theories, such as quantum mechanics, where oscillatory motion is a key element.


The presence of damping forces in an SHM system invariably leads to a reduction in total energy over time. Damping forces, such as friction or air resistance, are non-conservative forces that dissipate energy, usually in the form of heat. In an undamped SHM system, the total energy remains constant as energy oscillates between kinetic and potential forms. However, in a damped system, a portion of this energy is continuously lost to the surroundings due to damping. As a result, the amplitude of the oscillation decreases over time, reflecting a decrease in the system's total energy. In essence, damping forces gradually convert the mechanical energy of the system into other forms, reducing the total energy available for SHM.

Changing the mass of the object in an SHM system directly affects its total energy. The total energy of an SHM system is given by the formula E = 1/2 m ω2 x02. When the mass (m) is increased, assuming the angular frequency (ω) and maximum displacement (x0) remain constant, the total energy of the system increases proportionally. This is because the mass directly influences the kinetic energy component of the total energy. A heavier mass at the same velocity will have more kinetic energy. However, it's important to note that an increase in mass will typically decrease the angular frequency (ω = √(k/m)), which could counteract the increase in total energy unless the spring constant (k) is also adjusted.

The principle of energy conservation in SHM is instrumental in understanding and predicting the behavior of real-world oscillatory systems such as pendulums and springs. In these systems, energy constantly transforms between kinetic and potential forms, but the total energy remains constant in the absence of external forces or damping. For example, in a pendulum, the highest potential energy (and lowest kinetic energy) occurs at the highest points of its swing, while the highest kinetic energy (and lowest potential energy) occurs as it passes through the lowest point. This understanding allows us to predict the motion's amplitude and frequency. In engineering, these principles are applied to design and analyse systems like shock absorbers, where the conservation of energy underlies their ability to dissipate kinetic energy efficiently.

The total energy in SHM can never be zero as long as the system is in motion. Total energy in SHM, a sum of kinetic and potential energies, represents the system's capacity to perform work. If either kinetic or potential energy is non-zero, the total energy will also be non-zero. The only condition where total energy would be zero is when the system is at rest with no displacement from the equilibrium (zero potential energy) and no motion (zero kinetic energy). However, this scenario represents a lack of SHM rather than a characteristic of it. In any active SHM system, regardless of amplitude or frequency, the total energy will always be greater than zero.

In Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM), the phase difference between displacement and velocity plays a crucial role in the energy distribution. The displacement and velocity are out of phase by 90 degrees. When the displacement is at a maximum (either positive or negative amplitude), the velocity, and consequently the kinetic energy, is zero. Conversely, when the displacement is zero (passing through the equilibrium position), the velocity is at its maximum, resulting in the kinetic energy being at its peak. At this point, potential energy is zero. The constant shift between kinetic and potential energy, dictated by this phase difference, ensures the total energy remains constant throughout the motion. This phase relationship is fundamental to understanding how energy is conserved and transformed in SHM.

Practice Questions

A spring with a spring constant of 400 N/m has a mass of 0.5 kg attached to it and is set into simple harmonic motion. Calculate the total energy of the system when the mass is at its maximum displacement of 0.1 m.

To calculate the total energy in this simple harmonic motion, we use the formula E = 1/2 m ω2 x02. First, we need to find the angular frequency ω, which is √(k/m). Here, k is 400 N/m and m is 0.5 kg, so ω = √(400/0.5) = √800 = 28.28 rad/s. The maximum displacement x0 is 0.1 m. Substituting these values into the energy formula gives E = 1/2 × 0.5 kg × (28.28 rad/s)2 × (0.1 m)2 = 0.5 × 0.5 × 800 × 0.01 = 2 Joules. Thus, the total energy of the system at maximum displacement is 2 Joules.

In a simple harmonic oscillator, the kinetic energy is found to be 1.5 Joules when the displacement from the equilibrium position is half the amplitude. Calculate the total energy of the oscillator.

In simple harmonic motion, the total energy is always constant and is equal to the sum of the kinetic and potential energy at any point. Since the kinetic energy is 1.5 Joules at half the amplitude, and knowing that kinetic and potential energies are equal at this point (as the total energy is equally partitioned between kinetic and potential energy at half amplitude), the potential energy is also 1.5 Joules. Therefore, the total energy, which is the sum of kinetic and potential energy, is 1.5 Joules + 1.5 Joules = 3 Joules. Hence, the total energy of the oscillator is 3 Joules.

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