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IB DP Physics Study Notes

6.1.6 Applications of Circular Motion

The principles of circular motion are vividly exhibited in myriad real-world scenarios. Roller coasters, satellites, and even athletic events like the hammer throw rely on the concepts of circular motion.

Roller Coasters

Roller coasters are thrilling showcases of applied circular motion. For a foundational understanding, refer to the basics of circular motion.

  • Centripetal Force in Action: Roller coasters, particularly those with loops, bank on centripetal force to keep riders in their seats.
    • Formula for Centripetal Force: Fc = mv2/r
  • Conservation of Energy: A roller coaster's peaks and troughs are all about toggling between potential and kinetic energy.
    • Energy Conversion: mgh (at top) = 0.5mv2 (at bottom)
  • Banked Curves: Banking helps prevent skidding on curved paths. The angle offers the necessary centripetal force without relying solely on friction. Learn more about banking and centrifugal force.
    • Banking Formula: tanθ = v2/rg


The world of satellites is a grand illustration of circular motion. To understand their paths, explore vertical circular motion.

  • Basics of Orbital Motion: A satellite constantly 'falls' towards Earth, but its side velocity ensures it keeps missing, hence staying in orbit.
    • Gravitational Force (acting as centripetal force): Fg = GM1M2/r2
  • Geostationary Satellites: These satellites have an orbital period that syncs with Earth's rotation, typically orbiting at about 36,000 km.
    • Orbital Speed: v = sqrt(GM/r)
  • Polar Satellites: These travel over the poles, offering a complete view of Earth over time. For detailed information, see satellites and orbits.

Hammer Throw

The hammer throw event in athletics is a practical demonstration of circular motion.

  • Centripetal Force by Athletes: Force through the hammer's handle ensures it traces a circular path.
    • Centripetal Force: Fc = mv2/r
  • Release Point & Energy Conservation: The hammer's trajectory and distance are determined by its kinetic energy at the release point.
    • Kinetic Energy: KE = 0.5mv2
  • Air Resistance: This force can influence the hammer's flight path and distance.

Everyday Implications

Circular motion touches our lives daily:

  • Vehicle Dynamics: Banked turns on roads ensure vehicles can safely navigate them by providing the necessary centripetal force.
    • Centripetal Force: Fc = mv2/r
  • Planetary Motion: Planets, like Earth, exhibit circular motion as they orbit stars. They stay in orbit due to the star's gravitational pull providing the centripetal force.
  • CD Players & Hard Drives: These gadgets rely on circular motion principles to read data. The spinning and data reading are governed by centripetal force.


When a car takes a flat turn (non-banked) on a road, the required centripetal force for its circular motion comes from the frictional force between the car's tyres and the road. The frictional force acts towards the centre of the circle. If the car's speed is too high, the static friction might not provide enough centripetal force, leading to the car skidding. Therefore, while friction is essential for a car to make a flat turn safely, there's a limit to the speed at which this can happen before the frictional force becomes insufficient.

The hammer in the hammer throw event has a considerable mass and is swung in a circular path by the athlete. The tension in the wire or cord provides the necessary centripetal force to keep the hammer moving in a circle. While the hammer exerts a force on the athlete, the athlete's stance, grip on the handle, and the friction between their feet and the ground help resist this force. The athlete's training and technique are also crucial; they leverage their body weight, strength, and the hammer's momentum to control its path without being pulled along.

Astronauts in satellites, like the International Space Station, experience what we term 'free-fall'. While Earth's gravity pulls the satellite towards its centre, the satellite is also moving forward at a great speed, causing it to fall around the Earth rather than directly into it. This constant free-fall towards Earth is what creates the sensation of weightlessness for astronauts. They're not truly 'weightless' in terms of gravitational force; they, along with the satellite, are falling at the same rate due to gravity, making them feel as though they're floating inside the satellite.

Banked curves are utilised in racetracks and highways to provide an additional component of the normal force exerted by the road on the vehicle to act as the required centripetal force. When a vehicle rounds a curve, it requires a centripetal force to keep it moving in a circular path. By banking the road, a component of the normal reaction force, which acts perpendicular to the road surface, provides this required centripetal force. This means vehicles can navigate the curve safely at higher speeds without relying solely on friction between the tyres and the road.

Satellite dishes are often oriented towards the equator because that's where geostationary satellites, which remain fixed relative to a point on Earth, are located. These satellites orbit above the equator at an altitude that allows them to have an orbital period matching Earth's rotation period. This makes them appear stationary from the Earth's surface. To receive signals from these satellites effectively, dishes need a direct line of sight, which is achieved by pointing them towards the equator where these satellites orbit.

Practice Questions

Explain how a roller coaster’s design exploits the conservation of energy, specifically between its highest and lowest points.

The roller coaster is a brilliant exemplification of the conservation of energy. At its highest point, the coaster possesses maximum potential energy, given by mgh, where m is its mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height. As it descends, this potential energy is progressively converted into kinetic energy, given by 0.5mv2, with v being the coaster's velocity. By the time it reaches the bottom, almost all its potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy, making it achieve its maximum speed. The design ensures that energy is not lost but merely converted from one form to another, providing thrill and safety.

Describe the fundamental principle that allows geostationary satellites to remain fixed above a specific point on Earth's equator.

Geostationary satellites orbit the Earth at an altitude where their orbital period matches Earth's rotational period. This synchronisation means that the satellite completes one orbit in the same time it takes for the Earth to complete one rotation about its axis, approximately 24 hours. Positioned directly above the equator, and with this synchronised motion, the satellite seems to 'hover' over a fixed point on the Earth's surface. The underlying physics is the balance between gravitational force pulling the satellite towards Earth and the centripetal force required to keep the satellite in its circular orbit. This equilibrium ensures the satellite's position remains constant relative to a point on the Earth's equator.

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